What is urethritis in men? This is an inflammatory disease that is manifested by pain and burning during urination. If left untreated, the acute form can transform into a chronic one, which is dangerous with serious complications.
Anatomical reference
What is urethritis in men? This is inflammation of the urethra. To answer the question in more detail, it is necessary to understand the male genitourinary system.
The urethra is the urinary canal. It is represented by a hollow tube with a bend. Its length can vary from 16 to 24 cm, and the width is no more than 8 mm. Microbes, fungi and viruses can settle on the walls of the duct, causing an inflammatory process on the mucosa. Due to the structural features of the urethra, pathogenic microflora multiplies rapidly. This leads to mucosal edema and urinary retention. As a result, the man regularly experiences pain.
Main reasons
In men and women, the disease has different manifestations, due to the anatomical features of the body. In the fair sex, urethritis is almost asymptomatic. Inflammatory process in menalways accompanied by discomfort.
The main cause of its occurrence are sexual infections. In this case, weakness is considered the first symptom. Her man can feel a few hours after the penetration of the pathogenic flora into the body. There are also non-infectious causes, but they are much less common. We are talking about allergies, eating disorders and personal hygiene.
Thus, the most common causes of urethritis in men are:
- Sexually transmitted diseases (herpes, ureaplasmosis, trichomoniasis, chlamydia).
- Violation of metabolic processes.
- Exposure to the body of toxic substances.
- Congestion in the pelvic organs (they may be preceded by constipation and hemorrhoids).
- Allergies to food, personal care products, medicines.
- An unbalanced diet rich in s alty and sour foods.
Stress, frequent hypothermia can provoke inflammation.

Varieties of urethritis
In modern medical practice, several classifications of urethritis are used.
Depending on the conditions of occurrence, it can be infectious and non-infectious. The first group, in turn, is divided into the following types:
- Specific urethritis. Its development causes a certain pathogen - gonococcus. At the same time, a whitish secretion is observed from the urethra. After it dries, crusts form. Patients usually complain of pain and burning inbeginning to urinate.
- Nonspecific urethritis. Other pathogens contribute to its occurrence. Depending on this, the following types of nonspecific urethritis are distinguished:
- bacterial;
- mycoplasma;
- candidiasis;
- chlamydial;
- viral;
- Trichomonas.
The non-infectious variety of the disease is divided into allergic and chemical.
Downstream is acute, torpid and chronic urethritis in men. The symptoms and causes of the last two are similar and mild, but differ in the time of occurrence. The first signs of torpid urethritis appear within two months, and chronic - after 2 months or more.
Also distinguish between primary and secondary urethritis. In the first case, the urinary canal is affected, where local inflammation develops. The secondary form occurs against the background of the penetration of infection from other foci into a he althy urethra.

Clinical picture
The causes of urethritis in men determine the clinical picture of the disease, the incubation period. For example, in the case of an allergic form of the disease, the first symptoms appear after a few hours, with genital infections - within a few days. As for the viral variety, symptoms of the disease appear only months later.
Acute urethritis is characterized by a sudden onset and a pronounced clinical picture. Typically, patients present with the following complaints:
- itching and burning in the urethra;
- increased urgeto urinate;
- appearance of impurities of pus or blood in the urine;
- clumping and swelling of the urethra due to sticking;
- discomfort when urinating.
General condition, as a rule, remains within the normal range. In especially serious cases, there is an increase in temperature, weakness in the muscles, malaise, fatigue.
Sometimes the disease is hidden, there are no obvious symptoms. Lack of treatment leads to the transformation into a chronic form of the disease. What is urethritis, men (in any case, most of them) do not even know until the first visit to the doctor. It has an undulating course, when periods of remission are replaced by exacerbations. Weak itching along the urethra, slight discharge and mild pain when urinating - these are all the symptoms. After about 7-10 days, they completely disappear.

Diagnostic Methods
What is urethritis in men, a urologist can tell. It is to this specialist that you should contact when symptoms of the disease appear. Diagnosis begins with a study of the patient's history, complaints and physical examination. Then the doctor prescribes a series of tests (urine, culture, urethral swab) to clarify the cause of the disease.
In the general analysis of urine, the number of erythrocytes, leukocytes and other indicators is evaluated.
Bakposev urine helps to identify the presence of pathogenic flora. In the morning, a man should urinate into a special sterile container, which must be purchased in advance at a pharmacy. Within two hours of herneeds to be delivered to the laboratory. Before the procedure, the genitals and hands should be thoroughly washed. The first and last stream of urine is skipped. It may contain bacteria from the urethra, which will only distort the result of the analysis.
A few days before the urological smear, it is recommended to refrain from intimacy and try not to urinate for 2-3 hours before the test is taken. During the procedure, the specialist first treats the head of the penis with disinfectants, then inserts a swab to a depth of about 1 cm. He sends the resulting swab to the laboratory, where the exact cause of the infection is established.
Additionally, hardware research methods are used (ureteroscopy, ultrasound, urethrography). Mandatory is the differential diagnosis with other diseases of the urogenital area. For example, cystitis and urethritis in men have a similar clinical presentation but require a different therapeutic approach.

