How long can a man be without intimacy? Expert opinion

How long can a man be without intimacy? Expert opinion
How long can a man be without intimacy? Expert opinion

How long can a man be without intimacy? This question must have been asked by every woman. The answer was sought by psychologists and sexologists. Let's figure out if sex is a basic need, how long a man can abstain from intimacy and what consequences this can have.

Basic requirement

How much can a man do without intimacy? Sexologists say that intimacy is a basic need. But what is this most basic need? This is an incentive system that forces you to act in order to avoid death. Exhaustion or thirst, heat or cold, fatigue or malaise require the creation of a safe environment. Basic needs are food and water, sleep and air, in the absence of which the body dies.

how much a man can without intimacy at 40
how much a man can without intimacy at 40

So is sex a basic human need? And how long can a man go without intimacy? If intimacy were indeed one of the basic needs, a person could hardly last long without sexual intercourse, but after all, somecan do without sex for quite a long time and do not experience any discomfort. And there are people for whom a few days of abstinence is a big problem.

It turns out that there are both men who are absolutely indifferent to sexual intimacy, and women who cannot live a day without sex. From here, such a problem often arises as a mismatch of temperaments and intensity of desire with a partner. But back to the question of whether sex is a basic need. No. Rather, it is a reward-incentive system.

Types of arousal

Most men (about 75%) have a spontaneous type of arousal, that is, desire appears rather quickly as a result of exposure to some kind of stimulus. Only 15% of women have this type of arousal, and 30% are characterized by a reciprocal style, that is, a desire appears when a partner begins to take the initiative. Slightly more than half of women (55%) have ways of experiencing both types of arousal, depending on the circumstances.

How desire is formed

To figure out how much a he althy man can do without intimacy, you need to understand how attraction arises. It is an unconscious desire that can be triggered by a visual stimulus or natural body odor. The main reason that forms addiction to a certain type of the opposite sex is the type of parents. So, if a man was brought up by a too emotional mother, then in adulthood he usually finds a partner who is inclined to sort things out, scandalous and capricious. With such a woman it is almost impossible to build strongrelationship, but it is for this man that this type of woman represents a sexually attractive object and arouses desire.

how long can a man go without intimacy
how long can a man go without intimacy

How long can a man be without intimacy? Exactly as long as it takes to see another sexually attractive object. As soon as this happens, a desire will appear, which (depending on the duration of the period of abstinence, temperament, he alth status and age of the man) will sooner or later become obsessive. This leads either to the satisfaction of sexual hunger, or to sublimation - the redirection of energy to achieve an acceptable goal.

Sexual Activity

The activity of the stronger sex and attitudes towards sex change significantly with age. How much a man can do without intimacy at 40, it will be difficult for a twenty-year-old to withstand so much. At 20, testosterone levels are very high. Psychologists say that self-affirmation is important at this time, quantity (of sexual contacts, sexual partners) is more important than quality. Young men can't go long without sex.

At 30, the stronger sex is no longer so fixated on sexual intimacy. Other values and priorities appear: usually family and career. A man marries, has children, strives for financial well-being. This is very tiring, so sex often becomes just a means of relieving tension. During this period, sexologists say, diversity in sexual life will be most welcome.

how much a he althy man can without intimacy
how much a he althy man can without intimacy

Besides, you have to adapt to the rhythm of life. It is possible to make love with a partner only when the children are still / already sleeping or are out of the house. A person can easily redirect sexual energy to the professional sphere, so it seems that intimacy at this age is already needed much less.

Age features

The most difficult thing to do without regular and high-quality intimacy is for men under the age of twenty-five and women after twenty-seven to thirty-two. The peak of male sexuality occurs during puberty and continues until about twenty-five. At this time, a long absence of sex can lead to physical ailment and even serious depression, psychological problems.

This condition can be quite painful, but usually all problems are effectively solved by masturbation. Physiologically, an orgasm experienced on your own and an orgasm experienced with a partner are no different. But the lack of sex in the presence of sexual desire leads to a decrease in the quality of life. It is not a question of survival, but emotionally a person can suffer quite a lot.

