Flatulence: symptom, causes and methods of getting rid

Flatulence: symptom, causes and methods of getting rid
Flatulence: symptom, causes and methods of getting rid

Flatulence (a symptom of this deviation will be presented below) at least once occurred in every person on our planet. It is worth noting that today there is a fairly large number of medications that can relieve the patient of all unpleasant sensations in the shortest possible time. But before you buy pharmacy remedies to eliminate such an ailment, you should find out if you really have increased gas formation or is it something else.

flatulence symptom
flatulence symptom

Flatulence: a symptom of illness

The following symptoms are typical for excessive accumulation of gases in the intestines:

  • empty or sour belching, which most often occurs after eating;
  • severe bloating, partially relieved by passing gas or having a bowel movement;
  • sharp or dull pain or abdominal discomfort that interferes with normal life.

Reason for this problem

There are quite a few reasons that cause frequent flatulence. Among them, the following stand out:

  • malnutrition, namely the regular consumption of foods rich in indigestible carbohydrates (as a rule, such elements are fermented in the intestines by bacteria);
  • abuse of carbonated drinks can also cause flatulence (a symptom quite common in teenagers who regularly drink fizzy sweet liquid);
  • fast eating and drinking in large sips;
  • talking during meals leading to air swallowing;
  • frequent flatulence
    frequent flatulence
  • any deformities of teeth, palate and nose;
  • intolerance to certain foods (e.g. lactose);
  • frequent constipation resulting in slower bowel movements, which in turn increases fermentation and traps gas.

Medications for flatulence

In order to avoid such a nuisance, you should first of all monitor your diet and exclude from it everything that can cause irritation of the intestines and putrefactive processes in it. But if this trouble has already occurred, then you can get rid of it with the help of medical means. However, you should take the following drugs only if you really have ordinary flatulence, the symptom of which coincides in all respects with the signs described above.

So, to eliminate excess gas formationyou can take the following medicines:

drugs for flatulence
drugs for flatulence
  • Drug "Motilium". Tablets, getting into the gastrointestinal tract, provide rapid emptying, which, in turn, helps to get rid of all the gases.
  • Means "Renny". Recommended for constipation, helps to get rid of bloating, relieves pain in the abdominal cavity, eliminates belching and heartburn.
  • Motilak medicine. Do not give to children under 5 years old, as well as weighing up to 20 kg. Do not take for people with kidney or liver failure, pregnant or lactating women.
  • Drug "Unienzyme". Eliminates gas formation, relieves nausea, as well as pain and discomfort in the abdomen.
  • Means "Romazulan". It has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and antispasmodic effects.
  • Bobotik medicine. Breaks up and removes gas bubbles.

Also, the following pharmaceutical preparations can help from increased gas formation: Sab Simplex, Domperidone Geksal, Smecta, Motonium, Trimedat, Espumizan, Hilak Forte and Neosmectin.
