The topic we have today is somewhat delicate and not entirely pleasant, but what to do - someone has to cover it! To be honest, each of us at least once in our lives … farted! Yes Yes! It's also called "letting the winds out". But that's not the point. We do not live in Germany, where frequent farting does not cause any inconvenience and misunderstanding, since moral barriers are not imposed on this. We, friends, live in Russia! Here in public places you have to restrain yourself. To protect the people around us from the unpleasant (and sometimes fetid) smell of our own gases, we have to experience some physical discomfort, which is often accompanied by embarrassment. Sometimes the situation gets out of hand and there is a sudden (and sometimes loud) fart! It must be terrible, friends…

Frequent farting. Reasons
When our intestines digest food, in the process, gases accumulate in it, leaving in small portions through the anus. Where are they fromcome from?
- With food we swallow a certain amount of air. Chewing "gum" and smoking also provoke excessive swallowing of air.
- Digestive juices interact with each other (and with water) to form carbon dioxide, hence anal farts.
- Various beneficial microorganisms (bacteria) live in our large intestine. Gases are the result of their vital activity.
- If a person is lactose intolerant, frequent farting can be triggered by dairy products.
In addition, in many cases, constant gases that torment a person throughout the day can be caused by a disease such as flatulence. We will talk about this further.
Insidious flatulence
What is this?
Excessive and frequent farting is called flatulence. In human terms, this is an excess of intestinal gases, accompanied by bloating, belching and bursting pain with rather strong flutulence (release of these gases).

What is the norm?
There are certain standards by which we, sorry, fart. Since the formation of intestinal gases is a completely natural process, their periodic release from the anus is quite normal. In general, doctors say that a he althy person should fart 6 to 20 times a day! Well-known therapist and professor of medical sciences Elena Malysheva, in one of her TV shows, stated that she "bulges out 2 liters of air a day" (quote)!
I was torturedendless farting!
Do you often "let the winds out" and experience rather painful sensations? Gentlemen, you need to see a doctor! There is something wrong with your body. The fact is that frequent farting (flatulence) is the first "bell" indicating violations and malfunctions in the gastrointestinal tract:

- pancreatitis,
- constipation,
- irritable bowel syndrome,
- helminthiasis,
- colitis.
But flatulence is not always a symptom. Sometimes this is an independent phenomenon caused by some reasons from the outside. What? Read on!
Causes of flatulence
- The food you eat is often to blame. After all, there are foods that brazenly provoke flatulence: legumes, cabbage, black bread, soda, radish, various flour products.
- Besides, the cause of flatulence is the most common overeating. That is why doctors recommend eating often, but in small portions.