Premature ejaculation. Reasons for losing sexual control

Premature ejaculation. Reasons for losing sexual control
Premature ejaculation. Reasons for losing sexual control

The problem of premature ejaculation is most common among young representatives of the male half of humanity. But you need to understand that we are talking about her. A problem can be called premature ejaculation when a man has sexual intercourse for less than one minute. The main disadvantage in this

premature ejaculation
premature ejaculation

the case is a violation of the function of control, but only if there is no disease that affected this process. Sometimes the duration of intercourse is more than a minute, but it is not enough for a woman to receive sexual satisfaction. In this case, we are talking about relative premature ejaculation. Both options set a man the same task - to learn to control himself during a period of extreme excitement.

Premature ejaculation may be related to:

- sexual needs are not commensurate with the duration of sexual abstinence (insufficient number of intercourse relative to excitability);

- fear of possible failure, provoked by external factors or problems in relationships with a woman;

-sexual dysfunction;

- developed habit of rapid ejaculation due to

Premature ejaculation diagnosis
Premature ejaculation diagnosis

unfavorable conditions for sexual contact or long-term relationship with a frigid woman;

- increased sensitivity of the male penis, while during friction there is a tension of the short frenulum of the penis;

- increased irritability due to chronic prostate disease;

- skull injuries, which may damage the area of the brain responsible for sexual activity;

- prolonged state of stress;

- hormonal abnormalities;

- spinal cord disorders.

Premature ejaculation can occur due to frequent cases or chronic diseases of a different nature. These include: syphilis, tuberculosis, encephalitis, injuries of the sacral and lumbar spine, malignant tumors, pathology of certain receptors of the head of the penis, injuries of the pudendal nerve. Also, premature ejaculation can be triggered by excessive and frequent drinking and smoking.

Increased sensitivity of the glans penis and nervousness during sexual foreplay can lead to disharmony between partners, which provokes the fear of rapid ejaculation. The first episode entails the following similar moments, forming a vicious circle. In any case, if premature ejaculation occurs, diagnosis of causes


s such deviation from the norm is simply necessary.

Early ejaculation is treated with drugs that reduce anxiety and correct depressive states. These include: Fluoxetine, Paroxetine, and Sertraline.

If the sensitivity of the head of the penis is increased, and premature ejaculation occurs because of this, condoms and lidocaine lubricants will help to cope with the problem.

Individual treatment requires the root causes of early ejaculation, such as vesiculitis, prostatitis, colliculitis.

In some cases, premature ejaculation requires surgery. This method of treatment removes the problem forever and makes it possible to prolong sexual intercourse by 8-10 times.
