Diseases and conditions
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
All forms of hepatitis manifest themselves in almost the same way. Very often, at first, the disease can be confused with the flu. The first symptom of hepatitis is an increase in body temperature up to 39 degrees. At the same time, the temperature is very difficult to bring down. The second symptom of hepatitis is acute pain in the right hypochondrium. This sign already more clearly indicates the possibility of the presence of a dangerous virus in the body. But very often such pain is attributed to the consequences of eating heavy and fatty foods
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Disease of the knee joint, arthrosis, affects people professionally involved in sports, and those whose main activity is associated with heavy physical exertion or is to spend most of the working day on their feet
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Systemic lupus erythematosus is a rather serious disease, but you should not immediately set yourself up for the fact that a person's life is over. Most often, girls and women are at risk, less often men and children. More recently, this disease was equated with fatal and incurable, and a person, having lived only five years, died, but today it is quite possible to overcome this pathology, it is enough to get acquainted with the main symptoms and treatment
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Alalia in children is a pathological absence or underdevelopment of speech, which is caused by organic lesions of the brain, in particular, cortical speech centers, which occurs, as a rule, in the prenatal period of development or in babies in the first years of life. At the same time, such children understand someone else's speech, but cannot independently reproduce it
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Chlamydial urethritis is an inflammation of the urethra caused by the sexually transmitted bacteria Chlamydia. Edema, inflammation of the urinary canal are manifested by a variety of symptoms, although often this pathology occurs without clinical manifestations
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What is a fungus, what are its types, symptoms, and how is the treatment of this disease, will help to find out the article, which describes in detail the types of fungal infection and methods of therapy
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If a detached blood clot blocks the blood flow in the brain, this leads to ischemic stroke, if in the arteries of the heart - myocardial infarction, if in the large veins of the lower extremities - thrombosis
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Recognition, diagnosis and treatment of purulent meningitis is one of the important tasks of modern domestic medicine. Many suffer from this disease, and most often it occurs against the background of incorrectly or insufficiently carried out treatment of purulent diseases, especially otitis media or sinusitis
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Laryngitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the larynx, which can occur in both acute and chronic forms. The first accompanies influenza, scarlet fever, measles, whooping cough. In children, it develops more often. The chronic form occurs as a result of frequent repetition of acute. It is considered an occupational disease of teachers
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During the day, various contaminants, dust, and irritants enter the human respiratory tract. To get rid of them, the bronchi begin to secrete sputum, which is excreted during sleep. It is normal for a person to cough several times during the night. This does not indicate the presence of pathology
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Atonic colitis is a chronic disease of the large intestine. It is common among older people. Pathology is accompanied by inflammation of the gastrointestinal mucosa and difficulty defecation. Constant constipation can lead to serious intoxication of the body. Therefore, it is important for every person to know about the signs of atonic colitis in order to prevent serious complications in time. Next, we will consider in detail the causes and methods of treatment of this disease
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Today, intestinal rupture is quite rare. Such an unpleasant situation can occur for a variety of reasons. The problem is quite serious. If you notice symptoms that are pronounced, you should immediately call an ambulance
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Serous meningitis is a severe infectious pathology of the meninges of the brain. There is a widespread misconception about the causes of this disease. Many people believe that meningitis is caused by being out in the cold without a hat. However, this disease has an exclusively infectious origin. Most often it is caused by viruses. Hypothermia of the head can only be a provoking factor in the development of the inflammatory process
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Acute cystitis is an acute inflammation of an infectious nature that affects the walls of the bladder. As a rule, women are most susceptible to this disease (usually from 20 to 40 years). The reason for this is the anatomy of the female urethra, which is wider and shorter than in men and close to the anus and vagina
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Cough cannot be singled out as a separate diagnosis, since this is a symptomatic phenomenon, which means that the treatment of dry cough is only a relief of one of the signs of a developing disease
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Each person has unique characteristics of the body, different resistance of the immune system. Therefore, the development of tuberculosis in individuals can proceed in different forms. Let's find out how to identify the signs of the disease in the early stages
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Classification of tuberculosis depends on its form, clinical presentation, prevalence and so on. We will consider this problem in more detail in the article
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Pneumonia can have both bacterial and viral etiology. There are many triggers that can be cited. But the main pests that cause pneumonia with complications are staphylococci, streptococci and pneumococci. Untreated pneumonia at 2-3 weeks after the onset of the acute period often develops into pneumopleurisy - pleural pneumonia. Pleurisy is not an independent disease, but a symptom indicating an aggravation of inflammation
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S alts are constantly concentrated in the kidneys. Minerals accumulate in local tissues as a result of the organ performing its main function - metabolic filtration of blood and excretion of waste products from the body along with urine. However, under certain conditions, there is a pathological concentration of s alts, their crystallization. In such situations, urgent application of therapeutic solutions is required to get rid of mineral deposits
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The stomach is a reservoir for temporary storage of food coming from the esophagus. It synthesizes all the necessary enzymes and biologically active substances, directs the food bolus further along the gastrointestinal tract. This article will discuss emergency care for gastric bleeding
