Cystitis, or inflammation of the lining of the bladder, is a common female disease that affects every second woman. Due to the peculiarities of the structure of the body, it is quite easy to get sick with it, but in order to cure, it takes a lot of effort. In addition, this disease has a lot of unpleasant consequences, therefore, the sooner treatment is started, the better. You can read about the symptoms and causes of cystitis in women, the treatment of the disease in this article.
Cystitis - what is it?
What is cystitis? This is an inflammation of the lining of the bladder. It is not difficult to understand that you have started cystitis: patients feel a sharp pain when urinating in the lower abdomen. The disease is quite unpleasant and causes a lot of pain, so they try to recover from it quickly. Treatment with cystitis drugs in women requires consultation with a specialist. Sometimes clots of bile or blood can come out with urine. Most often, cystitis occurs in women from 20 to 45 years old, but sometimes men also suffer from it. It should be noted that in the representatives of the stronger sex this disease is almost always secondary, therefore, at the slightest manifestation of pain during urination, you should immediately consult a doctor.

According to the World He alth Organization, almost every woman at least once had to deal with this unpleasant disease. Why is this happening? This is explained by the structural features of the female body. The urethra (urethra) in women is designed in such a way that bacteria and infections easily enter it. The slightest cooling or poor hygiene can lead to long and expensive treatment. In most cases, cystitis is infectious, that is, it is provoked by microorganisms. In most cases, the "culprit" is E. coli and staphylococcus aureus. Why do women get cystitis?
Why does cystitis appear?
Many factors can provoke this disease:
- Sometimes, women get cystitis as a result of certain medical procedures, such as a urethral swab. In this case, mechanical damage may occur, which causes a response in the form of growth of opportunistic flora.
- Sexually transmitted infections such as mycoplasmosis, trichomoniasis, chlamydia can also cause cystitis. The fact is that viruses actively affecton the local flora of the urinary organs, resulting in inflammation, which then spreads to the bladder.
- In pregnant women, inflammation is often due to muscle weakness. The ureters, which transport urine from the kidneys to the bladder, dilate and allow pathogens to freely enter. Therefore, cystitis in pregnant women is a fairly common disease.
- In men, inflammation of the bladder occurs due to inflammation of the prostate gland, appendages or seminal vesicles. Those. as a rule, cystitis in males is the result of another disease.
- Oddly enough, very often cystitis is associated with diseases of the upper respiratory tract - sinusitis and influenza. Weakened immunity and viruses in the blood cause the weakest link in the body to become the target, and in women it is often the urinary system.
- Uncomfortable clothing or the wrong size can also lead to the development of an unpleasant ailment. The well-known "thong" panties are an excellent "bridge" for bacteria, and tight underwear or jeans of the wrong size simply squeeze the bladder.
- Constipation. Since the anus in women is located next to the urethra, and the intestines are closely connected with the bladder, infection with pathogenic flora often occurs from it.
- Failure to follow the rules of hygiene and daily change of linen.
- Reduced immunity.

As you can see, many factors cause acute cystitis in women. Treatment should be based onof the symptoms of the disease. What complaints can be found in patients?
Disease symptoms
Cystitis can develop gradually or quickly, but all types have symptoms that make it easy to diagnose the disease:
- Pain and pain when urinating is the main symptom of cystitis. Drugs for the treatment of this form are usually selected potent, because. the person experiences severe discomfort.
- Itching and burning sensation in the perineum may occur due to the accumulation of pathogenic organisms.
- Frequent urge to urinate indicates inflammation of the bladder.
- Strong smell of urine.
- Fatigue, weakness and feeling unwell.
- Subfebrile temperature.
- Change in the color of urine: cloudiness, the appearance of clots.
- Feeling of incomplete bladder emptying
- Pain in the lower abdomen or back.
- Blood in urine.
As a rule, with cystitis, all of these symptoms, or some of them, are observed. Therefore, a person with an inflammation of the bladder should see a doctor as soon as possible. This is the only way to avoid rather unpleasant consequences and complications.
Varieties of cystitis
The causes and treatment of cystitis in women depend on the form of the disease. According to the degree of flow, cystitis can be of two forms:
- Spicy.
- Chronic.
In the acute period, signs of cystitis in women are expressed, and its treatment should be carried out with the help of antibacterial agents and maintenance therapy. Characterizedacute cystitis with a general deterioration in he alth, severe pain and frequent visits to the toilet room. Sometimes, in advanced cases, blood can be a symptom. Treatment of chronic cystitis in women should include supportive care. The chronic form manifests itself as periods of remission and relapse. As a result, immunity is weakened, and the weakest link in the body suffers.

