HPV, or human papillomavirus, is a disease that can affect the skin and mucous surfaces of the body. This deviation is observed in most cases in women, and not in men. It occurs as a result of various provoking factors. Diagnosed after a thorough examination. Treatment is carried out by several methods, traditional medicine can be used. To avoid infection, it is recommended to carry out preventive measures. If therapy is excluded, this will entail serious irreversible consequences. Therefore, at the first sign of infection, you should immediately seek qualified help.
What is this?
HPV is a viral disease that can be transmitted from person to person in many ways. Pathology is accompanied by severe symptoms, which helps in making a diagnosis. In modern medicine, about 200 types of the virus are isolated, the disease itself and its course depend on them.

HPV is diagnosed in men using molecular methods. If timely treatment of this viraldisease, it can lead to serious consequences and complications, up to oncology. Therefore, do not neglect the first symptoms, engage in self-therapy, but immediately seek qualified help from a specialist.
How does HPV damage cells?
In men, HPV (the photo of the disease is presented below) enters the body through the damaged mucous surface, as well as the skin.

First, the virus infects the deep layers of the epithelium, where it is dormant for a certain period of time. As the cells begin to mature and develop, due to their growth, the virus gradually appears on the surface, where it begins to multiply intensively.
In the process of development, the cellular level is damaged, which provokes uncontrolled growth of this area. Papillomavirus is specific regarding its location on the body, since one type can affect the mucous membrane, and the other - the skin. Each type affects only a certain part of the body. A virus that enters the body is able to attach itself to the DNA of cells and provoke their transformation. Therefore, this pathology is considered quite dangerous.

HPV can affect any part of the epithelium in the form of a wart or develop into a malignant tumor, oncology. All types of HPV in men and women are divided into groups such as:
- Non-oncogenic. These include types 1, 3, 2, 5. They pass without treatment and are not able to degenerate into a malignanteducation.
- Low oncogenic. These include 6, 42, 43, 44 and 11 types. In rare cases and under certain conditions, they can develop into oncology. Sexually transmitted, as a result, warts are formed.
- Highly oncogenic. These include 16, 31, 35, 45, 52, 18, 33, 39, 51, 56, 59, 68, 58, 66, 82, 73. In most cases, they provoke malignant formations of the urinary tract. The most common types of HPV in men are 16 and 18, which lead to oncology of the male genital organ.
Only a specialist can determine the type of disease after a thorough examination and passing all tests.
Danger of disease
If a man has a normal functionality of the immune system, then when a virus enters the body, it is able to overcome and destroy it. If the system, on the contrary, is weakened, then the progression of this type of infection in the body will be observed. At first, the virus will be in sleep mode, but gradually get out of it and develop. In this situation, the man is already a carrier and is a danger to his sexual partner.
There are some provoking factors that can “wake up” the virus and force it to actively penetrate into cell structures, while changing DNA and provoking epithelial division. As a result, the patient will develop condyloma, papilloma, wart or other type of rash on the skin. It is the papilloma that is located on the surface of the penis that poses a serious danger, since it can degenerate intomalignancy.

If the neoplasm is located on the mucous surface of the penis, then it can turn into a cancerous formation, which provokes irreversible consequences and complications. It is also worth noting that HPV in men poses a certain danger to every roommate, as it can be transmitted through shared objects.
HPV in men on the head
If any formations are visible on the male genital organ, this indicates that a virus is progressing in the body, which was obtained as a result of sexual contact with the carrier of the infection. There may be a case of infection in the household way, but in this situation it is rare.

These growths should not be ignored, but it is better to start treating them right away. A urologist will help to cope with HPV in men. It should be understood that formations on the head of the penis can cause some discomfort. If a papilloma has arisen, then this indicates that the immune system has failed. It can be single or have a group arrangement. After the papilloma has formed on the head, it begins to gradually spread throughout the organ. Thus, the situation becomes neglected, and treatment becomes a more time-consuming and lengthy process. If you refuse therapy, then the growths will go into the urethra, touch the bladder and disrupt the process of passing urine.
How can you get infected?
This type of virus is considered quite active, so it is not difficult to get infected with it, especially if the immune systemsignificantly weakened. HPV in men can appear after a normal handshake, as a result of visiting public places, when using common things with an infected person, and also through sexual contact, especially if there are microtraumas and cuts on the surface of the body.

