Men's he alth

Impotence: signs and treatment at home

Impotence: signs and treatment at home

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Today, men of different ages face sexual problems. The first disturbing "bells" and signs of impotence overtake both mature and young representatives of the stronger sex. The main reason for the development of erectile dysfunction at an early age (up to 40 years) is considered to be an unhe althy lifestyle, frequent stress, physical activity and chronic diseases

Groin pain in men: types and characteristics of pain, causes, diagnosis and treatment methods

Groin pain in men: types and characteristics of pain, causes, diagnosis and treatment methods

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Pain in the groin in men often indicates trouble in the body. The cause of discomfort can be various conditions and diseases. Often the pain radiates to the groin from other areas of the body. This does not always indicate pathologies associated with the genitourinary system. The reason may lie in diseases of the intestine or bones. This symptom is just one of the signs of a variety of ailments

How to treat thrush in men at home: features and recommendations

How to treat thrush in men at home: features and recommendations

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Many people believe that thrush, or candidiasis, is an exclusively female disease. In fact, this is not at all the case. Thrush affects both sexes: both women and men. An erroneous opinion has formed because representatives of a strong part of society often have this disease without any symptoms, and the patient does not even suspect that he has candidiasis

Chronic prostatitis: symptoms and treatment. Prevention of prostatitis

Chronic prostatitis: symptoms and treatment. Prevention of prostatitis

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Symptoms of prostatitis can be very different, it all depends on the characteristics of the course of the disease, its form, as well as the general condition of the man. However, when the first signs of the disease appear, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive diagnosis and treatment

Small testicles in men - does size matter or not? Norms and deviations

Small testicles in men - does size matter or not? Norms and deviations

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Reasons for changing the size of the testicles, why is one testicle smaller than the other? Possible diseases and he alth problems. General clinical picture of the disease, diagnostic measures and drug treatment

What can I do to stop my husband from drinking? Ways to eliminate addiction

What can I do to stop my husband from drinking? Ways to eliminate addiction

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Alcohol addiction is a terrible phenomenon. How can you try to make your husband stop drinking? Are there any treatments for alcoholism? The best tips and tricks are presented in this article

Removal of the prostate: the consequences of the operation, reviews

Removal of the prostate: the consequences of the operation, reviews

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

When is the prostate removed? Such an operation is considered a serious surgical intervention and is performed according to strict indications. These include cancer and prostatic hyperplasia. Recovery after a prostatectomy takes several months

Prostate pain: causes, possible diseases, treatment methods, reviews

Prostate pain: causes, possible diseases, treatment methods, reviews

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Prostate pain is quite common. A symptom may indicate the presence of many urogenital diseases in a man. Let's talk about what the prostate is, what functions it performs, why there are pains in the prostate area and how to get rid of them

Prostate muscle stimulator: description, principle of action

Prostate muscle stimulator: description, principle of action

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Recently, the demand for electrical stimulation of the prostate has increased, as it is a new method of treating "male diseases". What is it, what are the principles of treatment and most importantly - feedback from patients about innovative treatment of the prostate? Are prostate pathologies in patients really treated with the help of a myostimulator? Patient feedback allows you to verify the effectiveness of the new technology. There are even those who call the prostate muscle stimulator a "savior." But don't be fooled

Inflammation of the prostate: symptoms and treatment

Inflammation of the prostate: symptoms and treatment

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Inflammation of the prostate in men is the most common urological disease in the world. Symptoms of the disease can form in the stronger sex already when they reach puberty. If you ignore the problem, it will leave irreversible marks, namely fibrotic changes and stones with subsequent exacerbations

Benefits of honey for men: recipes, properties, application features and reviews

Benefits of honey for men: recipes, properties, application features and reviews

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

The benefits of honey for men have been known since ancient times. The delicacy loved by many is rich in glucose, vitamins and useful minerals (magnesium, calcium, sodium, sulfur and others). To regulate testosterone (the main male sex hormone produced by the adrenal glands and testicles) and energy levels, honey contains such an important substance as boron. Consisting of a third of simple sugars, it causes the body to be filled with concentrated energy, which is simply necessary for high-quality sex

Spermatogenesis - what is it?

