Early ejaculation, also called premature ejaculation, is a sexual dysfunction. This condition is a serious physiological and psychological problem for a man (often for his woman), as well as the reason for which they do not receive sexual satisfaction.
What are its causes and symptoms? How to get rid of this problem? The topic is relevant, and therefore now you should study it in a little more detail.
Status Brief
Early ejaculation accounts for 25% to 60% of all forms of sexual dysfunction. This is not a disease, but a sexual dysfunction. It manifests itself in the inability of a man to control ejaculation sufficiently, which is necessary to achieve satisfaction for both partners.
According to WHO data, this problem is relevant for 40% of men of various ages around the world.
By what criteria is premature ejaculation judged?The first is the time factor. The act lasts 1-2 minutes (does not count the first time after a long abstinence). The second factor is the number of frictions (from 8 to 15).
They also need to be told. According to the results of numerous studies in the field of andrology, the causes of early ejaculation are psychogenic in nature.

Prerequisites are formed in adolescence. Guys suffering from early ejaculation usually have a persistent failure syndrome, the formation of which is influenced by the following factors:
- Lack of sexual experience.
- Lack of theoretical knowledge.
- False reports of peers' sexual experiences.
- Unsuccessful intercourse, even if it happened once.
As a result, a reflex arc is formed, which later becomes the cause of early ejaculation.
Approaching sex for a man becomes a signal to which he reacts with fear, excitement, sometimes even panic, and focuses not on the pleasure and relaxation received, but on the thought of how to prolong the process and not disappoint the partner.
The question of how to get rid of early ejaculation, most men care for one reason - they and their women cannot fully enjoy sex. And not everyone thinks that this condition is fraught with other consequences.
May, for example, develop colliculitis - inflammation of the seminal tubercle. This condition is fraught with the appearance of blood streaks in the semen, strangedischarge from the urethra, problems with urination, as well as involuntary ejaculation, erased orgasms, pain, etc.
The consequences of colliculitis, in turn, may be involvement in the inflammatory process of the prostate gland.
Therefore, with this condition, it is necessary to consult a doctor. After examination and diagnosis, he will not only tell you how to treat early ejaculation, but also prescribe anti-inflammatory therapy, which will avoid these problems.
It starts with a questioning of the patient. But the information received from his words will not be enough, of course. The andrologist will definitely conduct a series of tests, including tests with lidocaine and a condom.

It is still necessary to examine the patient for the presence of urogenital inflammation. When the complex diagnosis is completed, the andrologist will tell the patient how to treat premature ejaculation. The course of procedures aimed at correcting sexual dysfunction is prescribed on an individual basis.
The goal of therapy is to restore the normal duration of sexual intercourse, as well as rid the man of the failure syndrome caused psychologically.
It necessarily includes a course of treatment for early ejaculation. A psychologist will definitely teach a man a technique with which to control ejaculation.
Sexopathologists believe that the best remedy for early ejaculation is therapy. With its help, one can successfully form the recognition of preorgasmicsensations.
But the effect will be achieved if a permanent partner also takes part in psychotherapy. Her adequate reaction and sincere empathy are very important.

A very good result is obtained by the "stop-start" technique, which not only helps to prolong sexual intercourse, but also generally increase erection. Efficiency is observed in the period from the 2nd to the 10th week - for everyone in different ways. But the result must be consolidated, which takes 2-3 months. The main thing is the mutual patience of partners and the absence of negative emotions during intimacy.
The technique, by the way, is to slow down or stop the movement with a conscious relaxation of the muscles at the moment of approaching the "climax".
Now you can list the pills for premature ejaculation. "Dapoxetine" belongs to the group of antidepressants. It does not reduce perceptibility, but reduces the speed of transmission of nerve impulses. By taking this remedy, you can gradually prolong sexual intercourse for up to 2-3 hours.
These serotonin reuptake pills for early ejaculation have a complex effect. They reduce stress levels and help create the right mood before sexual intercourse.
May have side effects - dizziness, nausea, migraine. Such reactions occur in men with cardiovascular diseases and allergies, and therefore you should not start drinking Dapoxetine without first consulting a doctor.
By the way, the drug has an analogue - and thisPrimaxetine.
Another popular pill for early ejaculation. This is a herbal preparation - each capsule contains 200 mg of extracts that have long been used in the treatment of impotence. Absolutely all components not only harmonize, but enhance each other's action.

