For a long time, doctors have debunked the myths that difficulties with potency occur only in older men. Today, urologists are increasingly faced with the problem of identifying the causes and the need to find new ways to restore erectile dysfunction in young patients. The proposed methods of treatment, subject to timely diagnosis, can significantly improve the quality of a man's sexual life.
General information
Erectile dysfunction is a recurring condition characterized by a violation of the quality of an erection, the inability to maintain it for a certain time and achieve it to the extent necessary to complete a full sexual act. The term was first introduced in 1992. The American National Institutes of He alth suggested using it instead of the word "impotence" as a broader concept.

Erectiledysfunction is the real barometer of he alth. According to experts, in the male population of our country, potency disorders are diagnosed several times more often than in other developed countries. Common causes of such a pathology in Russia are: smoking, drinking large quantities of alcoholic beverages, a high degree of injury.
Like many diseases, erectile dysfunction is accompanied by a number of symptoms. However, unlike other ailments, this problem is really treatable. For many representatives of the stronger sex, the decrease in potency is proportional to the loss of male power.
According to ongoing research, erectile dysfunction is a fairly common pathology. According to statistics, 30% of men between the ages of 18 and approximately 59 years of age have difficulties of this nature.
The global situation is somewhat different. Currently, more than 150 million men over 40 suffer from erectile dysfunction in varying degrees. According to experts, by 2025 this figure may increase by more than 2 times. Such a negative trend is very easily explained by a sharp increase in risk factors for the formation of this pathology (diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular disease).
Mechanism of erection
The male genital organ has the so-called cavernous bodies, the filling of which with blood leads to swelling and, accordingly, tension. An analogy can be drawn with a vessel with two tubes. One way blood comes in, the other way out. During the immediateerection, there is a strong influx of blood, and its outflow completely stops. The CNS is responsible for regulating this "operation". The nervous system is often compared to the main computer, failures in which provoke erectile dysfunction.

Of course, there is also an endocrine system, the hormones of which completely regulate sexual behavior. If their production is disturbed, men also note that there is no erection.
- Temporary decrease in potency. This pathology is typical for certain periods of a man's life. The reasons for its development, as a rule, lie in the recent stress, unhe althy lifestyle, alcohol abuse.
- Increasing impotence. The continued onset of symptoms may be due to a chronic condition (eg, heart failure, atherosclerosis, or hypertension). In this case, it is recommended to immediately seek medical help. The thing is that high-quality therapy is required not only to restore sexual functions, but also to get rid of the primary ailment.
- One-time violations. If there are isolated cases, that is, under other circumstances, such problems are absent, most likely, mild erectile dysfunction occurs due to psychogenic or emotional reasons. In this case, it is recommended to exclude everything that has a direct impact on the psyche.
Depending on the primary factors that provoked the appearance of this kind of problem, erectile dysfunction maybe functional or psychogenic. Each option has its own specific features:
- For example, erectile dysfunction due to various psychological factors most often appears suddenly. The cause of this problem, as a rule, lies in stress, nervous overwork. It is important to note that in this case, the so-called morning erection and the ability of the penis to change size as a result of sexual stimulation are not lost.
- Erectile dysfunction in men, associated with functional disorders, manifests itself consistently. With the next sexual intercourse, it becomes increasingly difficult to maintain a normal erection. All this indicates the presence of an underlying disease that should be cured. In addition, organic problems can be caused by taking certain groups of drugs that sharply reduce potency. As a result, a man's libido and ability to ejaculate are maintained while nighttime erections either disappear completely or are unstable.
Main causes of reduced potency
Until recently, many thought that erectile dysfunction is a problem that occurs in the stronger sex only with age, and its development cannot be prevented. However, this assumption has not yet been scientifically confirmed. The relationship between age and the disease itself is due only to the fact that over time, the risk of developing somatic ailments increases. As a result, the likelihood increasesthe appearance of problems with potency. It is quite normal if, subject to a he althy lifestyle and the absence of bad habits, a man's sexual activity persists in 50 and even 70 years.

All the main factors provoking the development of this pathology can be divided into four groups.
- Endocrine (caused by dysfunction of the endocrine glands responsible for the production of testosterone). This may be the result of various kinds of genetic diseases, mechanical injuries, tumors. According to experts, erectile dysfunction in this case is successfully treated.
- Neurological (associated with a range of pathologies of the peripheral nerves, spinal cord or brain).
- Medicated (appear due to the intake of certain drugs that block the production of sex hormones).
- Psychological. In this case, problems with potency arise as a result of frequent stressful situations, depression, neuroses, failures in bed.
The common causes of this pathology also include problems with blood vessels. Due to a consistent violation of blood flow to the sexual organ, or there is no erection at all, or it is very weak.
Taking into account the fact that erectile dysfunction is characterized by changes in a man's sexual life, its traditional signs are as follows:
- decreased libido (sex drive);
- unstable ejaculation (premature/delayedejaculation);
- direct violation of the erection itself;
- lack of orgasm.
The most common symptom of this pathology is a decrease in sexual desire due to constant stress, fatigue. The reluctance of physical intimacy can also be dictated by discord in relationships, quarrels and conflicts on domestic grounds.

