Prostatitis is a disease that is widespread among the stronger sex. Its course is due to the fact that a man begins to experience severe pain during urination, and during sexual intercourse, ejaculation occurs with severe pain. How to prevent the occurrence of such a problem and how to treat prostatitis and prostate adenoma with folk remedies? Let's look at this in more detail below.

A few words about the prostate
Before you start studying the methods of the most effective treatment of chronic prostatitis with folk remedies, you need to understand what the prostate is and where it is located.
The prostate is a vital organ found exclusively in the male body. It is located in the area aroundurethra. Its function is to produce prostate secretions, and sperm is also produced here. As you might guess, the he alth of this organ is especially important for maintaining a normal sexual life of the stronger sex.
What does the prostate look like? This is a small lump, which is no larger than a walnut in size. However, in case of inflammation, this organ can significantly increase in size and create pressure on the urethra. In this regard, a person experiences a constant desire to visit the toilet, and in the process of urination - severe pain and an unpleasant burning sensation.
In some cases, the prostate begins to swell to a large size as a result of the fact that some of its cells turn into benign formations. In this case, we are talking about prostate adenoma. Observing this phenomenon, all doctors recommend treating adenoma immediately after detection, since its cells can eventually turn into a malignant tumor - in this case we will talk about prostate cancer.
Prostatitis symptoms
Research by medical specialists in this field shows that many men experience different symptoms of prostatitis. Treatment of a man with folk remedies is carried out by the same methods. So, what can a representative of the stronger sex experience at the time of the course of the disease?
First of all, during prostatitis, a man may feel severe pain in the lumbar region. It has a pulling character. Often, sensations are transferred to the perineum, which also causes seriousdiscomfort.
In the process of conducting ordinary and habitual life activity, a person begins to experience excessive fatigue, fatigue and sudden mood swings.
As noted above, the main symptom of prostatitis is burning and pain in the urethra during going to the toilet, as well as ejaculation. Also, the patient may have peculiar white threads in the urine - they also indicate the development of the disease, and it should be understood that in this case it is at a high stage and treatment is essential.
Significant changes can also be seen in the sexual life of a patient with prostatitis. Practice shows that such people have a reduced potency, and the semen is quite liquid in its consistency, it has a cloudy color.

Main causes of prostatitis and adenoma
Before you start treating chronic prostatitis with folk remedies, you need to clearly understand the nature of this disease and where it comes from. So, consider the main causes of prostatitis and prostate adenoma.
Prostatitis is a disease that is very often observed in men who abuse alcohol and smoke tobacco. Often it appears due to frequent constipation, the treatment of which was simply not carried out. Also, prostatitis almost always develops in men suffering from sexually transmitted diseases and having problems associated with the work of the genitourinary Among the main reasons for the formation of the problem also include irregular sexual activity and its poor quality, as well as a sedentary lifestyle. In addition, immunocompromised men are more likely to get the disease.
As for prostate adenoma, this phenomenon can be observed in the stronger sex, who have crossed the age barrier of 45-50 years. Medical practice shows that most often such a disease manifests itself due to changes in the hormonal background of the body, which is especially observed during this period of life. In addition, the formation of a tumor in the prostate area is affected by frequent stress and mental stress.
Briefly about the treatment of prostatitis
Experts in the field of medicine recommend that all those who have discovered the symptoms of prostatitis should be treated with folk remedies and other methods only with the permission of a doctor and only after a preliminary examination. This is due to the fact that the signs of prostatitis can be easily confused with a more serious disease - prostate adenoma, which can lead to very terrible consequences for the body.
Practice shows that when contacting a doctor and conducting all the necessary research, a specialist prescribes a course of treatment to the patient, consisting of medicines, which include antiviral drugs, as well as means to increase immunity. In addition, antibiotics are also prescribed, which have special consequences for the body. In parallel with the use of prescribed medicines, doctors are veryIt is often recommended to use proven folk remedies for the treatment of prostatitis. Most of them have been tested for years and generations, and they are quite effective. In addition, folk remedies do not cause serious harm to the body, which is especially appreciated by both patients and doctors.
So, let's look at a few effective methods with which you can eliminate the disease once and for all.

Proper nutrition
Practice shows that when treating chronic prostatitis in men with folk remedies, proper nutrition plays an important role. Doctors recommend completely eliminating alcoholic beverages and cigarettes from your regimen for the duration of treatment - these elements negatively affect blood flow and significantly constrict blood vessels. In addition, alcoholic beverages irritate the prostate, preventing effective treatment.
As for nutrition, it is necessary to include a considerable amount of parsley, vegetable juices, honey, and garlic. In general, when solving problems associated with the prostate, you need to eat a large amount of any greens. Particularly positive effect is shown by such species as cilantro, nettle, horseradish and lettuce. In addition, it is necessary to use products, in the structure of the substances of which there is an increased level of zinc content. These include pumpkin, nuts, peas, various seafood.
What kind of food is desirable to refuse duringtreatment of prostatitis with folk remedies? These include those that contain trans fats in their composition, as well as substances that clog blood vessels - of these, special attention should be paid to the exclusion of fried and smoked foods. It is also best to stop eating hot spices, sauces, and mayonnaise for a while.
In the comments and reviews about the treatment of prostatitis symptoms with folk remedies left by medical workers, it is often said that building proper nutrition is just a part that is integral to effectively combating the problem. In parallel with this, it is imperative to use various tinctures, as well as, if possible, drink medicines.

