Memory is unique and has not yet been fully explored, so there are many discoveries to be made in the future. Often she plays by her own rules! Scientists say that the main cause of memory loss is malnutrition. Not systematized meals, malnutrition and overeating - all this leaves an imprint on the state of the human body. The lack of dairy products, fish and meat in the diet undoubtedly leads to a deficiency of the vitamin that is responsible for the activity of the brain (B12). Take note that if you are losing weight, in no case do not deprive yourself of this vitamin.
Another enemy of our body that provokes memory loss is our excess weight. The presence of cholesterol in the blood leads to vasoconstriction, blood flow is reduced, respectively, the brain does not work at full capacity - it is less saturated with oxygen, and high pressure leads to hypodynamia. Usually these two factors are inseparable from each other.
Another enemy of memory is alcohol. Bitter poison has a negative effect on the brain, which is confirmed by such consequences as: blurry vision, slow reaction, tangled legs,confused speech and memory loss. All these "special effects" happen after drinking alcohol. It only saves that all these symptoms, which appear after taking only a small amount of a dose of alcoholic beverages, quickly disappear after the cessation of alcohol intake into the body. However, if you drink alcoholic beverages very often or in large doses, then their negative effect on brain cells is noticeable even after the direct effect of alcohol has long since ended.. And I want to defend our memorable mechanism. I’ll clarify right away that we are not talking about senile changes in memory, but about elementary rejection of information.

Note that memory tries to save its owner from unnecessary stress and psychological trauma, and does it very skillfully. Let's say a girl had a fight and subsequently broke up with her boyfriend. She is ready to accuse him of all sins, in every possible way assuring herself that he is bad and does not suit her at all. However, after a certain time, her brain gives out only the best, brightest and most joyful moments. This is a trick of memory - she made sure that we get only good emotions.
People involved in an accident often do not remember the details of the terrible tragedy. The more stress for the body, the better memory hides what we don’t need to remember. You see, a memory lapse is sometimes even useful: there are things that we are better off forgetting. Never complain about your memoryshe helps us all the time, we just need to support her, train her and supply her with vitamins.

Before you worry about memory lapses, think about why your body started this game with you. Imagine what a difficult task our brain performs. Short-term memory, permanent memory … Everything is sorted out. And we can always fish out the necessary information from its bowels. Do you think that memory lapses are a disease? Consider if this is really the case. Or is it a natural process based on moral and physiological laws. Well, if memory lapses, the symptoms of which are inattention and forgetfulness, have become more frequent and unreasonable, consult a doctor.