Blood is the main fluid of the internal environment of the body, and therefore it has many functions: respiratory, nutritional, transport and many others. To fulfill them, it has an incredibly complex structure.

And these are not only formed elements, but also many carrier proteins (albumin, haptoglobin, transferrin), coagulation factors (FI-FXIII), as well as complement systems, body buffer systems, etc. In order for all its components to interact without interfering with each other, and also to maintain their integrity and activity, this tissue has many constants that keep it in a liquid state. So, for a constant oncotic pressure, a strict amount of proteins is needed, to maintain the acid-base balance - buffer systems of the blood, osmotic properties - the electrolyte balance of various ions - sodium, potassium, chlorine, magnesium and calcium. The ratio of coagulation and anticoagulation systems is also extremely important, for this, coagulation factors are unnecessarily in an inactive phase. Temperature affectsthe state of proteins, and the partial pressure of gases (oxygen and carbon dioxide) demonstrates the degree of respiratory function.
Buffer systems of blood plasma are the main protectors for maintaining pH, since it is at its specific indicators that many chemical reactions can occur. To help them, carbon dioxide is excreted by the lungs and metabolites by the kidneys.

But it is the buffer systems of the blood that are the so-called. the first line of defense against the slightest change in other indicators of constancy. They consist of two equivalent components - a donor and an acceptor of protons, due to the ratio of the work of which they can both alkalinize and oxidize the environment. There are only 4 blood buffer systems in the human body: bicarbonate (Na / KHCO3 acceptor + H2CO3 donor), phosphate (H2PO4 donor + acceptor in the form of its sodium or potassium s alt), hemoglobin (donor - hemoglobin itself / its oxygen-binding form, and acceptor - its conjugate compounds - hemoglobinate / oxyhemoglobinate). And plasma proteins also have variable properties, which can equally act as bases and as acids. In this way, the buffering systems of the blood maintain the pH in the average range of 7.35 (in the veins) and 7.40 (in the arteries).
PH value

In any disease, there is a violation of metabolic processes in the body, manifested in the blood by the development of alkalosis (the predominance of an alkaline environment) or acidosis (acidic). It affects the shapeelements, destabilizing their cell membranes and proteins, disrupting their structure. Thus, normal chemical reactions stop and pathological ones start: increased blood clotting, activation of the immune response to one's own cells, and, in particular, a negative effect on the central nervous system (causes encephalopathy). This causes the development of complications and worsening of the course of the disease, and what is most dangerous, it can trigger the mechanisms of impaired consciousness of the patient up to the development of a coma.