Unfortunately, the question of how to treat prostate adenoma is relevant for many men. Because the growth of the glandular tissue of the prostate gland is a common problem. And it needs to be eliminated.
Individual treatment is mandatory prescribed only by a doctor, after a diagnostic examination. But now it is still worth paying attention to this topic and studying the most common means and methods of therapy.
By the way, it doesn't hurt to first find out which doctor treats prostate adenoma in men. This is a urologist, and therefore, if unpleasant symptoms appear, you should immediately contact him for help.
Alpha blockers
First you need to talk about how to treat prostate adenoma in men with medication. Alpha-blockers are drugs that relax the smooth muscles of the gland itself and the bladder. As a result, thepressure of the urinary canal, which normalizes the outflow of urine.
Preparations of this group form the basis of drug therapy, but the effect of their use becomes noticeable 2-3 weeks after application.
Assign them to men with a prostate of small or medium size. In other cases, drug treatment is basically ineffective, but more on that later.

So, the most commonly prescribed alpha-blockers are the following drugs:
- "Dalfaz". Its active ingredient is alfuzosin. The drug selectively blocks alpha-adrenergic receptors in the urogenital triangle. As a result, the pressure inside the urethra is reduced, the muscle spasm of the prostate and urinary canal is eliminated, and the quality of urine improves and even its outflow is accelerated.
- Kardura. Talking about how to treat prostate adenoma, this drug should also be noted with attention. It blocks receptors not only in the bladder neck, but also in the capsule and stroma of the prostate. Absolutely safe, even if taken for years. But it is usually contraindicated for people with mental problems or bronchial asthma.
- Omnic. It improves urine flow and relaxes the smooth muscles of both the prostate and the bladder. It is unique in that it has an additional effect - it relieves irritation. It also relaxes the muscles of blood vessels. This medication has practically no effect on blood pressure (it can be taken by hypotensive patients), and it also has high selectivity. But with othersIt is not recommended to combine the drug with alpha-blockers. But you can take it together with antidepressants, sedatives or tranquilizers.
- Omsuzolin. Helps reduce obstruction and irritation in the bladder. This drug is special for its strong effect - many feel the result even after the first dose. However, it should not be taken by patients with kidney failure.
- Alfuzosin. A non-selective type drug that is highly effective in eliminating problems associated with urination.
But this is not all that doctors recommend to treat BPH. Doxazosin, Terazosin, as well as alpha-blockers of plant origin - Trianol, Tykveol, Prostagut, Afala, Prostasabal and Prostalamine can also be prescribed.
5-alpha reductase inhibitors
Continuing to talk about how to treat prostate adenoma, these drugs should also be noted with attention. They are prescribed together with alpha-blockers.
What are these medicines for? In order to inhibit the production of 5-alpha reductase, which stimulates the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotesterone, which is more intense, and also participates in the formation of allopregnanolone and other neurosteroids.
Today there are two inhibitors:
- Dutasteride. This selective inhibitor is effective in the treatment of benign hyperplasia. But it cannot be taken with CYP3A4 blockers.
- Finasteride. Affects the reduction of 5-alpha-dihydrotestosterone both in the blood and intissues. It inhibits the stimulation of testosterone, the excess of which is often fraught with the development of a tumor.

If we talk about names, then the most effective means are "Alfinal", "Finasteride TEVA", "Zerlon", "Finast", "Penester", "Urofin", "Proscar", "Prosterid", "Avodart", Tadenan, Trianol, Mepartricin, Balometan, Paraprostin, Roveron and Proscar.
As part of the topic concerning the question of how to treat prostate adenoma simply and quickly, it is necessary to tell that antibacterial drugs are also often prescribed when an infection is attached to this disease. They come in two types:
- First line antibiotics. These are broad-spectrum drugs. After receiving the results of bacteriological culture, carried out as part of the diagnosis to clarify the pathogen, such an antibiotic is replaced with a targeted drug without consequences.
- Reserve medicines. They are appointed if others do not help. These are usually injectables and are not suitable for home treatment.
Also, as many people know, antibiotics are divided into groups. The following are distinguished:
- Macrolides. They quickly penetrate into the cells of the prostate, are not poisonous, and also do not have a detrimental effect on the microflora. The most common are Josamycin and Roxithromycin.
- Penicillins. Effective, relatively inexpensive, easy to use. Usually prescribed "Amoxiclav" and "Amoxicillin".
- Cephalosporins. Themadministered parenterally. They have a wide spectrum of action. The most popular are Cefotaxime and Ceftriaxone.
- Tetracyclines. Effective, but can have a negative effect on the digestive system. Tetracycline and Doxycycline are widely used.
- Fluoroquinolones. Excellent stimulate prostate cells, have a very wide range of effects. As a rule, "Ciprofloxacin", "Ofloxacin" and "Levofloxacin" are prescribed.
- Aminoglycosides. Used for general therapy. Kanamycin, 5-NOC and Gentamicin have proven themselves well.

