Having a slight difficulty urinating? Or maybe you've noticed erection problems? Know that these are all symptoms of prostatitis. What hurts and why does this insidious disease appear? Let's try to understand the features of this pathology.
What is prostatitis
According to statistics, every second man of mature age faces this unpleasant disease. But, despite such a prevalence, the disease is not always detected in time and successfully treated.
If we talk about age-related features, then prostatitis is often diagnosed even in young guys at the age of 18, but long-term chronic pathology is much more common in men in old age.
Prostatitis is an inflammation of the prostate gland, the prostate - an exclusively male organ located near the bladder. This gland in the body of a man is often called the "second heart". And all because it is responsible for a large number of various functions.

Prostatitisdeservedly considered one of the most common diseases. For example, in the US it accounts for approximately 8% of all urological diseases.
The mechanism of development of this pathology is still not fully understood. It is very difficult for doctors to say exactly why the disease appears.
The first symptoms of prostatitis are actually quite easy to recognize, but it is worth taking into account the fact that all men develop the disease in different ways. Sometimes the disease does not manifest itself at all, gradually flowing into a chronic form, imperceptibly to the patient himself. This pathology is considered chronic if its duration exceeds 3 months.
Features of the disease
Taking into account the causes and symptoms of prostatitis, doctors conventionally divide it into several different forms. The disease is chronic and acute, bacterial and infectious, purulent, congestive and calculous. Depending on the variety, the first symptoms of prostatitis can also vary greatly.
You can suspect the presence of pathology by sharp attacks of pain in the scrotum, weakened potency and difficult emptying of the bladder. With the development of this disease, the quality of ejaculation and the sperm itself deteriorates significantly. This is what usually looks like the first symptoms of prostatitis in men. What to do when such problems appear? Of course, contact a specialist - a urologist.
First manifestations
You can detect the problem by donating blood and urine for general tests. Such simple studies will determine the causative agent of the pathology. These can be infections:trichomoniasis, chlamydia, gardnerellosis and gonorrhea. Bacteria enter the focus of inflammation along with the blood flow from the rectum or bladder. In addition, there is another form of the disease - non-bacterial prostatitis. It is impossible to identify this type of pathology with the help of tests, however, this does not mean at all that there are no pathogenic bacteria in the body.
The first signs of prostatitis can vary greatly, depending on the form of the disease. It can be active or latent. The latter type is characterized by a mild clinical picture, but certain signs can still be noticed. This phase can last for several years, but it can be identified by a few basic symptoms. How is prostatitis manifested in men at the latent stage? Usually the patient is faced with pronounced discomfort in the area of the scrotum, anus and even the glans penis. True, many men think that this is how ordinary fatigue manifests itself.

But when the pain becomes more intense, and urination begins to cause major problems, it becomes clear that the problem lies much more serious. Such signs indicate the progression of the inflammatory process and the development of the active phase of prostatitis.
The disease almost always proceeds through several stages. At first, the very first symptoms of prostatitis appear - too frequent urge to urinate, and the process of emptying itself may be accompanied by burning and pain, pain occurs in the pelvis, lower back and groin.
Revealingyou have the first signs of pathology, you should visit a urologist or andrologist to undergo an appropriate examination. And do not forget that it is much easier to cure a disease at an early stage than with advanced forms.
Symptoms, signs, sensations in men with prostatitis
The disease manifests itself most often in the form of such problems:
- regular urge to void;
- pain syndrome;
- weak or completely absent erection.
This is how the main symptoms of prostatitis look like. What is it that hurts? A man may feel severe discomfort in the scrotum, anus, groin and lower back. By its nature, the pain can be pulling, aching, pressing and even bursting. The cause of pain lies in the irritation of the prostate against the background of the inflammatory process.

In addition, with the development of the disease, patients always face certain problems in the process of urination. Most often, there is a weak pressure of urine, the appearance of pain at the time of emptying. Sometimes men have no outflow of urine at all. A similar symptom appears due to squeezing of the urethra, which is enlarged against the background of inflammation by the prostate gland.
Gradually, the rectum and genitourinary system are involved in the pathological process, even the development of a tumor is not excluded.
How are the symptoms of prostatitis manifested? Usually, pain is accompanied by pathological secretions, which may have a different shade, texture and transparency. For chronic prostatitismany men complain about the release of a small amount of semen after tightening the muscles of the perineum or defecation.
When the prostate is inflamed, patients may develop a greenish, purulent discharge from the urethra. They can also occur with a latent form of the disease. Such discharge, fever, fever and soreness are a reason to urgently go to the doctor.
Features of the clinical picture
The first signs of chronic prostatitis are the occurrence of discomfort and pain in the lower abdomen, sometimes in the thigh and lower back. In just a few days, sexual dysfunction develops. At the end of sexual intercourse, a pulling pain may appear at the end of the penis, which disappears after a few minutes. After a few more days, problems with emptying the bladder begin: pain and burning, which gradually increase.

