Our body is a complex and well-thought-out system, full control over which is not subject to us. But we can always help him cope with his tasks with the help of proper nutrition, physical activity, lack of stress. It is worth washing out of the body of any microelement - and the whole system will be shaken, it will require a long recovery. That is why it is necessary to support your body and help it get the maximum of nutrients.
The body of a man and a woman differs in many primary and secondary characteristics. Therefore, each gender often requires different intakes of a variety of vitamins and minerals, each of which plays a role in ensuring he althy life in the body of any person.
Today we will talk about such a trace element as zinc. An insufficient amount of this substance in the body can lead to all sorts of unpleasant consequences. Special Benefit for Men Zincbears for a number of objective reasons that you should be aware of. Also pay attention to the list of those foods and drugs that will help maintain the daily requirement for zinc in men - 11 mg per day.
Sexual He alth Support
Zinc affects fertility, potency and normal attraction. This element is necessary for the production of spermatozoa, otherwise, with an insufficient amount of this substance, a systematic decrease in testosterone levels will occur. Therefore, if you are about to start a family, then adding some zinc to your diet will be beneficial to increase your fertility.
Scientists at Wayne State University School of Medicine in Michigan investigated the effect of this micronutrient on testosterone levels in men aged 20 to 80 years. The study found that young men who restricted their zinc intake for 20 weeks experienced a decrease in the hormone, while older zinc-deficient men who took zinc supplements for six months experienced an increase in testosterone production.
Reducing the risk of prostate disease
Another benefit of zinc for men is that it plays an important role in maintaining and improving prostate he alth. Recently, American scientists from Johns Hopkins University found that prostate cancer tissue contains significantly less zinc than he althy organs. While this micronutrient is found in every organ, tissue and cell of the human body, specifically in men, the prostate contains more zinc,than in any tissue other than bone.
As men get older, they tend to exercise less and their diet changes as well, often leading to a zinc deficiency in a man's body. This option is fraught with frequent cases of prostate enlargement (inflammation of the prostate gland). There is also scientific evidence of a direct relationship between zinc deficiency and the development of prostate cancer. Eating a small handful of nuts regularly will help keep this factor to a minimum.
Hair loss prevention
Alopecia can manifest itself in a variety of ways - from minimal hair thinning to complete baldness. The reason for the development of such a nuisance lies either in heredity, or in the deficiency of certain minerals. Zinc can also stimulate hair growth by improving immune system function.

However, according to a study in Australia, men who ate lean meat were less likely to go bald than those who ate fat. Supplements of this micronutrient may help prevent hair loss in men who do not eat a balanced diet. Getting the required amount of zinc for men from regular food can be difficult. But this problem has a fairly simple solution. There are special preparations containing zinc that can be found at your pharmacy or he alth food store.
Liver relief
Everyone knows that alcohol harms the body in general and the liver in particular. Usesupplemental zinc can help reduce this damage, which occurs in part because the element promotes the production of enzymes that stimulate alcohol processing.

Zinc has also been found to improve the antioxidant capacity of the liver, enhancing a base metal detoxifying compound called metallothionein, low levels of which make the liver more susceptible to potential damage. By stabilizing the gastrointestinal tract, metallothionein reduces the likelihood of inflammation to a minimum. Alcohol is also dangerous for the body because it can reduce the level of zinc in the thyroid gland, which, in turn, leads to many medical problems, including a decrease in the performance of the thyroid gland and subsequent weight gain. Therefore, the benefits of zinc for men who drink alcohol from time to time are simply invaluable.
Strengthening immunity
Often we ourselves can be the best defenders of our body. By eating a diet rich in antioxidants, vitamins and nutrients, we can boost our immune system to fight off a range of diseases and infections. Our bodies produce molecules, or so-called free radicals, that can damage cells. Antioxidants such as zinc help neutralize these potentially damaging elements.
Researchers believe that an imbalance between free radicals and antioxidants may contribute to the development of cancer and heart disease, as well as diseases associated withage. To get the right amount of antioxidants in your diet, you need to eat enough of the right foods or include vitamins and supplements in the diet.

Zinc also not only increases the number of white blood cells that fight infection, but also makes them more active. This micronutrient promotes the production of more cancer-fighting killer cells and helps white cells produce more antibodies. Zinc increases the number of infection-fighting T-cells, especially in the elderly, who are often micronutrient deficient, whose immune systems can weaken with age.
Providing the work of the thyroid gland
What is the use of zinc for men? It is a key mineral that helps produce special hormones that signal the pituitary gland to produce another essential enzyme from the thyroid gland, a lack of which in men can lead to low testosterone levels in the body. Drinking alcohol can exacerbate this situation. If you're dealing with the symptoms of a low thyroid gland, which we'll cover next, and you're drinking any amount of alcohol, then consider taking zinc supplements.

