Premature ejaculation: causes, diagnosis and treatment

Premature ejaculation: causes, diagnosis and treatment
Premature ejaculation: causes, diagnosis and treatment

Many men face such a problem as premature ejaculation. To date, this pathology is the most common problem of a sexual nature. Almost every man on our planet faces it. Many representatives of the stronger sex are afraid that it is simply impossible to cope with it. However, in reality, everything is far from being the case. The main thing is to pay attention to it in time and start treatment, and then every sexual intercourse will bring great pleasure not only to you, but also to your sexual partner. In this article, we will look at what premature ejaculation is, as well as understand the main causes of its occurrence and the features of its treatment. So let's get started.

What is premature ejaculation

According to international statistics, about forty percent of men around the world are faced with such a pathology thatentails dissatisfaction with sexual life, as well as the development of psychological problems. Ejaculation itself is the process during which ejaculation occurs. Normally, this phenomenon occurs after seven to fifteen minutes from the start of copulation. However, sometimes such embarrassment happens immediately after the onset of sexual intercourse, or even before it.

causes of premature ejaculation
causes of premature ejaculation

According to sociological surveys, more than fifty percent of men reach orgasm twice as fast as women, which means that both partners are not satisfied during sex. Therefore, it is very important to recognize the causes of this phenomenon, as well as to start solving this problem in time. It is very important not to self-medicate, but to see a doctor.

Main symptoms of pathology

As mentioned above, the average duration of sexual intercourse is usually about seven to fifteen minutes. Of course, each organism is individual, so deviations of one or two minutes are considered the norm. However, the following symptoms will indicate the presence of such a pathology as premature ejaculation:

  1. Ejaculation occurs a couple of minutes after the onset of sexual intercourse. This symptom is primary, so very rarely men pay attention to it. However, it already indicates that something is wrong with the body of the stronger sex.
  2. For some men, ejaculation can occur immediately, literally in the first moments of sexual intercourse.
  3. Ejaculation before penis insertionvagina.

Please note that premature ejaculation is not always a pathology. For example, if a man is very overexcited or has abstained from sex for a very long time, then in these cases, rapid ejaculation will not be considered a violation.

If premature ejaculation is not a regular occurrence, there is no cause for concern. However, if this happens quite often, immediately contact the hospital. The sooner you start to solve this problem, the more chances for success.

Premature ejaculation
Premature ejaculation

The main reasons for the development of this condition

Many men are interested in the question of why premature ejaculation occurs. In fact, there are many reasons for this phenomenon. They may be related to the psychology or physiology of the stronger sex.

So, let's consider the main reasons for this phenomenon:

  • premature ejaculation may be a conditioned reflex that a boy developed at a young age during masturbation;
  • also overwork and constant stress and depression can lead to this condition;
  • another reason is inexperience and irregular sexual activity;
  • psychological problems, fear of contracting various diseases, or an obsessive expectation that arises from bad experiences with previous women;

The causes of premature ejaculation can also be purely physiological:

  • quite oftenthis problem is faced by the stronger sex, suffering from inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system, such as prostatitis, vesiculitis, as well as men with genital injuries;
  • rapid ejaculation may occur as a result of improper functioning of the hormonal system;
  • this problem is often encountered by men leading an incorrect, sedentary lifestyle.

However, the most common cause is over-sensitivity. Sometimes there can be too many nerve endings in the glans penis, which causes excessive sensitivity.

As you can see, there are many reasons for premature ejaculation. Therefore, it is very important to monitor the state of your he alth and, at the first sign of its violation, go to the hospital.


Diagnostic Methods

Diagnosis of premature ejaculation will allow you to identify the cause of the disease and choose the right method for its treatment. The first thing you have to do is talk to your doctor. He will collect an anamnesis in order to draw appropriate conclusions. First, the doctor must find out all the information about the quality and regularity of your intimate life, the presence of diseases of the genitourinary system, and also about the lifestyle you lead. Bad habits, stressful situations, problems in personal life and at work - all this is very important.

After collecting information, the doctor will conduct an examination, and also recommend the patient to do an ultrasound scan, take tests, biothesiometry and dopplerography. In addition, it will takesmear for the definition of genital infections.

In some cases, the doctor tests the sensitivity of the glans penis with lidocaine. If the problem is psychological in nature, then the doctor recommends taking an antidepressant test, which will need to be taken before sexual intercourse.

It is also worth taking a blood test to determine the hormonal levels. It may well be. that the problem with ejaculation is provoked by this.

Which doctors to contact

Many men wonder: "How to get rid of premature ejaculation?". First of all, you need to go to the hospital. Of course, it is worth knowing which doctor you need to go to.

First of all, you will have to see a urologist. He will conduct an initial examination, and will also be able to determine the presence of physical diseases. The urologist will palpate and tell you which specialists you will need to contact at the next stage.

If the problem is psychological, then be sure to seek help from a sexologist. An experienced specialist will be able to accurately determine the cause of this pathology, and will also help you choose the most appropriate method for its elimination.

If the patient suffers from neurological diseases, then you should consult a neurologist.

Well, of course, don't forget about the endocrinologist. If your problem is related specifically to an imbalance of hormones, then an experienced endocrinologist will help you solve it.


