Family Planning Center on Sevastopol Avenue

Family Planning Center on Sevastopol Avenue
Family Planning Center on Sevastopol Avenue

The Family Planning Center on Sevastopolsky Prospekt is a multidisciplinary clinic whose specialists manage normal pregnancies and childbirth, as well as provide professional obstetric care to patients with various blood diseases, with Rh or group incompatibility of the blood of the mother and the unborn child. In addition, employees of this medical institution perform several caesarean sections every day for women with severe extragenital pathology.

Main branches of the Center

This multidisciplinary clinic includes such departments as gynecological, consultative and diagnostic, prenatal diagnostics, radiation diagnostics, in vitro fertilization and blood transfusion.

In addition, the Family Planning Center on Sevastopol includes a children's clinic, an obstetric hospital andclinical laboratory. It should be especially noted that the maternity ward of the clinic is one of the most modern in the capital, more than eight thousand births take place there every year. For such purposes, by the way, the center has individual boxes equipped with modern equipment. They are ideal for a comfortable and safe delivery.

List of services provided

sevastopolskiy prospekt family planning center
sevastopolskiy prospekt family planning center

As for the list of services provided by the Family Planning Center in Sevastopol, first of all, we should mention the activities preceding the hospitalization of the expectant mother: medical genetic counseling, pregnancy management, clinical analysis of the necessary indicators and drawing up a plan future delivery.

In addition, the specialists of this medical institution, if necessary, perform various gynecological operations, treat infertility, carry out superovulation induction, implantation, ICSI and insemination procedures. For ultrasound and fetal cardiac monitoring, you can also contact Sevastopolsky Prospekt. The Family Planning Center, among other things, helps newborn babies with various pathologies. Other types of services can be found by contacting the specialists of the medical institution in question directly. Phone of the Family Planning Center: 8 (499) 794-43-73.

Benefits of contacting the Center

family planning center phone
family planning center phone

If we talk about the mainthe advantages of contacting this consultative and diagnostic clinic, then for a start it is necessary to say about the highly qualified specialists working in it. All of them are professionals in their field and have extensive experience. In addition, it is necessary to note the modern medical equipment, which the Family Planning Center on Sevastopol Avenue has in its arsenal. The high technical capabilities of this obstetric facility allow for the management of both normal pregnancies and pregnancies that are at risk.
