Burping rotten eggs: a symptom of what disease? Causes, diagnosis and treatment

Burping rotten eggs: a symptom of what disease? Causes, diagnosis and treatment
Burping rotten eggs: a symptom of what disease? Causes, diagnosis and treatment

When a burp of rotten eggs appears, a symptom of what disease it means, not everyone knows. In addition to unpleasant sensations, this pathology delivers a number of other problems in the form of other concomitant disorders. Therefore, this phenomenon cannot be considered normal.

It is not always possible to immediately identify the exact cause of such a disorder, since many factors are known that can provoke the release of gases with an admixture of hydrogen sulfide from the LCG. After all, the origin of an unpleasant odor is explained by the presence of this particular chemical compound, which has toxic properties.

Therefore, when such an undesirable symptom appears, each person should be concerned about their own he alth and visit a doctor.


When stable, the human digestive system does a good job of processing food. But when a crash occurs, debugged processes are slowed down.

As a result, food leftovers rot, which is accompanied by the appearance of an unpleasant heavy smell, similar to the "aroma" of rotten eggs.

belching rotteneggs
belching rotteneggs

It is noteworthy that together with intestinal gases, a disgusting-smelling mixture enters the environment, which gives a person suffering from this disorder a lot of inconvenience.

Given that a violation of this nature can occur when the patient is, for example, in an office, in a student auditorium or other crowded place, it is worth knowing about the factors that can cause rotten eggs to burp.

Why there is a "rotten" burp

The following reasons are on this list.

  1. Infection with Salmonella and other representatives of the class of pathogenic microorganisms. Most often, it is these agents that cause dysfunctions of the digestive system, accompanied by severe diarrhea and characteristic belching.
  2. Digestive enzyme deficiency can also cause this problem. The pancreas is responsible for their production, so when it becomes inflamed (pancreatitis), the synthesis of these complex proteins decreases.
  3. The lack of bile production, as well as the violation of its outflow, also affects the ability of the digestive system to process food in a timely manner. The result is a burp that smells like hydrogen sulfide.
  4. Gastritis, both acute and chronic, is often accompanied by bloating, diarrhea and belching.
  5. Reduced intestinal peristalsis slows down the process of transferring food, which leads to its poor-quality processing with all the ensuing consequences.
  6. Spoiled foods can cause food poisoning, the clinic of which proceeds against the background ofsevere diarrhea, belching, flatulence.
  7. Overeating is also among the main causes. Especially severe consequences are observed after a hearty meal, when a person eats a lot of fatty foods at once. The digestive system in such situations simply cannot cope with the high load, so food residues simply begin to rot in the intestines.
  8. High doses of alcohol combined with a large meal also lead to discomfort and rotten belching.
  9. Pathologies such as intestinal stenosis, peptic ulcer, low acidity of gastric juice deserve special attention.
  10. Individual intolerance to some products can cause a slow process of their assimilation. This category includes sauces, mushrooms, all types of legumes.
  11. Gluten intolerance is another common cause of bad breath. Typically, this disorder occurs in young children, making timely diagnosis and treatment difficult.

From the above it follows that there are many factors that can cause belching with the smell of spoiled eggs. This pathology occurs equally often in both adults and young patients. This very serious violation can lead to extremely negative consequences. Therefore, in no case should you self-medicate, especially with symptoms of belching rotten eggs in a child.

belching rotten eggs in an adult
belching rotten eggs in an adult

Important point: if a rotten belch is repeated up to three times a day, this maytestify to an episodic case of food stagnation. Usually this phenomenon is observed after festive feasts, when a person consumes "heavy" dishes.

Diseases and symptoms

There are a number of pathologies that are accompanied by an unpleasant belching of rotten eggs in adults and children. Some of them have already been mentioned above. But besides the main symptom, other signs are also characteristic of such diseases.

The following is a description of the most common illnesses associated with the rotten egg symptom. What kind of pathology the patient has, only the doctor will reveal.

Main issues.

  1. Food poisoning is accompanied by severe intoxication. Patients experience vomiting, weakness, diarrhea, body temperature may rise, and blood pressure may decrease.
  2. Pathology of the liver. With hepatitis of various forms, as well as cholecystitis, an insufficient amount of bile secretion is produced, which causes belching.
  3. Inflammatory processes of the gastrointestinal tract usually take place against the background of intestinal disorders, vomiting and general malaise. Uncomfortable sensations in the epigastric region and belching are often noted.
  4. Dysbacteriosis is characterized by a violation of the normal imbalance of the bacterial environment in the digestive tract. Characterized by symptoms of belching rotten eggs and diarrhea (or, conversely, constipation). Vomiting and general weakness are also noted in such patients.
  5. Chronic pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas) is accompanied by intense abdominal pain, vomiting, heart palpitations.
  6. Gluten enteropathy, i.e. intolerancea separate type of protein, immediately after eating such foods causes rotten belching. This pathology is often inherited. High gluten content in baked goods, cereals, pastries.
  7. Decreased intestinal motility. This pathology can be identified by the characteristic feeling of fullness in the stomach. Heartburn, nausea and unpleasant belching often complement the picture of the disease.
  8. Stenosis. This is perhaps the most dangerous condition for he alth. Due to the fact that the digestive system cannot cope with its functions, the patient loses weight, and this negatively affects the work of other organs: urination is disturbed, the skin becomes dry, their color changes, and deviations in the functioning of the cardiovascular system are observed.
  9. Intestinal infections can be caused by a wide variety of pathogens. In severe forms of pathology, severe intoxication is observed with incessant vomiting and diarrhea. The body temperature rises to critical levels. It is very important to start adequate therapy in a timely manner, otherwise there is a risk of losing the patient.
  10. Peptic ulcer and gastritis. With an exacerbation of the process, patients complain of heaviness in the stomach, nausea. These symptoms usually appear shortly after eating. Characterized by illness and belching of rotten eggs.

