Men's he alth

What is urethritis in men: symptoms and treatment

What is urethritis in men: symptoms and treatment

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

What is urethritis in men? This is an inflammatory disease that is manifested by pain and burning during urination. If left untreated, the acute form can transform into a chronic one, which is dangerous with serious complications

How do men ejaculate?

How do men ejaculate?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Visual image of an erotic nature, tactile stimulation, in which a man receives not only aesthetic, but also physical pleasure. All these factors contribute to the excitation of the penis. If the process of arousal is maintained during intimacy, masturbation, then at the end there is male ejaculation or ejaculation. How does ejaculation happen? We will talk about the norms and deviations associated with ejaculation further

How long can a man be without intimacy? Expert opinion

How long can a man be without intimacy? Expert opinion

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

How long can a man be without intimacy? This question must have been asked by every woman. The answer was sought by psychologists and sexologists. Let's figure out if sex is a basic need, how long a man can refrain from intimacy and what consequences this can have

How to improve erectile function: remedies and exercises, reviews

How to improve erectile function: remedies and exercises, reviews

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

You should definitely ask yourself how to improve erectile function in order to be in great shape again. Only the man himself depends on his future life and he alth. In this article, we will talk about how to improve erectile function using various means and exercises for this

Treatment of prostatitis at home: methods and recommendations

Treatment of prostatitis at home: methods and recommendations

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Men often neglect their he alth. Unlike women, they rarely go to the clinic. But if their reproductive functions and sexuality are threatened, then the bravado about masculinity and strength immediately recedes

HPV in men: types, symptoms. Human papillomavirus treatment

HPV in men: types, symptoms. Human papillomavirus treatment

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

HPV, or human papillomavirus, is a disease that can affect the skin and mucous surfaces of the body. This deviation is observed in most cases in women, and not in men. Occurs as a result of various provoking factors

How to take a swab from the urethra in men: preparation and algorithm for the procedure, how to avoid discomfort

How to take a swab from the urethra in men: preparation and algorithm for the procedure, how to avoid discomfort

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Let's figure out how to take a swab from the urethra in men. Usually it acts as a mandatory diagnostic procedure for conducting a qualitative he alth check. In the event that the patient feels a number of changes in the body's own behavior, this study will certainly help to establish the causes

Consequences of alcoholism in men: negative impact on the body, physical and psychological state

Consequences of alcoholism in men: negative impact on the body, physical and psychological state

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

There is an opinion that people who do not drink are either unhe althy or take medications that are incompatible with drinking. Alcohol becomes thus an integral part of many people. In this article, we will take a closer look at what the consequences of alcoholism in men can be. You will learn what are the symptoms of addiction, and what is this addiction in general

What does a man's low voice mean?

What does a man's low voice mean?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

What is the reason for the low or high voice in men and what is its purpose? Why did nature order it this way and not otherwise? We will try to answer these and many other equally interesting questions in the article

Premature ejaculation. Reasons for losing sexual control

Premature ejaculation. Reasons for losing sexual control

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

The moment of premature ejaculation confuses both sexual partners. But do not despair! It is necessary to quickly find out the cause of this unpleasant condition and return sexual control back to normal

Seminal fluid: composition, color, functions and normal amount

Seminal fluid: composition, color, functions and normal amount

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

To understand what seminal fluid is, it is worth getting to know its basic properties better

Testicular microlithiasis: causes and treatments

Testicular microlithiasis: causes and treatments

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Testicular microlithiasis is a serious enough disease that doctors diagnose as a precursor to cancer. It affects not only adult men, but also young men during puberty. Pathology is detected, usually by chance during an ultrasound examination

Early ejaculation: causes and treatments

Early ejaculation: causes and treatments

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Early ejaculation, also called premature ejaculation, is a sexual dysfunction. This condition is a serious physiological and psychological problem for a man (often for his woman), as well as the reason for which they do not receive sexual satisfaction. What are its causes and symptoms? How to get rid of this problem? The topic is relevant, and therefore now it is necessary to study it in a little more detail

Can infertility be treated in men? The main causes of male infertility

Can infertility be treated in men? The main causes of male infertility

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Male infertility is a violation of the reproductive function, which is expressed in the inability to have offspring. This is a serious problem for many representatives of the strong half of humanity who are faced with it. What leads to its development? By what symptoms can you find out about this? Is there a cure for infertility in men? These and many other questions must now be answered

