Many don't know why urine is yellow and smelly in men. Everyone experiences this from time to time. This does not always indicate the presence of pathology. For example, a strong smell appears after drinking alcohol. If this is a one-time occurrence, then there is no cause for concern. But if an unpleasant smell appears again and again, then this indicates the presence of a pathology.
Some wonder why men's urine smells like ammonia. For example, such a smell may indicate cystitis. Although the latter is quite rare in men, it cannot be completely ruled out. Sometimes we can talk about more serious diseases of the bladder, up to oncology.
Not everyone knows why urine smells like acetone in men. A similar problem appears with diabetes, but with a particularly severe form of the disease, such a smell is more likely to resemble rotten apples. Below we will consider possible options for pathologies in comparison with the norm.
Composition, smell and color of urine: yellow is the norm
Why men's urine smells, not everyone knows. Its color, transparency and smell are the most important diagnostic criteria. Unlikea person can evaluate their chemical composition on their own, and in case of any deviations, he will need to take an analysis and consult a doctor.

Many people think that pale yellow urine is normal. Actually it is not. Color largely depends on concentration. The higher it is, the more saturated the shade will be. Norma is a whole palette, from light straw to bright yellow.
Deviations are, for example, a dark brown color or a shade of beer, which can indicate the presence of hepatitis and other liver diseases. If the hue is reddish, this indicates that there are blood impurities in the urine, for example, with kidney diseases. A grayish-white color, especially in combination with unpleasant odors, indicates purulent processes, but mainly in the genitourinary system. With similar processes in the intestines, it acquires a greenish or even blue tint.
Cloudy urine indicates the presence of fats, mucus in it (this is not always associated with pathologies, sometimes it can only speak of insufficiently careful observance of hygiene rules). Finally, turbidity is possible in the presence of s alts.
Urine in a he althy person is practically odorless. Even if it is, it is not sharp and specific. The exception is the specific smell of urine after eating foods such as garlic, horseradish or even regular coffee.
Not knowing why urine smells in men, you need to remember that an unpleasant specific aroma is noted after heavy consumption of coffee, horseradish, garlic. Asparaguscan give an unpleasant odor and even a light greenish tint.

Sometimes urine smells stronger in the morning than in the afternoon or evening. There is no pathology here. This is due to the fact that in the previous period, more testosterone, the male sex hormone, was released.
What is considered in the diagnosis
Not everyone knows why men's urine smells. The doctor cannot make a diagnosis only by color and aroma. The analysis will also determine the amount of substances contained in the urine. This is:
- Urea, which helps remove nitrogen from the body. Its content increases with pathologies accompanied by the destruction of protein compounds (for example, with diabetes), as well as with long-term use of certain hormonal drugs.
- Creatinine. In men, it stands out more than in women. But if the level rises compared to the norm, this may indicate diabetes or liver disease.
- Creatine is like a spare battery for the body. Its level may be high in children or the elderly due to natural physiological characteristics. In middle-aged men, its increased concentration is associated with muscle diseases.
- Uric acid. It is a product of the processing of purines. An increase in its level in men is associated with a pathology such as gout (this disease is not typical for women).
- Organic acids. They are produced in muscles and other tissues and are excreted in the urine. These are, for example, acetic and succinic acids. In men, their concentration increasesduring high physical exertion, with a lack of oxygen, but sometimes diabetes can be the cause.
Different shades of yellow is a matter of the content of pigments in the urine. In particular, it is a stercobilinogen. A change in its concentration (and urine color) can indicate both the liver diseases mentioned above and food poisoning.
Unpleasant "mouse" smell as a symptom of phenylketonuria
Why men's urine began to smell, not everyone knows. Often this smell is characterized in different ways - as "mouse", musty, moldy, etc. Its appearance indicates phenylketonuria. This is a genetically determined disease. It is explained by a violation of the metabolism of amino acids, more precisely, one of them - phenylalanine. And this is due to insufficient production of certain liver enzymes.

