Is prostatitis in men treated: can it be cured completely?

Is prostatitis in men treated: can it be cured completely?
Is prostatitis in men treated: can it be cured completely?

The question of whether prostatitis in men is treated worries every representative of the strong half of humanity who is faced with this disease. Unfortunately, the pathology is common - according to statistics, it occurs in every third person at an older age. It is impossible to give an unambiguous answer to the indicated question, and therefore it is worth making a detailed analysis of this topical topic.

About the disease

Before you tell whether prostatitis is treated in men, you need to discuss the specifics of the pathology. So, this is an inflammation of the prostate gland. It usually occurs in patients between the ages of 25 and 50.

The infectious agent is usually Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa or E. coli, Proteus, Klebsiella, Enterococcus or Enterobacter. The disease develops solely due to the influence of some provoking factors, including:

  • One time orpermanent hypothermia.
  • Sedentary lifestyle.
  • Working in a position that involves a constant sitting position.
  • Regular constipation.
  • Excessive sexual activity, incomplete ejaculation, prolonged abstinence.
  • Bronchitis, cholecystitis, advanced caries, tonsillitis and other infectious foci and diseases of a chronic nature.
  • History of urological and venereal diseases.
  • Stress, malnutrition, lack of sleep, excessive physical exertion and other conditions that provoke suppression of the immune system.
Is there a cure for prostatitis in men?
Is there a cure for prostatitis in men?

Besides the reasons, there is another aspect that should be noted with attention before telling whether prostatitis in men is treated. Symptoms - we are talking about them. They are extensive and diverse, but the most common signs can be identified in the following list:

  • Increased urination with discomfort.
  • Pain in the perineum and sacrum.
  • Discomfort during bowel movements.
  • Dyspotence (in the early stages).
  • Urine retention and mild hyperthermia (or subfebrile condition).
  • General intoxication, fever up to 38-40°C, chills, acute urinary retention (in neglected conditions).
  • Scanty discharge from the urethra during bowel movements.
  • Burning sensation in the perineum.
  • Increased general fatigue.
  • Irritability, anxiety, depression.

You need to see a doctor right away,after the appearance of 1-2 disturbing, not passing symptoms. No need to torment yourself with the question "Is prostatitis treated in men?", Read reviews and try to treat yourself. The help of a specialist is paramount. If she is not sought, there will be serious consequences.


Can prostatitis be treated in men? Unfortunately, the disease of the acute form is prone to transition into a chronic one. Even if adequate treatment is timely prescribed, there is a risk that the pathology will develop. In about half of patients, the disease becomes chronic.

Indeed, recovery is not always achieved. But if the therapy is correct and consistent, and the patient will impeccably follow all medical recommendations, then the unpleasant symptoms will be eliminated, and the result will be a stable long-term remission.

Is there a cure for chronic prostatitis in men?
Is there a cure for chronic prostatitis in men?

Prevention is also very important. The main thing is to eliminate all risk factors. A man who is worried about whether prostatitis is completely cured should avoid hypothermia, change his diet to the most he althy one, alternate sedentary work with physical activity, and do not neglect laxatives for constipation.

It is also very important to normalize your sex life. Neither abstinence nor excessive activity should be allowed. And if you have symptoms of a sexually transmitted or urological disease, immediately contact a medical specialist.

Chronic form

It also needs to be told in detail. Is there a cure for chronic prostatitis in men? AnswerThe question depends on the severity of the symptoms, the stage of the disease and the age of the patient. Unfortunately, the older the man, the harder it is to achieve remission. Because with age, the size of the prostate gland increases, and the hormonal background changes.

In addition, it is not only inflammation that has to be treated. It is necessary to direct therapy to normalize blood circulation and lymph outflow in the pelvic organs.

The worst thing is that many are wondering "Is chronic prostatitis in men treated?" too late. For this form develops slowly - from the onset of the prerequisites for the disease to the development of inflammation, years pass (up to seven years!). This means that many patients simply ignore the primary symptoms.

Easier at the initial stage. It is possible to normalize the work of the body - competent treatment, physiotherapy and drug methods successfully help in this.

