The list of the most common diseases that the male half of humanity suffers from includes prostatitis. It is he who causes a decrease in desire, nervousness and discomfort.
Today this disease is effectively and quickly treated, because there is a whole range of therapeutic measures. Among them: medicines, physiotherapy, special exercises and traditional medicine recipes for prostatitis. How to recognize the signs of a developing disease in time and how to quickly get rid of it with a minimum number of side effects?
Prostatitis: the basic concept of the disease
Prostatitis is a urological disease in which an inflammatory process appears in the prostate gland. There may be several causes of the disease, and therefore several of its varieties are distinguished:
- infectious (viruses, bacteria become the causative agent) - when it enters the prostate gland, any infection causes an inflammatory process and disruption of the normal functioning of the organ;
- stagnant (stagnation of the secretprostate gland, ejaculate or blood in the pelvic organs) - those men who have had prolonged abstinence from sexual intercourse, lead an inactive lifestyle or suffer from hormonal failure are at particular risk in these cases.

The nature of the disease also varies:
- acute prostatitis (characterized by rapid development and pronounced symptoms) - in such cases, the temperature often rises, severe pain is felt and the general condition of the person deteriorates sharply;
- chronic (sluggish disease with periodic exacerbations).
How to recognize inflammation of the prostate
Whatever the phenomenon was the cause of the development of the disease, the clinical picture in all cases will be approximately the same. Men note:
- aching pain (it can often radiate to the back);
- problematic urination - the jet is intermittent, there is a feeling that there is still liquid left in the bladder (incomplete emptying), the urge to urinate is much more common than usual;
- drastic decrease in desire, weak erection;
- lack of vivid sensations during ejaculation.

If a man has one or more of these symptoms, he should see a doctor as soon as possible.
Features of effective treatment of prostatitis with folk remedies
Traditional medicine is extremely rich in recipes for treatmentacute inflammation of the prostate. There are various means and methods for this:
- phytotherapy (treatment with herbs);
- apitherapy (use of bee products);
- natural substances.
Unlike medicines, the treatment of prostatitis in men with folk remedies does not have side effects and has a good effect on the prostate gland in particular and on the whole human body in combination. In other words, these products help reduce inflammation, reduce pain, strengthen immunity, improve mood, restore normal metabolism and much more.
On the other hand, it is important to note: the maximum effect can only be achieved by complex treatment, which includes medicines, traditional medicine methods and physiotherapy.
Using honey for therapy
This delicious bee product is a favorite treat for many children and adults. However, it can be actively used in the treatment. Honey is great for regular ingestion. It effectively neutralizes inflammatory processes throughout the human body and quickly restores immunity.

Apitherapy is also of great importance as a folk remedy for prostatitis. At the same time, several positive effects of honey are distinguished at once:
- restoration of blood circulation in tissues;
- antiseptic properties;
- anti-inflammatory effect;
- vitality regeneration;
- restoration of erectilefunctions;
- returning libido (many consider honey as a natural aphrodisiac);
- normalization of mental state.
All products obtained from beekeeping have similar properties: pollen, propolis, dead bees.
Honey and Pollen
This use of honey is considered to be as simple as possible. Suggested Use:
- pollen - 0.5-1 dessert spoon;
- honey - 1 teaspoon will be enough.
The repetition of this procedure should be three times a day. There are no restrictions on honey - you can eat it for several months at once. As for pollen, it is better to limit the course to 1 month.
Rectal suppositories with propolis
This method is included in the list of the most effective folk remedies for prostatitis - treatment gives a fairly quick and lasting result. Its main components are propolis, medical alcohol, animal fat or vegetable oils. You can make these candles yourself, or you can find ready-made ones in the pharmacy.
To create a homemade product, grind 10 g of propolis, add 30 ml of alcohol (medical is needed) and mix thoroughly. The resulting mixture is left for 10 days in a well-darkened place. When this period expires, the liquid is evaporated on fire, which gives the mass a brown color. 20 grams of butter or animal fat are added to it and brought to a homogeneous consistency on a steam bath.
10 candles are obtained from this volume. One every day before bedand these candles need to be placed in the anus. Course - 20 days.
As the reviews show, the treatment of prostatitis with folk remedies using propolis already after just a few days gives a noticeable result: pain decreases, the patient's general condition improves. As for doctors, they recommend using this method of therapy only for non-old forms of the disease.
Honey rectal candles
As in the previous case with propolis, it is not difficult to make an effective folk remedy for the treatment of prostatitis from honey. What you need:
- 1 tsp honey (you need to choose a quality fresh product);
- 3 tbsp. spoons of rye flour;
- ½ chicken egg.
All of the above components are mixed and formed into small candles from the mass. The diameter of the candle is approximately 1 cm. Wrap the blanks in foil or cellophane and place in the cold.