Provoke the development of cystitis for several reasons:
- Bacterial - Inflammation is due to bacteria or viruses.
- Non-bacterial - mechanical or other damage is the cause of cystitis.
Cystitis also differs by changes in the structure of the affected organ:
- The diagnosis of catarrhal cystitis is made if the upper layers of the bladder are affected.
- Hemorrhagic - if there is blood in the urine.
- A rather rare type - interstitial - occurs when infected by a non-microbial route. Very often accompanied by a decrease in the bladder.
- Tumor-like - neoplasms form on the walls of the organ.
- Incrusting - s alt crystals form inside the bladder, which crystallize from urine. Usually this type of cystitis is accompanied by a metabolic disorder.
- Ulcerative.
- Cystic.
Diagnosis of disease
How to identify the disease? For self-diagnosis, one's own observations and sensations are sufficient. But before you start treatment and get an official diagnosis, you definitely need todo some research. They are necessary in order to correctly prescribe the treatment of cystitis, its symptoms in women may not always be 100% correct in particular about this disease. Most often, additional studies are prescribed to determine the initial stage of the disease or in the case of a chronic course. Laboratory tests for cystitis include the following tests:
- Blood test - may reveal a mild inflammatory response. But otherwise, there are no significant changes.
- Common urinalysis is the most important study that effectively detects all diseases of the urinary system, including cystitis. Firstly, foreign impurities in the liquid testify to this ailment. In the urine of a sick person, there is an increased number of leukocytes and the presence of red blood cells.
- Urine analysis according to Nechiporenko can complement basic research if the doctor doubts the diagnosis.

Among the instrumental diagnostic methods, cystoscopy can be distinguished. Using a special device - a cystoscope, a specialist visualizes the area of \u200b\u200bthe urethra and bladder. But this method is used quite rarely because of its trauma and soreness. Thus, to make a diagnosis of "cystitis" in women, it is enough to collect the patient's history, his complaints and do a urine test. Often this is enough to make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment.
Cystitis in the absence of proper treatmentmay worsen and become chronic. Without treatment for the causes of cystitis, women may develop other unpleasant symptoms:
- Transition of infection to other internal organs. As a result, inflammation of the kidneys or appendages may begin.
- Reducing the size of the bladder. This violation most often remains for life and causes a lot of inconvenience.
- Reflux is a condition in which the contents of the bubble splash out in the opposite direction, i.e. up the kidneys. In the absence of timely treatment, this leads to pyelonephritis.
- Kidney abscess.
- Bladder rupture is extremely rare and possible only in the most advanced cases.
Unfortunately, quite often, even despite proper treatment, in the first year, cystitis often returns, turning into a chronic form. Therefore, after treatment, you need to carefully monitor your body in order to continue treatment with the slightest symptoms. The sooner medication is started, the greater the chance of a favorable and quick recovery for the patient.
Treatment of cystitis
On the Internet, citizens often look for information about the treatment of cystitis in women in 1 day, because this disease is quite unpleasant and gives a lot of discomfort. But getting rid of it is not so easy. What medicines can quickly treat cystitis in women? These types of drugs are mainly antibacterial:
- "Tetracycline";
- "Sumamed";
- "Amoxiclav";
- Amoxicillin.
CurrentlyAt the moment, many antibacterial therapy drugs have cystitis in their indications. Side effects with modern drugs are quite rare, and the effect of therapy appears quickly. While taking antibiotics, it is important to remember to take probiotics to maintain the intestinal flora. Treatment of cystitis with blood in women involves more serious measures. In this case, doctors often prescribe the following medications:
Monural. It is relevant in the acute form of the disease. It is prescribed even without a preliminary analysis, if the pain is very strong and it is obvious that there is a problem. "Monural" is a powerful uroantiseptic and effectively cures inflammatory processes in the bladder.

- "Nolicin". Cheap and effective antibiotic. It has a wide spectrum of action, so relief after taking it usually occurs fairly quickly.
- "Palin" is an antibiotic of the quinolone series. Helps if bacteria are sensitive to pipemidic acid.
- "Furamag" is used if sowing on the sensitivity of bacteria revealed the effectiveness of furagin.
Treatment of cystitis in women with injections can also be used as first aid, especially for severe pain. Antibiotics are injected into the patient intramuscularly. Thus, there is a faster effect and less impact on the intestinal flora. Among the remedies for cystitis for the treatment of women, antispasmodics have a quick effect. They relieve tension in the muscles, and the person immediately begins to feel a little better. Also specialistsusually prescribed drugs that support the immune system.
Folk remedies and herbal remedies
Is it possible to treat cystitis in women with folk remedies? It is the kidneys that excrete most of the fluid in our body. Therefore, many doctors prescribe natural preparations for treatment as maintenance therapy. Symptoms of cystitis in women, they clean up pretty quickly. They are usually prescribed for uncomplicated course of the disease: when there is no severe pain and temperature. Also, herbal remedies are quite effective in preventing the recurrence of the disease. They have no side effects and are well tolerated by the body.
What are the most popular herbal remedies?

