Male infertility is a violation of the reproductive function, which is expressed in the inability to have offspring. This is a serious problem for many representatives of the strong half of humanity who are faced with it.
What leads to its development? By what symptoms can you find out about this? Is there a cure for infertility in men? These and many other questions should now be answered.
They should be discussed first. The list of reasons that can provoke this condition is quite large:
- Varicocele. The probability of infertility in this pathology is very high. It is manifested by the vascular expansion of the spermatic cord, which serves as a channel for the removal of spermatozoa. The disease is fraught with fever, and it negatively affects the condition of the seminal fluid.
- Injuries and defects. For example, cryptorchidism. Infertility and difficulty conceiving are usually associated with this condition, which is characterized byan undescended testicle into the scrotum. Also, the reason may be defects in the development of the penis.
- Genetic failures. They are fraught not only with infertility, but also with the birth of unhe althy children with anomalies.
- Sexually transmitted infections, as well as those that are fraught with damage to the cells involved in the production of spermatozoa.
- Inflammation in the ureters and prostate.
- Early ejaculation, lack of erection or lack thereof.
- Weak immune system.
- Malignant or benign neoplasms in the ovaries.
- Regular use of antibiotics and drugs for a long time.
It should be noted that male infertility accounts for 45% of cases, female - 40%. The remaining 15% are cases of immunological incompatibility of partners, as well as rare forms of the disease.
Secretory infertility
We need to talk about it in more detail. The secretory form of male infertility is characterized by one feature - the testicles of a man do not produce enough seminal fluid. It is also diagnosed if spermatozoa have structural defects or impaired mobility.

Many of the conditions listed above lead to this pathology. But separately it is necessary to single out a special risk group - men working in hot shops, as well as abusing the sauna and bath. They are recommended to complete any procedures associated with a temperature drop with a cold shower in order to normalize it intesticles.
Also, squeezing the perineum with uncomfortable clothing and tight underwear can also lead to dysfunction of this form.
Professional cycling also has a negative impact. In men who are fond of it for a long time, infertility is diagnosed many times more often.
Obturation shape
Having talked about the main causes of male infertility, you can study this type of this pathology. The obstructive form is characterized by blockage of the vas deferens. It occurs due to inflammation in the epididymis, because it is fraught with gluing of the ducts.
Here are the conditions that lead to this problem:
- Untreated groin and testicular injuries.
- Injuries to the pelvic organs during operations.
- Squeezing the cyst of the vas deferens.
- Missing epididymis.
- Tuberculosis or syphilis.
An important task for the doctor is to determine the extent and localization of the obturation. Treatment is aimed at excision of the area of obstruction or the formation of a different path for seminal fluid. This is done by applying anastomoses.
Immunological infertility
Men also have this form of pathology. What does she represent? Physiologically, the process occurs as follows: during inflammation, trauma or surgery, the barrier created by certain antibodies is violated. As a result, the immune system, in order to protect itself, begins to produce antispermatozoa. And they end up blocking their movement.

What happens as a result? Male germ cells lose their activity, and they cannot get in contact with the egg. What is the risk? A man with preserved erectile ability cannot fertilize an egg during a full-fledged act.
Testicular dropsy in men: causes and treatment
Why should this disease be given special attention? Because it is a very common pathology, often causing male infertility. Approximately 2-4% of men have it. Most often, the cause of the occurrence is difficult to establish, less often it turns out to be a bilateral lesion.
Symptoms can be listed as follows:
- Asymmetric enlargement of the scrotum.
- Skin tightness.
- Difficult to determine the outline of the testicle.
- Drawing pains, a feeling of discomfort - it intensifies during physical activity.
Also, as the volume increases, there are more problems associated with erectile function and urination.
The reasons may be as follows:
- Congenital anomaly. The man simply did not overgrow the vaginal process of the peritoneum during embryogenesis.
- Inflammation caused by orchitis, orchiepididymitis, chlamydia, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, etc.
- Injuries, bites, burns, as well as any other incidents that could disrupt the integrity of the lymphatic and blood vessels.
- Malignant neoplasm.
- Chronic kidney disease, cardiovascular or liver failure.
Having studied the causes of dropsy of the testiclesat men, and about treatment it is possible to tell. An asymptomatic, incidentally discovered disease in the course of diagnosis implies only observation in dynamics.

If the situation is neglected, then a classic intervention is prescribed - the Winckelmann and Bergman operations, during which the scrotum is dissected and the dropsy cyst is removed with further puncture.
Maybe opt for a minimally invasive technique. These are sclerotherapy, ultrasound dissection, laser tissue dissection, etc.
Aspiration is the least commonly prescribed, since this method has a high percentage of relapses and complications. It is shown only to those men who can no longer be helped by the listed methods.
During the course of it, the patient may ask the doctor if infertility in men is treated. Everything is individual here, and it will be possible to make an approximate forecast only after the survey.
The main diagnostic method is a spermogram. It needs to be repeated 2-3 times with breaks.