The thyroid gland produces a number of important hormones, including thyroxine, which play a vital role in metabolism, growth and development, and body temperature. In addition, this microelement is necessary for intracellularlevel to help thyroid receptors.
One of the most useful foods that will help you keep your zinc levels at the level is a pecan nut, the benefits and dangers of which we will discuss further.
Regeneration and restoration
Men can be tough and demanding of their bodies. And the more active we are - whether at work, in the gym or in the yard - the more stress the musculoskeletal system receives. It is logical that the maximum amount of our personal reserves of zinc is in the muscles, where the mineral performs the function of creating and repairing cells after strenuous activity.
The process of exercise itself - from strength training to running - puts stress on our muscles. We are literally tearing them apart at the cellular level. At rest, our muscles grow, become bigger and stronger. Zinc is a key component in this process: it provides the proper structure of cells and proteins, and helps us in the rest that is necessary for this.

In addition, the muscles in the work consume significant energy, resulting in the production of dangerous free radicals. Intense exercise can lead to heavy sweating and insufficient calorie intake, resulting in a zinc deficiency in the body.
Protection of the visual organs
This is one of the inevitable realities of the aging process - the fading of vision.

However, taking certain dietary supplements may help stabilize age-related macular degeneration in somepatients. A study by the National Eye Institute (USA) found that taking high doses of antioxidants, vitamin C, vitamin E and beta-carotene along with zinc can slow the progression of eye diseases.
Symptoms of mineral deficiency
So how do you know if you're deficient and need to increase your zinc intake? For men, this aspect plays a particularly important role in ensuring the vital activity of the body.
Signs of insufficient zinc are as follows:
- loss of appetite;
- anemia;
- slow wound healing and skin conditions such as acne or eczema;
- hair loss.
What to use?
To get the maximum benefit from zinc for the body of a man, the following foods must be in the diet:
- Red meat. This includes beef, lamb and pork. A 100g serving of raw minced meat contains 4.8mg of zinc, which is 43% of the recommended daily intake for men. However, it is necessary to strike a balance and monitor the correct heat treatment of the product: do not fry until a coal crust appears, but give preference to more dietary options.
- Shells (oysters, crabs, mussels and shrimps). The zinc content in oysters is 32 mg, or as much as 290% of the daily value! Therefore, be careful with their use and do not overdo it. Otherwise, instead of the benefits of zinc for men, you can get into trouble associated with an excessive concentration of the mineral in the body.
- Beans. To youchickpeas, lentils, beans, which are an excellent source of essential micronutrients for supporters of a vegan and vegetarian diet, are suitable. However, legumes also contain phytates, which reduce the absorption of zinc. Processing methods such as heating, sprouting, soaking, or fermentation can help improve its bioavailability.
- Nuts. You can include pine nuts, peanuts, cashews and almonds in your diet. Of particular value is the pecan nut, the benefits and harms of which must be taken into account when used. The content of zinc in it is 4.1 mg per 100 g of the product. Pecans are high in monounsaturated fats. Walnut kernels contain gamma-tocopherols that can protect proteins, fats and cell DNA from oxidation, and phytosterols that lower cholesterol and prevent the development of varicose veins, coronary disease and atherosclerosis. However, keep in mind that the body can absorb no more than 100 g of nuts at a time. Digestion problems may occur if consumed in excess.
- Dairy products. For example, 100 grams of cheddar cheese contains about 28% of the recommended amount of zinc per day, while one cup of whole milk contains about 9%.
- Eggs. One large egg contains 5% of the RDA for zinc, plus a host of other nutrients, including protein, he althy fats, B vitamins, selenium, and choline.
- Whole grains. Wheat, quinoa, rice, oats also contain small amounts of the mineral. However, zinc may not be absorbed in the same way as it is from other foods due tothe presence of phytates.
- Dark chocolate. A 100-gram bar with 70-85% cocoa contains 3.3 mg of zinc, or 30% of a person's recommended daily allowance. But do not forget that 600 kcal are hidden in the same amount of chocolate.

If you cannot consume any of the listed products and provide yourself with a sufficient norm of zinc, then you can add special supplements to your diet. But we do not recommend placing all hope on them, since it is desirable that the body receives the necessary trace elements from food.
Where to buy vitamins with zinc for men? Which is better to buy? Contact large pharmacies, which offer a wide range of dietary supplements, or diet food stores. Purchase such well-known drugs as "Zincteral", "Selzinc-Plus", "Zinc Chelate". There are also whole vitamin complexes, which contain many more essential trace elements and vitamins. These supplements include Duovit for Men and Alfavit.
As you can see, it is enough just to be attentive to your body in order to hear timely signals and provide it with everything it needs. After all, each of us is interested in good physical and mental he alth, which is the key to a long and fulfilling life.