Blood in semen in men: causes, treatment

Blood in semen in men: causes, treatment
Blood in semen in men: causes, treatment

When there is blood in the semen, the main problem is a reduced state of he alth. The reason for this is an infection, stagnant processes in the body, trauma. Most often for a man this is a surprise, after exposure to the body of bad habits. Also, malaise can manifest itself due to concomitant diseases of the internal organs.

Problems of the strong half of humanity

A man has blood in his semen in most cases for two reasons: due to stagnant processes in the body and excessive sexual activity, when there is a frequent change of sexual partners and unprotected contacts. In the first case, the bacterial environment in the prostate causes harm, in the second case, infection. In both options, the risk of developing diseases of the genitourinary system is too high.

Blood in semen appears in injuries when the tissues of the urethra or other parts of the urinary organs are affected. This is a rare case. Malaise can also arise from the complete absence of sexual life in men, which can also be attributed to excessive stagnation in the body.

Cause blood in semen
Cause blood in semen

Blood in semen - the causes are deviations in he alth from normal, but oftenit is necessary to establish the focus of inflammation and be treated. Therefore, it is recommended to tell the urologist all the details of life, including intimate ones. It is not just a doctor's recommendation, but a necessity to obtain a correct diagnosis.

The urologist will help you find out why the sperm is with blood, send it for analysis and make a list of prohibited things: drinking alcohol, cigarettes, etc. As a result, as a rule, a common diagnosis is made - hemospermia. The reasons for its occurrence are important, because the disease can be in an acute stage, or it can be sluggish. The latter can be detected during a periodic medical examination, but for this you should visit the clinic.


Why sperm with blood excites every man faced with a similar problem. No one wants to believe in the defectiveness of an important organ. Often such problems undermine the self-esteem of the owner of the symptom.

Blood in semen never suddenly appears. The reason for this is a rather long-term discomfort that a man feels long before unpleasant symptoms. He continues to suffer a deterioration in he alth, justifying everything with a cold, poor nutrition, etc. Not everyone is in a hurry to visit a doctor. Although the consequences can be dire, up to the complete loss of the opportunity to conceive a he althy child.

Hemospermia means that there is blood in the semen of men. Its appearance is due to the internal processes of seed formation. There are many internal organs involved, each of which can cause.

Why does semen come out with blood
Why does semen come out with blood

So ifblood appeared in the semen, then the condition and work of the bladder, prostate gland, seminal vesicles, seminal ducts, appendages, testicles will have to be examined. Prostate problems are the most common with this symptom. Especially if the man had previously been treated for this organ or had a biopsy.

Physical factors

The appearance of blood in the semen occurs during surgical intervention in the organs of the genitourinary system. Often a man can detect it only after passing tests, when its percentage is insignificant. The best option for the patient is to undergo prophylactic treatment.

Blood with sperm in men appears after prostate secretion, which indicates the presence of prolonged inflammation in the body. It will take a whole course of treatment with potent drugs. Also, a symptom may appear after injuries, after which the blood passes after a while without consequences.

In addition to deviations in the condition of the prostate gland, blood appears with inflammation in the urethra, with the formation of stones and polyps. Cancer and tissue obstruction provoke a symptom.

Needs to be checked

If blood is visually detected in the semen, drug treatment is not always required. Often for a man it is enough to change his lifestyle: eliminate bad habits, choose mobile ways of leisure, normalize nutrition. In order not to take drugs, it is necessary to take tests and make sure there are no infections.

To deal with the question of why sperm comes out with blood, it is necessary how tosafety considerations for the sexual partner, and to preserve their own fertility. Hemospermia is divided into stages: primary and secondary. The initial manifestations of blood in the semen do not threaten the he alth of a man, but for a sexual partner this can result in a violation of the microflora. If primary symptoms of hemospermia are detected, it is recommended to refrain from contacts.

There was blood in the semen
There was blood in the semen

Primary hemospermia is a one-time occurrence. More often it is caused by stagnant processes in the body. Secondary needs to be treated urgently. But before prescribing drugs, tests and establishing the cause of the symptoms are required.

Diagnostic Methods


  • smear from the urethra for infection;
  • the secret of the prostate - this analysis must be periodically taken even by absolutely he althy men;
  • urinalysis;
  • blood test.

Additionally may be assigned:

  • spermogram;
  • prostate puncture;
  • magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

A set of tests is selected individually by doctors: urologist, andrologist. To check, it is recommended to be examined for an extensive list of infections. The presence of diseases increases the risk of blood in the semen. These diseases include:

  • Epididymitis.
  • Prostatitis.
  • Infections: chlamydia, ureaplasma, parasitic, etc.
  • Cirrhosis.
  • Inflammation in the epididymis, urethra.
  • Tuberculosis.
  • blood in semen treatment
    blood in semen treatment

Additional symptoms

Blood in the urine can be prevented by paying attention to the early manifestations of the disease state of the body:

  • reduced sexual activity;
  • frequent headaches after sitting still for more than 2 hours;
  • groin discomfort with early ejaculation;
  • burning in the urethra, pain when urinating;
  • presence of hemorrhoids or its initial stages;
  • manifestations of lower back pain;
  • daily causeless increase in body temperature;
  • significant increase in symptoms after smoking a cigarette or drinking a little alcohol.

