Fluid retention in the body: causes, symptoms and treatment features

Fluid retention in the body: causes, symptoms and treatment features
Fluid retention in the body: causes, symptoms and treatment features

Fluid retention in the body, the causes of which can be many, is the body's ability to regulate its functions. Most often, excess fluid turns into swelling, which can be seen on the limbs or under the eyes. In addition, you can feel it when you stand on the scales and see a few extra pounds on them.

Fluid retention in the body: causes

There can be several reasons for the accumulation of water, dealing with which, you can solve this problem.

Very often fluid retention occurs due to hormonal imbalance. Environmental conditions may affect this.

fluid retention in the body causes
fluid retention in the body causes

Causes of edema and fluid retention in the body may be the result of previous diseases. Such diseases are most often chronic or caused by bacteria. It is highly not recommended to minimize the amount of water consumed and wait for them to resolve on their own. Be sure to see a doctor.

Very often, especially women, are afraid to gain weight due towater and keep its consumption to a minimum. However, the body interprets such an alarm in its own way and begins to accumulate fluid.

Fluid retention in the body, the causes of which lie in the use of diuretics, is another problem in women. A strong desire to get rid of excess water, on the contrary, leads to its accumulation and swelling.

Mismatching the water-s alt balance is another reason. A he althy person can consume about fifteen grams of s alt per day. In the summer heat and during sports, this figure can be increased, since a large amount of minerals is excreted from the body during the sweating process. To remove all the accumulated s alt, you need to drink as much water as possible.

causes of fluid retention in a woman's body
causes of fluid retention in a woman's body

The causes of fluid retention in the human body very often affect its performance. A lot of people drink water before bed without thinking about the consequences. In the morning, swelling will await you, and your kidneys and liver will be weaker and weaker each time. Drink water before seven o'clock in the evening. After this time, try to limit its consumption.

Another reason for the appearance of edema is a sedentary lifestyle. Without muscle activity, it is very difficult for the body to get rid of excess fluid, so it is sometimes very difficult to put on narrow shoes in the evening.

About food

Liquid retention in the body, the causes of which are associated with malnutrition, is very easy to pass. The main thing is to adjust your diet.

Try not to buyready-made meals in the store and do not eat fast foods. They all contain preservatives that make your problem worse.

Limit the consumption of chips, crackers, s alted nuts, fried and canned foods, as well as all types of sweets. The exception is dried fruits. Try to use them as often as possible.

causes of edema and fluid retention in the body
causes of edema and fluid retention in the body

Try to reduce the amount of products containing margarine and yeast. Do not use factory-made sauces. Smoked fish, meat and sausages have a bad effect on the human body. Eliminate sodas and alcohol completely, and the result will not be long in coming.

What could be the consequences

First of all, the aesthetics of your body will be violated: the limbs and face will swell, bags under the eyes will appear. Excess weight, fatigue and poor he alth will be detected. In addition to external signs, there may be internal ones, such as problems with organs.

Edema can also appear with too much fluid intake. For example, a he althy adult needs to drink about two liters of water per day. During sports, this figure may increase slightly. If you drink more liquid, you will see puffiness and weight gain in the morning.

How to remove fluid from the body

The reasons for the delay must be found out, because this is the key to a successful solution to the problem. In some cases, simply changing your diet is enough. Reduce the amount of fried, sweet, smoked and s alty - and yoube surprised at the results. Drink only purified water. Forget about sugary sodas. They cause irreparable harm to the body.

fluid retention in the body causes treatment
fluid retention in the body causes treatment

Get active and walk as much as possible. So you get rid of not only excess fluid, but also fat accumulation. A half-hour walk will help strengthen your legs and reduce swelling.

How to remove excess fluid with food

How to deal with fluid retention in the body? Very simple! You just need to choose the right products. Foods containing fiber and potassium will help to cope with swelling. Eat as many vegetables and fruits as possible. Pay special attention to watermelon, apricot, strawberries, pumpkin, zucchini and eggplant. Freshly squeezed vegetable juices are ideal homemade diuretics. A couple of times a month you can arrange a fasting day and eat only watermelon or cucumbers. But don't do this if you have kidney problems.

