One of the most valuable varieties among bee product lovers is forest honey. A wide variety of honey plants allows you to get a product with unique taste and medicinal qualities.

What is forest honey
Even in ancient times, people used honey collected by wild bees in the forest. Then beekeeping began to develop, when these beneficial insects began to be bred in the hollows of trees. Honey, obtained in this way, began to be called beet. It is unique in that human intervention in the activity of the bee is completely excluded in this case. Today there are only a few bee apiaries in the country. Most often, the hives are simply put up for the whole summer in the forest, removing after the end of the season. Honey collected from herbs differs significantly from ordinary honey in many ways. It has a peculiar unique aroma and a wide range of colors - from light golden to dark brown. Raspberries, hawthorn, fireweed, wild strawberries, clover, linden, mountain ash, bird cherry and other useful plants endow forest honey with unique healing properties that have not yet been fully studied. No wonder it is called elite.

Due to the variety of honey plants involved in the creation of this product, it includes a whole vitamin group: A, E, P, B1, B2, C, K. In addition, it has a solid trace element base. The structure of honey contains phosphorus, carotene, which provide the body's ability to cope with various diseases. Easily digestible fructose and sucrose present in it give a lot of strength to fight them. Forest honey contains more than a hundred active compounds.
Useful properties
The range of therapeutic actions of this product is quite wide and is due to its rich composition. Honey from forest herbs has medicinal properties. It is able to have antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and even analgesic effects. Daily use of such a product helps to increase hemoglobin, cleanse the body of toxins, strengthen immunity, accelerate wound healing, improve the functioning of the liver and gallbladder, in addition, the heart muscle is nourished and a positive effect on all systems is observed.

In its composition, forest honey is very similar to blood plasma, so it is absorbed almost completely, and all minerals and vitamins enter the body. By normalizing metabolic processes and restoring hormonal levels, this product helps to reduce excess weight. An essential indicator of its quality is ecological cleanliness - honey,collected far from civilization, does not contain harmful components and various impurities. This is the most valuable quality of all existing varieties.
Use in traditional medicine
Even zemstvo doctors prescribed forest honey to their patients for a variety of diseases. The beneficial properties of this product endow it with extraordinary healing capabilities:
- Helps with rheumatism, joint diseases, osteochondrosis.
- It is a preventive and curative agent against atherosclerosis.
- The presence of the hormone estradiol in honey helps to avoid violations in the genital area (both male and female).
- High anti-inflammatory activity makes this product indispensable in the treatment of colds.
- Has a detrimental effect on pathogenic bacteria. At the same time, the latter are not addicted to forest honey, so the product can be used constantly.
- Normalizes the composition of the blood, strengthens the walls of blood vessels. With regular use of this variety, memory, attention, and efficiency increase.
- Forest honey, the beneficial properties and contraindications of which were known even to our ancestors, is also a biological stimulant. It has the ability to slow down the aging process of the human body, prolonging youth.
- The antitumor activity of the product makes it possible to use it in the treatment and prevention of cancer.
Sweet medicine for kids
Forest honey is no less effective remedy inperiod of outbreaks of influenza and other viral diseases than any other. It is especially relevant for children - after all, there is no tastier and sweeter medicine. A vitamin mixture prepared as follows is very useful for colds: mix thoroughly one teaspoon of honey, lemon juice, chopped walnuts and finely chopped dried fruits and give a little half an hour before meals. An effective cough remedy is black radish. Its juice, mixed with forest honey, enhances the effect of the latter. This leads to a very rapid cessation of seizures.

Drops made from onion juice, to which forest honey is added, are good for a cold. Useful properties and contraindications of these products are known to everyone since childhood. Treating a runny nose with their help is an old grandmother's way. For its preparation, 3 tablespoons of onion juice, diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 2, is taken per teaspoon of honey.
External use
Cosmetic procedures with forest honey are classified as elite and are quite expensive. But using it at home is no less effective, so you should not give yourself such pleasure. Most often, for cosmetic purposes, forest honey is used as a face mask. Useful properties, product photos and some recipes for treatment with it can be found in this article. But in skin care, honey is also indispensable. A mask prepared from it is applied to a cleansed face and left for twenty minutes. The skin acquires velvety, softness, improves itscolor.

Honey compresses have a healing effect on joint and muscle pain.
Despite the huge range of beneficial effects that forest honey has, its medicinal properties and contraindications must be taken into account when using it. So, for people suffering from diabetes, overweight and individual intolerance to bee products, it is not recommended to take it.