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Atrial fibrillation refers to pathologies of the heart, characterized by a violation of the heart rhythm. There are many provoking factors, as well as signs of the course of the disease, which is why it is important to recognize the symptoms in a timely manner and treat
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Arrhythmia can occur at any age, in the upper and lower chambers of the heart, atria and ventricles, respectively. Some types of illness are subtle, while others are more dramatic and fatal. Cardiac arrhythmia is considered one of the most common causes of death
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Often there is a disease such as atrial fibrillation of a paroxysmal form, in which the heart wears out a lot. This subsequently leads to the development of pathologies in other body systems
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Atrial fibrillation paroxysm refers to complex and dangerous conditions, the treatment of which takes a long time. It is very important to consult a doctor at the first signs of the disease in order to prevent the development of complications
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Urolithiasis in a child 3 years of age and older is characterized by the formation of pebbles (urinary stones) in the urinary tract (renal calyces, pelvis). They appear due to the pathology of the exchange of elements in the body. Learn more about the clinical guidelines for urolithiasis in children
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Vomiting is not only an unpleasant, but also quite a dangerous condition. It is difficult to say unequivocally what caused such a reaction, therefore, without a doctor's examination, it is difficult to assume further developments. Uncontrollable vomiting is the first step towards dehydration, so don't wait until the condition improves on its own. This is especially true for small children
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Treatment of dry pleurisy will help patients get rid of a rather dangerous reactive inflammation of the visceral and parietal pleura, in which fibrin is deposited on its surface. Typical symptoms of this disease are associated with chest pain, which is aggravated by breathing, as well as subfebility, dry cough, and general malaise. It is possible to diagnose this condition with the help of auscultatory and clinical data, ultrasound of the pleural cavity, X-ray
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Is it possible to cure the initial stage of bronchial asthma, what is the nature of the disease, what symptoms does it show itself at the stage of an attack - all this information is of interest to a person who has been diagnosed with this. The disease belongs to the category of chronic, has a non-infectious nature and affects the respiratory tract, provoking the formation of inflammatory foci
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A small thyroid gland always indicates an endocrine pathology. In medicine, such a violation is called organ hypoplasia. It is more common in women than in men. The small size of the gland always leads to a decrease in hormone production. Such a deviation requires immediate treatment, otherwise endocrine disorders become chronic. The thyroid gland is an important organ, the condition of cells and metabolism depends on its proper functioning
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Plague is a serious disease of an infectious nature that occurs with fever, damage to the lungs and lymph nodes. Often, against the background of this disease, an inflammatory process develops in all tissues of the body. The disease has a high mortality rate
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Roundworms, or nematodes, are the most diverse type of helminths, numbering several tens of thousands of species. Some of them do not harm humans, but there are also predatory nematodes in humans that are dangerous to their he alth, as they cause some very dangerous diseases: ascariasis, strongyloidiasis, etc
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Infectious and parasitic diseases of the skin represent an extensive group in dermatology. It includes skin lesions caused by various pathogens - bacteria, pathogenic microfungi, viruses, etc. Parasitic dermatoses include skin diseases caused by parasitic microorganisms. Some of them penetrate deep into the skin and spend their entire life cycle there, other pathogenic organisms are external - lice, mosquitoes, bedbugs, fleas
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Don't think that pediculosis (lice), the symptoms of which we will consider further, can only be the lot of homeless people or extremely untidy downtrodden people. Unfortunately, each of us runs the risk of getting this "pleasure"
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Intestinal hyperpneumatosis (pneumatosis) is a pathological process characterized by the formation of air cysts in the intestinal wall. The disease is manifested by cramping diffuse pains and a feeling of fullness in the abdomen. In this case, there are frequent disorders of the stool, belching, nausea, vomiting. The complex of diagnostic measures includes a consultation with a gastroenterologist, an overview X-ray of the abdominal cavity, colonoscopy, irrigoscopy
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Autoimmune hepatitis refers to inflammatory processes in the liver associated with disorders in the functioning of the immune system, in which aggression occurs on the body's own tissues. Such a disease is considered extremely dangerous, as it often provokes the appearance of cirrhosis, portal hypertension, as well as the so-called liver failure
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The gallbladder is a very important, functionally significant organ for a person. It releases bile into the duodenum. This helps the body to digest food more efficiently, taking all the useful substances for the body and discarding unnecessary ones
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Sclerosing cholangitis is a disease of the hepatic bile ducts, in which chronic inflammation begins in their walls. The result of its occurrence are the processes of sclerosis, i.e., replacement with scar tissue
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Hypertension is a fairly common disease. Statistics show that about 30% of the adult population and more than 60% of people who have crossed the 65-year threshold face such a diagnosis. Often a person does not know how to lower high blood pressure on their own, and hopes for the arrival of an ambulance or does nothing. In the article you can read about hypertension, its causes, symptoms, treatments and how to lower high blood pressure on your own
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Decreased efficiency, drowsiness, weakness, dizziness can last for weeks or even months, periodically reminding of itself. When contacting a doctor, it turns out that the cause of this condition is hypotension, or hypotension - low blood pressure. How to normalize low blood pressure? We will present advice to hypotensive patients from representatives of traditional medicine and traditional healers in this material
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In some patients, a kidney cyst is found during examination. Symptoms and treatment of this disease depend on the size of the neoplasm and the degree of neglect of the disease