Unpleasant smell of urine in men: causes, diagnosis and treatment

Unpleasant smell of urine in men: causes, diagnosis and treatment

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

In most cases, the cause of bad smelling urine in men is the development of a serious disease. That is why you should not ignore such a symptom. In this article, we will take a closer look at what are the causes of an unpleasant smell of urine in men, as well as how to deal with a particular problem

How to treat prostate adenoma: effective drugs, folk methods

How to treat prostate adenoma: effective drugs, folk methods

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Unfortunately, the question of how to treat prostate adenoma is relevant for many men. Because the growth of the glandular tissue of the prostate gland is not a rare problem. And it needs to be removed. Individual treatment is mandatory prescribed only by a doctor, after an examination of the diagnosis. But now it is still worth paying attention to this topic, and studying the most common means and methods of therapy

Prostatitis: the first symptoms and signs, treatment at the initial stage

Prostatitis: the first symptoms and signs, treatment at the initial stage

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

How to recognize and start treatment of prostatitis in time? Everything you need to know about the disease: causes, risk group, first symptoms and features of the course, treatment tactics and effective folk remedies

Zinc for men: benefits, daily allowance. Lack of zinc in the body of a man: symptoms. Products and vitamins with zinc for men

Zinc for men: benefits, daily allowance. Lack of zinc in the body of a man: symptoms. Products and vitamins with zinc for men

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Zinc is a mineral that is essential for good he alth. It is required to ensure the production of over 300 enzymes and is involved in many important processes in your body. It metabolizes nutrients, supports your immune system, and grows and repairs tissues. Zinc is of particular importance for the male body. Why? Read more

How to raise testosterone in men: drugs, products and folk remedies

How to raise testosterone in men: drugs, products and folk remedies

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

A man can control the level of testosterone in the blood. It is important to get rid of bad habits, normalize weight, and improve nutrition. It is easy to restore hormonal balance with the help of medicines and traditional medicine recipes, if there are no contraindications to this

Strong smell of urine in men: causes, diagnosis and treatment. What does the smell of urine in men mean?

Strong smell of urine in men: causes, diagnosis and treatment. What does the smell of urine in men mean?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Often the reason for the strong smell of urine in men is the specific food consumed the day before - asparagus, spices, some other vegetables or alcohol. Dehydration can also play a role. In such cases, you do not need to worry about the changes that have occurred

Blockade of the spermatic cord: indications and technique

Blockade of the spermatic cord: indications and technique

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Blockade of the spermatic cord is a medical manipulation involving the introduction of an anesthetic into the scrotum. It is carried out in order to eliminate pain for a while, for example, during a surgical intervention

Why does urine smell in men: possible causes and treatment

Why does urine smell in men: possible causes and treatment

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Why urine smells in men: possible causes and effective treatments depending on the disease. Practical recommendations and applied preparations. What to do in case of unpleasant symptoms

Is prostatitis in men treated: can it be cured completely?

Is prostatitis in men treated: can it be cured completely?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

The question of whether prostatitis in men is treated worries every representative of the strong half of humanity who is faced with this disease. Unfortunately, the pathology is common - according to statistics, it occurs in every third person at an older age. It is impossible to give an unambiguous answer to the indicated question, and therefore it is worth making a detailed analysis of this topical topic

Flaxseed oil for men: properties, how to take, reviews

Flaxseed oil for men: properties, how to take, reviews

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Even ancient people knew the benefits of linseed oil for men. Representatives of the stronger sex used this product for their he alth. Today, this useful ingredient can be purchased at absolutely any grocery store or pharmacy. Let's take a closer look at the use of flaxseed oil for men. In addition, in this article you can find contraindications for the use of this product

Why men should not: causes, possible problems, methods of treatment and advice from doctors

Why men should not: causes, possible problems, methods of treatment and advice from doctors

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

The question of why a man does not have a sexual organ sooner or later begins to excite almost every modern couple. Erectile dysfunction can appear for a number of reasons, some of them are psychological in nature. However, most men prefer to deal with such an intimate issue on their own, without resorting to the help of specialists. The information from our article will help the representative of the stronger sex to regain their natural strength

Physiology of a man: features, age-related changes

Physiology of a man: features, age-related changes

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Nature at the instinctive and physiological level in a man and a woman invested various characteristics relating to almost everything, from appearance to character and subconsciousness. The more a person trusts himself and knows the physiology of a man and a woman in different age categories, the more chances he has to create a strong happy union

Prevention of prostatitis in men: drugs, exercises

Prevention of prostatitis in men: drugs, exercises

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Men over 30 often experience prostatitis. The disease manifests itself in the form of inflammation of the ducts of the prostate gland, which causes pain. To avoid this disease, it is necessary to carry out a set of special measures. It's easier to prevent than to treat a disease

Blood in semen in men: causes, treatment

Blood in semen in men: causes, treatment

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

If a man finds that he has blood in his semen, then you should immediately establish the cause of the inflammation and begin treatment. In most cases, it is possible to quickly restore he alth

How to cure prostatitis with folk remedies at home?