To exclude sexual transmission, it is worth protecting yourself and carefully choosing a partner. If the contact was unprotected, it should be understood that during the act, microtrauma of the mucous surface occurs, and the virus enters the body without any problems.
In addition to the above, experts identify other provoking factors that can increase the likelihood of developing HPV:
- Severely weakened immune system. This happens as a result of frequent respiratory diseases, due to stressful situations, overstrain, and poor nutrition.
- STDs.
- Wounds, sores, cracks on the mucous surface of the penis.
To exclude the development of HPV in the body, you need to be regularly examined by a specialist.
HPV symptoms in men
In modern medicine, there are several categories of symptoms of this viral disease. These include external manifestations such as:
- Warts. They are most often diagnosed in the groin area. Represented by convex formations. At the initial stage, they are not accompanied by pain. They do not differ in color from the rest of the skin. Other parts of the body may also appear in parallel.
- Condylomas. Pointed warts. Localized in the groin area, on the mucous surface and skin of the penis. It is mainly diagnosed on the head or on the protective skin.
- Bovenoid papulosis. Develops simultaneously with HPV. It is represented by a rash that is localized on the skin of the penis. Has a pink tint and rises above the surface.
- Bowen's disease. It is represented by a red velvety plaque, a clear and rounded shape, which has a certain outline. It can be located on the skin of the penis for a long time, without causing any discomfort. To get rid of it, you need to organize HPV treatment in a man.
At the first manifestations of the virus, it is worth starting complex therapy.
Diagnosis of this disease implies a complete examination of the body. The patient is recommended to take a PCR test. Also, do not exclude such types of diagnostics, which will also be informative:
- HPV testing for men. In this situation, a urethral swab or scraping is taken.
- Biopsy of neoplasm.
- Immunological study.
Such diagnostics will help determine the type of virus, its danger to the body, as well as prescribe high-quality and effective treatment.
Medicated treatment
Treatment of this pathology involves an integrated approach. Necessarily therapy includes the use of drugs. Folk remedies may also be prescribed. When the situation is running, hardware treatment or surgery is recommended.intervention.

How to treat HPV in men will depend on the type, clinical manifestations, neglect of the disease and form. Drug therapy is aimed at suppressing the active virus, as well as strengthening the immune system. The dosage of any prescribed remedy is strictly determined by a specialist and is selected individually.
Treatment of HPV in men with drugs involves the use of:
- Immunomodulators. The patient may be prescribed to take "Amiksin", "Cycloferon" and other similar drugs.
- Cytotoxic drugs. These include "Kondilin", "Podofillin".
- Local medicines such as Solcoderm.
If the therapy did not give a positive result, a re-examination is carried out and a different course of treatment is prescribed.
Hardware therapy

How to treat HPV in men on the head of the penis with the help of devices? This type of treatment involves several methods. Laser removal is considered the most popular and effective. Before the procedure, the area where there is a formation is treated with an analgesic cream to eliminate pain. Then, with the help of a special laser, a complete removal takes place, after which only a dry crust remains in place.
Also, do not forget about electrocoagulation, which involves the elimination of education with the help of current discharges. It will help to get rid of papilloma and cryodestruction, which involves the removal of liquidnitrogen.
It should be understood that eliminating the external manifestation of the disease will not help get rid of the infection in the body, so drug therapy is required.
An operation to remove is performed if a multiple lesion of the penis is diagnosed. During the procedure, anesthesia is required. Excision of education is carried out. In parallel, local therapy is prescribed. The recovery period after surgery is no more than a week.
As for the preparation before the operation, it is not required. After the intervention, the patient is sent for an additional examination to make sure that the intervention was of high quality and the therapy was effective.
Treatment with folk remedies
You can get rid of papilloma with folk remedies, but it is almost impossible to get rid of the virus. Therefore, in parallel, you still need to use medication. The most popular methods include:
- Freshly squeezed dandelion juice or celandine juice. They need to treat the affected areas until the formation disappears.
- Castor oil and vitamin A. Helps reduce the amount of virus in the body. In parallel, it is recommended to use other means that help strengthen immunity.
- Egg white. They are being treated with a newly appeared education.
- Freshly squeezed potato juice.
Treatment with folk remedies implies a course of at least 2-3 months.
Prevention measures
Prevention of this disease is an important fact. It helps not only to prevent infection, but also the spread of the virus throughout the body, to eliminate various complications.
Experts recommend:
- Use protection during intercourse, choose your partner carefully.
- Avoid being rude during intercourse.
- Perform timely diagnosis and treatment.
- You need to maintain a he althy lifestyle, exercise and eat right. Strengthen immunity. Give up bad habits.
- Visit a doctor every six months for a preventive checkup.
- Papillomavirus vaccine should be used.
It should be understood that even following the recommendations and taking preventive measures will not always be able to protect against infection with this virus.