This article will look at the symptoms and treatment of systemic vertigo.
Many manifestations of this pathology require precise classification. This is due to the fact that people understand dizziness as different sensations, often very subjective, and not in all cases there are informative descriptions. According to the generally accepted classification, two types of ailment are distinguished: systemic (vestibular, true) and non-systemic (that is, not vestibular). This article will focus on systemic dizziness and its features.

Dizziness can be called systemic if it is accompanied by the rotation of the surrounding world around a person or a sensation of rotation of the body itself along a specific axis (sagittal plane, clockwise, etc.). At the same time, systemic, true dizziness often manifests itself inthe form of unpleasant sensations caused by the re-irritation of the structures of the autonomic system, namely nausea, sweating, vomiting, sometimes defects in coordination of movements, a sense of fear and anxiety. Often there is an increase in systemic vestibular vertigo with a spatial change in the position of the head or body.
Features and causes, symptoms
Dizziness itself is not a disease. This is a symptom that indicates the presence of some kind of failure in the body. To understand what kind of pathology caused its occurrence, you also need to pay attention to the accompanying signs.
There are many reasons that provoke the appearance of systemic dizziness. Among them stand out:
- Menière's disease. This pathology is caused by a decrease in the tone of the vessels connecting the auditory and vestibular apparatus. The following symptoms are also characteristic of it: loss of spatial orientation; hearing loss; noise in ears; the appearance of vomiting and nausea; low vision; nystagmus (rhythmic involuntary movement of the eyeballs). With this disease, the head may be spinning for several hours. Among its consequences are destabilization of balance, complete or partial loss of hearing. Symptoms of systemic vertigo should not be ignored.
- Labyrinthite. This process of inflammation occurs in the area of the inner ear, appears due to the penetration of a viral or bacterial infection. This pathology in an advanced stage leads to hearing impairment.
- Neuronitis of vestibular nerve endings. This diseaseof unknown origin appears for no apparent reason. In addition to sudden and prolonged dizziness, there are bouts of nausea, sometimes vomiting; tinnitus and congestion; nystagmus; panic attacks; inability to maintain balance. The attack of vertigo is severe and severe, the patient is unable to get out of bed for several days. It recurs even months and years later. Often, its predecessors are infectious pathologies of the respiratory system. What else provokes systemic vestibular vertigo?
- Injury to the tympanic membrane that occurs when the patient is immersed to a great depth or when overexerted during a loud sound or cough. In this case, a fistula forms in the ear. In addition to dizziness, hearing loss is noted.
- Cholesteatoma (bacterial tumor of the inner ear). It violates the integrity of the surface of the eardrum, fistulas appear.
- Intoxication of the vestibular nerves. It occurs due to the abuse of a number of drugs, toxic or narcotic substances. At the same time, it is accompanied by symptoms of intoxication, in the future, a pathological change in hearing functions is observed.
- Stroke. If it is present, the brain stem is damaged, due to which the following are noted: deterioration in the function of speech; articulation disorders; swallowing reflex defects; double vision (diplopia). After a stroke, speech function is often beyond recovery.
- Stenosis of the artery that runs under the clavicle also provokes systemic dizzinesscharacter. This disease is accompanied by numbness of the hands; cold fingers on the hands; violations of optical functions; pale skin; a decrease in pressure; slower heart rate. With such a pathology, you can permanently lose the sensitivity of your hands.
- Epileptic seizures. They are accompanied by tinnitus, loss of consciousness, numbness of the legs and arms, nystagmus, strong salivation and possibly foam, hallucinations. Such seizures are short-lived, but often cause negative consequences in the form of mental abnormalities and injuries due to a fall. What other pathologies are accompanied by a symptom of dizziness?
- Hematomas and other disorders of the skull.
- Diseases and injuries of the cervical spine, that is, osteochondrosis. The pain is localized in the affected area. With head injuries, there is a rupture of the eardrum, blood from the ears, vomiting, coordination disorders, nausea, nystagmus in a horizontal position. Causes of systemic dizziness should be determined by a doctor.
- Basilar migraine. It is characterized by pain in one half of the head, dizziness, loss of vision, sensitivity, sometimes the patient faints.

Short attack
Dizziness is predominantly noted in the form of a short-term attack. With the constant presence of systemic dizziness, we can talk about a possible effect on the vestibular apparatus of toxic substances or a violation of the integrity of the labyrinth of the fibers of the vestibular system.
Happeningthis is due to an infectious lesion, injuries of the spine or skull. This type of dizziness is dangerous, since its appearance is caused by a certain disease. That is why it is necessary to make a thorough diagnosis in order to determine the cause of its development in the patient.
Differences from non-system
There are systemic and non-systemic dizziness. They have a number of differences. Non-systemic appears due to the influence of physiological causes, including psycho-emotional shocks, stress, lack of glucose due to starvation or strict diets, motion sickness in transport or on swings, attractions, motion sickness. Also, dizziness can occur in a person looking down from a great height. At the same time, he feels nauseous, there is weakness in the lower extremities. Treatment for this pathology is not needed. You just need to get rid of his irritant, and the trouble will disappear by itself.
Systemic vertigo is often called vestibular, or true, as it appears against the background of disorders that can lead to a malfunction of the human vestibular apparatus.
Differential diagnosis of systemic and non-systemic vertigo is very important.