But in the later stages everything is more difficult. Congestive prostatitis is fraught with irreversible changes. Medical therapy will no longer help. The only way to get rid of the disease is surgery.

Consequences and complications

Since we are talking about whether prostatitis is treated in men, this topic should also be addressed. The consequences of the disease are many.

One of these is malignant neoplasms and adenoma. If in the case of prostatitis it is possible to achieve remission, then this disease is incurable. Even an operation does not guarantee the absence of relapses in the future. Yes, and after a successful intervention will have to endlife to drink pills that block the production of androgens.

Is there a cure for chronic prostatitis?
Is there a cure for chronic prostatitis?

The work of the genitourinary system is also disrupted. Kidney problems appear because residual urine stagnates. And this forms a favorable environment in which pathogenic microorganisms multiply.

But first of all, a violation of the reproductive system, due to which potency suffers, makes itself felt. Therefore, the vast majority of patients are worried about whether chronic prostatitis in men is completely treated. First, there are problems with erection, and then with ejaculation, since the lumen of the urethra decreases. Unfortunately, the result can be sexual impotence.

In addition, against the background of prostatitis, problems often arise from the nervous system. These are neuroses, apathy, asthenic syndrome, depression. Such disorders are fraught with a decrease in cognitive functions and a deterioration in the quality of life.


This consequence should be noted with special attention. The presence of constant inflammation in the prostate gland is fraught with the following consequences:

  • Decrease in the amount of sperm contained in seminal fluid.
  • Morphological changes in the structure of male germ cells.
  • Reduced sperm activity.

These three factors are enough to significantly reduce the biological activity of the ejaculate. In a man with prostatitis, spermatozoa are less mobile, and because of this, the fertilization process is more difficult. Plus, in its vas deferens can be formedscars that interfere with the release of fluid.

It is also impossible not to mention the fact that prostatitis increases the number of bacterial cells and leukocytes. These accumulations are an obstacle to the formation of spermatozoa. They also have a negative impact on the likelihood of conception.

In fact, the factors that cause infertility in this pathology can be listed for a long time. There are a lot of them. The main question is whether conception is possible? In the future, yes. But if it is important, the man is obliged to undergo an examination and pass a spermogram.

Can infertility be treated in men after prostatitis?
Can infertility be treated in men after prostatitis?

Often results show that the patient's sexual organs cannot produce a viable ejaculate. Then he is sent for treatment. In this case, there will be a chance to restore reproductive function.


Based on the foregoing, one can understand whether prostatitis in men is completely treated. Chronic - no, but remission can be achieved. One of the ways is regular, well-chosen physiotherapy. Her methods affect both the underlying disease and the entire body. Here are the most common:

  • Exposure to high-frequency current.
  • Galvanization.
  • Ultrasound.
  • Electrophoresis.
  • Magnetotherapy.

Don't forget the prostate massage. This is a very effective method that has stood the test of time. With its help, you can achieve the departure of stagnant prostate secretion.

is there a cure for prostatitis?
is there a cure for prostatitis?

And also for a man wonderingWhether chronic prostatitis is treated, one must become physically active. Movement is life, especially in this case. There are many developed complexes of therapeutic exercises, the regular implementation of which helps to improve blood circulation in the affected organ and normalize metabolic processes.

Medicated treatment

Before discussing another serious topic regarding surgical intervention, it is necessary to tell whether prostatitis in men is treated without surgery. For the purpose of drug therapy, specific antibiotics are prescribed. Universal remedies are "Ampisid", "Amoxiclav" and "Augmentin".

If the viruses are deep in the affected organ, they resort to injections and macrolide group tablets - these are "Azithromycin" and "Vilprafen".

If the patient has intolerance to certain components, drugs are prescribed that do not cause side effects. These include Ceftriaxone, Cefotaxime and Ceftazidime.

Another doctor may prescribe antibiotics with an immunostimulating effect. These are Norfloxacin and Ciprofloxacin. For the same purpose, they sometimes take "Methyluracil", "Taktivin" and "Immunal".