Acute prostatitis in men is follicular, catarrhal and purulent. In the second case, the disease is characterized only by difficult urination. If the patient develops a follicular form of the disease, the symptoms are supplemented by pain in the scrotum and fever. If purulent prostatitis is diagnosed, the patient has prostate abscesses and a pronounced clinical picture.
Reasons for appearance
Until now, doctors can not say what exactly leads to infection of the prostate gland. Pathogens can enter the prostate through the urethra or rectum.
Just ten years ago, prostatitis was considered a sexually transmitted disease. But now doctors say that men rarely become infected with pathology through sex.

The high-risk group includes men who:
- have anal sex;
- have abnormally shaped urinary canals;
- have an enlarged prostate since birth;
- rescheduled medical procedures using a catheter;
- have a history of infectious malformations of the genitourinary system.
Among other things, the following factors influence the development of prostatitis:
- autoimmune defects;
- malnutrition;
- sedentary lifestyle;
- alcohol abuse;
- hypothermia;
- prolonged sexual abstinence;
- chronic constipation;
- various injuries.

Most often, prostatitis is the result of bad habits and a sedentary lifestyle.
Prostate therapy is aimed at stopping the inflammatory process and congestion in the prostate gland. You can start treatment only after passing the examination - it is necessary to determine the initial cause of the disease. The duration of therapy depends on the severity of the disease and the characteristics of its course.
Young guys are faced with prostatitis most often due to banal hypothermia. It is because of this that men often developacute form of the disease. Strong antibiotics are used to eliminate it. If prostatitis was provoked by emotional overstrain, the patient is referred to a neurologist. Such men are shown taking vitamin complexes, electrophoresis and relaxing massage sessions. Without determining and eliminating the initial cause of the problem, getting rid of prostatitis will not work.
Most often, doctors try to cure the disease according to the standard scheme.
- Antibacterial agents are a key component of therapy. Drugs should have a wide spectrum of action.
- Alpha-blockers - these medications are used to improve blood flow and speed up the healing process.
- Hormonal drugs are often recommended to help balance hormone levels.
- Muscle relaxants help relieve tension in the muscles of the prostate gland.

Features of therapy
If conservative methods of treatment do not bring the expected effect, the patient may be shown surgical intervention. In some cases, it becomes the only possible way of therapy.
Prostatitis in men can be treated with laser therapy. This modern technique helps to restore the damaged prostate and improve the properties of the immune system. The chronic form of the disease is best treated with a laser and medication.
Among other things, can be treated with folk remedies. Symptoms of prostatitis in men can be eliminated with the help of a variety of herbs and plants. Onlyyou should always consult with your doctor first. Alternative medicine can be combined with traditional medicines.
Treatment of prostatitis in men with folk remedies
Symptoms of the disease can be completely eliminated without strong drugs, with the help of alternative means. But you should not abuse such recipes - keep in mind that it is impossible to completely get rid of the pathology with the help of herbs alone, especially when it comes to the bacterial form.
Pain, discomfort, problems with urination - with the help of "grandmother's" recipes, you can get rid of such symptoms. Treatment of prostatitis with folk remedies is in no way inferior to traditional medicine, and makes it possible to significantly improve the well-being and condition of a man.
- Pumpkin seeds. This is one of the most popular remedies that is actively used to treat prostatitis. Every day, half an hour before a meal, you should eat at least 3 tablespoons of pumpkin seeds. Men who have tested the effect of this remedy on themselves speak positively about it.
- Parsley. Another popular remedy used for the folk treatment of prostatitis. Symptoms of the disease recede after just a week of regular use of the prescription. To prepare the medicine, you need to pour 2 tablespoons of parsley seeds with a glass of boiling water, put on low heat and cook for 15 minutes. Then the product must be cooled, filtered and taken 5-6 times every day for a tablespoon. True, such a medicine is contraindicated in men suffering from gout,nephritis and urolithiasis.
- Coniferous baths. Another common remedy that successfully fights prostatitis. To prepare a therapeutic bath, you need to boil the needles and just swim in the resulting broth. It is not necessary to take a bath in its entirety - it is enough to soak painful places. Pine needles effectively fight inflammation of the prostate, relax it, relieve pain and allow you to establish the process of emptying the bladder. The temperature of the water in the treatment bath should not exceed 40 degrees. Bathe in it for 10-15 minutes. Such a remedy is considered equally effective in both chronic and acute illness.
- Decoction of hazel. To prepare a cure for prostatitis, you can take the bark or leaves of this plant. A tablespoon of the crushed plant should be poured with a glass of boiling water, after which you need to cover the product with a lid and leave it aside for half an hour. Then the medicine must be filtered and taken 4 times a day for a quarter cup.