General treatment recommendations
How to treat urethritis in men? Drugs for therapy, their dosage is selected by the doctor. In most cases, it is possible to overcome the disease at home. Only complicated forms require hospitalization of the patient. The principles of treatment are reduced to the following rules:
- complete renunciation of sexual activity, including oral sex and masturbation;
- exclusion of alcoholic beverages;
- use of antibiotics;
- after the acute process subsides, local remedies are recommended;
- immunotherapy is mandatory.
Alsoit is important to follow a diet. At the time of treatment, you should limit the consumption of spices, marinades, fatty and s alty foods. To speed up the healing process, you need to follow the drinking regimen. It is recommended to consume up to 2 liters of fluid daily.
Antibacterial therapy
All infectious forms of urethritis are stopped by antibacterial agents. They are selected taking into account the causative agent of the disease. Therefore, before the appointment, the patient must pass a number of additional tests. Broad-spectrum antibiotics are recommended in the acute period to avoid wasting time.
At home, treatment of non-specific urethritis in men involves the use of third-generation cephalosporins (Cefixime). If the gonococcus shows resistance to drugs, antibiotics of the fluoroquinolone series (Ofloxacin) are prescribed. After completion of treatment, in the absence of symptoms of pathology, a provocative test is performed. Its essence boils down to identifying the remaining pathogenic flora in the body. Such attention to gonococcus is due to the high probability of latent intracellular parasitism.
Therapy of a disease that occurs against the background of sexual infections involves the use of the following antibiotics:
- Gonorrheal urethritis: Fuzidin, Cefaclor.
- Chlamydial form of the disease: "Azithromycin".
- Trichomonas urethritis: Nitazol, Metronidazole.
In the case of chronic urethritis in men, antibiotic treatment is somewhat modified. The drugs are administered as a solution into the urethra. Suchinstillations cannot be carried out independently, the help of medical workers is required. Otherwise, a man can damage the tissues of the urethra, which will only aggravate the course of inflammation. Therapy is necessarily supplemented with medications based on adrenal hormones ("Prednisolone"). Outside the stage of exacerbation, physiotherapeutic procedures (electrophoresis, magnetotherapy) give a good effect.

Topical treatment
According to reviews, urethritis in men cannot be overcome without topical drugs. These include ointments and suppositories for rectal administration:
- "Indomethacin". The agent is applied directly to the head of the penis. After some time, redness or a rash may appear in this area.
- "Hexicon". Candles are administered rectally. Due to the soft base, the active substance quickly spreads over the mucous membranes, which ensures its uniform distribution. If after application an allergy occurs in the form of itching and burning, it is better to refuse the drug.
- "Diklovit". Rectal suppositories have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. After the introduction, it is recommended to remain in a supine position for about 30 minutes. Apply twice daily.
To relieve pain, doctors often prescribe antiseptics. They are available in the form of tablets or local remedies (Chlorhexidine, Miramistin). After flushing, you should limit going to the toilet for at least an hour.
Immunomodulators and vitamin therapy
At home treatmenturethritis in men always includes vitamin therapy. It allows you to eliminate the deficiency of individual trace elements and minerals. Usually, doctors prescribe multivitamin preparations with a high content of vitamins A, D, E and C (“for example, Pikovit”). It is also necessary to review the diet, to focus on the consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables.
To cope with urethritis is possible only with a strong immune system. To strengthen it, it is sometimes not enough to eat right, take vitamin and mineral complexes. In this case, doctors recommend immunomodulators. You can start taking them after the first symptoms of the disease. The following agents are considered the most effective: "Cycloferon", "Polyoxidonium", "Likopid".

Help of traditional medicine
Treatment of folk remedies for urethritis in men is recommended as an adjunct to drug therapy. This helps speed up the healing process and avoid future recurrences. For this purpose, various decoctions and infusions of herbs are used. They are easy to prepare at home. The most popular recipes are listed below:
- Infusion of black currant leaves. The tool is characterized by a pronounced antiseptic effect, contributes to the enrichment of the body with vitamins. To prepare it, you need 3 tablespoons of dried leaves, pour 250 ml of boiling water, insist until completely cooled. Then the infusion must be filtered. It is recommended to take before meals in small portions.
- Decoction based on oak bark. Remedy wellrelieves pain and burning sensation, which is usually felt during urination. To prepare it, you need to pour a tablespoon of raw materials into 250 ml of boiling water, leave in a water bath for 20 minutes. After the broth must be filtered. You can take it either orally in a tablespoon or do sitz baths.
- Infusion of cornflower. According to reviews, it helps to restore microflora, destroys pathogenic flora. To prepare it, you need to pour a tablespoon of dry raw materials with a glass of boiling water, insist for an hour and strain. It is better to take the infusion before meals, 50 ml each.
Alternative treatment of urethritis in men must be agreed with the doctor. Some herbs have contraindications for this disease. In addition, if an allergic reaction occurs, it is better to refuse such therapy.

Possible Complications
Complications usually occur if the symptoms of urethritis in men are ignored. Treatment at home without consulting a doctor can also lead to sad consequences. From the focus of chronic infection, the pathogenic flora can penetrate into other organs, causing the appearance of:
- pyelonephritis;
- cystitis;
- orchitis;
- prostatitis;
- balanoposthitis.
Prostatitis (inflammation of the prostate), in turn, often leads to pathologies of the reproductive system, sexual dysfunction and infertility. Therefore, urethritis should not be ignored, and when its initial symptoms appear, immediatelystart therapy.
Prevention Methods
Urethritis is a rather insidious disease. After confirming the diagnosis, it is necessary to strictly follow the recommendations of the doctor. Treatment of chronic urethritis in men requires more time and effort than its acute form.
Is it possible to prevent the occurrence of pathology? Doctors give the following recommendations:
- Observe basic rules of personal hygiene.
- Refuse promiscuity. In case of contact with a random partner, you need to use barrier contraceptives - a condom.
- Avoid hypothermia, physical and emotional overwork.
- Breaking goodbye to bad habits forever.
- Prevent urinary retention and empty your bladder completely at the first urge.
- Try to avoid using other people's personal items (towels, shoes, underwear).
Every man should be examined by a urologist twice a year. You can not ignore a specialist even in the absence of visible he alth problems. Many infectious pathologies have a latent course, and make themselves felt only at an advanced stage.