Replace black tea with hibiscus drink. Eat muesli and cereals.

Constant use of these products will cleanse your body and get rid of excess fluid.

Edema in women

The reasons for fluid retention in a woman's body are individual, they may depend on different circumstances.

If the reason lies in hormones, then you should try to correct the overall hormonal background. Doctors recommend taking appropriate tests, deeply understanding the problem. Before menstruation, the hormone estrogen accumulates in the blood,which has the ability to accumulate s alts. That is why the liquid does not come out, swelling is formed.

causes of fluid retention in the human body
causes of fluid retention in the human body

Doctors recommend replenishing magnesium and vitamin B6 in the body. With their help, maintaining the water-s alt balance is much easier. If puffiness subsides with the onset of menstruation, then do not worry. This is a normal natural process. This problem is easily solved with birth control pills.

If the edema does not go away, this indicates the presence of serious problems: varicose veins, diseases of the vessels, lymph nodes and heart. Whatever the reason, be sure to consult a specialist with it.


In no case do not sit on rigid diets that guarantee the loss of excess fluid. Any dietary restriction is a strong stress for the whole organism. After all, you may get rid of edema, but in return you will acquire many other problems. Just try to eat right, arrange a fasting day several times a month. Drink plenty of pure water, do not forget about green tea and hibiscus drink.

Use of folk remedies

Fluid retention in the body (causes, treatment are described in this article) may disappear if you use alternative methods of treatment. Replace harmful coffee with healing decoctions of mint, cranberries, cumin, rose hips or lemon balm.

how to deal with fluid retention in the body
how to deal with fluid retention in the body

You can use diuretic herbs like horsetail, barberry, elderberry or flowersarnica. Just keep in mind, these funds have a very strong effect. The main thing is not to overdo it with the dose. Don't buy herbs from the market. They accumulate a lot of dust. Shop only at the pharmacy. They must be accompanied by instructions for use. You can also buy ready-made herbal formulations that have a diuretic effect.

Check out a few recipes you can use at home. Their effect will not differ from expensive drugs.

  1. Take one tablespoon of dill seeds and pour a glass of boiling water over it. Wait thirty minutes. Drink one tablespoon two to three times a day.
  2. A decoction of lingonberries or rose hips helps a lot. Brew them and drink them just like tea.
  3. Pour two tablespoons of dried birch leaves into a glass of boiling water. Strain the cooled broth, add a pinch of s alt. Sip several times a day.

Regularly visit the sauna or bath. So you get rid of excess water, s alt and body fat. A cheerful company will make this process very enjoyable.

Visit a massage parlour. A good massage activates the metabolism and improves blood circulation. Body swelling will subside quickly.


Excess fluid in the body, the reasons for the accumulation of which depend on lifestyle and hormonal levels, can be absorbed by the use of drugs. But in no case should you prescribe medicines for yourself. Get comprehensive treatment and find out the cause with the help of specialists.

excess fluid in the body causes accumulation
excess fluid in the body causes accumulation

There are drugs that can instantly remove excess fluid. These include: "Diursan", "Diuver" and others. These drugs are used for a short period of time, because not only the body's water reserves are exhausted, but also mineral ones.

Do not self-medicate as some medicines cannot be combined.

Another reason for getting swelling is cold clothes during severe frosts. The protective functions of the body are activated, as a result of which it intensively accumulates fluid. Please note that all medications are selected individually, based on the causes and tolerance of the components. What works for your neighbor may not work for you.

What to do if you have fluid retention while traveling

Many tourists traveling by car or plane are concerned about the swelling of the lower extremities. To prevent this from happening, get up as often as possible. If possible, get out of the car: go for a walk or dance. So you will not let excess fluid accumulate in your legs and give yourself a boost of good tourist mood.

Fluid retention is a serious problem that can significantly affect the quality of life. To prevent this, eat right, exercise and lead a he althy lifestyle. If the problem still overtook you, do not self-medicate with drugs. Better turn to nature - use its gifts.