As a rule, the doctor finds out that the patient has lost an erection during the initial consultation. Like any other disease, impotence is much easier to treat at the initial stage of its appearance. It is important not only to confirm this diagnosis, but to identify the cause of its development in order to choose the most competent course of therapy.
In the early stages, diagnosis involves the collection of a somatic / psychological history. The doctor must determine which of the mechanisms responsible for a normal erection is broken. Before the immediate course of treatment, the patient is usually recommended to take a series of tests (for example, blood for hormones), as well as check the functioning of the cardiovascular system. In addition, the following diagnostic measures may be required:
- Keeping a diary of night/morning erections.
- Ultrasound of blood flow in the penis.
- Research on the work of the central nervous system.
- Psychotherapist consultation.
- X-ray examination of the vessels of the penis.
Timely diagnosis is the key to successful treatment of such a pathology as erectile dysfunction.

Treatment: pills, vacuum therapy, psychotherapist help
With this disease, first of all, the doctor must determine the main causes that led to its development, and try to eliminate them. Exclusively symptomatic therapy, as a rule, is ineffective. The most common treatments are listed below:
- Use of type 5 phosphodiesterase inhibitors (Levitra, Cialis, Viagra).
- Hormone replacement therapy. If the pathology is caused by impaired functioning of the endocrine glands, treatment should be aimed at its immediate restoration. Modern medicine offers a great variety of drugs for adjusting testosterone levels (Androgel, Nebido).
- Another fairly effective method of treatment is vacuum therapy using a special pump. It consists of a tube that is connected to the pump itself. The male genital organ is placed in a tube, and then all the air is pumped out of it. As a result of such simple manipulations, a vacuum is formed, which increases blood flow to the organ.
- If treatment with all of the above methods is ineffective, or the patient cannot take medicines for any reason, a drug called Alprostadil comes to the rescue. It allows you to qualitatively improve blood flow directly to the genitals. This medicine is injected directly into the organ.
- Psychotherapy. If the cause of erectile dysfunction lies in family conflicts or failuresin bed, without the help of a psychotherapist can not do. At consultations with a doctor, you can discuss absolutely any issues related mainly to sexual life, problems of an emotional nature.
- Cognitive behavioral therapy. This is another subspecies of psychological counseling. Experts are sure that what we feel directly depends on how we think about it. Thus, all negative thoughts and unrealistic ideas have a direct impact on relationships with loved ones, sexuality. The main task of the psychotherapist in this case is to permanently rid the man of this kind of ideas, to develop the right attitude towards himself.

Are there other options for treating impotence? In some cases, doctors decide to have surgery. As a rule, an operation is prescribed when there are clear signs that the blood supply to the penis is impaired. An alternative surgical method is the implantation of a special prosthesis - penile prosthesis.
Help of traditional medicine
With such a diagnosis as mild erectile dysfunction, treatment often involves the use of traditional medicine recipes.
- Walnut. Walnut kernels must be crushed in a blender, pour flower honey in equal proportions. Use three times a day 30-40 minutes after eating two teaspoons with milk. The course of treatment can be about one month.
- Raisins. Dried grapes areAn excellent remedy if an erection is lost. Raisins must be washed in warm running water and boiled in milk. Then such a “dessert” should be eaten and be sure to drink the remaining milk after cooking. It is recommended to start with 30 g of raisins per 200 ml of milk, gradually increasing the portion to 50 g.
- Parsley, cilantro. You will need to take fresh and dried greens in equal proportions, chop. Consume one tablespoon of the mixture with each meal.
- Celery juice. Freshly prepared juice is recommended before meals, 2 teaspoons three times a day.

All of the above recipes of traditional medicine allow you to overcome the problem as soon as possible. It is important to note that such therapy should only be used after consultation with a specialist. Moreover, traditional recipes should not be taken as an alternative to medical or surgical treatment.
Preventive measures
Of course, it is better to prevent the development of erectile dysfunction than to subsequently wonder how to treat impotence. Below we list the most effective tips for the prevention of this pathology.
- First of all, it is recommended to completely reconsider your habitual lifestyle. Doctors advise to pay more attention to physical activity, eat right, give up all bad habits.
- After receiving a mechanical injury to the organs of the pelvic area, it is necessary to consult a urologist.
- Extremely importantregular physical activity. The thing is that an erection occurs if the blood flow to the penis increases. To achieve a positive result, it is enough to walk daily, for example, from work.
- Special drugs for the treatment of erectile dysfunction are not always effective. During therapy, it is very important to follow the principles of a balanced diet. It is also recommended to diversify the diet with fresh vegetables (include carrots, celery, tomatoes), dairy products, garlic and onions.
- Doctors advise to have a regular sex life. The body, receiving a daily dose of hormones of pleasure, constantly develops a conditioned reflex to intimacy.
In this article, we talked in as much detail as possible about what constitutes such a pathology as erectile dysfunction. Patient reviews clearly prove that this ailment is not a sentence; it is really possible to overcome it through medications or surgery. Stay he althy!