Testosterone is a sex hormone that is important for the normal functioning of the reproductive function of the stronger sex. The female body also produces this substance, but in much smaller quantities. The lack of a hormone in the male body can lead to obesity, erectile dysfunction and other unpleasant consequences. How to raise testosterone in men? There are several effective ways that will be discussed below.
What is testosterone
The substance belongs to the class of androgens - male sex hormones. In the stronger sex, testosterone is produced in the testes, and this process is controlled by the pituitary gland and hypothalamus. The main task of this hormone is the full development and normal functioning of the genital organs so that a man can become the father of he althy offspring. However, testosterone affects the appearance and state of he alth in general. This hormone is involved in the creation of muscle mass, the distribution of subcutaneous fat.

Testosterone levels rapidly increase in a boy's body during puberty. The guy's voice begins to "break", muscle mass grows. With age, the level of the male hormone in the blood, on the contrary, decreases. A decrease in libido is not the only unpleasant consequence of aging. The man becomes more irritable, gets tired quickly. With a low level of testosterone in the blood, osteoporosis rapidly develops, the bones become brittle. Erectile function is significantly reduced. In the absence of maintenance therapy, irreversible impotence occurs.
High levels of testosterone in the blood are dangerous for women. The weaker sex may face problems such as acne, excessive body hair growth, male-type obesity.
If a representative of the stronger sex has decreased sexual desire, there are signs of erectile dysfunction, general malaise, it is recommended to make an appointment with an andrologist. The specialist will tell you how to raise the level of testosterone in a man, prescribe the appropriate drugs. It is impossible to start therapy using medications on your own.
The drug is available in the form of capsules, the main active ingredient is testosterone undecanoate. After ingestion, a significant part of the active substance is absorbed in the intestine, enters the lymphatic system. When taken correctly, the drug allows you to restore the level of the male hormone to normal levels. The dosage is selected by the doctor individually in accordance with the diagnosis. Mostcases, it is enough to take one capsule three times a day for a month.
The medicine should not be used in cases of known or suspected prostate carcinoma. In order to avoid side effects, it is important to follow the dosage prescribed by a specialist. When using several capsules at once, unpleasant symptoms such as nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting may develop.
When following the instructions, side effects rarely develop. At the initial stage of therapy, there may be increased sexual arousal, a decrease in the volume of ejaculate. Sometimes patients suffer from morning swelling.
Plus is that Andrill does not suppress the synthesis of its own testosterone. The drug can be prescribed to boys during puberty. Capsules as part of complex therapy are used to treat infertility.

Before you raise testosterone in men, you should find out what factors provoke hormonal imbalance. With testicular dysfunction, injuries and tumors of the hypothalamus, the drug "Androgel" can be used as part of complex therapy. The drug is available in the form of a cream for external use. Testosterone is the main active ingredient. Additionally, the following substances are used in the composition of the drug: sodium hydroxide, ethanol, carbopol, purified water.
An androgenic drug is applied externally to the arms, shoulders and abdomen. After absorption through the skin, testosterone enters the systemic circulation. After cessation of therapy, the currentthe component is completely eliminated from the body within 24 hours.

The Androgel tool is popular due to its ease of use. A small amount of cream (about 10 g) must be applied daily to clean skin. The duration of the course of therapy is determined on an individual basis. The remedy can be prescribed to boys during puberty.
The drug should not be used if you suspect the presence of a malignant tumor in the prostate or breast. Contraindications also include severe renal failure, complex cardiovascular disorders.
The drug belongs to the group of drugs with androgenic action. As in the previous cases, testosterone acts as an active ingredient. The drug is available in the form of an oily liquid for injection. The drug can be used with a lack of production of male sex hormones in both primary and secondary forms.
Means "Nebido" will not suit everyone. Categorically you can not use the drug if you suspect prostate or breast cancer. Other contraindications include increased blood calcium levels, cardiovascular disease, kidney and liver failure.
Before you raise the level of testosterone in a man, you must carefully study the instructions for using the medication. It is important to follow the recommended dosage. The drug must not be administered intravenously. This may lead tovascular occlusion and death. The Nebido solution is administered intramuscularly once every few months. The minimum possible interval between injections is 6 weeks. After each injection, it is necessary to control the level of testosterone in the blood.

Nebido has a significant list of possible side effects. On the day of the injection, the patient may complain of nausea, dizziness, muscle weakness, and stool disorders. A rash or red lump (hematoma) may appear at the injection site. With a rapid deterioration in well-being, the patient is advised to seek medical help.
If we consider the means that raise testosterone in men, we can not forget about this drug. The drug is produced in the form of a solution for injection in 1 ml ampoules. The action of the drug is due to the testosterone esters that make up the composition. Additionally, elements such as nitrogen, peanut butter, benzyl alcohol are used in the solution.
The drug helps to quickly raise testosterone in men. Injections can also be given to boys with delayed sexual development. As part of complex therapy, the Sustanon solution is used for endocrine diseases that reduce the function of the gonads.
The drug is contraindicated in prostate and breast cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, kidney and liver failure. For elderly men, therapy should be carried out under the supervision of a physician.
How to raise testosterone in a man?The drugs described above are intended for substitution therapy. Specialists often prescribe drugs that stimulate the production of their own hormone in the body. Popular means "Tribulus". The drug is available in the form of capsules of 500 mg. The main active ingredient is tribulus extract. The drug is used for diseases of the genital area in men. With its help, it is possible to increase libido, improve erection, restore spermogram. The drug can be taken if the representative of the stronger sex is preparing for conception.

