Severe headache and nausea: causes in women

Severe headache and nausea: causes in women
Severe headache and nausea: causes in women

If you periodically experience severe headaches and nausea, the reasons for this may be hiding in overwork. However, this can be a sign of a rather dangerous disease, so you need to seek the advice of a doctor.

Why does my head hurt and feel sick

Discomfort and soreness may indicate the presence of disorders in the body. Causes of severe headaches and nausea can be very different. In particular, such a state can be triggered by the following factors:

  • migraine;
  • pregnancy;
  • high blood pressure;
  • brain tumor.

Migraines are often the cause of headaches and nausea in women. Usually, her attacks last for at least 4 hours, but there may be some discomfort for several days. The headache is very severe, usually unilateral. The main symptoms also include:

  • shortness of breath;
  • chill;
  • intolerance to certain smells, bright lights, sounds;
  • dark circles before eyes;
  • vomit;
  • dizziness;
  • great pallor.

Migraine attacks are most common in the morning and after eating.

severe headache and nausea causes
severe headache and nausea causes

Causes of severe headache and nausea may also be hidden in the presence of a brain tumor. Depending on which area is affected, the patient may experience visual and auditory hallucinations, partial loss of sensitivity, and visual impairment. Over time, a person's well-being only worsens, and it becomes difficult for him to perform even elementary actions.

Causes of severe headache and nausea in a girl can be associated with pregnancy. If there is weakness, drowsiness, and there is no menstruation, then the patient should purchase a pregnancy test and visit a gynecologist.

Temporal headaches and nausea may be related to hypertension. High blood pressure, as a rule, develops due to malnutrition, a sedentary lifestyle, and poor heredity. Hypertension has the following symptoms:

  • pain in the temples and neck;
  • numb fingers;
  • nausea;
  • weakness;
  • feelings of anxiety and panic.

High blood pressure can cause a hypertensive crisis, accompanied by chest pain, clouding of consciousness, convulsions.

Why does my head hurt, fever and vomiting

Many diseases are hidden, and some - with pronounced symptoms, so you can quickly detect violations in the body. Causes of severe headache, nausea and fever may be related to disorders such as:

  • food poisoning;
  • stomach flu;
  • head injury;
  • encephalitis;
  • meningitis.

Consumption of expired or low-quality products provokes intoxication as a result of the penetration of dangerous, toxic substances. As a result of this, the causes of nausea, headache, weakness, and temperature can be hidden in food poisoning. The first signs of poisoning appear very quickly, literally 30 minutes after eating, and during the day there is an exacerbation. In addition, diarrhea may additionally join the listed symptoms.

nausea dizziness headache causes
nausea dizziness headache causes

Another reason for the described state of he alth may be a head injury, which can be provoked even by a slight blow. This results in:

  • nausea;
  • weakness;
  • headache;
  • convulsions;
  • memory loss.

If all these signs are observed, and he alth begins to deteriorate, then it is worth calling a doctor.

Stomach flu and meningitis initially manifest as the common cold. However, over time, the symptoms intensify and there is an acute deterioration in well-being and the symptoms described. But only a qualified doctor can make an accurate diagnosis.

Discomfort in older women

The causes of headache and nausea in older women may be associated with various diseases,therefore, it is also important to consider the presence of additional symptoms. In particular, it may be associated with diseases of the digestive system, cardiovascular system and neurological disorders.

Nausea and headache in older women can be seen with diabetes, pancreatitis, stroke, cancer, and minor organ dysfunction.

Dizziness and weakness

Causes of nausea, dizziness, headache and weakness can be associated with serious and complex diseases, however, such symptoms do not always indicate a critical condition. Often this condition is observed before menstruation, and there is a completely scientific explanation for this.

Causes of nausea and headaches before menstruation are associated with fluctuations in hormone levels, which can cause a significant deterioration in well-being. In addition, the menstrual cycle - albeit small, but blood loss. It can provoke the development of anemia.

headache and nausea causes in women
headache and nausea causes in women

Causes of nausea, headache and dizziness can also be hidden in low blood pressure. These symptoms can be caused by the following factors:

  • insufficient intake of nutrients;
  • starvation;
  • frequent stay in a stuffy room;
  • stress;
  • excessive exercise.

Often, discomfort can occur during menopause, which is associated with hormonal changes in the body. In addition, all these signs can be observed during the periodchildbearing.

Headache during menopause

Sooner or later a woman grows old, and a sign of this is the transition of her body to the phase of menopause. Often this condition is accompanied by nausea, since during this period the main female hormone estrogen is produced in small quantities. And the change in the hormonal background is perceived by the female body as a stressful situation, which makes itself felt by the occurrence of specific reactions.

Nausea and headache are quite unpleasant symptoms, so it is important to conduct timely therapy to eliminate discomfort.

Additional symptoms

It is important to know what causes nausea, weakness and severe headache, as well as the presence of additional symptoms. To make an accurate diagnosis, you need to correctly assess your condition, while noting even the most minor changes. If discomfort is observed throughout the day, and at the same time, medications and alternative therapy do not improve well-being, then you need to urgently call an ambulance.

nausea and headache before menstruation
nausea and headache before menstruation

To correctly understand exactly what causes headaches, weakness, nausea in women, the following must be taken into account:

  • at what time of day does this condition occur;
  • is there an increase in symptoms;
  • character of pain;
  • headache localization;
  • are there hereditary pathologies.