It is important to remember that antibiotics are prescribed for a specific period. For two weeks, usually. Then the doctor re-diagnoses and either cancels the drug or prolongs the course. The dosage is also prescribed individually - the body of each man reacts differently to the same medication.
Since antibiotics suppress the microflora, you need to combine their intake with probiotics. And to prevent the occurrence of allergies, you need to use antihistamines. At the end of the course, the doctor usually prescribes hepatoprotectors.
Above it was told about how to treat prostate adenoma in men with medication. However, drugs are not always able to help. In advanced cases, for example, conservative treatment is powerless. Therefore, it is necessary to resort to surgical methods. Popular are:
- Transurethral resection. It is a minimally invasive endoscopicintervention. Shown if the volume of the adenoma is no more than 80 cm3. Not applicable for renal failure.
- Adenomectomy. It is prescribed if the patient has complications, as well as with adenoma more than 80 cm3. In modern conditions, the most popular laparoscopic adenomectomy.
- Laser vaporization of the prostate. Suitable if the tumor mass is less than 30-40 cm3. It is usually recommended for young patients, as it allows you to maintain sexual function. And this is important.
- Laser enucleation. This can be said to be the "gold standard" of surgical treatment. It can be used to remove a tumor larger than 80 cm3, and without open intervention.
Of course, there are a number of certain contraindications. With decompensated diseases of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, for example, any intervention is dangerous. What is done in such cases? Perform bladder catheterization, or palliative intervention, in which a urethral stent is placed or a cystostomy is performed.
By the way, often men decide to have surgery abroad, where medical technology is better developed. It is widely known how prostate adenoma is treated in Israel: modern equipment helps not only to effectively fight the disease, but also prevent complications and improve the quality of life.
Also, drugs are selected with special care - they are strictly dosed, and are prescribed taking into account the general condition of the patient and the resistance of his body.
Bee products
So, the above was told about what drugs are used to eliminate the disease under discussion. How can you treat prostate adenoma in men? In fact, there are many folk remedies. Bee products are very common.

Take, for example, honey. A unique product! It is believed that it can stop the growth of neoplasms, as well as eliminate inflammation. And if it is already decided to treat prostate adenoma without drugs, then it is worth preparing a tincture, which is done in two steps - you just need to mix liquid honey and fresh celery juice in equal proportions. The resulting remedy must be taken in 2 tsp. three times a day.
It is necessary to tell about how to treat prostate adenoma with propolis. The so-called bee glue is rich in glycosides, flavonoids and terpenes, and therefore its benefits are invaluable.
A composition based on it is very effective, with which then rectal suppositories are made. It is prepared as follows:
- Dissolve 40 grams of propolis in 200 ml of alcohol.
- Add 3 g cocoa butter
- Stir well.
Candles from the resulting mass should be done every evening for a month.
Quite a non-traditional product is dead bee dead insects. It is also used to make tincture. It is only necessary to use fresh dead wood, without mold and unpleasant odor. It is necessary to pour the mass into a small container and pour in such an amount of water that it doublescovered the composition. Cook over low heat for 2 hours, then cool and strain. Drink the resulting composition twice a day for a spoon.
Is it possible to treat prostate adenoma with bee products in some other way? Yes, for example, to make candles from honey. You will need this product (1 tsp), chicken egg and flour (3 tsp).
All components must be mixed well, and then give the resulting dough the shape of a candle. Then freeze in the refrigerator. And before use, be sure to warm to an acceptable room temperature.
Of course, the procedure must be done after a bowel movement. The course lasts 1 month.
If you want to know how to treat prostate adenoma quickly and easily, you need to study all the popular folk recipes. You should pay attention to parsley, the medicinal properties of which are due to the composition. It includes lithium, manganese, aluminum, zinc, vitamins A and C, organic acids and many other valuable substances.