How to raise testosterone in a man after 50? In this case, you can also use the Tibulus capsules. In this case, it is important to observe the dosage. It is necessary to take one tablet twice a day for several months. The first results, according to the reviews, will be noticeable 2-3 weeks after the start of therapy.
The medicine has practically no contraindications. In rare cases, hypersensitivity to the active ingredient is possible.
How to raise testosterone in a man at home? You can use the complex herbal preparation "Parity". The composition of the drug includes extracts of ginger rhizome, deer antlers, zinc oxide, nicotinamide. The drug is available in the form of capsules and concentrate for the preparation of a drink.
Means "Parity" is completely safe. Restrictions are present only for patients suffering from hypersensitivity to any of the components of the drug. The drug stimulatesThe male body produces its own testosterone. This contributes to the normal development of secondary sexual characteristics in boys, the normalization of potency in adult men.
The recommended dosage is one capsule per day, the course of therapy is two weeks. If necessary, the treatment can be repeated after a month. If a concentrate is used, 10 ml of the medicine (teaspoon) is diluted with boiled water and drunk once a day. The duration of the course of therapy is the same as in the case of capsules.
Proper exercise
How else can you raise testosterone in men? Medicines are the last resort. If the decrease in the level of sex hormone production is not associated with a serious illness, the problem can be solved in a simpler way. It is enough to get rid of extra pounds and go in for sports. At the same time, physical activity must be correctly selected, taking into account the individual characteristics of the body and age characteristics.
The body should not be loaded too intensively. It is enough to start with cycling, long walks, morning runs. Gradually, physical activity should increase. Before raising testosterone, men must be in the mood for the result. However, the effect will not be noticeable immediately. It will take several months. It would be useful to sign up for a gym and exercise under the supervision of a trainer.

Classes don't take much time. Morning runs and a few hours a week in the gym will be enough. However, this approach willstable result. Normalization of testosterone levels in the blood is not the only plus. Men who play sports look much younger than their years. But most importantly, they feel great even after 60 years.
Products that increase testosterone in men
The level of the most important hormone of the stronger sex in the blood can be controlled through proper nutrition. Some products raise testosterone in the blood no worse than drugs. Particular attention should be paid to foods high in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. Such food normalizes the hormonal background in general, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the whole organism. How to raise testosterone in men over 40? It is enough to include some red fish and walnuts in the diet. Large amounts of fatty acids are also found in peanut and flaxseed oils.
Oysters perfectly stimulate male power. This product is high in zinc, which prevents the conversion of testosterone to estrogen. Zinc is also high in lean turkey and brown rice.
It is imperative to include foods rich in vitamin C in your daily diet. Attention should be paid not only to citrus fruits, but also to bell peppers, rose hips, and currants. Preference should be given to seasonal products. Summer currant jam will bring more benefits than an overseas fruit bought in a supermarket in winter.

Perfectly restores the potency of avocados. This product contains large amounts of B vitamins,promote the secretion of sex hormones. It will be possible to raise testosterone in men with folk remedies quite quickly. It is worth eating a salad with bell peppers, fresh herbs and avocados daily. An excellent result will not keep you waiting!
Excellently stimulates the production of testosterone vitamin E. This substance is contained in legumes and cabbage. Such products, among other things, protect a man from prostate cancer and Alzheimer's disease.
It is important not only to include the described products in the diet, but also to learn how to cook them correctly. Preference should be given to low-fat boiled or stewed dishes. Avoid hot spices. Eat small meals up to five times a day. It is not recommended to eat two hours before bedtime. If you really want to return male strength and he alth, you will have to give up alcohol.
Folk remedies in the fight for men's he alth
If you managed to normalize nutrition and emotional state, go in for sports, you can use traditional medicine recipes in complex therapy. How to raise testosterone in men? A really effective and tasty remedy is a mixture of walnuts and honey. The ingredients must be mixed in a small container by eye. The finished product can be stored for several days in the refrigerator. It is recommended to use fresh (not candied) honey. Every day you should eat a tablespoon of this medicine. Allergy sufferers will have to refuse such therapy.
How else to raise testosterone in men with folk remedies? You can use a decoction of St. John's wort. This plant is inin large quantities contains useful vitamins and minerals that normalize the hormonal background of the stronger sex. In addition, St. John's wort stimulates blood circulation, which affects the quality of potency. Two tablespoons of dry raw materials (you can buy at a pharmacy) pour 200 ml of water, bring to a boil and cook for another 10 minutes. The finished broth is filtered and cooled. The medicine must be drunk during the day. The course of therapy is a month.
Excellently stimulates the production of male hormones tea from hop cones. To prepare a drink, you need to take a few cones, grind them and pour a glass of water. Bring the mixture to a boil and cook over low heat for another 5 minutes. Sugar can be added to the finished broth to taste.

Before you raise testosterone in men with folk remedies, it is important to visit a doctor. Dangerous diseases that can lead to a decrease in the level of sex hormones in the blood should be excluded. If they are available, folk recipes will not show a good result.
A man can easily control the level of testosterone in the blood. It is important to get rid of bad habits, normalize weight, and improve nutrition. It will be easy to restore the hormonal balance with the help of medicines and traditional medicine recipes, if there are no contraindications to this.