There are more than eighty diseases, one of the signs of which is dizziness. In order to determine which of them has become a source of systemic dizziness, you need to pay attention to its features and carefully examine it with a doctor. To do this, you need to contact a therapist. Specialist after carefulquestioning, examination and history taking will make a diagnosis and give guidance on further actions.
Additional Research
If the cause cannot be determined, additional diagnostic methods are prescribed: electrocardiogram; audiometry to test hearing; blood analysis; Ultrasound of large vessels (Doppler); electroencephalography; examination of the inner ear (electrocochleography); X-ray of the cervical spine or skull.
In addition, you may need the help of highly specialized specialists: an otolaryngologist; psychiatrist; cardiologist; neuropathologist; infectiologist; ophthalmologist; neurosurgeon.
Differences between systemic and non-systemic dizziness will be taken into account.
As soon as an accurate examination is carried out and the doctor makes a diagnosis, they prescribe appropriate treatment aimed at eliminating the underlying pathology and concomitant symptoms.
Medications are used to suppress the syndrome of vestibular vertigo. The most effective are the following drugs:
- Neuroleptics ("Promethazine", "Promazine"). Contribute to the elimination of an attack of dizziness in a patient.
- Antihistamines ("Meclozin", "Clemastin") improve the condition of a person as a whole.
- Balance can be restored with Betahistine Hydrochloride.
- Medicines acting on blood vessels (Nicergoline, Flunarizine).
- Nootropics (Nootropil, Piracetam).
- Tranquilizers (for example, "Diazepam"), thanks to which you can eliminatepanic attacks and anxiety.
- Metoclopramide, Eufillin will help with vomiting and nausea.

Systemic dizziness most often appears on the background of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, visual or vestibular apparatus.
When the first symptoms appear, you should consult an experienced doctor. If left unattended, it will cause severe he alth consequences.
Treatment of vertigo may also be limited to preventive measures. Timely treatment of the main diseases that caused it, strengthening the body's immune forces, proper and proper nutrition, a he althy and active lifestyle will help prevent vestibular dizziness.
Systemic dizziness with cervical osteochondrosis
Osteochondrosis is one of the most frequent and common sources of dizziness. With such a pathology, the cartilaginous tissue of the cervical intervertebral discs of the spinal column is damaged as a result of defects in their trophism or nutrition. As a result of metabolic disturbances, dystrophic processes are formed in the cartilage tissue, which leads to a decrease in its volume and destruction; as a result, the spinal column loses a significant amount of its inherent depreciation features. The load on the vertebrae of the neck increases, which leads to their injuries and further destruction. Spikes or bone outgrowths form on the vertebrae, the mobility and mobility of the vertebrae is greatly reduced, as well as their height, as a result, they are gradually involved inthe process of inflammation neurons and processes of the spinal cord, emerging through the lateral intervertebral arteries in the form of motor and sensory nerve fibers as part of the nerve roots. In the absence of diagnosis and therapy, osteochondrosis develops and causes significant complications in the form of a violation of the nervous tissue, and then systemic dizziness becomes one of the symptoms.

What to do if you feel dizzy with osteochondrosis of the neck? First of all, you need to consult a doctor and consult. Only after the examination is it possible to judge the preparation of a treatment plan that will be effective. With cervical osteochondrosis, dizziness therapy consists in the complex use of both medications and physiotherapy. For pharmacotherapeutic purposes, the following groups of drugs are used:
- Anti-inflammatory non-steroidal drugs that can significantly reduce the inflammatory volume, eliminate swelling and compression of the spinal cord and nerve roots. For more effective influence during treatment, a course appointment of injectable types of anti-inflammatory drugs is used. The main drugs from this group include: Meloxicam, Nurofen, Ibuprofen, Diclofenac.
- Nootropics and cerebroprotectors are drugs that improve blood circulation in the brain and metabolic processes in the nervous tissue. These include: Vinpocetine, Cavinton, Cinnarizine, Piracetam.
- Chondroprotectors - drugsprotect cartilage tissue from destruction. Such drugs improve the shock-absorbing and elastic characteristics of the intervertebral cartilage tissue, thereby reducing the compression syndrome.
It must be said that the treatment should be complex, only in this case there will be a positive therapeutic effect. For this, in addition to drugs, physiotherapy is used: magnetotherapy and ultrasound, therapeutic electrophoresis on the neck area. Of no small importance is the systematic therapeutic gymnastics.
To get rid of frequent systemic and non-systemic dizziness, you need to follow the following recommendations from professionals:

- Do not smoke and give up alcohol.
- Remove table s alt from your diet.
- Minimal reduction in daily caffeine intake.
- Exercise daily, especially when sedentary.
- Work in moderation, rest is best in nature, especially near water bodies.
- Eat foods rich in vitamins.
- Avoid stressful situations.
- Do not move your neck and head abruptly.
- With frequent travel and motion sickness in transport, you can use special tools.
- If possible, purchase an orthopedic mattress with an anatomical effect, since the body completely relaxes on it during sleep, rest becomes more complete. It should be noted that thanks to such mattresses, infringement andkinking of blood vessels.

As a conclusion, it should be noted that not in all cases, systemic isolated dizziness indicates a condition that threatens life or he alth. However, it needs careful diagnosis and timely treatment, as well as non-drug recovery, including through vestibular gymnastics. We must not forget about preventive measures. Subject to all these conditions, dizziness will not be terrible.