How to cure prostatitis with folk remedies at home?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Treatment of prostatitis with folk remedies is an effective addition to drug therapy that has no contraindications and side effects. The list of the most useful products are those that can be found in almost every home

Effective treatment of prostatitis with folk remedies: recipes, reviews

Effective treatment of prostatitis with folk remedies: recipes, reviews

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Prostatitis is a disease that is widespread among the stronger sex. Its course is due to the fact that a man begins to experience severe pain during urination, and during sexual intercourse, ejaculation occurs with severe pain. How to prevent the occurrence of such a problem and how to treat prostatitis and prostate adenoma with folk remedies? Let's consider this further in more detail

Treatment of prostate adenoma with folk remedies and drugs. Consequences of prostate adenoma

Treatment of prostate adenoma with folk remedies and drugs. Consequences of prostate adenoma

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

After the age of 40, men may experience some problems with the he alth of the genitourinary system. Among them, doctors often mention prostatitis and prostate adenoma. What is it, what are dangerous diseases, as well as methods and methods of treating pathology are described in the article

What is the use of a bath for men? The benefits of the Russian bath for the male body

What is the use of a bath for men? The benefits of the Russian bath for the male body

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Useful properties of the Russian bath can have a powerful preventive and healing effect in the fight against various diseases and ailments. In particular, hot air has a positive effect on the excretory, nervous and cardiac systems of the body. But what is the use of a bath for men? That's what you can learn from this article

Preputial sac in boys

Preputial sac in boys

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Causes and symptoms of inflammation of the foreskin. Methods of treatment and non-medical methods for the development of a narrow preputial sac in boys

Erectile dysfunction is Erectile dysfunction: causes, diagnosis, treatment methods

Erectile dysfunction is Erectile dysfunction: causes, diagnosis, treatment methods

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Erectile dysfunction is a recurring condition characterized by a violation of the quality of an erection, the inability to maintain it for a certain time and reach the degree necessary for a full sexual intercourse. The term was first introduced in 1992. The American National Institutes of He alth suggested using it instead of the word "impotence" as a more extended concept

How to increase testosterone levels naturally?

How to increase testosterone levels naturally?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

The level of testosterone largely determines the success of a man and the quality of his he alth. To date, the topic of reducing testosterone levels in men is gaining momentum. The article will talk about what testosterone is and how to increase its level naturally

Best prostate stimulant: reviews. How to use the prostate stimulator? DIY prostate stimulator

Best prostate stimulant: reviews. How to use the prostate stimulator? DIY prostate stimulator

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

To prevent prostate diseases, many experts recommend prostate massage, which can be performed using stimulants

Lack of erection: causes, possible diseases, treatment, reviews

Lack of erection: causes, possible diseases, treatment, reviews

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Lack of erection is a very common problem that haunts men of different ages. A similar symptom of sexual dysfunction may occur regularly or appear from time to time. Be that as it may, such a delicate problem requires immediate intervention, but men, as a rule, prefer to solve it on their own, without resorting to the help of a specialist. This article was written especially for such people

How to increase potency in a man: an overview of simple and reliable ways

How to increase potency in a man: an overview of simple and reliable ways

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

When men are faced with various difficulties in intimate life, they start to panic, take strong medications to somehow improve the situation. However, there are very safe methods on how to quickly increase potency in men at home

Premature ejaculation: causes, diagnosis and treatment

Premature ejaculation: causes, diagnosis and treatment

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Many men face such a problem as premature ejaculation. To date, this pathology is the most common problem of a sexual nature. Almost every man on our planet faces it. Many representatives of the stronger sex are afraid that it is simply impossible to cope with it. However, in reality, everything is far from being the case. The main thing is to pay attention to it in time and start treatment

Cavernous body. Functions of the cavernous bodies

Cavernous body. Functions of the cavernous bodies

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

The cavernous body is the most important element involved in creating a stable erection of the penis, providing an increase in size and hardening of the penis during sexual arousal. There are three bodies in total: two paired and one unpaired. By their design, they resemble a sponge, the interior of which consists of epithelial cells through which blood arteries and nerve endings pass