Metabolic changes in the myocardium: features, symptoms, causes and treatment

Metabolic changes in the myocardium: features, symptoms, causes and treatment
Metabolic changes in the myocardium: features, symptoms, causes and treatment

Everyone is recommended to undergo a complete medical examination at least once a year. As you know, the heart is the most important organ, and its inspection is mandatory. Modern equipment allows diagnosing most of the heart diseases. For example, metabolic changes in the myocardium are deviations from the isoline segments during an electrocardiogram. And usually this is a sign of some kind of disease. Such changes can lead to a violation of the contractility of the heart. However, even in a he althy person, such deviations are sometimes observed.

How to identify ECG abnormalities

Any patient who complains of heart problems should have an electrocardiogram. It allows doctors to find out complete and, most importantly, accurate information about the state of this organ. The essence of this procedure is to analyze the indicators of the electric charge, which provokes the contraction of the heart muscle.

This happens as follows: electrodes are attached to the patient's body, the effect of which is presented as a graph onpaper. After deciphering this scheme, the doctor understands how the heart works in a particular patient, and whether there are any violations.

metabolic changes in the myocardium
metabolic changes in the myocardium

If there are no deviations, then the electrical activity will be uniform. Metabolic changes in the myocardium will be reflected by the corresponding deviations. The causes of these disorders can be very different, and some of them require prompt treatment, while others are not dangerous. But in most cases, metabolic changes in the myocardium on the ECG are an additional symptom of a more serious disease.

Classification of pathologies

The heart muscle is susceptible to abnormalities, and they can develop in two forms: focal and metabolic. The first arise, as a rule, due to a heart attack. As for the latter, they are divided into diffuse and dysmetabolic.

The first ones say that inflammatory processes occur in the heart or metabolic disorders take place. Such deviations can lead not only to problems with the contraction of the heart, but also to the failure of the water balance in the body.

moderate metabolic changes in the myocardium
moderate metabolic changes in the myocardium

Dismetabolic changes in the myocardium are quite common, which indicate damage to the heart muscle. These abnormalities are clearly visible on the cardiograms of patients suffering from ischemia or angina pectoris.

Changes in the myocardium of a metabolic nature occur as a result of a lack of oxygen in the heart. And it can also be the result of beriberi or poisoning.

Causes of illness

It is important to understand that the pathology in question is not an independent disease - it acts as a symptom of more serious illnesses. Metabolic changes in the myocardium are characteristic of disorders of the cardiovascular system.

And the most common cause of deviation is angina pectoris, which is a discrepancy between the actual incoming blood flow and the need for it. This disease develops as a result of formations that subsequently block the patency of the blood flow, leading to myocardial infarction.

metabolic changes in the myocardium of the left ventricle
metabolic changes in the myocardium of the left ventricle

Also, metabolic changes are a sign of hypertension, arrhythmia, heart disease and other diseases belonging to this group. In addition, such deviations may be the result of other problems:

  • improper metabolism;
  • overweight;
  • bad habits;
  • chemical poisoning;
  • infections and allergies.

Metabolic changes in the myocardium in a child most often occur as a result of viral infections entering the body or in the presence of malformations of the heart muscle. In most cases, these abnormalities in childhood are not dangerous.

Key Features

The symptoms of the described pathology vary depending on which disease caused the changes. But doctors still identify four common signs that you should pay attention to. These symptoms are common to all patients in the presence of thisdeviations:

  • unpleasant pain in the chest area;
  • heart rhythm problems;
  • dyspnea appears after exercise;
  • quick fatigue.
myocardial metabolic changes
myocardial metabolic changes

Such unpleasant moments in most cases act as a warning for a more serious illness. You can determine the reliability of the information during the passage of the electrocardiogram. As we have already said, metabolic changes in the ventricular myocardium are highlighted by the corresponding lines on the graph.


But sometimes abnormalities found during the procedure are not accompanied by pain. This may mean that there is nothing to worry about, and there is no danger to he alth. However, doctors look for the following signs to make a diagnosis:

  • weakness;
  • severe dizziness;
  • drastic weight loss or weight gain;
  • trembling hands.
metabolic changes in the myocardium on ecg
metabolic changes in the myocardium on ecg

If such symptoms are found along with moderate metabolic changes in the myocardium, then a full examination is prescribed, including an ECG. For patients, a general blood test is mandatory, where the level of hemoglobin and leukocytes is examined. In addition, it is recommended to conduct an ultrasound of the internal organs.


As already noted, metabolic changes in the myocardium can be caused by a large amountreasons, and doctors are repelled from this when prescribing therapy. In other words, in each case, the method of treatment will be different.

General therapy is aimed at normalizing the work of the heart, eliminating insufficiency and relieving spasms. Effective for this are drugs containing potassium s alts. Doctors often recommend energy supplements that improve oxygen supply. In addition, a vitamin complex and physiotherapy procedures should definitely be added to the course of treatment.

metabolic changes in the ventricular myocardium
metabolic changes in the ventricular myocardium

The most common abnormality of the heart muscle is considered to be a metabolic change in the myocardium of the left ventricle. This is due to the structure of the body. To combat deviations, you will need to change your usual lifestyle:

  • get rid of bad habits;
  • contact a psychologist to normalize the emotional state;
  • draw up a balanced diet;
  • do not overload yourself with physical activity;
  • take regular walks;
  • ensure yourself a good rest.

Non-specific lesions

On rare occasions, doctors detect non-specific lesions during an electrocardiogram. Most often, they are outside the heart, and therefore do not attract much attention. Usually lesions are located on the ventricles of the myocardium. They appear as a result of malnutrition, metabolic disorders in the body, etc.

metabolicmyocardial changes in a child
metabolicmyocardial changes in a child

Metabolic changes in the myocardium of this nature in most cases are not dangerous, but this does not mean that they should not be paid attention to. Sometimes they can develop into serious heart pathologies, provoking diseases such as heart failure, angina pectoris, etc. In order to reduce the risk of diseases, you should be examined by a cardiologist twice a year.


The deviations described are quite common. Most often, they are caused by an incorrect lifestyle, and if it is corrected, the work of the heart muscle will also be restored. This is where diet plays a major role. To normalize the contraction of the heart muscle, it is recommended to eat fish, lean meat and poultry, dairy products, cereals, prunes. Add fresh vegetables and fruits to your diet daily. In addition, try not to consume alcohol, chocolate, carbonated drinks and fatty foods.

Many people suffer from pain in the heart area, and not everyone seeks help from a specialist. In this regard, a large number of unpleasant situations arise. Therefore, when the first symptoms appear, you should immediately make an appointment with a doctor and find out the cause of the pain.