This is:
- "Cyston" is a complex drug that contains about a dozen different components. It has a diuretic, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect. It has a good effect on local immunity.
- Kanefron is a well-known preparation based on rosemary, lovage and centaury. Reviews of the treatment of cystitis in women with this drug suggest that it reduces the severity of pain and the likelihood of an exacerbation of a chronic disease.
- "Fitolysin" is a water-alcohol solution from which a suspension is prepared. It contains nine different essential oils designed to relieve urinary pain and inflammation.
- "Urolesan" - acts as a diuretic, antispasmodic and choleretic agent. The course of this drug usually lasts from 1 to 4 weeks.
And now we list the time-tested folk remedies:
- Cowberry leaves have long been a well-known medicine, which is famous for its antimicrobial properties. But lingonberry tincture has a number of contraindications. A decoction of the leaves should not be taken by children under 12 years of age, pregnant and lactating mothers.
- Infusion of wild rose. For the treatment of cystitis, both the roots and the fruits of this plant are used.
- Cornflower flowers. It is made into an infusion.
- Echinacea. The recipe is this: take 1 tbsp. l herbs, pour one glass of boiling water, let it brew for 3 hours. Drink half a glass twice a day - in the morning and in the evening.
- St. John's wort. Combine 8 tsp of herbs with 3 tsp of chamomile. Pour the resulting mass with boiling water (1 l). Infusion time - 1 hour. Then you have to strain. Drink a decoction 1 hour after eating (half a glass).
Treatment of cystitis in women with folk remedies can be quite effective only if they are supported by antibacterial treatment. In the acute period, phytopreparations are ineffective, so specialists usually do not prescribe them.

Expert Tips
What recommendations can doctors give for the treatment of cystitis in women? Experts advise not to delay the visit to the doctor. If the disease is recognized at an early stage, then short-term antibiotics can be dispensed with. If you start the disease, then it runs the risk of becoming chronic, and just a course of antibiotics will no longer be enough. Doctors also advise drinking as much as possible.more liquid, but not milk or coffee, but ordinary water. Alcohol should be excluded during the illness.
During treatment, the patient needs to adhere to a diet: exclude fatty, spicy and s alty foods, since such food only retains water in the body. There are special products for intimate hygiene that help to establish local flora and reduce discomfort. From going to the sauna, it is better to refuse a bath, since heating the problem area can only increase inflammation of the bladder. For pain in the lower abdomen, you need to take any antispasmodic - "No-shpu" or "Spazmalgon". You can additionally brew an infusion of herbs as an aid. But if you have been diagnosed with cystitis, then you can not do without antibiotic therapy as drugs for the treatment of cystitis in women. Symptoms of the disease usually disappear on the third to tenth day after the start of the reception.
Like any other disease, cystitis is much easier to prevent than to treat later. Therefore, urologists recommend carefully observing preventive measures. These daily routines should become a habit and an integral part of your day:
- Compliance with all rules of genital hygiene.
- Change underwear every day.
- Regular visits to the gynecologist (once every three months).
- Wearing clothes that fit.
- Wear clothes made from natural fabrics.
- Proper nutrition.
- Avoiding hypothermia.
Reviews on the treatment of cystitis in womenthey say that when you go to the doctor during the first symptoms of the disease, the disease is cured quite quickly. Self-medication can lead to pyelonephritis and kidney stones. Many patients praise Norfloxacin or Furadonin, which, when taken together with Canephron, effectively remove cystitis in a week. You can do without pills if you catch the disease at the very first signs. Then, if you have a strong enough immune system, you can limit yourself to a course of herbal remedies. But if after a day or two the symptoms do not go away, you need to go to the doctor.

Unfortunately, cystitis is indeed a common condition for many women. Some cannot cure it for years, constantly experiencing exacerbations. Reviews of the treatment of cystitis in women show that chamomile baths have a good effect.
Regardless of the chosen method of treatment, after its completion it is necessary to pass a second analysis, which will show the absence or presence of inflammation. You should not completely and completely rely on your feelings - the inflammatory process in a latent form may not give obvious signs, but at the same time negatively affect the bladder.
No stress, proper nutrition and good hygiene are the most effective methods to help prevent the development of cystitis in women. If, nevertheless, this trouble happened to you, then you should pay special attention to the correct selection of drugs and a good specialist. A visit to the urologist is mandatory if availablebladder inflammation. Modern drugs can effectively and quickly cure the disease if you start using them in time.