As additional symptoms, there may be suchsigns such as fever, reaction to light, sound or smell, low or high blood pressure, disorientation.

It should be noted that in the presence of the described manifestations of the disease, you should definitely consult a doctor, as the disease can be very serious. Do not delay examination and treatment.


To establish the main causes of headache, dizziness, nausea in women, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive diagnosis, since similar symptoms, as you have already seen, can be in several diseases. If the person himself cannot say for sure what caused the discomfort, then initially you need to contact a therapist for a diagnosis. Research methods are assigned depending on the existing complaints. Recommended holding:

  • ultrasound diagnostics;
  • tomograms;
  • pressure measurements;
  • angiography.

Depending on the existing complaints and on the basis of the study, the doctor refers the patient for a consultation with narrow specialists. This could be an ophthalmologist, dentist, otolaryngologist or psychiatrist.

severe headache and nausea causes girl
severe headache and nausea causes girl

If the headache is associated with menstruation or the onset of menopause, then a woman must consult a gynecologist. And often this problem can be solved by using hormonal contraceptives.

Features of treatment

Headaches in the back of the head and nausea can be caused by a variety of causes, so it's importantto determine why exactly a violation arose, since the method of conducting therapy will largely depend on this. If a person’s well-being allows for self-medication, that is, the headache is not too intense and rarely occurs, then painkillers can be taken. Among these medications, the most popular are:

  • "Analgin";
  • "Nurofen";
  • Spazmalgon;
  • Paracetamol.

If the headache is associated with an increase in pressure, then you need to take medication to normalize it. With the discomfort that occurs when traveling in a vehicle, drugs such as Vertigo Hel and Betaserc are mainly prescribed. However, you should consult your doctor before taking these medicines.

Good sleep or cold compresses help to cope with a headache. In addition, a walk in the fresh air will help restore strength and get rid of unpleasant symptoms.

Use of traditional medicine

Folk remedies and techniques can act as an auxiliary remedy. They are used:

  • when conducting complex therapy;
  • for minor ailments;
  • with lack of sleep and overwork.

Traditional methods do not help to cope with intense, unusual pain in the head and severe nausea, which can lead to prolonged loss of appetite and vomiting. In addition, it is forbidden to use them after a head injury and in the presence of chronic diseases. All folk methods are used onlyafter consultation with your doctor.

headache in the back of the head and nausea causes
headache in the back of the head and nausea causes

Phytotherapy is often contraindicated for pregnant women and during breastfeeding, since herbal components, in addition to their active active substance, can have many different impurities, which provokes the occurrence of various side effects. In addition, herbal ingredients are very difficult to dose on their own.

The most effective remedy is considered to be a decoction of elderberry, which must be taken 15 minutes before eating (the remains of the finished product should not be taken again!). With prolonged mental and physical overstrain, a decoction of St. John's wort helps very well. It is worth noting that you can take it for no more than 3 weeks.

If you have a headache and feel sick, then a decoction of oregano helps to cope with this problem. It can also be simply added in dried form to tea.

Eliminate nausea and normalize appetite helps decoction of mint, which can also be added to tea in small quantities. However, it is worth remembering that it has a sedative effect, so it rather helps to relax and calm down, which helps to reduce pain. If you have low blood pressure, it is best not to use this drug.

The most common valerian is considered a universal and fairly safe remedy, but you should refuse its alcohol tincture, but it is better to take tablets or a dry root for preparing a medicinal decoction.

Danger during pregnancy

Often headache, weakness and nausea accompany a woman during the first trimester of pregnancy. This is usually associated with various kinds of pathological processes and is provoked by the restructuring of the woman's body. Many people experience migraine during this period, but serious measures for its treatment should be taken only after the birth of a child.

dizziness nausea headache causes in women
dizziness nausea headache causes in women

Despite the fact that a headache with nausea in a woman during the period of bearing a child is common and does not usually hide any serious pathologies, however, in any case, you should consult your doctor. Among the main causes of headaches and malaise in pregnant women are:

  • dehydration;
  • general fatigue;
  • hunger;
  • insomnia.

To avoid all these problems, you need to follow a normal daily routine, lead an active lifestyle, eat on time and properly, not overwork, and also avoid significant overexertion.

Taking absolutely any medications while carrying a child must be agreed with the attending doctor, so it is advisable to clarify in advance which of them will be the safest. It is strictly forbidden to self-medicate.

The main danger of discomfort during pregnancy is that you can miss a very serious disease - sinusitis, meningitis, glaucoma, dystonia. Vomiting leads to dehydration andprolonged headache is very irritating and unnerving, which harms the child.

If the seizures last long enough and occur frequently, it is advisable to go to a neurologist. He will conduct an examination to determine the cause of the headache, as well as select the safest medications.

Preventive measures

It is impossible to protect yourself from absolutely all diseases and injuries. However, if you more closely monitor your well-being, then it will be possible to reduce the likelihood of pathological processes. The main thing at the same time is a balanced diet, good sleep, as well as the exclusion of bad habits.

Requires sufficient physical activity, which includes sports, exercise, swimming. In addition, it is forbidden to self-medicate, as this can provoke serious complications.