It is not difficult to make a medicine based on this plant. Here is a step by step guide:
- Parsley seeds must be ground into powder using a coffee grinder.
- Place the resulting mass in a thermos and pour boiling water over it. The calculation is as follows: 200 ml of water per 1 tbsp. l. seeds.
- Infuse for 6-7 hours.
This infusion should be taken before each meal, 2 tbsp. l. You can do it differently too! Some people simply brew the crushed seeds like a tea. And they drink, having previously filtered through cheesecloth. But inin this case, the dosage is different - 1/3 cup.
But that's not all, than to treat prostate adenoma. Medicines are also made from parsley root. Here is a simple recipe:
- Fresh root washed and finely chopped.
- Take 1 tbsp. l. ingredient and pour boiling water (500 ml).
- Infuse overnight, strain in the morning.
This remedy must be drunk 1 tbsp. l. on an empty stomach for a month.
And, of course, do not forget about parsley juice if you want to treat prostate adenoma without drugs. This is the most valuable pomace, rich in minerals and vitamins. She is able to cope even with strong stagnation. Juice not only cleanses the body of slagging, but also replenishes the supply of nutrients.
Root, leaves and stems can be used to make it.
The application of this incredibly cheap and affordable component also needs to be told. Many are interested in how to treat prostate adenoma with soda, but it must be said right away that official medicine does not approve of its use.
Its healing properties are explained by the ability to alkalize the biological fluids of the body. This process allegedly helps with a variety of diseases, including adenoma.

Soda is used in different ways:
- You need to take soda and dissolve in water heated to 38 ° C. The calculation is as follows: for 1 liter of water, take 1.5 tbsp. l. component. Pour the resulting solution into a basin and use to take 10-minute sitz baths. Makeprocedure 7-10 days before bedtime.
- For 15 days, drink a healing drink with the addition of soda twice a day, each time 10-15 minutes before meals. You have to follow a special plan. 15 days are divided into five mini-courses of 3 days each. Gradually the dosage increases. The first three days dissolve ¼ tablespoon of soda in a glass of milk, the next - ½ each, then ¾ each, then 1 tsp each, and for the last 3 days you can dissolve 1.5 tsp each. Then they take a break for 7-8 months, after which they repeat.
- Do microclysters after cleansing the intestines with clean water. For the procedure, it is necessary to prepare a soda solution - for 1 glass you need 1 tsp. soda. After it is done, you need to take the “birch” pose for 60 seconds, and then lie down on your right side for 5 minutes.
And although soda is non-toxic, it is recommended to think several times before you start taking products based on it. There are many contraindications, including diabetes, high blood pressure, ulcers, component intolerance, allergies, etc.
Aspen bark
A man trying to understand what drug is used to treat BPH most often can pay attention to this natural healing component.
Aspen bark is used in different ways. Here are some recipes:
- You need to take 1 tbsp. l. raw materials and pour a glass of water. Boil on low heat for about 3 minutes, and then let it brew for an hour and strain. Drink this remedy three times a day before meals for ¼ cup.
- Steam 1 tbsp. l. boiling water (200 ml). During1 hour to insist, and then strain and drink as a tincture: 1 tbsp. before meals.
- Take 50 grams of aspen buds and bark, pour vodka (0.7 l). For two months, keep the composition in a dark, cool place, and then strain and can be consumed - three times a day, 1 tsp. May be diluted with water.
By the way, many patients who want to know the best way to treat prostate adenoma learn about the recipe for an ointment suitable for topical use. It really shows a good effect, and it is easy to prepare: 50 grams of medical fat should simply be mixed with ashes from burnt aspen bark (10 g).
There is another way to prepare the ointment! It is necessary to combine dried aspen bark with olive oil in proportions of 1: 5, and let it brew for 10 days in a cool place. Then strain, and use the healing liquid as an extract for application to the inguinal region.
Healing herbs
Of course, it is impossible not to tell about their application. Is it possible to treat prostate adenoma with herbs? Yes, if the man does not have an individual intolerance. Phyto-components help eliminate negative symptoms, relieving a person from dysuric disorder, pain syndrome, improving sleep patterns and helping to cope with insomnia.