In continuation of the topic concerning the question of whether prostatitis is treated, you need to talk about the use of these funds. Candles give a tangible result in both acute and chronic forms of the disease. Here are the most popular:

  • Ichthyol candles. Possessanalgesic and disinfectant effect, they also improve blood flow.
  • Candles with papaverine in the composition. They help to get rid of spasms and pains, normalize blood circulation.
  • Belladonna products. Such medicines have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. The action can be compared with diclofenac.
  • Candles with prostatilen. They help to quickly alleviate inflammation and swelling, help eliminate congestion and blood clots in the gland. Restore sexual function, prevent sexual disorders.
  • Methyluracil suppositories. Help to quickly restore the prostate gland and normalize its work.
  • "Vitaprost". These suppositories help not only to cope with the pathology in question, they even have an effect against adenoma. By the way, many are interested in whether infertility in men is treated after prostatitis - and so, many managed to restore reproductive function by supplementing the treatment indicated by the doctor with Vitaprost suppositories.
  • Voltaren. It is produced not only in the form of candles - it is also available in the form of injections and tablets. It has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic effects.

In addition, antibiotic suppositories may be prescribed.


Is chronic prostatitis completely curable? No, but remission can be achieved by resorting to surgery - the last resort for this pathology. It is indicated if the patient has the following complications:

  • Loss of ability tourination.
  • Blood present in urine.
  • No response to minimally invasive or conservative treatments.
  • Paraproctitis.
  • Private urinary tract infections.
  • Abscess.
  • Stones in the bladder, kidney or prostate.

However, there are contraindications. These include the following factors:

  • Over 70 years old.
  • Acute respiratory viral infection.
  • Diabetes mellitus.
  • Hemophilia.
  • Acute inflammation in the genitourinary system.
  • Advanced diseases of the respiratory or cardiovascular systems.
  • Hypothyroidism.
  • Taking blood-thinning medications.
Is there a cure for chronic prostatitis?
Is there a cure for chronic prostatitis?

The type of operation that will be scheduled depends on the patient's condition. The options are:

  • Transurethral resection. It involves the removal of the inside of the prostate gland. In the first days after the operation, the patient will be disturbed by frequent urge to urinate, but it will be painful.
  • Open prostatectomy. All or part of the prostate is removed through an incision in the lower abdomen or between the anus and scrotum. It is done if the gland is greatly enlarged. The rehabilitation period is long, there is a risk of blood loss. Nerve fibers are damaged, this can be fraught with erectile dysfunction.
  • Laser surgery. In this way, it is possible to destroy gland tissues affected by the disease. At the same time, the blood vessels are "soldered" - bleedingis absent. This method has no drawbacks, but it is powerless if the prostate is greatly enlarged.
  • Drainage of an abscess. It is done in case of detection of a closed abscess. The doctor opens it through the perineum or rectum, cutting through the skin. There is a risk of incomplete removal of the abscess. It is small, but you need to be aware of it, as bacteria can spread throughout the body as a result.
  • Transurethral incision of the gland. It is done in order to reduce the pressure exerted on her urethra. It is carried out by making incisions with a resectocystoscope. Among the shortcomings, one can note the need to continue the treatment of the disease.

Duration of therapy

Finally, it is worth answering the most important question: how long is prostatitis treated? Here, as in all other cases, everything is individual. Pathology, which is in acute form, may require many months of treatment. But if the disease is diagnosed early, then it is quite possible to meet within 2-3 weeks.

A chronic disease, as the name suggests, stays with a person forever, even if remission is achieved. It has a long course, and therefore the man will have to regularly undergo repeated examinations, the purpose of which is to analyze his condition and adjust the course of therapy.

Is prostatitis in men treated?
Is prostatitis in men treated?

And you also need to change your lifestyle. You should start eating white seeds with homemade honey and nuts, dried fruits, drink infusions on the root of burdock, eat more dishes and products rich invitamins.

Have to give up bad habits and become physically active. It is also important to regularly (at least twice a week) have sex with a trusted partner, in no case interrupting sexual intercourse, otherwise the risk of seminal fluid stagnation will increase.
