Lack of appetite is a sign that often indicates various disorders of the body. It is either present in a person in conjunction with other symptoms of the disease, or occurs as the only manifestation of pathology. If, in addition to the loss of craving for food, an individual has a strong decrease in weight, this situation is usually associated with a serious illness.
Loss of appetite - a signal of malfunctions in the body
In order for a person to receive a sufficient amount of substances important for he alth and be able to lead a full life, he needs to eat right. However, it happens that the individual ceases to feel the need for food. Sometimes in such a situation, all products are rejected and provoke discomfort, deterioration of well-being. In this case, it is important to seek medical help in time. There are various reasons for lack of appetite. Pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, nervous system, endocrine glands, viruses, neoplasms can cause such a symptom. Sometimes the loss of craving for food is accompanied by weakness, vomiting.
Why does appetite disappear with various ailments?
Need for food -it is a natural mechanism that is explained by physiological reasons. The brain of a he althy individual gives signals to the digestive tract, and they produce certain substances that make a person feel cravings for food. If there is a lack of appetite, then the nervous system is solving other, more significant problems. This condition is often accompanied by pathologies of the stomach and intestines. At the same time, the loss of interest in food is a mechanism for protecting the human body from unwanted influences. When an individual's body refuses to eat, a symptom such as nausea is often observed. This process can be called quite natural. It helps to rid the stomach of food in the situation when it is needed. Nausea is a symptom that the doctor pays attention to when making a diagnosis.
Feeling broken is also a common ailment. Any person has encountered it at least once in their life, especially during the period of intensive labor activity. Performing the usual work, the individual feels very tired, quickly exhausted. Lack of appetite, nausea, weakness are signs that are characteristic of both adults and minors. What causes such symptoms can be explained in the following sections of the article.
Factors contributing to food refusal
The situation in which a person does not feel like eating can be explained by the following circumstances:

- Medical use (e.g. nausea,vomiting, lack of appetite due to chemotherapy for tumors, taking heavy antiviral drugs).
- Disturbances of mental balance (emotional overload, grief, excitement or depression).
- Surgical interventions.
- The period of gestation, which is accompanied by refusal to eat, nausea and dizziness.
- Adverse eating situations.
- The appearance and properties of products that provoke negative memories.
- Addiction to alcohol, drugs.
- Problem related to body image disorder and overly strict diets.
Should I see a doctor?
It must be remembered that this symptom does not in all cases indicate any malfunction in the human body. Factors such as individual characteristics, gender, age category, he alth status, physical activity and working conditions should be taken into account. Individuals who exercise regularly are more likely to crave food than those who exercise little. Younger people are more resistant to hunger than older people.
However, one must remember that a person who suffers from a lack of appetite for a long time should seek medical help. Modern medical examinations, as well as a survey and examination by a doctor, make it possible to clearly establish the cause of the violation.

Sometimes not the patient himself, but his relatives pay attention to the occurrencethis symptom. This situation is typical for individuals who are under stress or suffering from depression. In such cases, the doctor uses a questionnaire or test to determine emotional problems.
Diagnostic features
The disease with which this symptom is associated is quite easy for a specialist to determine when it gives a pronounced clinical picture. For example, if there is a combination of stool disorder, vomiting and lack of appetite, additional examinations may not be required.

However, in some cases, the loss of the need for food is not accompanied by other signs of any deviation. For example, in patients with eating disorders. This situation is very dangerous. After all, a person or his relatives often turn to a medical institution already at the later stages of violations.
Pathology of eating behavior
Anorexia is a disease that often affects young people, especially the fair sex. The disease causes great damage to he alth, because it affects all the natural mechanisms of the body that cause the need for food. For this reason, the lack of appetite in patients with anorexia is difficult and long to correct in special medical institutions, and even therapy does not give an absolute guarantee of recovery. In addition, with the further development of the disorder, the loss of craving for food is accompanied by nausea and vomiting. Consequently, the individual's body is quickly deprived of the necessary substances and fluids, weakening, depleted.
Listpathologies associated with food refusal
There are many diseases that cause lack of appetite. These include the following:

- Mental deviations.
- Depressive state.
- Drug addiction.
- The period of gestation.
- Lack of thyroid hormones.
- Infections (Hepatitis, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, tuberculosis).
- Diseases of the digestive tract (intestines, stomach, gallbladder).
- Lymphoma.
- Cancerous pathologies of the digestive system.
- Anemia.
- Gastrointestinal ulcers.
- Presence of gallstones.
- Disorders of the functions of the urinary system and liver.
- Pathologies of the heart muscle and blood vessels (for example, hypertension).
- Infested with parasites.
- Use of medications containing hormones.
- Surgical interventions.
- Using excessive amounts of drugs (for drug addiction).
Period of gestation
The symptom of lack of appetite combined with weakness, dizziness and nausea is typical for expectant mothers. This is due to changes in the balance of hormones and the processes that occur in the central nervous system. The body of a pregnant woman tries to adapt to the appearance of the fetus and at the same time tries to reject it, mistaking it for a foreign element. Therefore, the expectant mother feels unwell, cannot tolerate certain types of food, and often she has vomiting. Many women suffer from such symptoms only forearly stages of childbearing. However, in some cases, signs of toxicosis disturb the pregnant woman for a long time and lead to severe malfunctions in the body.

In case of a significant deterioration in well-being, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist.
Child refusing food
Parents are usually very worried about the fact that the baby does not want to eat. After all, his growing body does not receive the nutrients necessary for good he alth.

In young children, it is not uncommon for a symptom such as loss of appetite to appear during the period of the appearance of milk teeth. Inflammation of the gums and a viral infection (herpes) can also cause discomfort leading to refusal to eat. In infants, this symptom is often explained by disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, immaturity of the digestive system. Lack of appetite in a child, which is accompanied by crying and anxiety, a blue tint of the skin and fever, is a reason for an immediate visit to the doctor.
Sometimes parents notice that their son or daughter refuses previously favorite foods. This condition may be due to the fact that the body needs a more varied diet, other nutrients. You should be careful about the baby's diet and feeding time. Lack of appetite in a child is often due to emotional overload (transition to another educational institution, quarrels with parents, the appearance of a sister or brother, the death of a beloved pet).
Reasons in adults, notassociated with pathologies
If the loss of interest in food lasts no more than five days, disappears without a trace without the use of special drugs, does not provoke a sharp weight loss, it is not dangerous for the body.

This condition may be caused by the following circumstances:
- PMS (malaise associated with a change in the balance of hormones before the critical day).
- In the absence of appetite, the reason for an adult may be overeating in the evening, after work. If a person did not have the opportunity to have a normal lunch, by dinner he will experience severe hunger. A large amount of heavy food causes nausea, poor sleep and vomiting upon waking. Naturally, this condition is associated with loss of appetite.
- Fasting and strict diets for a long time. This symptom is due to the fact that the organs of the digestive system cease to perceive food normally. Severe food restrictions reduce the ability to work, impair immunity, make a person susceptible to various infections and stress.
- Chronic fatigue. Severe weakness and lack of appetite are often observed in those who work hard. Therefore, experts recommend giving enough time for sleep and rest.
When do I need medical help?
A person should see a doctor in the following circumstances:
- Nausea and lack of appetite, as well as vomiting, do not go away within fivedays.
- These phenomena are accompanied by discomfort in the abdomen, throat or back.
- Pain is acute.
- There is an increase in temperature, bowel disorders.
- Particles of blood are found in the stool, vomit.

What should I do at home?
If the lack of appetite in an adult or a minor is explained by reasons not related to pathology (eating poor-quality food, hormonal changes), the patient should be given as much liquid as possible (water, mineral water, decoctions of cranberries, chamomile). Reception of the means containing enzymes is recommended. In the presence of a viral disease, means are needed to combat microbes. You should also adjust your diet. Food should be easily digestible. Boiled, steamed foods (lean meat, poultry, vegetables) are suitable. It is worth abandoning starvation diets that have a detrimental effect on the state of the digestive system.
What medical measures does the specialist prescribe?
If a person has lost his appetite due to a serious malfunction of the body, the doctor recommends undergoing examinations to help determine the cause of the ailment.
Diagnosis usually includes the following procedures:
- Laboratory blood tests. General and biochemical tests are prescribed.
- Research on other biomaterials.
- Assessing the condition of the chest using x-rays.
- Cardiogram.
- Examination of a patient by a general practitioner andalso doctors of various profiles.
Lack of interest in food is a condition that occurs periodically in everyone, regardless of gender and age category. If this phenomenon is not present for a long time, is not accompanied by a pronounced deterioration in well-being and loss of kilograms, you should not worry. The human body itself is able to recover from illness, surgery or negative external influences. But when there is no appetite for a long time, the body is in serious danger. Cells and tissues are deprived of the substances necessary for their normal activity. Not in all cases, you can deal with the problem yourself. Sometimes only timely seeking medical help can prevent the development of sad consequences.