So here are some herbs you can use:
- Antineoplastic - those, the use of which can help stop the growth of adenoma. These are calendula, cloudberries and yarrow.
- Diuretic - facilitate the outflow of urine from the body, in parallelanti-inflammatory action. These are nettle, knotweed, juniper, wild rose, half a floor, and also a special urological collection.
- Restoring uroseptics - they affect tissue regeneration, and also promote the healing of damaged areas of the prostate. These include plantain, celandine, calendula and yarrow.
- Hemostatic - these are garlic, onion and oak bark. Their use can even remove hematuria that occurs after removal of the adenoma.
- Antimicrobial - antiseptic properties are found in celandine, bearberry, burdock root and cloudberry.
- Anti-inflammatory - Herbs in this group include bearberry, valerian, licorice, parsley and yarrow.
If a man, having learned about the healing properties of phyto-components, firmly decided: "Now we treat chronic prostate adenoma with herbs!", Then he needs to know some nuances.
The intake of such funds must be agreed with the attending physician. Some herbs can reduce the effectiveness of certain medications, while others can be toxic to the body. Also, do not take alcohol tinctures, especially if you have recently undergone surgery.
And, of course, it is worth remembering that the fees applied are only an addition to the complex treatment. It is neither monotherapy nor a panacea.
The herbs that treat BPH have been listed above. Now you can give recipes for the funds that are prepared from them.

Here are the most effective:
- It is necessary to grind 500 grams of fresh and pre-washed aloe vera leaves. Add wine (500 ml) and a few tablespoons of natural honey to the resulting gruel. For a week, the resulting mass must be removed in the refrigerator so that it is infused. Then drink - three times a day for 1 tsp.
- Take 1 tsp. chopped dry celandine and pour boiling water (300 ml). Then let it brew for 2 hours. Press after the time has elapsed. After that, you can use - three times a day for 1 tbsp. l. for 30 days.
- Chop the licorice root. Take 1 tbsp. l. and pour two glasses of water. Putting the container on the fire, bring it to a boil. Simmer for 10 minutes, and then insist another two hours. Take as the previous infusion.
- Take 1 tbsp. l. crushed hazel leaves, and then pour boiling water (300 ml). Send the resulting composition to a water bath and hold for half an hour, stirring regularly. After the time has elapsed, strain and cool. Then add water to compensate for the evaporated volume. Since you need to drink 250-300 ml three times a day, you can cook a large portion at once.
- Dried valerian roots in the amount of 20 grams pour a glass of boiling water and leave for half an hour. Strain and drink the resulting volume for the whole day in small sips.
- Take the stalks of asparagus and chop with a meat grinder or mixer. Squeeze out the resulting mass well. You should get about 200 ml of juice. You need to drink it right away. It is recommended to make such an elixir three times a day - the daily volume should be 600 ml.
- It is necessary to take yarrow, dry it, afterwhat to grind into powder. Then 1 tbsp. l. composition pour half a liter of boiling water. Leave for 15-20 minutes, strain and drink like tea. You can improve the taste by adding a little honey. Consume 200 ml daily for a week.
- Take the leaves and seeds of plantain in the amount of 1 tbsp. l. Grind and pour a glass of boiling water, then insist 2 hours and drink after filtering. The course of treatment is 2 months, you need to take the remedy 4 times a day before meals.
- Mix calendula and yarrow (25 g each), field harrow and fennel (15 g each), and nettle with horsetail (10 g each). Grind everything and mix thoroughly, and then pour into a thermos and pour boiling water over it. The calculation is as follows: 2 tbsp. l. for 1 liter of water. It takes 3 hours to set up this composition. Drink 1/3 cup before meals.
- Dry crushed elecampane in the amount of 1 tbsp. l. it is necessary to pour a glass of boiling water and cook over low heat for about half an hour. Then strain and you can use - 2-3 times a day for 100 ml.
- Fill in 2 tsp. colza herbs in a teapot and pour boiling water (400 ml). Let it brew for 30-40 minutes, and then consume. You need to drink 3 cups of this tea daily for 2-3 weeks.
There are many more herbal remedies that you can make yourself based on plants. Above we talked about what herbs treat prostate adenoma, so it’s not difficult to make some kind of collection (or even buy ready-made ones) on your own.