Does it hurt to cauterize cervical erosion? How the procedure is carried out, its consequences

Does it hurt to cauterize cervical erosion? How the procedure is carried out, its consequences
Does it hurt to cauterize cervical erosion? How the procedure is carried out, its consequences

In the fight against erosion, the most effective solution to the problem is cauterization. This procedure is over three hundred years old. The cauterized area overgrows with epithelium after a while. But women who have been prescribed the procedure often worry: does it hurt to cauterize cervical erosion, how does the intervention go, what are its consequences? You will find answers to these questions in this article.

Does it hurt to cauterize cervical erosion?

Pain is not felt at all. May slightly pull the lower abdomen. Girls who have been cauterized say that there is an unpleasant smell, as if the meat was burned. Sometimes after the procedure, the lower abdomen may hurt a little and pull the lower back. After cauterization, there are often spotting. But there is no need to be afraid of this, this is a normal phenomenon.


Doctors who ask women if it hurts to cauterize cervical erosionuterus, they say that this procedure does not cause pain. But sometimes an anesthetic is sprayed onto the cauterization site. This is done in order to calm the patient, as many women are very afraid.

whether to cauterize cervical erosion
whether to cauterize cervical erosion

Why is there no pain?

Doctors, answering the question of whether it hurts to cauterize erosion of the cervix, they say that there are few nerve endings in this area. That is why women do not feel pain during the procedure.

Whether to cauterize cervical erosion

Definitely yes! Erosion is a disease, and the disease must be treated. In the event of an illness, there is a risk of developing cancer and infections. Then, not cauterization, but more serious procedures will be required.

How is cervical erosion cauterized?

First you need to be tested for infections and flora. If the test results are good, then the cauterization time is prescribed, and if problems are found, they will first be eliminated, and then they will only deal with erosion. The procedure takes only 3-7 minutes. After that, the woman needs to refrain from having sex for a month - this is important, since the scar must be overgrown with epithelium. Be sure the patient must observe hygiene, otherwise inflammation will begin at the site of erosion and pus will appear. You can not lift weights and wash with hot water, take a bath. Visits to the pool, sauna should also be canceled. If a woman follows all the recommendations, then no complications or problems will arise.

how to cauterize cervical erosion
how to cauterize cervical erosion

The consequences of cauterization

Ifa woman has profuse bleeding, it is extremely important to visit a doctor in a timely manner. Perhaps the doctor will perform a secondary cauterization. But most likely, the doctor will prescribe suppositories or ointments. The main thing is to keep cleanliness and sexual rest. Otherwise, you will have to treat with antibiotics and do a second cauterization.

Is there an alternative to moxibustion?

Today, the freezing method is widespread. This method differs in that the pulling pains will be slightly stronger than with cauterization. Sexual rest will need to be observed less - only 2 weeks. Which method to choose is up to you! But remember that timely resolution of the problem is extremely important!