Treatment with wormwood
Treatment of adenoma and prostatitis with folk remedies in men may involve the use of medicinal herbs. This method of eliminating the problem has been used for several generations and, it should be noted, the methods passed down by the ancestors are quite effective.
For quick treatment of chronic prostatitis with folk remedies, you should use a course for 7 days. To use it, you need to take 100 g of pre-washed and dried wormwood, and then grind it with your hands. The resulting elements must be divided into two parts: powder and large elements (this can be done using a colander).
After such simple preparations, the course must begin. For this, during the first threedays, a man with prostatitis should swallow every 2.5 hours a small pinch of fine wormwood, washing it down with cold water. Experts in the field of traditional medicine note that even at night you can not interrupt the course. As for the remaining four days of the week, for this period, the use of the product is allowed exclusively during the daytime - about 5-6 times.
Throughout such a course of treatment of prostatitis and adenoma with a folk remedy, evening douching should be done. To do this, pour a teaspoon of large wormwood with a liter of boiling water, cool it and strain. After that, a quarter cup should be poured into the anus and the same amount into the urethra. In the reviews of people who have used this method, it is often recommended to use a special syringe for this purpose, which is used to make an enema for babies. The comments also say that literally after 3-4 days of using the tincture in this way, pus will begin to be removed from the channels.
Specialists in the field of medicine, having studied this method of treatment, recognized it as effective. However, for its effectiveness, they do not recommend eating meat and fish, milk, as well as bakery products and sweets on treatment days.

Honey treatment
In reviews of the treatment of prostatitis in men with folk remedies, it is often said that honey is an effective product that helps solve the problem, but the course of its use is quite long. Despite this, the elimination methodsdiseases with the help of honey are very popular.
For the treatment of prostatitis, you need to take 100 g of celandine, pour 700 ml of boiling water over it and put it on a slow fire for 20 minutes. After cooking, the resulting broth should be cooled and filtered. After that, 500 g of liquid bee honey should be added to the prepared broth and mixed thoroughly until smooth. This medicine must be stored in the refrigerator. As for the method of consumption, you should drink the drink three times a day, one tablespoon before meals. In the case of combining such a drink with a glass of oatmeal, the patient will notice the first improvements much faster. The reviews of many people say that when using this method of treatment, the disease begins to weaken in just a week.
The only disadvantage of this treatment option, many patients consider its high cost. In order to effectively treat chronic prostatitis with a folk remedy prepared according to this recipe, about 10 kg of bee product will be required for the entire course.
Hazel decoction
According to doctors, hazel is an excellent remedy for combating prostatitis. In fact, many effective medicines and ointments designed to eliminate the problem are made on the basis of this component.
To prepare a decoction of hazel, you should take chopped leaves and tree bark. These ingredients should be mixed in equal proportions and take one tablespoon of the mixture. The ingredients should be poured with a glass of boiling water and let them brew. Experts note that for the preparation of a decoction, it is necessary to use exclusively fresh ingredients - only they contain all the necessary substances, so that the treatment of prostatitis with a folk remedy will be effective.
After half an hour of infusion, the decoction should be stirred and drunk during the day, 50 ml each. In order to constantly maintain the temperature of a folk medicine, it can be poured into a thermos.

Decoction of parsley
Parsley is an ingredient that can be used for more than just food. A fairly effective folk remedy for prostatitis and adenoma is prepared from it. They should be treated for (at least) 20 days - only then will the result be noticeable.
To prepare a decoction, take the dried seeds of the plant and grind them with a coffee grinder. 4 tablespoons of the resulting powder should be poured with a glass of boiling water and put in a water bath. The heat treatment process must be continued for 15 minutes, after which the product will be ready.
The resulting remedy should be filtered, cooled and taken every day by a teaspoon with an interval of 6 hours.
In the reviews of patients who know firsthand what prostatitis is, they talk about the effectiveness of this treatment method. According to them, the results from the use of the decoction can be seen literally after 10 days, and after a month of regular and proper use, the problem almost completely disappears. In addition, this recipe for a folk remedy for the treatmentprostatitis is notable for its cheapness, and this is good news.
Some patients also report getting rid of their problem by drinking parsley root juice. According to them, you need to use the remedy every day for a teaspoon before each meal. The peculiarity of the use of such a component is that it must be taken exclusively from a fresh product.

To prepare an effective remedy for prostatitis, you can use the leaves of another medicinal plant that helps fight various diseases - Kalanchoe. To prepare a miraculous decoction, you need to take a glass of pre-crushed leaves of the plant and pour 500 ml of vodka into them. In this form, the tincture should be tightly closed with a lid and sent to the refrigerator for five days - during this time, the folk medicine will have time to brew.
The tincture prepared in this way should be consumed every day in a teaspoon. In reviews of this method of treating a disease, it is often recommended to continue using the remedy once a week for a spoon for prevention, but this should be done after all its symptoms have been eliminated.
This herb is rarely used in traditional medicine, but in the treatment of prostatitis it is indispensable and quite effective. To prepare a medicine from it, you should take the root of the plant, grind it and pour cold water so that it completely covers the mass. In suchthe form of roots should be left in a dark and cool place overnight, during which time the mass will increase in volume due to the fact that the components swell. As soon as this happens, the mass must be poured with boiling water and, wrapped in a terry towel, left in this form to infuse for an hour. After this time, the product will be ready, it must be filtered and cooled to room temperature.
You need to use this medicine every day three times, half a glass at a time. Patient reviews say that this method of treating adenoma and prostatitis is also quite effective, and the result from its use should be expected in just a week.