The uterus is a smooth muscle unpaired hollow organ, which is located in the small pelvis between the rectum and the bladder. An increase in the uterus most often occurs due to a woman's pregnancy. However, this process may also indicate the presence of a pathological process.
As a rule, the size of this body is commensurate with a woman's fist. In the event that the size becomes larger than normal, we can talk about such a process as an increase in the uterus. The causes of this disease are varied, and may indicate the presence of diseases such as tumor, fibroids, adenomyosis, ovarian cyst.
Most often, a woman does not realize that the uterus is enlarged. The reasons for this are associated with the asymptomatic course of the disease, especially at the initial stage. However, there are some signs that a woman should pay attention to:
- Pain in the lower abdomen.
- Menorrhagia (excessive bleeding during menstruation).
- The appearance of significant blood clots during menstruation.
- The appearance of sudden bleeding.
- Anemia.
- Hormonal changes and dramatic weight gain.
- Meteorism.

So, let's look at why there is an increase in the uterus. The reasons may be related to the appearance of fibroids. Its development is due to an increased level of estrogen with a simultaneous lack of progesterone in the blood of a woman. Fibroids are growths or benign tumors of an organ. By the age of 35, almost a third of the female population acquire this disease. In the absence of signs, it is detected at a scheduled examination by a gynecologist and is confirmed by such research methods as ultrasound, hysteroscopy.

An ovarian cyst can also contribute to an increase in the uterus. The causes of this disease may be associated with irregular menstrual cycles, obesity, hormonal disorders. An ovarian cyst is a rounded protrusion that forms on the surface of the organ. A cyst is usually a cavity that is filled with a specific fluid. It is found most often when specific symptoms appear and during a pelvic ultrasound.

With adenomyosis, the endometrium grows in the muscles of the reproductive organ, which leads to the appearance of such a phenomenon as an increase in the uterus. The causes of the pathology can be associated with stressful situations, passion for solariums or sunbathing, genetic predisposition, uterine surgeries. The disease is diagnosed during ultrasound, gynecological examination, colposcopy, hysteroscopy.
The development of suchdiseases like uterine cancer also contribute to a pathological increase in the organ. The causes of the appearance can serve as endocrine disorders, fibroids, obesity, anovulation. The leading research methods are histology and ultrasound.
The attending physician during examination can detect an increase in the uterus and prescribe additional studies for a woman to make a more accurate diagnosis.