Let's figure out how to take a swab from the urethra in men. Usually it acts as a mandatory diagnostic procedure for conducting a qualitative he alth check. In the event that the patient feels a number of changes in the body's own behavior, this study will certainly help to establish the reasons.
What does analysis reveal?
A smear on the flora from the urethra in men allows you to establish the following information:
- The general state of the microflora, in what quantitative ratio are certain elements.
- Establishment of factors in the development of a pathogenic, inflammatory and purulent process, which usually occurs due to the multiplication of bacteria and harmful microscopic organisms.
- Presence of inflammatory processes.
- Development of a venereal disease or the presence of a pathogen.
- The appearance of fungal and viral infections.

Preparing forresearch
Immediately before taking a smear from the urethra in men, preparation must be carried out without fail. It is advisable to refrain from sexual contact for two days. Showering is required the night before. And in the morning before the analysis, do not urinate for at least two hours. The fact is that urine is washed off the surface of the urethra microflora along with pathogenic microorganisms and cells. In a few hours, their number increases again, and a sufficient amount of separated secretion accumulates in the urethra, which is necessary to take the material for analysis. Next, we will find out how this procedure goes.
Algorithm for carrying out
How is a male urethral swab taken? Immediately before taking the biomaterial, the doctor will ask the patient to perform the toilet of the genital external organs. That is, by means of water and soap, remove excess microflora from the surface of the head of the penis. Next, the genital organ is wiped with sterile saline and dried with a napkin. From now on, microscopic organisms from the skin surface should definitely not get into the biomaterial.
Special tool
A male urethral swab is performed using a special instrument that is carefully inserted into the urethra, usually only a few centimeters away. A pair of rotational movements allows the probe to collect a sufficient amount of biomaterial for the study. As indicated in the laboratory rules, the movements must be gentle, but at the same time quite intense.

Howa swab is taken from men from the urethra, it is better to find out in advance. The probe is carefully removed, and the resulting secret is applied to a clean glass slide. In this form, the substance is sent to the laboratory. In the event that the analysis is taken for genital infections, the collected material is placed in a sterile special container with a transport medium. Before taking the test, many people are interested in whether it hurts to do a swab from the urethra for men. During the procedure, according to the patients themselves, the feeling is not very pleasant, but tolerable. It depends largely on the qualifications of the doctor, on the instruments used, and also on the intensity of inflammation in the urethra. Naturally, in the presence of urethritis, men will be much more painful compared to the usual preventive examination, since the mucous membrane will already be damaged.
Be prepared for what?
After taking a swab from the urethra, men may experience discomfort during urination for several days, ranging from burning and mild discomfort to severe pain. When taking a substance on the mucous membrane, irritation occurs. When urine enters these microscopic gaps, discomfort appears. Because of this, some try to drink less in order to go to the toilet less often, but this is not the right strategy at all. The more concentrated urine is formed, the more it irritates the mucous membrane. After taking a swab from the urethra, men should take pain medication and drink plenty of water along with a decoction of chamomile or kidney tea. If there is severe pain during urination, you should take a warm bath. In general, howtake a swab from the urethra in men, it is better to check with the doctor.
What are the indications for prescribing such a procedure?
Often, a swab from the urethra should be taken as a preventive measure, as well as for examining men's he alth. In addition, when there are disorders in the functioning of the genitourinary system, then the biomaterial will most likely help to find the cause of the development of the corresponding symptoms. The main indications for this analysis include the following symptoms:
- Itching and intense burning in the genitourinary system.
- The presence of pain during sexual contact with a partner or against the background of emptying the ureter.
- Appearance of uncharacteristic discharge from the urethra.
- The occurrence of an allergic rash on the genitals.
- Periodic formation of pain without the influence of irritating factors.
If it hurts to write to a man, a swab from the urethra must be taken.

What the study shows: interpreting the results
Finally, when the worst is over, it remains only to decide on the results. For the study of the general smear, the study of the analysis takes about three days. During this period, the material is delivered to the laboratory, stained and examined under a microscope. Results usually report total epithelial cells along with white blood cells, mucus, cocci, and any extraneous cells found.
Normal are consideredsuch indicators:
- Leukocytes from zero to five in the field of view.
- Epithelial cells five to ten.
- Mucus in moderation.
- Trichomonas with gonococci are absent.
Increase in the number of leukocytes, as well as the epithelium, in combination with the appearance of eosinophils, red blood cells and an increase in the amount of mucus, indicates an inflammatory reaction. The presence of gonococcus, Trichomonas, yeast elements, any other bacteria, as well as intracellular parasites are signs of the disease. But it should be remembered that only a doctor can make a correct diagnosis and correctly interpret the results.

