Testicular microlithiasis: causes and treatments

Testicular microlithiasis: causes and treatments
Testicular microlithiasis: causes and treatments

Testicular microlithiasis is a rather serious disease that doctors diagnose as a precursor to cancer. It affects not only adult men, but also young men during puberty. Pathology is detected, usually by chance, during an ultrasound examination.

Testicular microlithiasis in boys - what is it?

In the medical literature, you can find another name for the disease - "starry sky". Such a definition may seem strange, if you do not pay attention to its manifestations. During an ultrasound diagnosis, the doctor can detect many small white spots that are localized in the testicles. On a black background, they resemble the arrangement of stars in the sky. These asterisks are microcalcinosis (small stones formed from calcium and desquamated epithelium of the seminiferous tubules). Neoplasms have different shapes and sizes, they can be located diffusely or be concentrated in a certain area.

Varieties of pathology

If a doctor detects microlithiasis during an ultrasound examination, he immediately determines the type of pathological process. Distinguishlimited and classic variants of the disease.

In the first case, there is a small amount of calcifications, and in the second - more than 5 units in the field of view. Limited testicular microlithiasis requires regular monitoring to prevent its transformation into the classical form. Neoplasms can block the vas deferens and urinary ducts, which leads to suppuration and multiple abscesses. In the absence of timely treatment, the young man is threatened with infertility, the development of the oncological process.

Main reasons

There are no specific clinical manifestations of the disease. Therefore, doctors strongly recommend that males periodically undergo medical examinations. Microlithiasis is one of the most common causes of cancer in men under 40.

Despite the almost complete absence of symptoms, doctors managed to identify a group of provoking factors to prevent the disease. These should include:

  • scrotal injury history;
  • varicocele;
  • inflammatory pathologies (eg, orchitis);
  • my chemotherapy;
  • torsion, testicular atrophy;
  • cryptorchism;
  • congenital chromosomal abnormality;
  • false hermaphroditism;
  • surgical manipulations on the genitals.

Testicular microlithiasis in men is detected in 5% of cases during examination to identify the cause of infertility. People with a genetic predisposition to oncological processes need to be regularly diagnosed. The likelihood of developing a tumor exists even in the absence of factorsrisk.

symptoms of varicocele
symptoms of varicocele

Clinical picture

Calcifications practically do not manifest themselves. The only thing that can alert parents is the child's anxiety against the background of discomfort in the testicles. He may periodically scratch the scrotum or otherwise try to touch it. Pain and fever are absent.

Sometimes parents themselves may suspect testicular microlithiasis in a child. For example, during the examination or when bathing. A clear sign will be a slight swelling or enlargement of the testicles. If the neoplasms are large, they can be palpated by hand.

baby washes
baby washes

Diagnostic Methods

The most informative method for diagnosing pathology is an ultrasound examination. However, the use of an outdated apparatus may distort the results. In this case, the urogenital sensor is an alternative. If there is none, it is recommended to resort to the help of computed tomography.

When microlithiasis of the testicles is suspected, doctors advise using several diagnostic methods in order to recognize small neoplasms in a timely manner. These could be:

  • diaphanoscopy;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs;
  • blood test for tumor markers;
  • MRI.

After a comprehensive examination of the body, the doctor receives a complete clinical picture. All types of proposed analyzes are sparing. They will not harm either the physical condition of the young patient or his morale.

ultrasound diagnostics
ultrasound diagnostics


Self-treatment of testicular microlithiasis is unacceptable. Even after receiving the results of the analyzes, a specialist should deal with their decoding. Therefore, if you suspect an ailment, you should immediately go to the urologist. The doctor will listen to complaints, conduct an examination and prescribe an examination. After it is carried out and upon confirmation of the preliminary diagnosis, therapy is selected. It is always individual and may include the following activities:

  1. Apparatus cleaning or hemodialysis. This procedure is used in exceptional cases. It is necessary to cleanse the blood of pathological inclusions.
  2. Taking diuretics. Medicines are used to remove excess fluid from the body.
  3. Drugs for vasodilation. Helps improve blood circulation and metabolism.
  4. Vitamin complexes.
  5. Physiotherapy treatment.

Hemodialysis is contraindicated for children under three years of age.

Traditional medicine is powerless in this matter. Her recipes can only be used to strengthen immunity and after consulting a doctor.

consultation with a doctor
consultation with a doctor


The issue of surgical treatment of testicular microlithiasis in men has not been fully studied. Some doctors are sure that the operation is not necessary. By removing calcifications, it is impossible to simultaneously eliminate the cause of the disease. In addition, during the intervention, he althy tissues located next to the pathological ones are affected. This contributes to general decompensation.

However, other specialistshold a different point of view. They believe that the operation is possible in adult men, but it is not recommended for children under one year old. Intervention involves preliminary preparation. The patient needs to pass blood biochemistry, a coagulation test and urine culture. In addition, the anesthesiologist should be consulted about possible contraindications. The operation is performed using local or general anesthesia. The choice of a specific method depends on the stage of the pathological process, the amount of calcifications and the general well-being of the patient.

If the operation is performed endoscopically, no scars or scars remain on the skin after it. After it, the use of a special suspension to reduce pressure is prescribed. Also shown is the wearing of a bandage belt, through which the scrotum is securely fixed, which helps to speed up the healing process.


Possible Complications

The prognosis for recovery with timely detection of even microlithiasis in both testicles is positive. If the patient ignores the symptoms and does not rush for medical attention, complications may occur. Among them, the most common is an infection in the neoplasm, which over time can spread to other organs. As an adult, a man may have difficulty conceiving a child. When examined by a specialized specialist, the final diagnosis will sound like “infertility.”

complications of microlithiasis
complications of microlithiasis


Microlithiasis in the testicles is a cyst, or accumulation of small calcifications. The disease is still poorly understood. Therefore, after the detection of pathology, many patients are in a difficult situation. Some doctors prescribe medication, and then proceed to surgical intervention. Others, on the contrary, speak of expectant management and the absence of the need for specific therapy. However, the disease is dangerous due to the progression and malignancy of the pathological process.

Recent studies have shown that high levels of calcium in the body can trigger the development of the disease. To assess the content of the mineral in the body, it is enough to pass blood biochemistry, a urine test. In some cases, the body can cope with a deficiency of vitamins and microelements on its own. And to withdraw their surplus is a rather difficult task. With an increased level of calcium, in addition to the therapeutic recommendations of doctors, you need to change the diet. For some time, you will have to give up calcium-containing foods, drink more green tea, as it is characterized by a diuretic effect.

calcium products
calcium products

As a preventive measure, doctors advise timely detection and treatment of inflammatory processes in the urogenital area. Any pathologies of this system eventually become chronic and do not go away on their own.