When Pregnant

Separately, I would like to dwell on the rotten belching, which often appears in women during pregnancy. In most cases, this pathological phenomenon is explained by severe toxicosis, which is usuallyobserved in the first half of gestation (pregnancy). But if this symptom persists at later stages, this may indicate problems with the excretion of bile. Since such pathologies are inherited, the expectant mother should definitely consult with a specialist.

All of the above symptoms should be regarded as a serious reason to see a doctor.

Diagnostic Methods

Treatment of digestive disorders is within the competence of gastroenterologists. With a systematically appearing rotten belching and the clinical symptoms described above, you should not delay the start of treatment. But for the correct choice of therapy, it is necessary to accurately establish the cause of the pathology.

For this purpose, all modern diagnostic methods are used in medicine.

  1. All types of laboratory tests, including fecal blood tests.
  2. FGS (fibrogastroscopy).
  3. Irrigodiagnosis is an advanced method for examining the condition of the large intestine.
  4. X-ray with barium component. This time-tested method allows you to identify pathological changes in certain parts of the digestive tract.
  5. Intestinal colonoscopy is also a relatively new method to assess the condition of the mucous membranes.
  6. Ultrasonography of the abdominal organs gives an idea of the parameters of the stomach, its contours.
  7. Manometry allows you to determine the contractile activity of the esophagus.
  8. CT scan of the stomach is performed to detect neoplasms and other changes in thisbody.

In addition to the listed types of diagnostics for rotten belching, an analysis of gastric juice is taken to determine the level of its acidity. Also, at the discretion of the doctor, the patient may be additionally assigned other types of studies (for lactose tolerance, sugar tolerance).


When symptoms of rotten egg belching appear, the treatment of the disease it accompanies is prescribed only after a full range of diagnostic procedures.

It is clear that the therapy in each individual case will be different, despite the presence of the same clinical sign - rotten belching.

For food poisoning

The main task in such situations is to clear the stomach of undigested food residues as much as possible. To this end, you can give the patient to drink a soda solution to induce vomiting.

Sometimes you have to resort to gastric lavage, but only professionals do this procedure. After washing, give activated charcoal tablets (1 unit per 10 kg of body weight).

Activated carbon
Activated carbon

To restore the water balance, the patient is given to drink Regidron, and in severe cases, invasive therapy is carried out. A patient with food poisoning is prescribed an appropriate diet: pureed cereals, mashed potatoes.

The drug Regidron
The drug Regidron

Treatment of gastrointestinal disorders

Therapy is carried out in a complex way. It includes the use of astringents, choleretic drugs, drinking plenty of fluids.

Drug Dufalac
Drug Dufalac

If overeating contributed to the appearance of belching, enzymes ("Festal") are included in the complex. For constipation, the drug "Duphalac" is prescribed or an enema is given.

Preparation Festal
Preparation Festal

Therapy for dysbiosis

Such disorders most often affect young children. In such cases, the introduction of probiotics is provided. In combination with a special diet, the preparations of this series give a good result.

You can easily buy "Linex", "Hilak Forte" and other medicines of this group in a pharmacy. With dysbacteriosis, it is useful to eat natural yogurts to speed up the restoration of normal microflora.

Hilak forte
Hilak forte

When prescribing treatment for children, you need to rely only on the experience and professionalism of doctors. It is strictly forbidden to give any medication to a sick child on your own.

For other pathologies

Infectious processes are treated with antibacterial drugs, symptomatic therapy is carried out.

Other types of pathologies, accompanied by fetid belching, are treated exclusively with the direct participation of certified physicians. Moreover, therapy is always prescribed individually, with the obligatory selection of a dietary program.

Preventive measures

So that burping rotten eggs does not complicate life, you should follow these simple recommendations:

  • do not overeat;
  • do not eat before bed;
  • do not consume expired products;
  • leave the table feeling lighthunger;
  • always chew food thoroughly;
  • treat infections and other digestive diseases in a timely manner.

Compliance with these elementary measures will prevent unpleasant belching and other digestive disorders.

Today we learned that it is a belching of rotten eggs, a symptom of what disease. Treatment can only be prescribed by a specialist.