How much does a spermogram cost? Analysis, which is performed according to WHO standards, costs an average of 3,500 rubles. Complex is not much more expensive - 4500 rubles.
By the way, if a man decided to be examined because he and his wife are unable to have children and this is a problem for them, then it is better to come together. The problem may be in the woman or in the notorious immunological incompatibility.
How to takebiomaterial?
So, now you know how much a spermogram costs (an analysis in case of infertility will have to be done). Now we need to talk about the rules for preparing for this process.
It is necessary to abstain from sex or self-gratification for 2-3 days before the test. But not longer than one week.

Material is obtained through masturbation. You can do this at home, in a familiar environment, or directly in the laboratory. The main thing is that the man handed over the material a maximum of an hour after collecting it.
For four days before the procedure, it is forbidden to drink alcohol, take thermal treatments and work in adverse conditions. Also, you can not use sedatives and sleeping pills. If the man was treated with antibiotics, then after that you need to wait at least two weeks.
Usually results are ready in a few days.
Principles of Therapy
After the diagnosis, which allows you to find out the cause and degree of infertility in a man, treatment is prescribed. Fortunately, modern andrology has ample opportunities to eliminate this problem.
But a lot also depends on the patient. It is necessary to normalize your regimen, get rid of household and professional harmful factors, start taking vitamins prescribed by your doctor and eat right.
Also, impaired spermatogenesis implies the treatment of genitourinary infections and the mandatory correction of endocrine disorders. In most cases, replacement therapy is prescribedandrogens.

When the patient undergoes pathogenetic and etiological treatment, he will be prescribed general strengthening drugs and immunocorrectors.
If a man fails to fertilize a woman a year after treatment, then he will most likely need hormone-stimulating therapy.
Effective drugs
When talking about whether infertility in men is treated, one should list the drugs that have proven themselves well in the fight against this problem. So, the doctor can prescribe these remedies:
- "Orthomol Fertil Plus". This is a vitamin complex that was created for nutritional therapy of infertility. The composition includes all the substances necessary for spermatogenesis.
- "Tribestan". The composition includes steroidal saponins that improve immunity, erection, cholesterol metabolism, and also positively affect the cell membrane.
- "Sinatra Forte". It is prescribed even for athletes, as it helps to increase endurance, build muscle mass, increase libido and erection duration.
- "Omnadren 250". It contains testosterone esters, so the drug perfectly stimulates and maintains sexual function, positively affecting spermatogenesis.
- Proxy Plus. Helps to cope even with varicocele, aspermia, apoptosis and oligozoospermia. Its active ingredient is L-carnitine, which reduces the risk of infertility by about 47%.
- Gammafertil. Improves the quality and quantity of sperm, normalizes erection, and also increases sperm motilityand supports blood circulation. In addition, the drug removes free radicals from the body and increases the production of testosterone.
- "Lutain". Talking about how to determine infertility in men and further eliminate it, this remedy should also be noted with attention. "Lutain" is a natural remedy that includes more than 700 useful substances, including amino acids, rare hormonal compounds and valuable biological components. Helps to get rid of various reproductive problems.
- Karliv. Indications for the use of this drug are male infertility, obesity, inflammation of the prostate, physical exhaustion, as well as pathologies of the endocrine, cardiovascular systems and liver.
- "Spematon". This combined remedy significantly increases fertility and stimulates spermatogenesis and sperm motility. And the substances that make up its composition normalize the production of hormones and the functioning of the reproductive system.
- "Spermactin". This drug helps to improve the concentration and quantity of seminal fluid, and also increases sperm motility. Its action is determined by citric acid, fructose, acetylcarnitine and fumarate.
- "Proviron". This medicine is made on the basis of the gonads. It is an active androgen that does not reduce gonadotropin synthesis and is well tolerated by the liver.
- AndroDoz. The components of this drug improve the quantity and quality of sperm, and also contribute to the production of testosterone and strengthen potency.
The names of these drugs are recommended to be remembered by a person whointerested in how to check for infertility in men. Most likely, to eliminate the problem, the doctor will prescribe one of the following. Although, of course, there are many other well-established drugs.

Be that as it may, first therapy will be prescribed to eliminate the cause, that is, to cure the original disease.
What is the forecast?
Unfortunately, it is impossible to answer the question of whether infertility in men can be treated with absolute certainty. Because everything is very individual. However, only a few pathologies provoke absolute infertility. In most cases, fertility is quite realistic to restore. Fortunately, modern medicine allows this.
Of course, sometimes healing takes a long time. For example, stimulating hormone therapy is prescribed for at least 9 months with regular testing for effectiveness.
Surgery can help in some cases. The notorious varicocele, for example, cannot be eliminated otherwise - only through surgery can the outflow of venous blood from the testicles be improved, congestion eliminated, metabolism normalized and spermatogenesis restored. With congenital anomalies of the urethra, plastic surgery is prescribed. The goal is to restore its normal functioning and form the correct outer opening.
In general, we can discuss for a long time the ways in which we can get rid of this problem in our time. Mostthe main thing is to start treatment on time. Because many of these diseases have other consequences that are dangerous to he alth, and not just infertility.