Currently, this disease is diagnosed at a very early age. It is believed that following a diet in which phenylalanine will not enter the body with food will help to avoid problems. This is important because the disease can lead to severe CNS complications.
Diet involves the exclusion of meat and fish from the diet. Some doctors believe that it must be followed until puberty, others insist that it must be observed throughout life, because otherwise the disease may progress. In recent years, drug treatments have been developed. But in a man who is at risk, the appearance of such a smell should because for immediate medical attention.
The smell of cat urine: what does it mean?
Sometimes a pronounced smell comes from a person, but not everyone knows why sweat smells like urine in men (feline, at the same time). And not only sweat, but also urine. If in women this most often indicates a malfunction in the endocrine system, then in a man it can be:
- chronic liver and kidney disease;
- obesity;
- pathology of the digestive tract;
- tuberculosis (luckily less common).
The most common variant is kidney diseases, as they affect the functioning of the body the most. In this case, the smell is explained by the fact that the breakdown products of proteins are excreted not only with urine, but also with sweat through the sebaceous glands. Doctors in such cases diagnose uricidosis, but this is not an independent disease, it is a consequence of pyelonephritis or chronic nephritis. To drown out the smell of urea with deodorants in such cases will not work, you need to treat the underlying disease, then the smell will disappear.
Smell of rotten fish: liver should be checked
Some have asked why men's urine smells like fish. Most likely, this is due to an increase in the concentration in the body of a substance such as trimethylamine. Usually in such cases, an unpleasant odor comes from the body, and from all its waste products.
Many believe that this is due to sexually transmitted diseases, but in fact it is not. The problem usually lies in the fact that for some reason the production of liver enzymes is disrupted. EarlyAt the stage, this is a relatively harmless condition, but if you do not pay enough attention to its treatment, over time it will lead to intoxication of the body and disruption of the digestive tract.
There is no specific treatment in this case. The only way out is to follow a special diet, in which fish, meat, legumes (beans, peas, chickpeas, etc.) and even eggs are excluded from the diet, that is, those products that are converted into trimethylamine during chemical reactions in the body.
The smell of ammonia: is there any reason for concern
Some people ask why men's urine smells. During the natural processes of excretion of waste substances, urea collects in the bladder for some time. The microorganisms living there use it for their life activity, and during these processes ammonia is formed. The pungent odor of this compound from the urine is the most common variant of the deviation from the norm. He speaks either of stagnant processes, or of excessive bacterial activity. There can be many reasons, the main ones will be discussed below.

Sometimes the smell of ammonia does not indicate pathologies, but only about nutritional habits. For example, if the diet contains too much protein food (this is typical for many men, especially for those who are involved in strength sports and build their diet accordingly). The use of cumin also gives this smell.
The most common causes of ammonia smell are as follows.
That is dehydration. This happens when a person consumes too little liquid or, for example, in case of poisoning, accompanied by prolonged vomiting and diarrhea. The concentration of urea increases - the smell of ammonia intensifies.
In such cases, you need to give the patient a rehydration solution to drink - pharmacy ("Rehydron") or prepared independently (1 teaspoon of s alt and 1 tablespoon of sugar per 1 liter of warm water). Give the solution often, but in small portions.

Kidney disease
Including those associated with the formation of stones (calculi) and the appearance of stagnant processes. Treatment can only be prescribed by a doctor.
Today, there are different methods - from drug dissolution, which can only be used for small stones, to ultrasonic crushing and full surgical intervention.
Liver disease and related metabolic disorders
Hepatoprotectors are prescribed (for example, Karsil or Essentiale).

In addition, the patient must follow an appropriate diet.
Bacterial infections
They cause inflammation in the bladder. The vital activity of pathogenic microorganisms enhances the smell of ammonia.
Such diseases are treated only with antibiotics prescribed by a doctor.
Also, the use of calcium supplements, some B vitamins, iron supplements also affects the unpleasant smell of urine.
It should be noted that diabetics may also have a different smell - a little sweet, reminiscent of rotten apples. However, this is typical only for a severe form of the disease, for type 1 diabetes, when instead of glucose the body receives energy from fats, and then compounds such as acetone and some organic acids become waste products in this biochemical process. They give a characteristic apple smell.
Other causes of bad breath
Not everyone knows why men's urine smells strongly. A putrid aroma can speak not only of severe forms of a bacterial infection that are treated with antibiotics from the group of penicillins or macrolides, but also of more serious pathologies accompanied by purulent processes. For example, this is the formation of rectal fistulas, that is, fistulas in the bladder or rectum. These situations require immediate hospitalization.

In men, an unpleasant smell can be the result of prostatitis, that is, an inflammatory disease of the prostate gland, accompanied by erectile dysfunction, difficulty urinating and pain in the perineum. In such cases, antibiotics and drugs to improve blood circulation, as well as anti-inflammatory drugs and zinc preparations, are prescribed. Physiotherapeutic methods are also used.