Medication treatment

There isa large number of drugs for the treatment of premature ejaculation. There are special medications called inhibitors and alpha-blockers. They are able to prolong the duration of sexual intercourse, however, they have a large number of contraindications for use. Such funds should be used with the utmost care.

Antidepressants also have a good therapeutic effect. Treatment of premature ejaculation with their help is carried out if the patient suffers from overexcitation or has psychological trauma.

Quite often, doctors prescribe herbal medicine, which over time will allow you to cope with such a problem. However, please note: treatment with medicinal plants is usually quite lengthy.

Conservative treatment of premature ejaculation should only be prescribed by the attending physician. Please note that all medicines are selected individually, taking into account the patient's condition at the moment, as well as depending on the type of his problem.

Conservative treatment
Conservative treatment

Treatment through surgery

Many men are wondering what to do with premature ejaculation. Of course, go to the hospital. Only an experienced specialist will help you solve this problem. There are many methods to eliminate this pathology. One of them is surgery.

If necessary, circumcision or injection implantation is performed. The latter method allows you to reduce the sensitivity of the penis due toa small implant that forms a small space between the skin and nerve endings.

Folk remedies for premature ejaculation

There are a large number of folk recipes to prolong the duration of sexual intercourse. Consider some of the most effective of them:

1. Mix oregano and calendula flowers. In this case, take the first element twice as much as the second. Take one tablespoon of the mixture you prepared and pour it with a glass of purified water. Put the product on the stove and boil for ten minutes. Now let it brew for about six hours and take it twice a day after meals. The course of treatment with this infusion should not exceed thirty to forty days.

2. The lovage root also has a very good healing effect. You need to prepare a decoction of this ingredient or insist it on alcohol or vodka. In order to prepare a decoction, you will have to take one tablespoon of the roots, pour 200 ml of purified water, put on fire for ten minutes. You can take a decoction only half an hour after preparation. If you insist on alcohol, then after taking the drug, do not drive a car.

Folk methods of treatment
Folk methods of treatment

Effective start-stop technique

During intercourse, the representative of the stronger sex should feel that an orgasm is about to come. It is at this point that the penis is removed from the vagina and squeezed at the base with a few fingers. This is done until the state of excitement passes. Afterit is possible to continue sexual intercourse. This procedure can be carried out until the woman gets satisfaction from sex. By regularly doing such training, you will notice how the duration of sexual intercourse will increase by itself.


If rapid ejaculation occurs due to the presence of psychological problems, refer to relaxation therapy. In this case, a relaxing bath, massage, or any other relaxing procedure can help to reduce the level of emotional stress.

Preventive measures

No pills for premature ejaculation will help you if you do not adhere to the principles of a he althy lifestyle. First of all, pay attention to your diet. Eliminate fast food, as well as excessive amounts of fried, sweet and fatty foods. Such products lead to excessive accumulation of adipose tissue, which adversely affects men's he alth.

Never be promiscuous, as this can cause extremely dire consequences. Also try to avoid alcohol and minimize the number of cigarettes you smoke. It is better if you give up such bad habits completely.

If your work is stressful, learn how to take a break and just relax.

Of course, go in for sports and spend as much time as possible in the fresh air. Go on picnics, walk in the park, find all kinds of ways to get good emotions.

prematureejaculation what to do
prematureejaculation what to do

How to prolong the duration of intercourse

If sex is short, then a woman can not always enjoy it and reach an orgasm. Very fast ejaculation does not please the man either. That is why it is very important to know how you can increase the duration of sexual intercourse. Consider the most basic ways:

  • a man should start doing exercises that can strengthen the pelvic muscles as much as possible;
  • you can also try to masturbate before sex, quite often after that the second orgasm comes much later;
  • it is very important to fully focus on your feelings;
  • use of condoms also prolongs the duration of sexual intercourse;
  • try oral caresses before coitus, erotic massage - satisfy your partner, and, most likely, she will not pay attention to the fact that the sexual intercourse itself does not differ in duration;
  • In the most extreme cases, doctors recommend circumcision.

And remember: doctors recommend resorting to various means of synthetic origin, designed to prolong sexual intercourse, since such drugs have simply a huge number of contraindications and lead to adverse effects.

Also, experts recommend drinking a course of magnesium, as this element is extremely important. An insufficient amount of it in the body leads to a significant decrease in the duration of sexual intercourse.

how to get rid ofpremature ejaculation
how to get rid ofpremature ejaculation


Premature ejaculation is a serious problem faced by a large number of men of all ages. Moreover, such a problem can have a different origin and depend on many factors. In most cases, rapid ejaculation is a pathology that needs to be treated as early as possible. Do not postpone the problem indefinitely, consult a doctor. He will be able to determine the cause of this problem, help eliminate concomitant diseases, and also bring your sex life back to normal.

Premature ejaculation is a completely solvable problem. Most importantly, take your he alth seriously. Establish a schedule for work and rest, start eating right, give yourself a full weekend, lead an active lifestyle, and, of course, pay attention to any signs of deterioration in he alth. There are many ways to deal with this pathology. The main thing is to correctly determine its causes and undergo appropriate treatment. A comprehensive solution to the problem will bring good results. Love yourself and take care of yourself.