Spermatogenesis - what is it?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Spermatogenesis is a complex process in the body of a man, during which the formation of spermatozoa from gonocytes - the primary germ cells. It is during adolescence that its intensive stage of development begins and continues until old age. The process of a full cycle of sperm development occurs on average in 3 months

Decreased potency in men: which doctor should I contact? Drugs and products to increase potency in men

Decreased potency in men: which doctor should I contact? Drugs and products to increase potency in men

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

This article will help you understand what erectile dysfunction is, what causes a decrease in potency, and which doctor you should contact if this problem occurs. The article will describe drugs and foods that help cope with erectile dysfunction

Operation to remove tonsils: stages and consequences

Operation to remove tonsils: stages and consequences

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Surgical removal of tonsils will help get rid of constant exacerbations of tonsillitis. This operation is called a tonsillectomy. There are several methods for removing palatine tonsils, each of which is used in modern medicine. The choice of the method of tonsillectomy is carried out by an otolaryngologist

What is the correct name of the mammary gland in men? Types of gland diseases, symptoms and treatment

What is the correct name of the mammary gland in men? Types of gland diseases, symptoms and treatment

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

At birth, the tissue and structure of the mammary glands are identical in both female and male babies. Differentiation proceeds under the influence of hormones in the period of growing up. Therefore, breast diseases often affect the male body

The left testicle is lower than the right: as it should be, the reasons for the deviations

The left testicle is lower than the right: as it should be, the reasons for the deviations

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

The he alth of the genitals requires vigilant attention. The left testicle in a man is located lower than the right one, which is explained by the peculiarities of ensuring blood flow, therefore it is the norm. What causes deviations can be observed in the male body? What is important to pay attention to?

High cholesterol in men: causes, treatment options, diet

High cholesterol in men: causes, treatment options, diet

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Without cholesterol, the work of the nervous system and immunity is impossible. Thanks to him, vitamin D is synthesized in the body, which affects the exchange of Ca and phosphorus. Cholesterol is also needed for normal metabolism and the functioning of internal organs. It isolates and protects nerve fibers, determines the integrity of cell membranes and their selective permeability. The body needs cholesterol, but not in excess

Lecithin grains in prostate secretion: norm and deviations

Lecithin grains in prostate secretion: norm and deviations

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Sooner or later, almost every man with age or in the form of complications after a number of diseases may develop inflammation of the prostate. To find out the cause of such a process, it is necessary to conduct a thorough diagnosis

Abstinence for men: benefits and harms, consequences

Abstinence for men: benefits and harms, consequences

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

For any inhabitant of our planet, sex is an integral part of life. Mankind is engaged in it for procreation and for pleasure. But sometimes a situation arises when, due to circumstances, it is necessary to refrain from intimacy for some time. And then the question arises: what are the consequences of abstinence for men? Its benefits and harms, myths and truth are revealed in the article

High testosterone in men - causes, symptoms and treatment features

High testosterone in men - causes, symptoms and treatment features

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Problems with low testosterone are well known to many: libido decreases, the figure of a man becomes more effeminate, cases of infertility and so on are possible. However, questions arise about what high testosterone in men means? An excess amount of such a hormone affects the unpleasant consequences for the body

Lubrication in men when excited: causes, signs, norm, pathology and opinions of doctors

Lubrication in men when excited: causes, signs, norm, pathology and opinions of doctors

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

The appearance of sexual desire in women is accompanied by the release of lubrication and swelling of the mammary glands. However, not everyone knows what is released during arousal among the representatives of the stronger sex. Men are able to produce not only seminal fluid during sex, but also a special lubricant that facilitates the sliding of the penis during friction. This substance, when aroused in men, is called pre-ejaculate

Impotents: who are these people, and how can they cure their illness?

Impotents: who are these people, and how can they cure their illness?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

An impotent is a male who has a sexual dysfunction. All this leads to the fact that his penis cannot fully reach the dimensions necessary for sexual intercourse. It is this feature that characterizes all impotents. Who are these people, what are the causes of impotence and how to deal with the disease, we will find out in our article

El Macho male drops: contraindications, composition, instructions and reviews

El Macho male drops: contraindications, composition, instructions and reviews

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

The modern rhythm of life, constant stress and other nervous disorders have a negative impact on men's he alth. It is not at all surprising that many members of the stronger sex face problems when it comes to intimate relationships. Salvation will be the drug El Macho. Drops for muscles that restore strength and energy, improve potency

Stimulators of potency for men: rating of the best, indications and contraindications

Stimulators of potency for men: rating of the best, indications and contraindications

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Chronic fatigue and stress, unbalanced diet, chronic diseases and age-related changes lead to a decrease in sexual desire in men. The modern pharmaceutical industry offers many drugs that normalize potency so that the sex life remains normal. In addition, there are natural aphrodisiacs, drugs of natural origin and even electronic stimulants

Increase in potency in men after 50: doctor's advice

Increase in potency in men after 50: doctor's advice

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Every man wants to feel full of strength and sexual energy in old age. However, despite this desire on a subconscious level, we are still sure that after 50-60 years old age will come, and we will have to say goodbye to the sexual side of life. We are sure that the he alth of a man after 50 years, whose potency certainly leaves much to be desired, is inexorably falling. But is it?

