What does a man's low voice mean?

What does a man's low voice mean?
What does a man's low voice mean?

For many years in the world scientific community it was believed that the deep voice of men is inherent in nature in order to effectively attract individuals of the opposite sex. This aspect is considered quite attractive in the modern world and is highly valued by ladies. Recent studies have found that the low voice in men serves more to scare off rivals and reduce competition. Of course, we are now talking about the world of fauna, but do not forget that people still have a lot in common with animals. Among other things, a deep voice in men is a sign of good immunity, which means it provides he althy offspring for procreation. Speaking about the reasons for the different timbre in the representatives of the stronger sex, it is worth noting that this parameter directly depends on the level of hormones.


human voice
human voice

Scientists from all over the world conducted scientific experiments and studies to understand what it means to have a low voice in men. In the course of the experiments, it turned out that the female representatives really find this option more attractive than the high one. According to the general opinion, women are sure thata low voice in men speaks of adulthood, masculinity and strength. Why are there still so many people with a high voice among the stronger sex? As a rule, these genes are recessive, however, with a combination of many factors, they can appear as dominant. It is also interesting to note that the diversity of voices among humans is much wider than among great apes.

An interesting experiment

voice of men and women
voice of men and women

The experiment involved 175 men and 250 women. All of them completed the assigned task, which consisted of reading the given text for recording in audio format. After that, the recordings were given to listen to different people, regardless of gender or age. It turned out that men with a lower voice liked the fair sex more, and other men recognized them as dominant. Hence the idea that such a voice not only attracts females, but also serves as a deterrent for weaker males. In the course of the same experiment, it turned out that the female voice timbre does not affect the overall attractiveness in any way.

Brain Chemistry

sound waves
sound waves

In the course of other equally important and interesting studies, it was found that the owners of a deep voice have higher testosterone levels than others and lower levels of cortisol in saliva. The combination of these parameters means high immunity in males. Another important factor is the direct relationship between the attractiveness of a man and his testosterone level: the more it is, the more beautiful he is. Thus, it is easy to assume that the low male voice is something that has been formed in the process of evolution and with the help of natural selection. Therefore, it is much higher in women.

Biological view of the voice

man silhouette
man silhouette

Before moving on to the question of what is the name of the low voice in men, let's consider the biological aspects of its formation. As you know, around adolescence, all boys begin to change the timbre, it becomes much lower. This is connected, of course, with the onset of puberty. It is during this period that testosterone increases greatly, and this greatly affects the timbre in men. In addition to the voice, this hormone also affects other processes in the body. With its increase, the vegetation of hair on the body, and especially on the face, increases markedly. For this reason, beards and mustaches begin to grow in boys during adolescence.

This feature was noticed many years ago, so earlier in European countries, and especially in Italy, there was a peculiar practice that concerned boys who were going to devote themselves to music, namely singing. They were castrated at a young age so that their voice would always remain high and melodic. In general, it is the increase in the larynx and, as a result, the glottis that affects the timbre. Here it is worth noting the fact that in the process of puberty in girls, the glottis also slightly increases, but not as significantly as in boys. However, this is quite enough to distinguish the voice of a little girl and an adult woman.

Viewsvoice timbres in men

Male voices are usually divided into three types, which we will discuss below:

  • Tenor. This timbre is the highest of the presented. It creates an atmosphere of lyricism and drama.
  • Baritone. A timbre that represents the golden mean, but is significantly lower than that of women.
  • Bass. Answering the question, what is the name of the lowest voice in men, you can safely answer: "Bass". However, it is still customary to subdivide it into central and melodious.

All these voices are highly valued in the art world. Of course, all people are different, and each has its own unique timbre. It is important to understand that a truly talented person will be able to realize himself regardless of such insignificant factors.
