Women's he alth 2024, October

Condylomas in women: types, causes, symptoms and treatment

Condylomas in women: types, causes, symptoms and treatment

Women's condylomas occur as a result of neglecting their women's he alth. The disease can be treated in different ways

What is the cycle of menstruation and how to calculate it

What is the cycle of menstruation and how to calculate it

The female cycle usually lasts until 50-52 years, sometimes up to 55. But, according to available data, the ability to bear a child is maintained until about 65 years, in the case of replanting a donor egg

Intramural fibroids: causes, symptoms and treatment, recovery period

Intramural fibroids: causes, symptoms and treatment, recovery period

Myoma, or leiomyoma, is a benign tumor of the muscular membrane of the uterus, which appears by the degeneration of smooth muscle cells into connective tissue. Despite the latest methods of early diagnosis, surgical removal of the neoplasm remains one of the most common methods of therapy at the moment

Does it hurt to cauterize cervical erosion? How the procedure is carried out, its consequences

Does it hurt to cauterize cervical erosion? How the procedure is carried out, its consequences

In the fight against erosion, the most effective solution to the problem is cauterization. This procedure is over three hundred years old. The cauterized area overgrows with epithelium after a while. But women who have been prescribed the procedure often worry: does it hurt to cauterize cervical erosion, how does the intervention go, what are its consequences? You will find answers to these questions in this article

How long can I play sports after giving birth? Tips & Tricks

How long can I play sports after giving birth? Tips & Tricks

The long-awaited baby has already been born, and the young mother wants to put herself in order. Indeed, after pregnancy and childbirth, the figure became much worse - stretch marks appeared, and the weight increased. Of course, many are interested in the question of how long you can play sports after childbirth. You will find the answer in this article

Why does my stomach hurt but I don't get my period? Cause and effect

Why does my stomach hurt but I don't get my period? Cause and effect

Why does my stomach hurt but I don't get my period? There can be many reasons. This article covers the most common problems

Effective cough remedies during pregnancy

Effective cough remedies during pregnancy

Every woman wants to endure and give birth to a he althy child. But what if you get sick during pregnancy, you have a cough? What are the safe and effective ways to treat a cough? Read below

Lymph nodes in the groin in women: location, causes of inflammation and treatment features

Lymph nodes in the groin in women: location, causes of inflammation and treatment features

Enlarged lymph nodes in women can signal serious illnesses, they usually appear on the background of inflammation in the body. Lymph nodes are a kind of signal that something has gone wrong in the body. The cause of inflammation of the lymph nodes in the groin in women can be either a banal cut or an infection. In any case, the woman should consult a doctor

Introduction of the intrauterine device: detailed information, installation method, pros and cons

Introduction of the intrauterine device: detailed information, installation method, pros and cons

The intrauterine device is the most common and reliable contraceptive method. Therefore, women often go to the doctor about the installation of this device. The spiral, like any other method of contraception, has its own contraindications and features, so there are many questions in this area. This article will provide information that every woman is recommended to read

Thick discharge in women: causes

Thick discharge in women: causes

Specific thick discharge in women can be a signal of serious illnesses, or it can be an ordinary physiological secret that does not carry any danger. In any case, if you are concerned about this delicate problem, you should consult a doctor. In the article, we will consider discharges of different colors and consistency, their causes and possible diseases, we will indicate what is the norm for the female body and what is not

Dry cough during pregnancy: how to treat. Tips

Dry cough during pregnancy: how to treat. Tips

When a woman learns that in the near future she will become a mother, she begins to be especially attentive to her he alth. Despite this, many pregnant women suffer from viral and bacterial diseases. And all due to the fact that immunity during this period is somewhat reduced. The most common cause of concern is dry cough during pregnancy

Severe headache and nausea: causes in women

Severe headache and nausea: causes in women

Causes of severe headache and nausea in a woman can be very different, as discomfort can occur due to pregnancy, during menstruation, as well as in the presence of certain diseases

How to behave during labor and labor?

How to behave during labor and labor?

Preparing for childbirth is very important for both the expectant mother and the baby. After all, not only a woman helps her baby to be born, but he also moves along the birth canal, participates in labor. The he alth and life of the child depend on how the mother will behave during childbirth. Informational and psychological preparation is needed here

On what day of the cycle is an ultrasound of the mammary glands done?