Analysis for hidden infections
Such research is faster. On average, the result is prepared in two working days. But if it is positive, then the biomaterial may be detained in order to conduct a control confirmatory test. Normally, pathogens of latent diseases should be absent. In the event that any study turns out to be positive, the doctor may advise you to take a second analysis by a quantitative method. That is, in this case, not only the presence of microbes is detected, but also their number is determined.
If a doctor recommends that a man take a swab for a latent infection, the list will look something like this: gonococci, trichomonads, ureaplasmas, mycoplasmas, herpes simplex virus, and cytomegalovirus. After conducting a urological examination, the physician will be able to narrow this list or, conversely, add other infections there.
It is worth noting that for men, taking a swab from the urethra is an unpleasant, but necessary part of the diagnosis of urological pathologies and infections. Only a smear helps doctors make a diagnosis, revealing hidden diseases and choosing a treatment. And in order to make this study as painless as possible, it will be enough to choose a qualified doctor and a modern laboratory.
Is a male urethral swab completely painless?

Feelings after the procedure
Immediately after a urethral swab, most men may experience some discomfort and pain. Itching along with tingling, heaviness in the lower abdomen can intensify with urination. Patients feel a similar state during the application of antiseptic drugs to the wound, as well as with mechanical damage to the wounded area.
In the event that the microflora is normal, it usually hurts men to write only the first three times after the procedure, and within one day the discomfort disappears. In some examples, additional symptoms may be observed, which, of course, should alert. This includes, in particular:
- Appearance of yellow discharge with an unpleasant odor.
- The occurrence of purulent fluid.
- Feeling of incomplete bladder emptying.
- It hurts to write, walk or sit.
- Discomfort intensifies so much that it cannot be tolerated.
- Unpleasant sensation does not go away for several days after taking a smear from the urethra in men. Painmay be of different intensity.
Reasons for discomfort
In the event that, after examining the urethra, it is painful for a man to write for a long time, then he should definitely consult a doctor. Often, pain with discomfort occurs due to the following factors:
- Contact with a foreign body (i.e. instrument). The fact is that the mucous membrane of the male organ is very sensitive, so it is very easy to injure it. In particular, severe pain after such a procedure is present if there is an inflammatory process.
- Sexual arousal. It is worth noting that during an erection, the urethra is noticeably stretched, in connection with this, after manipulating the biomaterial sampling, this natural process (sexual intercourse) causes pain.
- The appearance of irritation. Pain due to urination is also due to irritation of the penis, because urine serves as a strong mucosal provocateur (especially damaged by microscopic cracks).
In addition to the above reasons, pain as a result of analysis from the urethra and during such manipulation may occur against the background of:
- Violations of the microflora, the presence of microscopic organisms that damage the mucosa.
- Excessive sensitivity of the organ channel (acts exclusively as an individual feature of each man).
- The appearance of injuries of the urethral canal that occurred even before the procedure.
- Hyperemia.

How to avoid unpleasantfeelings?
So, how to take a swab from the urethra of a man and not feel pain? To avoid discomfort after the analysis, doctors recommend adhering to the following recommendations:
- Monitor the frequency of urination. As a rule, the first trip to the toilet after the delivery of the biomaterial should take place no later than thirty to forty-five minutes. The pain of holding back this process will only increase.
- You need to urinate properly. At first, a man should release only a small portion of urine (we are talking about a few drops). Then, after suffering a wave of discomfort, the bladder is completely emptied.
- Compliance with hygiene. It is worth noting that washing the genitals should be done at least once a day. At the same time, doctors allow the use of only hypoallergenic products that are intended for washing, or laundry soap along with an infusion of herbs (for example, chamomile, thyme).
- Wearing loose underwear made from natural fabrics and free of dyes.
- Abstaining from sexual intercourse for at least a week after appropriate medical procedures. In order to avoid pain, it is best to avoid sexual arousal as well.
- Compliance with a sparing diet. It is worth recalling that alcohol must be excluded from the human diet along with fried, spicy and fatty foods, spices, smoked and sour.

SoThus, we examined how a swab is taken from the urethra in men. To identify a number of infectious pathologies that occur in the urinary system, doctors often have to take a smear for examination. According to statistics, men experience severe discomfort during this procedure, and in many situations it is also painful to go to the toilet for the next few days.
On top of that, urological smear sampling serves as one of the tests surrounded by myths. Instead of directly asking the urologist, men are interested in each other, sharing their impressions on various forums, asking for advice from friends and even among strangers. In fact, it is better to immediately consult a doctor who will reassure incredulous patients and explain the rules for performing the study. Nevertheless, no matter how unpleasant this analysis may be, it should be understood that it is necessary for the examination and maintenance of men's he alth.