Male Masturbation

How long can a man be without intimacy? Given the lack of differences in orgasm obtained as a result of masturbation and sexual contact with a partner, such a question does not arise at all. Usually, men do not think about how much they can do without sex when “handmade” can replace a partner.

For a man, achieving orgasm is a way to release, andfor a woman, this is a way to get closer, to feel the love and tenderness of a partner, her attractiveness. According to statistics, 80% of men masturbate regularly. Moreover, these are adults, most of whom have beloved women and strong families. Fighting masturbation is pointless and, in principle, unnecessary.

Midlife Crisis

How long can a man be without intimacy at 40? At this age, many are faced with the problem of "midlife crisis". According to sexologists, there is no significant difference between the representatives of the stronger sex at 30 and 40 years old, but from a psychological point of view, the differences are obvious. Hormone levels decrease, so that attraction does not occur as often. Fears are often added, which also drive away thoughts of sex.

middle age crisis
middle age crisis

A man at this age usually begins to take more care of his he alth, devote time to physical fitness. The main fears are sexual dysfunction and prostatitis. But in fact, the situation is not catastrophic. After forty, men become sensual lovers who focus not on the number of sexual victories, but on the quality of relationships with a permanent partner.

Opinion of sexologists

How long can a man be without intimacy? Experts agree that this is almost impossible to determine. Much depends on the age and personal temperament of a man, the presence and temperament of a permanent partner, visual and other stimuli that excite sexual desire. Sexologists say that a man can do without sex exactly as much aswants and sees fit.

However, in most cases, patience is enough for a maximum of three weeks. Further, due to abstinence, dissatisfaction appears, the quality of life deteriorates noticeably, and physical and psychological disorders occur. There is an opinion that the male body without regular sex ages much faster and wastes physical he alth. The psyche of the stronger sex suffers especially. The brain eventually blocks the production of sperm, which in the most difficult case can lead to infertility.

Feminine features

How many days a man can be without intimacy, of course - about 21 days. What about women? After all, the “laws of attraction” of the sexes are very different. Experts say that women can do without intimacy for two months without negative consequences for psychological and physical he alth. Women, for example, often refuse sex during pregnancy. This is due to hormonal changes and fear for the preservation of the fetus.

how long can a man be without intimacy
how long can a man be without intimacy

At the same time, intimacy as such is by no means alien to the weaker sex. Everyone, for various reasons, has breaks in their intimate life. Usually women find the same way out as male bachelors - for those who do not accept casual relationships, masturbation helps quite effectively and quickly. Some sublimate libido, live a physically active life, explore their sexuality on their own, or simply analyze their own sexual past. A visit to a sexologist ora psychologist who specializes in such problems.

What is frigidity

There are (albeit rare) and quite serious cases - a woman does not desire a sensual environment, during sexual intercourse there are no pleasant sensations, it is not possible to experience an orgasm, there is fear and disgust for sex. In this case, sexologists talk about frigidity, which is a pathological abnormality.

frigidity in women
frigidity in women

All the reasons that lead to frigidity are usually divided into several groups: symptomatic frigidity occurs with various kinds of painful conditions, retardation is associated with the maturation of sensuality (the ability to experience orgasm in some women is formed only by the age of 23-25), constitutional suggests a complete or almost complete lack of libido.

Male frigidity also happens - and this is not impotence at all. In this case, a man may not want sex for quite a long time, up to several years. Sexual desire usually reappears when the causes of frigidity (illness, stress, or fatigue) are removed. A little more difficult with age, artificial suppression of sexuality (when a man is in a same-sex environment for a long time), the development of homosexuality.

The consequences of abstinence

Prolonged abstinence threatens with he alth problems. During sexual contact, hormones are released that improve mood and restore psychological balance. Without them, the risk of developing depression with its consequences increases.

how manya man can do without intimacy
how manya man can do without intimacy

According to sexologists, the rejection of sexual life leads to unreasonable aggression and loss of control over emotions. The other side of the issue is physical he alth. After abstinence for more than one year, potency may not be restored. In some cases, the intervention of doctors helps, but not always.
