Man, like most living organisms, has two sexes, as a result of the combination of which a new life is born. The role of the male and female body in nature has its similarities and differences. To create a strong happy union, a person needs to have an idea about the physiological characteristics of each other at different age stages.
The role of male and female organisms in nature
By their physiology, men give only a fraction of their heredity for future offspring. The rest of the responsibility for procreation lies with the female body. The spermatozoon is much smaller than the egg - the germinal germ cell of the female body. The egg contains not only hereditary information, but also all the nutrients that the embryo will need in the first days of life. Thus, immediately after fertilization, the future embryo will mature and form in the bowels of the mother's body.

Due toBy this nature, on an instinctive and physiological level, various characteristics are embedded in a man and a woman, relating to almost everything, from appearance to character and subconsciousness.
To continue the human race, nature has solved 2 main tasks:
- Correspondence of anatomical and physiological organs in men and women.
- A powerful sexual instinct embedded in a person, serving to ensure that organisms look for connections with each other.
Differences between the sexes
The main difference between the physiology of men and women is that they have a different set of chromosomes. This explains the fact that organisms of different sexes have their own characteristics both from the physical and from the psychological side.
Women have a wider face, less protruding chin, a smaller head, narrower shoulders, but hips, on the contrary, are wider than a man's. Physiologically, men are taller, and therefore their skeleton is taller and weighs more.
Men have more developed muscles in the upper body, and women, on the contrary, in the lower. The pelvic bones are also formed differently; in a woman, they are much wider. All these differences between the physiology of a man and a woman are laid down by nature for a reason, but primarily to create and preserve future offspring.
The hormonal background of the sexes is significantly different. This system in women has a more complex structure, since their thyroid gland is much more active and larger. The hormonal background is associated with the presence of less body hair, a more sensitive reaction toexternal stimuli, laughter, crying, etc.

Some differences in the physiology of men and women:
- Women are weaker in brute force.
- Men have a higher metabolic rate.
- The female body tolerates heat much easier.
- A woman's blood also has its own characteristics: it has 20% fewer erythrocytes, red cells, and more water in the blood. It is this composition that explains the tendency of young ladies to faint when the body is overloaded.
- The physiology of a man is such that he has a larger brain volume, which does not in any way mean that they have greater mental abilities. Everything is explained by the correspondence of brain mass to body mass. The larger the person himself, the heavier his brain.
- Neuroscientists say that a woman's brain is always on alert. He is almost never at rest. This is explained by the fact that that part of the frontal lobe, which is responsible for making decisions, they have more than men.
- Women have larger kidneys, liver, belly, but men have 30% more lung capacity. Of course, according to physiology, men and women have completely different genital organs.
Why does a girl need a husband or boyfriend?
Of course, this question can be answered simply: everything is caused by love. But this concept is rather vague, and everyone is inclined to enter into it what is convenient for him. So why does a woman need a man? The physiology of the sexes works on the principle of complementarity. OtherIn other words, the partner intuitively looks for a mate with those qualities and skills that he has in short supply. For example: a guy is the soul of the company, a girl is modesty itself; she is a business lady, and he is modest, domestic and economic, etc.
Such a system is explained by the fact that people intuitively try to replenish themselves, to supplement what they lack. According to psychologists, there is one nuance here: the deficit may seem imaginary and apparent. In other words, if a person has some kind of internal conflict that he has no particular desire to deal with, then he finds a partner who is able to extinguish this conflict.

Relying on a soul mate as a crutch, a person emotionally increases internal tension, and when parting, the body reacts very painfully. Therefore, the phrases: “I can’t live without you” and stuff like that do not speak of crazy love between people. Yes, such a confession is a fairly sincere state of mind, because a person understands that without a partner who makes up for him, life will become much more difficult.
You can look at the relationship of people from the other side. If everyone were absolutely self-sufficient, then people, most likely, would not want to create joint unions and would live in proud self-sufficiency alone. The more a person trusts himself, the more chances he has to create a strong happy union. Therefore, people are subconsciously looking for a soul mate who will be equal to them, but will have those human resources that they do not have.enough.
An erection in a man

