Lack of erection is a very common problem that haunts men of different ages. A similar symptom of sexual dysfunction may occur regularly or appear from time to time. Be that as it may, such a delicate problem requires immediate intervention, but men, as a rule, prefer to solve it on their own, without resorting to the help of a specialist. Especially for such people, this article was written.
Causes of lack of erection
The stability of an erection depends on many factors. The strength of sexual desire is influenced by the he alth of the nervous system, the state of blood vessels, hormonal levels, and even brain activity. That is why the reasons for the lack of erection can be very different:

- development of pathologies of internal organs or body systems;
- mechanical damage to the prostate gland;
- spinal injury, spinal cord injury;
- lack of vitamins and minerals;
- doubt in one's own sexual powers;
- drug side effects;
- accumulation of waste products and toxins;
- sedentary lifestyle;
- malnutrition;
- bad habits.
And this is only a small part of the factors that can provoke the development of problems with sexual he alth. Only a qualified specialist can establish the true cause, so you should not postpone a visit to a urologist, even if such an event confuses you.
Lost your morning erection?
As for the reasons for the lack of a morning erection, they may depend on the factors that were listed in the previous section, and may be due to the following nuances:
- strong emotional and physical overload;
- dosing before bedtime;
- pathology of the cardiovascular system;
- hormonal imbalance;
- wrong sleep pattern.
However, if you woke up in the morning and did not find your sexual organ in a state of excitement - this is not a cause for concern! The penis can fill with blood 1 to 12 times a night. But how to determine the presence or absence of a nocturnal erection? Everything is extremely simple. Stick a strip of postage stamps on your genitals in the evening. If it is torn in the morning, then your penis was active at least once at night.
Signs and symptoms

Thought about what to do in the absence of an erection? Doctors recommend in this case to begin immediately a course of treatment. However, before you run to the pharmacy for a drug, be sure to study the symptoms of erectile dysfunction. Perhaps your body is just experiencing normal fatigue. Here are the main signs that indicate he alth problems:
- lack of sexual desire and interest in sexual life;
- not being able to experience orgasm during sex;
- disappearance of involuntary erection in the morning;
- premature ejaculation.
If you have one or more symptoms, it is recommended to consult a specialist for a comprehensive examination. Be aware that the lack of erection may indicate a serious condition that requires immediate treatment.

In some cases, the complete absence of an erection in a man speaks of a certain pathology, which can eventually develop into a serious illness. To prevent this from happening, be sure to consult a specialist and undergo a comprehensive medical examination (if necessary). Otherwise, you may simply not notice one of the following diseases:
- benign prostate mass;
- infectious urological diseases;
- diabetes type 2;
- some forms of sclerosis;
- Parkinson's disease;
- hypertension;
- arrhythmia.
Do not forget that in most cases an erection occurs due to impaired blood circulation in the pelvic organs. Various cardiovascular diseases can lead to a similar condition. Particular attention to their he alth should be paid to men who had people in their family who died of a heart attack. The risk of hereditary transmission of cardiovascular diseases is quite high.
The reasons for the lack of erection in men are not always associated with serious illnesses. In some cases, the wrong lifestyle can lead to a similar problem. For example, a man may simply not get enough sleep or experience a serious emotional burden. Erection problems began to occur more and more often against the background of depression and other psychological diseases. Therefore, if you “failed” several times, this is not a reason to sound the alarm or despair.

Also, do not forget that the quality of food is rapidly falling every year. The same applies to drinking water, which is consumed by residents of megacities. A huge amount of exhaust gases is a completely separate issue that deserves special attention. In some cases, rest in the village or a visit to a sanatorium helps to restore male strength. It's also never too late to start eating right and exercising.
Lack of erection is easily treatable with modern medicine. Moreover, temporary and minor disorderscan be corrected without the intervention of a specialist. It will be enough to give up bad habits, normalize your work schedule, be physically active or consume more vitamins.
Also, the problem can be de alt with with the help of a special massage or a special charge for potency. However, the course of such therapy can take quite a long period of time, so it is rarely resorted to. For more severe cases, the following forms of treatment are suitable:
- application of the vacuum method;
- surgery;
- injections into the penis;
- physiotherapy.
Most men in the presence of problems with erection prefer drug treatment, taking dietary supplements based on natural ingredients or the use of aphrodisiacs, which increase the surge of strength in the male organ for several hours. Which of the following methods is the most effective? Let's figure it out.
Dietary supplements
Dietary supplements do not have an immediate effect on the body, but they do not cause addiction and side effects. Their main advantage over chemical preparations is a natural composition that has no contraindications (except for allergies). They resort to taking dietary supplements for mild erectile dysfunction.