On what day of the cycle is an ultrasound of the mammary glands done?

In the treatment of diseases of the mammary gland, the timely detection of pathological changes in its condition is of great importance. For this, ultrasonic diagnostics is widely used. Ultrasound makes it possible to conduct an examination also for preventive purposes. This allows you to establish the nature of the neoplasm at the initial stage, when it is still possible to do without a major operation

How to calculate the day to conceive a he althy baby

How to calculate the day to conceive a he althy baby

For every woman, there comes a time when she realizes that she is ready to become a mother. To ensure the success of your pregnancy, there is no better way than to accurately calculate the best time to conceive your unborn baby

The size of the corpus luteum by day of the cycle: the norm and deviations, features, medical advice

The size of the corpus luteum by day of the cycle: the norm and deviations, features, medical advice

The concept of "corpus luteum" is very often used in obstetrics and gynecology, which often confuses some women. In fact, this is a non-permanent, liquid formation on the ovary in a certain phase of the cycle, or rather the luteal phase, at the moment after ovulation. Consider its physiological norm, size

How to do chamomile douching at home?

How to do chamomile douching at home?

In the treatment of most gynecological diseases, douching is used. In some cases, it can act as the main treatment, in others - auxiliary. And most often - this is douching with chamomile. A safe, effective remedy that helps in a variety of situations

Clitoral hypertrophy: causes, consequences

Clitoral hypertrophy: causes, consequences

Hypertrophy or an abnormal change in the size of the clitoris is considered to be mainly a congenital malformation of female development in the womb. The increased secretion of androgens in a young girl is the reason for contacting a gynecologist who can determine whether the penis belongs to the female morphological type and the degree of its hairiness

Breast swollen after menstruation: causes, norms and deviations, methods of treatment, prevention

Breast swollen after menstruation: causes, norms and deviations, methods of treatment, prevention

For many women, breasts swell and enlarge after menstruation. But not everyone knows when to seek medical help. The recommendations of specialists will help eliminate physiological pain. If the swelling of the mammary glands is associated with the development of pathology, then the treatment should be comprehensive

What is a gynecological pessary

What is a gynecological pessary

Women often experience problems such as uterine prolapse or early dilatation during pregnancy. In this case, the use of a pessary will help. The article talks about what a gynecological pessary is, its types and when they should be used

What is menopause or menopause?

What is menopause or menopause?

Menopause is the complete cessation of the menstrual cycle. This happens between the ages of 40 and 55. This is an inevitable physiological process in which various changes occur in a woman's body. The ovaries produce less estrogen, a hormone responsible for the complex functioning of the internal organs and the flow of menstruation

Bleeding from the uterus: causes and treatments

Bleeding from the uterus: causes and treatments

In most cases, bleeding from the uterus indicates the presence of a gynecological disease. In such situations, treatment methods should be aimed at eliminating the underlying cause of this phenomenon

Why does my head hurt during my period?

Why does my head hurt during my period?

In 68% of girls, menstruation occurs with a significant deterioration in he alth. Often a factor in headaches (cephalgia) 1-3 days before the onset of menstruation is PMS. However, in addition, on the eve of menstruation, the head aches, the pain radiates to the temples, forehead, or the back of the head, and nausea is also due to pathologies. In this case, it is recommended to undergo a comprehensive examination. Doctors identify a number of physiological or pathological factors, as a result of which the head begins to hurt before menstruation

Pain after childbirth. Causes, treatment

Pain after childbirth. Causes, treatment

What to do when pain occurs after childbirth? What kind of pain can be observed in women in labor? How to get rid of pain? How to alleviate the suffering of a woman in labor? When should you see a doctor? You will find information about this and much more in this article

Cause of odorless white discharge in women

Cause of odorless white discharge in women

Surely every woman has noticed abundant white discharge (odorless and itchy) from the vagina. Many believe that this is the first bell of the appearance and development of the inflammatory process or infection. However, this is not always the case. White, thick, odorless discharge may appear at different periods of the menstrual cycle and are considered the norm. But if their appearance is accompanied by additional symptoms (abdominal pain, discomfort in the perineum), then in this case you should immediately run to the doctor