Drugs and folk remedies to increase potency in men. Potency is

Drugs and folk remedies to increase potency in men. Potency is

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Everyone knows that potency is the ability of the male body to have sexual intercourse. It is of great importance not only in the physical, but also in the mental sense. Due to normal potency, a man feels confident

How to check the prostate: diagnosis, norms and deviations

How to check the prostate: diagnosis, norms and deviations

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Every man should have an idea about how to check the prostate. After all, disruption of the work of this organ is a severe physical and psychological trauma. Despite the emergence of numerous diagnostic methods, rectal examination is considered the main one. It does not require any costs and is effective. In addition, finger research can be carried out independently

Analysis for hormones in men: decoding, norm

Analysis for hormones in men: decoding, norm

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Hormones are of great importance in the life of every person. Good he alth, mood, he althy sleep, the presence or absence of excess weight depend on the correct hormonal background. Men suffer from a failure in the work of even one link of the system no less than women. For this reason, testing for hormones is a fairly frequent appointment of doctors. What is such an analysis and what are the standards for deciphering it?

Where is the spermatozoon formed: the method and place of formation

Where is the spermatozoon formed: the method and place of formation

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Where is sperm produced? How long does it mature and how long does it live? Curious scientists have long found answers to these and many other questions. The process of spermatogenesis shows how close we are genetically to other animals

Enlarged prostate: causes and treatment

Enlarged prostate: causes and treatment

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

What is the prostate? Why can the prostate increase in size? Symptoms and treatments for an enlarged prostate. Features of methods of treatment of an enlarged prostate gland. What are the consequences of such a pathology?

Enlarged prostate: causes, treatment and consequences

Enlarged prostate: causes, treatment and consequences

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Prostate is a gland in men. She is small in size. The shape of the prostate resembles a chestnut. This gland is located in the upper part of the urethra

Prostate massager: types, principle of action, which one to choose and how to use

Prostate massager: types, principle of action, which one to choose and how to use

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Because of embarrassment, many refuse to visit a urologist, fearing that the doctor will prescribe a “humiliating” and “shameful” procedure for them - prostate massage. Apparently, these men do not know about the existence of prostate massagers, which can be used independently even at home

How to do an external prostate massage: description, techniques and recommendations

How to do an external prostate massage: description, techniques and recommendations

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Prostatitis is a very common disease among men. One of the most effective methods of treating the disease is prostate massage. To achieve a positive effect, it is important to know how to carry out all actions correctly

Scrotal hernia: causes, types, symptoms, treatment, possible complications

Scrotal hernia: causes, types, symptoms, treatment, possible complications

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Scrotal hernia is a pathological protrusion of various abdominal organs into the inguinal canal and scrotum. The disease affects males aged 50 to 55 years. But hernias also form in children. Most often, folds of the visceral peritoneum or bladder exit through the hernial orifice

The best drug for prolonging sexual intercourse

The best drug for prolonging sexual intercourse

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Problems begin in the family when a woman does not have time to enjoy sex. Then nervousness appears between partners, because quality sex is a very important part of a successful union. If for a couple such a short duration of caresses becomes a problem, then a man begins to think about drugs to prolong sexual intercourse. In this article we will talk about the most popular tools of this class

Impotence: causes, signs, symptoms and treatment features

Impotence: causes, signs, symptoms and treatment features

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

The causes of impotence in men are many external factors. For the treatment of pathology, it is first necessary to eliminate them. And only then start therapy, otherwise it will not work

How ureaplasma is treated in men: drugs, regimen and timing of treatment, consequences

How ureaplasma is treated in men: drugs, regimen and timing of treatment, consequences

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Ureaplasmosis is a disease that has become quite common in recent times. Pathology is transmitted sexually. Neither men nor women are immune from this disease. At the same time, the pathogen rarely causes inflammatory processes in the body of a strong half. But despite this, it is extremely dangerous to ignore the problem. Therefore, let's figure out how ureaplasma is treated in men

How to stretch the foreskin at home: features and possible ways

How to stretch the foreskin at home: features and possible ways

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Many guys are interested in the question of how to stretch the foreskin at home. This procedure is not done just like that, usually urologists prescribe it to fight a disease such as phimosis, and in this case, the stretching method really has a very good effect. In this article, we will look at how to stretch the foreskin effectively and safely

Red spots on the head and foreskin: what is the reason?

Red spots on the head and foreskin: what is the reason?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

As a rule, red spots on the head and foreskin occur with contact dermatitis that develops when irritated by various substances: cosmetics - flavored soap, body gel; condom components - latex, gel; synthetic underwear, etc. Sometimes the above spots are also accompanied by severe itching

Pain during ejaculation: possible causes and treatments

Pain during ejaculation: possible causes and treatments

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Ejaculation is a process that occurs in a man's body after sexual intercourse. Its second common name is ejaculation. Normally, this process does not bring discomfort to a man and any discomfort. Pain during ejaculation appears only in the presence of various pathologies and diseases. It is about them that will be discussed in the article