The choice of dietary supplements today is simply huge. All of them are dispensed without a prescription and can be purchased at any pharmacy. However, the cost of dietary supplements leaves much to be desired. Of course, you can buy some kind of ginger root extract for 300-400 rubles, but in most cases, expensive drugs are sold in pharmacies, the cost of which exceeds several thousand rubles.
As for the reviews about dietary supplements, everything is very ambiguous. Some people write that this or that drug has a complex effect on the entire body, and also returns the man to his former strength. Others say that dietary supplements are a product, the result of treatment of which will depend on the strength of the patient's self-hypnosis. It is not clear who to believe.
In most cases, a man experiencing erection problems will immediately go to the pharmacy for some well-known drug. Perhaps this approach is correct, since even most doctors have a negative attitude towards dietary supplements and immediately prescribe an inhibitor to the patient.
Most of the drugs for potency, which can be found in pharmacies, are dispensed without a prescription. The most widespread in Russia are the following funds: Cialis, Viagra, Levitra. These drugs have a chemical composition, but there is no reason to doubt the performance of the tablets. This is evidenced by the huge number of positive reviews on the Internet from patients and doctors.
As for the mechanism of action of drugs, it is based on the normalization of blood circulation in the pelvic organs. Inhibitors directly affect the blood vessels, dilating them and filling them with a scarlet liquid. This leads to a stable erection onthe next few hours and increase sex drive.
Despite the fact that fast-acting drugs are very popular among the male population, every member of the stronger sex should understand that such drugs put a lot of stress on blood vessels and the heart. Therefore, before taking capsules or tablets, be sure to read the list of contraindications in the instructions.
Folk remedies
For several centuries, alternative medicine has been gaining experience in the treatment of a wide variety of ailments. Despite the fact that in our time medicine is quite developed, among the population you can find adherents of traditional methods of treatment, especially when it comes to the lack of an erection. This problem is considered quite delicate, so it is not surprising that most men try to solve it on their own, without resorting to the help of strangers.

According to online reviews, various herbal infusions and potions, as well as special diets, help restore male power. The most effective folk remedies are decoctions from the root of ginger, calamus or ginseng. In addition, herbal medicine, which includes the use of medicinal plants and regular trips to the bath, helps to achieve a positive result.
Herbalism is not the only way traditional medicine offers. Special diets deserve special attention, which in some cases are even recommended by medical specialists. First place among "exciting" dishesare honey and nuts. In addition, various seafood and lean meat seasoned with dill, cinnamon or saffron help get rid of potency.
Physical activity is one of the most natural ways to improve erections. Usually, doctors recommend using a set of Kegel exercises, which consists in tensing the muscles of the small pelvis. By the way, in this way, you can restore sexual function not only to men, but also to women.
Also on the Internet you can find a lot of flattering reviews about other exercises designed specifically to restore erectile function. These include raising the knees while running, rotating the hula hoop, tensing and relaxing the muscles of the anus, squeezing the rubber ball with the feet, and so on.

Manual impact on certain points helps to get rid of many problems, including those of an intimate nature. There are several types of erotic massage. In some cases, the patient may need the help of a partner, in others, the man can handle it himself. Manual impact on the body is divided into the following groups:
- stimulation of specific points - soles of the foot, solar plexus, sacrum;
- impact on the penis using gel lubricant;
- scrotum massaging;
- prostate massage.
Reviews of such procedures can be found for the most part only laudatory. In addition, some specialists recommend manual therapy to their patients inas an additional method of treatment in conjunction with taking medications.
The ability to conduct a full sexual life has a huge impact on the emotional and physical condition of a man. If you want to prevent the development of diseases that can affect your sexual power, be sure to follow the generally accepted recommendations:
- watch your protein and vitamin intake;
- try to sit less and move more;
- completely give up bad habits;
- douche regularly;
- get outdoors more often;
- minimize self-medication.
After adopting these recommendations, a man will be able to maintain a high potency until old age. And will never face the problem of lack of erection. And even if this happens, the methods of treatment described in our article will definitely help him regain his natural strength. Just never forget to visit a doctor if the situation escalates.

We hope our article has helped you understand the causes of lack of erection in men, as well as the methods of treating this disease. If you have had a similar problem relatively recently, you should not immediately panic. Perhaps problems with potency are associated with banal overwork. In this case, a few days of rest will help you restore masculine strength. If you are seriously afraid for your he alth, then be sure to seek help from a specialist.