Each boy feels different sensations when erect or at rest, but not everyone knows how men get up in physiology. When a person has an idea about the processes taking place in his body, it is easier to identify the cause of the deviation, the presence of a problem.
The physiology of the process lies in the fact that during an erection, the cavities are filled with blood, which gives the penis a mechanical hardness. The structure of the penis allows the mechanism of erection to proceed. It has 3 longitudinal bodies inside (1 spongy, 2 cavernous).
These bodies are surrounded by a network of small blood vessels. The structure of the bodies allows blood to fill through small vessels, which explains the nature of the onset of an erection.
The process of an erection in a man can be divided into the following stages:
- Urethral lengthening stage.
- Stage of tumescence, or filling of the cavernous and spongy bodies with blood.
- The stage of tissue stretching in the cavernous bodies.
- Stage of shell tension.
- Penis hardening stage, the erection process lifts the penis up and forward.
Duration and quality of erection
The quality and duration of an erection is influenced by the blood pressure in the bodies that are in the penis. In an unexcited state, the blood pressure in the male genital organ is several times lower than the pressure of all internal organs. In the process of blood flow to the penis due to an erection, an increase in blood circulation occursabout 25 times. At this moment, the pressure becomes equal to the pressure of the internal organs. When the filling of the cavernous and spongy bodies occurs, they begin to put pressure on the veins that drain blood. But they don't overlap completely.
Another interesting fact is that during the onset of an erection, according to the physiology of a man, the communication of the urethra and bladder is blocked. By nature, such a phenomenon is provided so that only seminal fluid passes through the duct at this moment.

The stability of an erection is primarily affected by blood pressure. At the same time, the stability of the outflow and inflow of blood will have the same indicators. If the outflow increases, then the quality of erection will suffer first of all. To provoke blood flow to the penis, the brain needs to receive a signal coming from the nervous system. Next, the signal is transmitted by the neural network to weaken the resistance of the muscles that surround the genitals.
The quality and duration of an erection depends directly on the potency and psychological characteristics of a person, which can directly affect sexual life. The most banal reason for failure is self-doubt, which is the leading cause in reducing the quality of erection.
Peculiarities of the crisis at 40-46 years old
The stage of change for everyone comes in a certain period of life. Someone experienced the first crisis at the age of 30, while someone did not have it at the age of 50. Life experience plays a major role here.person's character. Those people who have experienced a considerable number of ups and downs, difficulties in their lives are more resilient and prepared for life's troubles. According to physiology, a man at 46 experiences changes in various areas of life.

One of the main problems is that men during this period experience a reduction in sexual life, which is associated with natural biological processes occurring in his body. A decrease in testosterone levels and, as a result, reduced sexual activity upsets a man. He thinks that he is helpless and unnecessary for a woman. This is a provocation of depression and leads to a complete lack of sexual relations.
Some men are looking for the reasons for the decrease in sexual desire in the fact that their partner began to devote little time to them, ceased to be affectionate, gentle, which leads to the appearance of a woman on the side. This age is dangerous for men, because some begin to take drugs to increase male strength, performing sexual exploits in bed. This can lead to a heart attack or stroke.
Man 45-50 years old: work and social relationships
At the beginning of their careers, men tend to think that the work will not go away from them and a good specialist will always be in demand. But after 40 years, many begin to feel the pressure of the team, tense relations between colleagues and superiors, oppression of their younger energetic employees. The person begins to feel thatwant to budge, interfere in his affairs, reproach, etc.
As a rule, these are all phobias. In fact, he is afraid of being inexperienced in some matter, unworthy of the position, he is afraid of reproaches from colleagues and superiors. As a result, the support of management and colleagues is lost.