With problems with the prostate, a man cannot stand still for a long time, there is pain in the groin and lower back. Discomfort can also be detected during the completion of sexual intercourse.

Painful urination can also indicate inflammation in the genitourinary system. It also increases the frequency of the urge to go to the toilet. You should pay attention to various kinds of rashes on the genitals. Even if there is no discomfort, it should be checked immediately. Bacteria are able to multiply and when there are a huge number of them, they will begin to affect the composition of the internal microflora of organs.

Early ejaculation is not a disease, but it is the first sign of the development of problems in the prostate. Treatment is indispensable in this case. It is recommended to consult a doctor for advice.

How to prevent symptoms?

Blood inclusions insperm indicate a man's inattentive attitude to his body. This can be prevented by preventive measures. Even a simple exercise in the morning can change the future, while you have to give up bad habits (alcohol, cigarettes, gluttony).

Rational nutrition is important. The internal organs are often constricted from excess food in the intestines or fluid in the urinary system. Prolonged such a state negatively affects the work of the body as a whole. The influence of stagnation in the sexual life of a man on the formation of blood in the semen has not been proven. If he periodically plays sports and excludes bad habits, then the symptoms may appear only from pathogens.

Pathologies of vessels are quite rare. However, with such problems in men, the likelihood of blood in the semen increases.

The appearance of blood in the semen
The appearance of blood in the semen

How does a symptom develop?

Hemospermia is the result of a mixture of semen and blood. Therefore, before conducting a diagnosis, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the internal processes occurring in the body of a man. Before semen exits the channels, it must be mixed in the following compartments:

  • prostate;
  • seminal vesicles;
  • testicles;
  • vas deferens.

With hemospermia, the shade of sperm changes closer to brown. Sometimes men can find bloody inclusions, streaks, clots. A slight color deviation from white does not indicate a problem. It could beassociated with other, quite natural factors: nutrition, ecology. However, even with obvious external symptoms, it is not allowed to draw any conclusions about the state of he alth. Moreover, treatment is not prescribed before testing.

The purpose of the examination is to accurately determine the focus of inflammation, followed by the choice of appropriate therapy. A urologist can determine the type of inflammation by certain symptoms. Blood can appear with vesiculitis, prostatitis, oncology. Each complication requires an individual approach to treatment.

Hemospermia of various nature

Blood in semen can be accompanied by pain in the groin. This complication refers to running. It is often diagnosed in men over 30 and is more common in those with vesiculitis (inflammation of the seminal vesicles).

Why is sperm with blood
Why is sperm with blood

This inflammation can appear with prolonged development of prostatitis. Therefore, the juice of the prostate is examined first of all after the detection of blood in the semen. The analysis is taken by the urologist right in the office. Before donation, a little preparation is required: abstain from sexual intercourse and from taking medication for at least 3 days.

In oncology, the blood may not stop and come out with urine and semen. Prostate cancer is more common in men over 50 years of age. Periodic examination for the presence of a tumor is mandatory at this age. The neglected development of the disease leads to death.

Many infections that can be acquired through unprotected sex become ticking time bombs: chlamydia,ureaplasma. At high concentrations of which, the internal tissues of the testes and prostate are disturbed and cannot cope with the function assigned to them.

Infections become the causes of the development of latent inflammatory processes. A man suffers from frequent urge to urinate. The craving for sexual intercourse decreases, general weakness is felt in the body. With inflamed seminal ducts, there is a sharp pain when urinating.

Fight against hemospermia

To eliminate the recurrence of the disease, it is recommended to undergo a complete examination: for infections, current inflammation, for tissue pathology. Comprehensive treatment will include:

  • antibacterials;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • means against identified infections, parasites;
  • recovery medicines.

It will be recommended to avoid a fixed lifestyle, diet, exercise. The urologist checks the condition of the prostate by touch with a finger. Its elasticity speaks of the possibility of a cure.

There are many traditional medicine recipes to eliminate hemospermia. However, they can only be used with the permission of the urologist. Indeed, in the presence of a tumor or infection, medical assistance will be required, and folk methods will be purely preventive.


Some doctors (urologists, andrologists) recommend men with hemospermia not to abstain from protected sex. However, it is not always necessary to follow these tips. With oncology, this practice will not be useful, and with an infectious infection, the partnerat risk of getting sick.

Blood in semen in men
Blood in semen in men

It's never too late to start treatment. It is recommended to take preventive measures immediately upon detection of a symptom. You can determine the type of inflammatory process by the color of sperm:

  • Brown liquid indicates long-term chronic changes in the prostate, ducts or testicles.
  • A large lesion is judged by the scarlet liquid. Such sperm appears after injuries.
  • When a tumor process and infections, men find pink sperm.

Prostate massage is an effective way to avoid complications in the absence of sports activities. All treatment efforts will be useless if a man is constantly stressed and sleep deprived. The quality of nutrition directly affects the composition of sperm.

In advanced cases, they resort to removing the damaged focus by surgical intervention. Any tumor must be localized, even if it is benign. Also excised venous extensions, cysts. The surgical method helps to stop the spread of tumors and normalize blood flow in the internal organs.
