The male body is arranged by nature in such a way that an intimate place requires special attention in terms of cleanliness. The development of bacteria occurs without proper hygiene. The site of formation of unpleasant inflammation is under the foreskin of the penis and is called the preputial sac.
Men earn various diseases when they get bacteria: phimosis, balanoposthitis, paraphimosis. At a young age, the problem is especially acute, as children are less likely to think about the hygiene of their body.
Diseases of the foreskin
The preputial sac in boys can cause inflammation of the head of the penis itself and the skin around it. There are two types of disease development:
- Bacterial - develops under the influence of pathogens.
- Regular - moisture is a provocateur.

Diagnosis of problems is to determine the patient's condition through a survey and testing to determine the type of disease. When determining the source of the problems, a visual inspection of the head is carried out, the foreskin is checked for inflammation. To exclude the infectious development of malaise, appropriate studies are prescribed.
Howidentify foreskin problems?
Symptoms of inflammation affecting the preputial sac:
- Persistent itching of the head of the penis.
- There is a slight burning sensation in the foreskin.
- Rarely a boy can detect purulent components.
- Slight swelling of the skin around the prepuce.
- Flesh redness.
- Rashes on the head.
- It is difficult to go to the toilet in a small way.
- Pain when trying to move the flesh, as well as when the organ is enlarged.
Pain sensations pass after a while, but periodically repeat. Severe conditions require prompt resolution of the problem. Small irritations can be removed with the right ointment. It is important to establish the cause of the inflammation of the preputial sac.
Who can help?
You can contact the following doctors with your problem:
- to therapist;
- surgeon;
- urologist.

Why does the skin around the head become inflamed?
There are two stages of inflammation occurring due to the cause of the accumulation of fluid and dirt inside the preputial sac:
- primary - spicy;
- chronic.
Acute conditions affect manifestations that can be detected without additional tests. By simple inspection, you can find:
- purulent discharge from the preputial sac;
- the boy feels itching and burning, pain when urinating;
- observe obvious tissue damage underflesh, rashes and redness.
Types of inflammatory processes
Wounds can begin to bleed, which will bring great inconvenience to a man's life. Pushing the preputial sac will be problematic and unpleasant. In childhood, a sense of embarrassment is not yet developed, and for active men, these problems carry sexual disorders. The accumulation of fluid in the bag may occur as a result of a skin reaction to protective agents: latex, lubricant.

The chronic form is determined by protracted processes. It is periodically caused by sexually transmitted diseases, bacteria and concomitant inflammatory processes, such as diabetes, cystitis, obesity, pyelonephritis. In adult men, it provokes complications: bacterial prostatitis, candidiasis, gardnerellez.
During urination, the boy may feel swelling of the skin of the preputial sac. The accumulation of fluid is due to the presence of phimosis. This disease is common in young people. Sticky layers provoke clogging of the hole under the head of the penis.
How to cleanse the skin?
Treatment of this condition takes place with surgery. Often, everything is decided during an examination by a doctor: the preputial sac in boys is forcibly torn off, the remaining redness should be smeared until the adhesions heal.
In case of obvious problems, an operative method of removing the foreskin, otherwise called circumcision, is carried out. The skin is removed in a circle with an incision. The preputial sac itself is cleaned. The photo shows the treatment processinflammatory process surgically.

