Unless there are any abnormalities, the human body excretes normal urine, which has a light yellow or straw hue, as well as a transparent structure. If we talk about the smell of a liquid, then in the physiological state, urine is characterized by the presence of unpleasant or caustic shades. Therefore, if there is an unpleasant smell of urine in men, the causes of such a symptom may indicate the development of some disorder in the body, which in this case may be associated not only with problems of the urinary system, but also with diseases of other organs. Most men do not pay attention to such symptoms without visiting a specialist in a timely manner. But in most cases, the cause of the unpleasant smell of urine in men is the development of a serious disease. That is why such a symptom should not be ignored. In this article, we will take a closer look at what are the causes of bad urine odor in men, as well as how to deal with this or that problem.

Physiological causes
The appearance of an unpleasant smell should not be a tragedy for a man. This symptom does not mean that the patient necessarily develops an incurable and severe pathology. Quite often, the cause of the unpleasant smell of urine in men is a violation of the usual lifestyle or diet. If the smell of urine has changed due to a physiological factor, then a person can be calm about his he alth. This will be completely normal and only temporary. As a rule, an unpleasant odor in this case will disappear on its own. Let's take a closer look at the physiological reasons why urine smells bad in men.
The appearance of an unpleasant symptom is often the result of a lack of fluid in the human body. In such situations, urine becomes a rich yellow color, acquires the aroma of ammonia. This phenomenon is often observed in people who are involved in heavy sports or any other heavy physical exertion. Bad-smelling urine can also be the result of a varied diet.
How to fix?
Therapeutic measures in this case will include the elimination of the main provoking factor, as well as an increase in the amount of fluid taken in your diet. In addition, experts recommend drinking at least 2 liters of water throughout the day. This rule is especially important to observe in hot weather.

Special food items
So, we continue to consider the causes and treatment of bad urine odor in men. Eating certain foods can affect the flavor of urine. A strong smell is most often manifested if a person eats a huge amount of asparagus or greens. The fact is that these foods, as well as too spicy or s alty dishes with a high content of red and black pepper, can cause changes in urine in both women and men.
Odor elimination
In this situation, specialists do not prescribe any treatment. The patient simply must exclude from his own diet foods that provoke a similar symptom. As a rule, the unpleasant smell of urine is eliminated after two or three days.
Taking medication
The aroma of urine changes greatly in the case of the use of certain medications. As a rule, the cause of this phenomenon is the long-term use of antibacterial drugs. Vitamin preparations, in particular those that contain a large amount of vitamin B6, can also provoke such a symptom.
How to solve the problem?
Unpleasant smell of urine in men, which arose due to the use of medications, can only be eliminated naturally. It is only necessary to wait a few days for the accumulated medicinal substances to leave the body on their own. The speed of this process increases if a person leads an active lifestyle, eats rationally, and alsodrink the required amount of fluid per day.

Please note that if there is a sharp unpleasant smell of urine in men, then a similar symptom may be the result of some changes in the human body. The reason for this phenomenon may lie both in physiological disorders and in pathologies of various systems and organs.
Possible diseases
Above, we examined the physiological causes of the appearance of an unpleasant smell of urine in men. Why does this symptom still occur? The unpleasant aroma of urine can be the cause of various inflammatory and pathological processes in the body. Diseases of the urinary and reproductive systems can provoke a symptom. Consider them separately.
Kidney inflammation
If there is an unpleasant smell of urine in men, then this may indicate inflammation of the kidneys. For this disease, the appearance of painful sensations that are localized in the lumbar region is also considered characteristic. In addition, a person's temperature rises to 39 degrees. As a result of a persistent increase in body temperature, concentrated urine is excreted, which has a bad odor. In such situations, urine smells like ammonia.

Why does urine smell bad in men yet? The reason may be the development of urolithiasis. The inflammatory process in the case of such a pathology is caused by the appearance of stones in the bladder, in the ureters, kidneys, and also in their pelvis. Datachanges can cause urine to take on a strong ammonia flavor. Such a violation can be completely asymptomatic, but it will progress. Characteristic signs manifest themselves only in situations where the stones will shift and begin to move along the urethra. And as a result, the mucous epithelium of the organs begins to be injured, cramping, sharp pains appear.
Inflammation of the bladder
This disease is less common in males than in women. This difference is due to some features of the anatomical structure of the genitourinary organs in men. If the ailment nevertheless manifested itself, then the patient experiences itching and burning during urination. There will be discharge from the urethra, which can provoke an unpleasant smell of the night.
Benign neoplasms
Prostate tumors often form in men between 40 and 45 years of age. Such a formation provokes an increase in the size of the organ, due to which the process of urination becomes impossible if maximum efforts are not made. In this situation, the man has urinary retention or incontinence, which begins to smell strongly of ammonia.

Inflammation of the prostate gland
This male pathology can provoke a change in the smell of urine. The prostate gland is a very vulnerable organ, which is easily exposed to various inflammatory diseases. Symptoms of this diseasemay be similar to cystitis, however, in this case, erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, and discomfort during sexual intercourse join the manifestations of the inflammatory process.
Before you start treating bad urine odor in men, you should undergo a diagnostic examination in a medical facility. Urine can indicate diseases not only of the urinary system, but also of other organs. For diagnosis, a variety of urine tests are taken. These should include:
- General analysis. This type of study shows the work of not only the entire urinary system, but also other internal organs of the patient.
- Analysis according to Nechiporenko. This urinalysis shows the number of red blood cells, white blood cells. It is prescribed to all patients who have suspicions of an inflammatory process.
- Sugar analysis. It is used to diagnose diabetes in a patient.
- Analysis for diastasis. Such a study shows the function of the pancreas in a man.
- RBC analysis. This analysis shows whether there are blood impurities in the urine. It is used in case of diagnosis of urolithiasis, pyelonephritis or cystitis.

Treatment recommendations
The appearance of ammonia, fish, sour and rotten aroma is a sign of an inflammatory process. Antibiotics and diuretics are used for therapy. Acute urinary tract infectionsystem should be treated under the supervision of a specialist, such as a nephrologist or internist. If this disease is not treated in time, it can become chronic. That is why, when the first symptoms of this pathology appear, you should seek help from the clinic.
In the presence of chronic diseases of the urinary system, experts recommend regular examinations, 2 times a year. Thus, it will be possible to prevent recurrence of the disease.
When urine begins to smell like acetone, this indicates that the diet should increase the amount of carbohydrate foods: fruits, cereals, sweet tea. In the most severe situations, a specialist is prescribed a dropper with glucose.
When urine smells like maple syrup, machine oil or cat urine, this is a sign of hereditary pathologies. In this case, therapy will be prescribed strictly by a doctor.
If you want to get rid of the unpleasant odor of urine, you must first determine the main cause of this symptom. If a person has no other symptoms besides the smell, such as lower back pain, fever, bloody impurities in the urine, then you can get rid of the smell with your own strength if you follow simple rules:
- Increase the amount of fluid you drink per day. To do this, your own weight is multiplied by 30. It is believed that for every kilogram of body weight a person needs to drink 30 ml of water.
- Eat right. The diet should contain components of a he althy diet, such as vegetables and fruits,vegetable and animal fats, cereals, cereals, dairy products.
- If there is a suspicion of the development of a sexually transmitted disease, then it is imperative to contact a venereologist to be examined.
- If diabetes is detected, then you should take medicines, as well as eat right. If you follow all the recommendations, then the urine should acquire a normal smell.

Unpleasant smell of urine in a man is not always a sign of illness. But if you find yourself with other unpleasant symptoms, you should seek help from a specialist.