Plus, the product has a general strengthening effect on the body, improves circulation, increases efficiency and endurance.
The drug is truly unique. It contains extracts of yohimbe bark, ginseng root and licorice, green tea, dwarf palm fruits, garlic, as well as zinc oxide, B vitamins, folic acid and L-arginine.
Men suffering from early ejaculation should pay attention to this drug. This is a herbal remedy that helps to eliminate various manifestations of sexual dysfunction, improve the composition of sperm, as well as increase its volume, increase sperm activity and extend their life cycle. The pills even normalize testosterone levels.
The product has two analogues with a similar composition. The first is Impaza tablets, which treat erectile dysfunction.
Second - "Ajanta Stamina". This remedy is available in the form of capsules. Taking them, you can not only normalize sexual function, but also strengthen the body and increase physical endurance.
Another tablet drug that is a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor. He helps quickly.cope with depression, panic attacks and social phobias - those phenomena that many men experience with approaching sexual intercourse.

The time of onset of ejaculation is also delayed, but this is not the main effect of the drug. If you cannot find this remedy, then you can look for analogues - Zoloft, Serenata, Misol, Emoton and Serlift.
The use of local anesthetics is also said to help with early ejaculation. Because their action helps to reduce the sensitivity of the glans penis, and therefore prolongs contact.
However, you also need to understand that such drugs also affect the mucous membrane of the partner's genital organs. This reduces her sensitivity as well.
Therefore, it is better to use not the remedy itself, but special barrier contraceptives, the inner surface of which has already been treated with lidocaine.
However, men who do not use such protection with their partner still opt for local anesthetics. Then it is better to choose a quality product - for example, "STUD 5000", designed specifically for this purpose.
Oak bark
This natural ingredient is a very powerful aphrodisiac. Tannins, pentosans, pectins, sugars, flavonoids, proteins, starch, vitamins - the bark contains many components, most of which are necessary for the male body.

From it you can makeeffective remedy. It is necessary to fill a 10-liter container with powdered bark (8 tablespoons) and completely pour boiling water. Then cook for an hour and a half.
When the composition has cooled, you can start taking it - drink it during the day like tea. Enough 2-3 glasses a day. The resulting volume should be enough for a long time.
Another phyto-remedy that helps improve male he alth and get rid of the problem associated with early ejaculation.
Lovage is a valuable component that includes malic and ascorbic acids, rutin, carotene, vitamins (PP. B, E, K, C, A), phosphorus, potassium, iron, magnesium, manganese, copper, selenium, zinc, resins, starch and tannins.
To prepare a healing agent, you need to fill a liter jar with crushed dry root by 1/3 and pour vodka. Then tightly seal the container and send it to a dark, cool place for three weeks (shake occasionally).
Strain after time. Then you can take - two to three times a day half an hour before meals, 1 tsp.
It is also necessary to tell about the folk remedy made from this component. Periwinkle contains more than twenty different alkaloids, so medicines made from it should be taken with caution and in very small amounts.
How to prepare a healing agent? Take 1 tbsp. l. herbs and pour a glass of water. Then send it to a water bath to boil - 15 minutes is enough.
The finished liquid should be filtered through gauze. Drink only 10 drops within the morning and 5 in the evening. Do this for 5 days in a row, then you need to take a break for three days. It is better to dilute the product in a small amount of water.
It can also be recommended by a doctor. Nowadays, there are many physiotherapeutic methods - ultrasound, laser, bioenergetic and magnetic.
Baromassage, which implies exposure to the method of negative local pressure, has proven itself well. Often, the patient is also referred for ultrasound procedures, accompanied by intradermal administration of medications.
Acupuncture is also common. Of course, they are not introduced where some men who are worried about the safety of their organ might think - just through the skin on the body.

Specialists in this field believe that the release of seminal fluid is regulated by nerve serotonergic ganglia - acupuncture is aimed at correcting their work.
It is assumed that the impulses resulting from this procedure provoke the accumulation of serotonin in the synoptic gap, and as a result, sexual intercourse lengthens. But the result, of course, becomes noticeable only after a few such sessions.
Other recommendations
All of the listed funds, as well as any others that the doctor advises, will be powerless if the man does not change his lifestyle. Because the state of the body indirectly or directly depends on a lot of factors.
Here's what a man needs to do:
- StartHe althy food. Refuse s alty, fried, fatty, spicy and spicy foods, fast food, soda and all harmful products. It is recommended to diversify the diet with products that are good for men's he alth.
- Normalize body weight. An overweight man always has a hormonal imbalance. If he is close to obesity, or is already suffering from it, then he most likely has a duration of sexual intercourse, most likely 1.5-2 times shorter than usual.
- Start exercising. Regular physical activity will help to get rid of stagnation of blood in the veins of the small pelvis, improve circulation and increase stamina.
- Give up bad habits. Nicotine and alcohol should be eliminated from your life. Interestingly, in general, men who drink alcohol and smoke cigarettes do not always have problems with intimate life. But for those who have them, bad habits should be abandoned.
- Try to avoid stress. Psychological pressure does not lead to anything good. And it certainly won't improve your sex life.
And by the way, just before intimacy, you can do a relaxing massage. It palpably helps relieve tension.