Purulent lesions will require additional procedures. To remove mucus, cleaning methods are used using mechanical tools. Often, the preputial sac is washed in the problem area. The skin is cleared of waste products:
- urine accumulation;
- mucus and dirt;
- residue after surgery;
- blood stains.
Inflamed skin is rubbed with ointments, a compress is applied. After the operation, the patient is observed by the surgeon. The first erections pass with pain, but after several cycles, the organ performs its previous functions. What does the preputial sac look like in men? The photo shows some real post-op options.
As you can see, there were no colossal changes: the seams turned out to be completely invisible. Doctors note a large number of advantages of such a procedure as circumcision. They consist in reducing the need for thorough hygiene of the organ, men are less prone to exacerbations when urine and mucus get on the head. Some patients express opinions about desensitization and therefore they are against circumcision.
Sources of inflammation
Preceding the appointment of procedures, an examination to determine the cause of the inflammatory process. In boys, it often lies in the presence of phimosis. Parents try to open the flesh on their own, creating favorable conditions for the development of microbes. Such actionsfacilitate access for pathogenic bacteria, dirt ingress.
The preputial sac is more developed in men. Treatment consists in removing accidentally ingested microbes or viruses. They are removed using solutions or special swabs. The infectious source should be accompanied by the intake of medications orally. In parallel, measures are being taken to increase immunity.
One of the reasons for the development of complications may be the application of diligent hygiene measures. Allergenic products are used: soap, gels, shampoos. The reaction of the skin to such efforts can be negative. The organ has a mucous membrane that contains microorganisms that protect tissues. Washing the flesh, beneficial substances are also washed away.
Microtrauma occurs after wearing underwear incorrectly. Boys need to choose the size and material more carefully: tight options are not suitable for children, pay attention to the location of the seams and the presence of elastic bands.
Informing the child about the need to carry out hygiene procedures in the morning, as well as every time after going to the toilet, will help prevent illness.
Methods of surgical treatment
Three methods are widely used:
- Schloffer method;
- Roser method;
- circular cut of flesh.
In most cases, visible wounds remain, which, when healed, leave growths. There is no appearance defect, but the man never experiences repeated problems in the future. A slight effect on the psyche of an adult was noted. However, most operations were performed on boys,who quickly forgot about the discomfort.

Before the incision is made, surgeons check every possibility to develop the foreskin. The fused preputial sac in men is tried to be released with medical instruments. Freeing the head, the surgeon makes circular movements in the places of adhesions. After the incisions, the petals are sutured. Having achieved positive results, lubricate the skin with a healing or antibacterial ointment.
According to the Schloffer method, the preputial sac is dissected along the trunk. The inside is cut into a V-shape. The resulting fabric is wrapped and sewn transversely. Seams are applied by the method of nodal fastenings. According to Roser, an incision is made in the inner and outer flesh according to the template. A special probe prevents damage to the head of the penis itself. The resulting cutout is completely removed and the edges are reduced into a seam with a thread. Thus, the flesh is shortened.
How to deal with inflammation?
The bacterial form of the development of a purulent accumulation in the preputial sac will require the removal of harmful residues mechanically. The head is carefully exposed, the accumulated masses and smegma are removed. This procedure is carried out at home at least 3 times. Exposed tissues are washed in soapy water, followed by treatment with 0.5% silver nitrate solution.

After washing procedures, Levomekol ointment is used, which is injected into the preputial sac with a syringe. For children asprevention use herbal warm baths.
Medical methods
Problems of the preputial sac caused by phimosis in boys are eliminated by pre-surgical methods:
- The foreskin is worked out daily with movements comparable to masturbation. This exercise allows you to gradually stretch the skin and avoid the formation of adhesions. Finish the procedure with hygiene measures.
- The development of the bag is carried out using special medical devices.
- Creams and ointments can increase skin elasticity.

The listed methods should be used only after examination in the clinic. In the case of infections, you can harm the delicate skin of the child and start the disease. It is impossible to achieve results by self-measures if there are scars on the flesh.
Non-medical practice
In medical practice, non-drug methods of stretching the foreskin are used. With daily exercise, you can achieve gradual stretching during the shower and after urination. Duration is determined by the moment when pain began.
The second way is to stretch the preputial sac with your fingers. In the listed ways, you can get rid of congenital pathology. 7 out of 10 patients saw a complete cure of phimosis.
It is recommended to start treatment of physiological phimosis in boys no earlier than the onset of puberty. In 70% of children, this phenomenon disappears with time. If there are no serious complications,preventive measures to reduce inflammation of the foreskin by folk methods.
The exception is infectious and bacterial problems. It is not recommended to delay this type of illness. A visit to the doctor will be the best solution for parents. Constant monitoring of the current inflammatory process will be required. Particular attention is paid in cases where the foreskin has already expanded, but at some point in time narrowed again. Here we are talking about the pathological development of the organ.