Many men are embarrassed by the topic of prostate massage and don't really like to talk about it. In addition, it is perceived as a kind of deviation, which is used only for medical purposes. Attitudes towards such a procedure changed when famous actors were shown on American television programs who did not hesitate to announce that they use prostate massagers.
What is this device?
You can understand why the stronger sex does not like to talk about the prostate massager, because it is nothing more than a sex toy. Only it is not intended to give pleasure, but to stimulate the prostate gland.
The prostate stimulator looks like a curved vibrator with a thin end and a wide base, as it serves as a stopper so that the stimulator does not enter completely into the anus. The working part has a barrel of various configurations, and at the same time the massager is adapted to the anatomy of the male body, so that its use gives the maximum effect.

Should the prostate be stimulated?
The prostate gland is considered an important reproductive in men. After all, thanks to her, the stronger sex gets an orgasm, it helps to ensure that spermatozoa do not stick together. Access to it is possible only through the rectum.
Regular stimulation is the best prevention of prostate cancer.
You can massage yourself using a stimulator or a finger, or trust your partner. In this case, safety rules must be observed, since improper execution can lead to damage to the rectum, and this may be followed by infection or the appearance of hemorrhoids.
It doesn't matter what the massage will be - with fingers or a stimulator, you must use a water-based lubricant. It is applied around the anus and on the object itself, after which it is introduced with gentle movements until the stimulator penetrates 3-4 centimeters inside. It is good to do this with your fingers the first time, because they can determine exactly where the prostate is located, and after that use the prostate stimulator.

Types of stimulants
Today, there are many different stimulants that are divided into:
- Those inserted into the rectum are invasive.
- Those applied externally are non-invasive.
The best prostate stimulator that can be attributed to the first group is the device of domestic production "Mavit". It is used more for complex treatment than for prevention. Other models, cheaper ones, also do their job There are massagers in which the head rotates and imitates stroking the prostate. But this uniqueness is not very welcome in such massages.
The second type is less effective, although it is quite simple in design. One of the most popular is the Straw Goby stimulator. It should be put on a chair or car seat, where men spend most of their time. Sit in such a way that the expanded part of it is located under the scrotum. Further movements are performed from side to side.

Pros and cons of such stimulants
- Invasive stimulants are more effective, but they require special attention during massage than the second type.
- Non-invasive prostate stimulator (reviews of which are contradictory, some praise them, others even consider them useless) do not need special conditions for use. More often they are used to activate the genitourinary system, besides, they are treated less wary.
- Invasive massagers are able to reach the highest state of the prostate, due to which it is discharged, and the man perceives this positively. With the second type, this is almost impossible to achieve.
DIY Stimulator
Is it possible to make a prostate stimulator with your own hands? A lot of men ask this question. If we talk about internal stimulants, then it is better not to experiment here. But outdoor massagers are very easy to do yourself, for this you don’t even need to invent anything. Enough to takean ordinary tennis ball, put it on a chair or armchair and just roll it back and forth.
For prevention, it is enough to perform the exercise for 7-8 minutes. If this is a therapeutic and prophylactic procedure, then the session should be increased to 20 minutes. Similar procedures are carried out 2 times a day for one month. It is not recommended to interrupt the course for more than two days.
If the procedures are for medicinal purposes, then the bladder should be full.

Prostate massage rules
Almost any modern prostate stimulator allows you to massage at home. A similar procedure is performed through the rectum. This process is not only useful, it is also pleasant, although many men are embarrassed to admit it.
Before starting the massage, the sex toy must be prepared. It should be washed with warm water and gel or soap. You can use a condom to make the stimulator last longer.
Before starting the massage, the anus and the device are lubricated with a lubricant, always water-based. The man lies down in a position that is comfortable for him, so that the anus is completely relaxed. For self-stimulation, the best position is when a man lies on his back and bends his legs, pulling them up to his buttocks. Fingers or the toy itself should be massaged the anus. After the body is sufficiently relaxed, a prostate stimulator can be injected. How to use it further, it is already becoming clear, it should be slow movements to the left and right, while the anus should always berelaxed. The movement should imitate the screwing of the device, since this is how it will easily go inside.
After the massager is fully inserted, it will fall on the prostate gland. This feeling will immediately manifest itself, of course, for everyone in different ways, but the effect is almost always the same, it becomes pleasant and a feeling of excitement appears. In circular motions, you should start massaging the prostate for no more than 15-20 minutes a day. The procedure should be repeated 3-4 times a week.

Contraindications for the procedure
There are also contraindications for which it is not recommended to use a prostate stimulator:
- Hemorrhoids.
- Acute prostatitis.
- Cystitis.
- Prostate adenoma.
If there are such problems, then it is better to refuse the procedures, as they can worsen the he alth of a man.
The best models of stimulants
The article describes in detail what types of massagers exist. At the moment, the market is full of all kinds of models. In order to save time for choosing the best option, you can consider the three most popular models.
- Men's Pleasure Wand. Made by an American company from a very soft plastic, it quickly takes on body temperature and gently enters the anus. Equipped with several kinds of vibration.
- Power Probe Compact. Recommended for beginners due to its small size. It can be used in any setting, even while taking a bath, as ithas a waterproof case.
- PIRENEUM MASSAGER. Able to add vivid sensations when performing a massage. Easily penetrates the prostate.

Each person individually selects a prostate stimulator, which is best for him. You can experiment by trying several models of massagers.
Conclusion: in order for men's he alth to always be in good shape, you should worry about it in advance and perform prostate massage as a preventive measure.