Mastitis while breastfeeding: symptoms, causes, treatment

Mastitis while breastfeeding: symptoms, causes, treatment

Many women who breastfeed their babies face the problem of mastitis. How does this disease manifest itself, the causes of its occurrence, and what should be done to prevent the development of the disease? The answers to these questions and many others can be found in this article

Pinging in the breast: the reasons for which doctor to contact

Pinging in the breast: the reasons for which doctor to contact

Not always tingling in the breast is a sign of any pathology. There are many causes of discomfort in the chest. You can familiarize yourself with them by reading this article. In addition, with different symptoms, you should contact specialists in different areas. And to which ones, you will learn from the article

What is uterine fibroids? Treatment and diagnosis

What is uterine fibroids? Treatment and diagnosis

One of the most common benign tumor diseases is uterine fibroids. Most often, heredity and hormonal disorders contribute to its development

Folk treatment of uterine fibroids at home

Folk treatment of uterine fibroids at home

Treatment of uterine fibroids is carried out by applying the methods of traditional medicine and folk remedies. Herbal medicines help eliminate inflammation, normalize immunity, and also promote tumor resorption

Uterine artery embolization for fibroids

Uterine artery embolization for fibroids

One of the most common causes of infertility is uterine fibroids. The disease is diagnosed in 30% of women whose age has not reached the mark of 45 years. A few years ago, the only consequence of pathology was the complete removal of the reproductive organs. Relatively recently, a procedure has appeared that allows you to save all organs and at the same time cure fibroids

Gynecology and obstetrics: bullet forceps, description, application

Gynecology and obstetrics: bullet forceps, description, application

In gynecology, many tools are used to perform manipulations during surgical interventions. Among them, you can also find bullet forceps, which serve to fix tissues. Previously, lead bullets and fragments were taken out of the human body with this surgical instrument, at present it is widely used in gynecology and obstetrics

What happens during pregnancy when the belly drops before childbirth

What happens during pregnancy when the belly drops before childbirth

When the stomach drops before childbirth, this means that the baby is preparing for the birth, trying to move as close as possible to the exit and take a comfortable position

PMS in women: what is it, a list of symptoms

PMS in women: what is it, a list of symptoms

PMS is an acronym that almost every woman has come across. This article will tell you all about premenstrual syndrome and its treatment

What can a blood clot indicate during menstruation?

What can a blood clot indicate during menstruation?

All women know that critical days can bring discomfort or even pain. However, there are such features that seem to pass without discomfort, but still cause alertness and apprehension. One of these manifestations is a blood clot during menstruation

Menstruation with blood clots: causes and treatment of pathology

Menstruation with blood clots: causes and treatment of pathology

During menstruation, the uterus is cleansed of the endometrium, which was formed throughout the cycle. If small clots are found during the release of blood, this is considered a normal physiological process. But if they are large, you need to make an appointment with a gynecologist and undergo an examination, since this condition has many causes

The constant urge to urinate in women: possible causes and treatments

The constant urge to urinate in women: possible causes and treatments

Frequent urination exceeds 10 trips to the toilet per day. If at the same time an increase in the volume of secretions is also noted, such a symptom is called polyuria. With frequent urination, a single amount of urine is less. The symptom may be harmless or hide serious pathologies

Cystitis during pregnancy: how to avoid this unpleasant disease

Cystitis during pregnancy: how to avoid this unpleasant disease

The most common disease of the urinary system, of course, is cystitis, which is an inflammation of the bladder. Cystitis during pregnancy threatens not only the he alth of the expectant mother, but also the fetus developing in the womb of a woman

Epidural: what is it?

Epidural: what is it?

What is "epidural anesthesia" and what are the consequences after it? A way out of a difficult situation or a newfangled trend that can have unpredictable consequences?

Moderate dysplasia: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment methods, reviews

Moderate dysplasia: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment methods, reviews

Moderate dysplasia is a dangerous disease characterized by a pathological change in the tissues of the cervix. It is important to identify the violation in a timely manner and carry out complex treatment in order to prevent the development of complications

What not to do during menstruation: special rules for women's he alth

What not to do during menstruation: special rules for women's he alth

Do you know what not to do during menstruation? The main rhythm of the female body has special requirements for sports, nutrition and other familiar daily activities. Try to understand what your body wants, and then the critical days will pass for you with the least inconvenience