Psychologists recommend to behave naturally, calmly, hide existing fears and doubts. In this case, colleagues and superiors will see an employee who is confident in his work.
At the age of forty, a person should be aware that the he alth of his organs is no longer what it used to be. It is necessary to avoid sudden physical exertion, dietary restrictions, in order to lose weight. Some men at this age begin to try to regain their experienced physical condition of the body, but excessive overload can have an extremely adverse effect on he alth.
Man at 50
First of all, such a person is an adult, fully formed - you can not argue with that. But still there are some characteristics of the personality, psychology and physiology of a man at the age of 50. People of this age have learned to live, observing the necessary framework of social rules and norms in society, with the exception of rare outcasts. A man already has a clear picture of how the world works in his head. Making a choice, a fifty-year-old man is fully responsible for it. In addition, he already knows how to create such conditions around him that help him develop and realize himself, has a certain personal and socialstatus.
A lot will depend on the performance of a man at the age of 50. Some retire early enough, which immediately affects the character and lifestyle. The type of character is formed on motivation, intensity, activity, eventfulness of a person's life. In people, by the age of fifty, all these factors are usually combined into a fairly stable rigid structure.
There is an opinion that at this age the creative reproduction of a person falls. This is not true, it all depends primarily on the profession and his desire to fulfill himself. Athletes or the military at the age of 50 are deep pensioners, and if they are satisfied with this lifestyle, then in this case, creative reproduction, of course, goes to naught. But people involved in other professions: management, business, medicine, economics, law, etc. - use their years as an indicator of effective work and invaluable experience. At the age of 50, a person has more free time to work on mistakes, increase the ability to organize their own work.

As for the intellectual abilities and thinking of a man at this age, it all depends on how much he is engaged in their development. The same can be said about the figure. When a person is at a younger age, then a beautiful figure may be his heredity, but by the age of 50 this will not pass. Therefore, it is important to take care of yourself, maintain your he alth with proper nutrition and light sports training. Scientistsfound that men who exercised their brain throughout their lives had virtually no Alzheimer's disease in old age.
When it comes to family relationships, couples in their 50s who have children face the empty nest phenomenon. This is the time when children have reached the age for an independent life separate from their parents. For a family, the departure of children from their parental home becomes a certain crisis, during which all problems come out. This explains the high, according to statistics, the percentage of divorces in this period of time.
Men who have not started a family try to compensate for it through friendships, entertainment. Psychologists believe that with this course of events, a man is experiencing an unsuccessful passage of a mid-life crisis.
Life Tasks
In terms of its physiology, the psychology of a man at the age of fifty says that in the foreground he faces the task of showing concern for people and striving to help them if necessary. A psychologically he althy man should be interested in teaching the younger generation, because on a subconscious level he wants to leave behind people who adopted his skills and learned from him knowledge.
In the case when a man stops in the development of his personality, it is time for him to stagnate. He has no desire to do anything, learn new things, develop. In this regard, such people appear passivity and impotence. Often this finds its manifestation in chronic diseases, whichbecome the meaning and value of life, sometimes on a subconscious level. This is due to the fact that existing diseases are the only thing that brings some kind of revival to life. This is how the psychological physiology of men and women works.
Psychology of age 60
This is the retirement age of a man, which is undoubtedly a serious test for personal self-esteem. Everything, of course, depends on the financial situation of the person. If he has not managed to accumulate money by this time, then the transition to retirement will hit hard on psychological and physical he alth. A person has a lot of free time, but as you know, the average pension in our country is small. Questions arise, what to do, where to put yourself, how to save money. All this leads to a decrease in life satisfaction.
The physiology of a man is arranged in such a way that at the age of 60 he is visited by thoughts of a possible imminent death. For some, this is a good impetus for a more active, vibrant, full of impressions life, for others it leads to a depressive state.

Scientists have noticed that the more necessary a person feels in the family, society, state, the more comfortable and safer his life will be. With a general dissatisfaction with life, the main emotions of a person become sadness, self-centeredness, bitterness. The physiology between a man and a woman reveals that men in this case become softer, but women, on the contrary, become domineering. The quality of life is better and longer for those people who have no time to die. Atsuch a person always has a goal: to wait for a great-grandchild, a harvest, a grandson's wedding, etc. All goals and objectives distract from negative thoughts.
The physiology of a man at 60 may have its own characteristics. If we are talking about a successful person, then at this age he has a baggage of life experience behind him, personal achievements, desires realized in life. He has a stable, well-established life, where there is enough time to devote to his beloved woman, family, intimacy, he alth.