For a man, successful sexual intercourse is one of the most important life functions. However, under certain circumstances in life, this function is violated. According to experts, you should not panic about this, but you need to urgently start treatment. Be sure to ask yourself how to improve erectile function and you will be in great shape again. Only the man himself depends on his future life and he alth. In this article, we will talk about how to improve erectile function using various means and exercises for this. Therefore, carefully read the information provided, and you will be armed one hundred percent. So let's get started.
What is erectile dysfunction
Many middle-aged and elderly males meet with this phenomenon. Erectile dysfunction is a long-term pathological process in which during sexual intercourse, blood does not flow in sufficient quantities to the genitals. This simply leads tothe male genital organ does not become hard, which means that it is impossible to perform sexual intercourse. At the same time, male libido may be normal.

If problems with erectile function occur only occasionally, then this does not indicate the presence of any pathologies. Perhaps the man has a psychological barrier. However, the permanent weakening of this function is a problem that needs to be addressed urgently. According to doctors, every year more and more young guys begin to turn to the question of how to improve erectile function. And there are a lot of reasons for this.
Main causes of dysfunction
Let's consider what causes this problem. Once you understand the cause, you can start treatment. Otherwise, it will be meaningless. So, what can lead to sexual dysfunction:
- The presence of hormonal diseases that can have a negative impact on testosterone production.
- Neurological diseases associated with the functioning of the brain and spinal cord can also lead to a problem.
- It is also worth considering the use of certain drugs. There are medications that can reduce sexual desire, as well as affect erectile function.
- Another reason, which is also considered the most common, is being overweight and leading an unhe althy lifestyle. Abuse of harmful foods and drinks, as well as alcohol and smoking. All this will definitely lead to problems in the sexual area.
- Kreasons also include constant stress and depressive disorders. An unbalanced emotional state very often leads to such a phenomenon as impotence.
How to improve erectile function
In order to improve the situation in the sexual sphere, a man must carefully look at his life and make the necessary changes in it. To do this, you need to start eating right, completely get rid of bad habits, do physical exercises, walk in the fresh air, and also correctly treat the alternation of work and rest. If you are interested in the question of how to improve erectile function at home, then first of all start leading a he althy lifestyle. Be sure to ensure that the body receives all the necessary vitamins and minerals, and also start doing exercises that can increase the level of your erection.

How to improve erectile function: exercise
If you are faced with such a problem as erectile dysfunction, urgently seek help from a urologist. Together with him, you will be able to choose the most optimal method for solving this problem. Most often, doctors recommend their patients to perform special physical exercises that can have a positive effect on erectile function. So, let's look at some of the most effective exercises:
- Take a standing position. Now lift one leg as if you are going to take a very wide step, and freeze in this position for a few seconds. Then do thatsame for the other leg.
- Do deep squats while using weights. With this exercise, you will not only improve your erectile function, but also benefit the whole body.
- Find some low platform. For this exercise, a regular step is also perfect. Step on it only halfway so that your toes are on the surface and your heels remain in the air. In this position, begin to raise and lower your heels.
- If you are wondering how to improve erectile function at home, start doing exercises that can perfectly work out the muscles of the pelvic floor. Such exercises can provide blood flow to your genitals, which means that sexual acts will be performed with great success.

Using medication
Of course, you can cope with dysfunction at home, but on condition that the problem has not yet had time to go into a neglected form. However, sometimes medication is simply not enough. Therefore, if you have problems, be sure to contact a qualified urologist, and together with him choose the most optimal treatment method that will be right for you.
Drug therapy
There are a large number of drugs that improve erectile function. Of course, the use of drugs is the most effective and fastest way to cope with the problem, but sometimes it can lead to unwanted effects. In order to choose the right medicine, you needtake into account the cause of the pathology. So, if the patient suffers from dysfunction associated with malfunctions in the hormonal system, the man will be prescribed hormonal drugs.