Apply suppositories twice a day immediately after emptying. The duration of admission is 1 month, after a multiple break, the treatment can be repeated.
For many previous centuries, our ancestors knew perfectly well how to cure prostatitis with folk remedies. They used medicinal plants for this. Of these, herbalists created effective decoctions and infusions. The first in the list of advantages of such therapy is the absence of contraindications and any side effects (the only exception is an allergic reaction to a certain component).
- Tincture of Kalanchoe. Forpreparation of a remedy will require 100 g of plant leaves, 0.5 liters of vodka. The leaves are crushed, placed in a small jar and vodka is added to it. A jar tightly closed with a lid is left for 5 days in a fairly cool dark place. Take it as follows: drink 1 tsp per day, while you do not need to focus on the time of eating.
- Parsley root. Parsley will help with disorders associated with the outflow of fluid from the body - it has a mild diuretic effect. To prepare this infusion 1 tbsp. a spoonful of parsley root (it must be well chopped) should be poured with 1 cup of boiling water. The container is covered tightly and left overnight to infuse. After filtering, the liquid is taken 5 times a day, 1 tbsp. spoon.
- wormwood. To relieve many of the symptoms of prostatitis, wormwood helps. Grass, crushed into powder, should be eaten in small pinches - 6 times every 2 hours. It is good to drink this medicine with warm water.
- Pumpkin seed. Pumpkin seeds are safe to eat. To do this, 500 g of seeds are dried and ground into powder (no need to remove the peel). After sifting, a composition with fairly small grains will be obtained. It is consumed orally three times a day, 2 tbsp. spoons. This should be done before meals. The maximum effect is achieved when drinking warm water with honey diluted in it.

- Aspen tincture (only tree bark is used here). Among folk remedies for prostatitisaspen stands out. Its bark has anti-inflammatory, wound healing and antibacterial properties. Grind 100 g of aspen bark well, place in a small container and pour a glass of vodka. The container is tightly closed with a lid and sent to a rather cool dark place for 2 weeks. Shake the container from time to time. The finished medicine is filtered. Take it should be 20 drops dissolved in a glass of warm water. Do this before meals three times a day.
- Decoction of fireweed. To prepare the remedy, you need 1 teaspoon of chopped herbs and 200 g of boiling water. Fireweed is brewed, the container is tightly closed with a lid and left for 20 minutes to infuse. They drink such a decoction twice a day, namely: half a glass in the morning on an empty stomach and half a glass in the evening half an hour before eating. Duration of treatment - 2–3 months.
- Decoction of 5 herbs. To prepare the decoction, take 1/2 tbsp. spoons of St. John's wort, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of chicory, ½ tbsp. tablespoons of oregano, a pinch of chopped herb wormwood and 3-4 peas of tansy. The resulting collection is poured into 0.5 liters of water (using boiling water) and infused for 25-30 minutes. Drink this liquid 4 times a day in the amount of 0.5 cups. The duration of treatment is 10 days. After a three-day break, the course is repeated twice.
It should be noted that in order to achieve a result, even the most effective folk remedies for the treatment of prostatitis should be used regularly - the reviews of patients and doctors fully confirm this. In other words, to defeat the disease, you should be patient.
Camomile microclysters
Chamomile has long been famous for its outstanding properties in the treatment of dozens of diseases. It has an antibacterial, anti-inflammatory effect, in addition, it helps to heal wounds, reduce temperature and increase immunity. Treatment of prostatitis with folk methods at home involves the use of chamomile for drinking and microclysters.
First of all, prepare a suitable decoction. To do this, take dry chamomile flowers in the amount of 1 tbsp. spoons and pour boiling water (about 0.5 cups). Cover the container with liquid tightly with a lid and leave for 30 minutes. Squeeze the decoction before use. You need to drink it in 0.5 cups 3 times a day. It is advisable to do this procedure before meals. It does not make sense to prepare a decoction for the future, since it retains its medicinal properties only for a day. In other words, in the evening you can only prepare the amount of liquid that will be drunk the next day.

For use in the form of microclysters, the decoction is prepared according to the same scheme. For introduction into the rectum, only fresh, strained and slightly warm broth is used. This should be done in the evening after a bowel movement. The amount of fluid injected should not exceed 50–100 ml. After the introduction of the decoction, it is better to lie on your stomach for 15-20 minutes. A folk remedy for prostatitis with this approach acts directly on the focus of inflammation, so the effect of therapy will be felt faster.
Treatment with Shilajit
Shilajit is a natural product often used in the fight against dozens of diseases. It is also used as a folk remedy for the treatment of prostatitis - it is not so difficult to make an effective medicine at home. For this, you will need the mummy itself and natural carrot juice.
The course of treatment consists of several stages. At the first stage, the mummy is consumed twice a day, 0.2 g each. The drug is made as follows: the mummy is thoroughly stirred in a glass of freshly squeezed carrot juice - you need to take the liquid after eating (after 30-40 minutes).
Second stage - increasing the dose of mumiyo to 0.4 g. Features of use remain the same. After 10 days, the dose is again reduced to 0.2 g. The full course of treatment reaches 30 days, after which a break is required.
Another effective folk remedy for prostatitis is mummy with egg yolk. To prepare this medicine, take:
- mumiyo (in the amount of 0.2 g);
- egg yolk (1 pc.);
- fresh honey (1 tablespoon);
- sea buckthorn oil (a few drops) - you can buy it at any pharmacy.
All the above ingredients are mixed and consumed 2 times a day: once in the morning on an empty stomach, the second - before bedtime. The indicated amount of products is enough to prepare 1 dose of the medicine. You need to cook it immediately before use and only for 1 time - it contains a perishable yolk.
Important! If one or more symptoms of prostatitis are found, you should contact the clinic as soon as possible for diagnosis and appointment.therapy, since it is far from always possible to cure prostatitis with folk remedies. In addition, it is important to be sure of the correctness of the diagnosis, because many of the symptoms of prostatitis are similar to those of benign tumors and even oncology.

Many folk remedies for prostatitis effectively help prevent the development of the disease, so products such as honey, pollen, pumpkin seeds should be consumed by every he althy man. Before using herbal medicine, shilajit and other products, you should consult your doctor.