Medical treatment should also include the use of dietary supplements, because they, although gradually, can still improve erectile function. Medicines are always prescribed by doctors depending on the individual needs of the body.
Provision of emergency assistance
There is just a huge number of different pills and ointments that can temporarily cope with dysfunction. Such drugs include Viagra, Impaza, Konegra, Eromax, Nitromaz and many others. Please note that these drugs do not have a therapeutic effect. They only improve erectile function for a short period of time. For he alth, such medicines do not bring any benefit.

Folk treatments
Many males are wondering how to improve erectile function with folk remedies, and is it even possible. In fact, this method of solving the problem is really very effective. The main task of alternative treatment will be to increase the level of testosterone in the body, as well as the normalization of blood circulation in the pelvic organs. For home treatment to be truly effective, combine it with exercise, as well as proper nutrition and a he althy lifestyle.
So, let's consider whatfolk recipes improve sexual activity:
- Take onion or nettle seeds and fill them with a portion of your favorite vegetable oil. Add this composition to your food daily.
- If you like tea, try adding ginger and cinnamon to it. These spices can not only improve potency, but also strengthen the immune system.
- Mix in a glass bowl two tablespoons of natural honey, three tablespoons of red wine, and add one tablespoon of freshly squeezed aloe juice. Take this remedy once or twice a day before meals. A single serving should be two tablespoons.
- Also look out for spices that can improve blood circulation and add them to your favorite dishes while cooking. Particular attention in violation of sexual function should be given to turmeric.

Features of food
Proper nutrition is a real guarantee of he alth, as well as excellent sexual desire. There are a large number of products that improve erectile function. Regular use of them will help you maintain good sexual he alth for years to come. So, let's look at what foods nutritionists recommend for men to use in order to improve their he alth:
- It is very important to include seafood in your diet - fish, shrimp, squid, mussels and oysters;
- also add to your diet foods containing a large amount of vitamin C, this includes citrus fruits, as well as currants and other sourfruits;
- be sure to eat a variety of nuts, honey and dates;
- add spices such as cumin, cinnamon, cardamom and ginger to meals;
- spoil yourself with dark chocolate from time to time;
- avocado contains a very large amount of essential trace elements for men's he alth.
Means that improve erectile function should also include massage. It is very important to find a highly qualified professional who can properly massage your groin area, including the testicles. Thanks to this massage, the areas in which blood is replenished are stimulated.
A general relaxing massage for the whole body will also have a good effect. It can also be carried out by a partner before sexual intercourse. This will thoroughly relax the man and set him up for the desired sexual behavior.
Using Aromatherapy
In fact, many essential oils are considered real aphrodisiacs, so using them will help relax a man, relieve stress, and also increase sexual desire. However, it is very important to buy not cosmetic oils, but natural essential oils, since they contain the necessary amount of enzymes that, when heated, enter the body and have a positive effect on it. So, let's consider what oils sexologists recommend using to improve erectile function:
- bergamot;
- cedar;
- nutmeg;
- neroli;
- ylang-ylang;
- anise and manyothers.
Only with the help of experiments, you can understand which oil is right for you.

Many men are interested in how to improve erectile function in old age. Of course, over the years it is much harder to do this, since the production of testosterone in the body is significantly reduced, and the man no longer has the desire to have offspring. However, if you start taking comprehensive measures, then you can remain a sexual giant until old age.
In this article we talked about how you can increase a man's sexual function. The first thing you need to do is radically change your lifestyle. Over time, you will notice how your he alth improves, you become stronger and happier. Against this background, your sexual abilities will return to normal. But if these measures are not enough, be sure to seek medical help. Perhaps you suffer from some kind of pathology that can reduce the production of testosterone in the body, as well as affecting the cardiovascular system. In this case, serious medical treatment will be needed.
There are also drugs designed to urgently improve erectile function. They have a really very good effect, but you should not abuse their use.
Only you are responsible for your he alth, so you decide how you will live. If you want to maintain good erectile function until old age, lead a he althy lifestyle and get rid of bad habits. Be he althy and take care of yourself, and thenyour body will start to take care of you!