Clinic "Combing", Kazan: photos, services, specialists, address and patient reviews

Clinic "Combing", Kazan: photos, services, specialists, address and patient reviews
Clinic "Combing", Kazan: photos, services, specialists, address and patient reviews

Decades ago, most visual impairments were very difficult to correct - patients had to wear glasses for life or undergo dangerous surgical interventions. Currently, medicine has made significant progress, now many eye pathologies can be cured with the help of laser correction. In many cities there are specialized clinics dealing with such therapy. You will find information about one of them, located in Kazan, in this article.

About clinic

Clinic "Combing" Kazan
Clinic "Combing" Kazan

The Combing Eye Clinic in Kazan opened its doors in 2009. During the work, a large number of people were able to receive full-fledged treatment here. The clinic provides a wide range of high-tech services in the field of ophthalmology. The chief doctor of the medical institution is Rascheskov Alexander Yuryevich - an ophthalmologist of the highest category, a member of the European, Russian and American Society of Cataract and Refractivesurgeons.

Eye surgery is equipped with modern equipment, with which you can get a full diagnosis and high-quality treatment of various eye pathologies. And the experienced staff of the clinic helps to restore patients' visual acuity and significantly improve the quality of life. It should be noted that all operations and procedures are performed at a high professional level.


performance check
performance check

The Comb Eye Clinic in Kazan provides the following range of services in the field of ophthalmology:

  1. Diagnosis of eye pathologies.
  2. Laser vision correction with ReLEx SMILE technology.
  3. Correction of vision with a laser using the Femto Lasik method.
  4. Ultrasound treatment of cataracts by phacoemulsification.
  5. Treatment of glaucoma and retinal pathology with a laser.
  6. Surgical treatment of glaucoma and retinal diseases.
  7. Surgical treatment of various injuries and diseases of the eye.
  8. Surgical treatment of pathologies of the adnexa of the eyes (chalazion, pterygium, papillomas).
  9. Treatment of dystrophic eye pathologies by introducing Alloplant.
  10. Therapeutic measures for other diseases of the organs of vision.
  11. Keratoplasty.
  12. Dispensary observation of patients with chronic eye diseases.
  13. Keratoconus treatment.

During the operation of the Rascheskov ophthalmological clinic in Kazan, more than 16,000 operations and 70,000 diagnostic tests were performedresearch.


All operations are performed using the latest techniques, which provide patients with the following benefits:

  1. Minor injury.
  2. Fast recovery. The recovery period of the patient does not require special care, in addition, it is very short and does not require release from work.
  3. Painless and safe. All operations are performed without anesthesia, under local anesthesia.
  4. Improve the visual acuity and quality of life of the patient.


The "Combing" clinic in Kazan employs only highly qualified and experienced staff who are proficient in all modern techniques for the treatment and diagnosis of vision pathologies. Each specialist has completed the necessary training in leading foreign and Russian ophthalmological centers.

Laser correction

This method refers to the procedure of exposure to the cornea of the eye with the help of a laser. It is in the cornea that the processes of primary refraction of light occur before it penetrates the lens.

Laser vision correction is used in the treatment of the following diseases: hyperopia, myopia, astigmatism. In the clinic "Combs" in Kazan, only innovative technologies are used, which include:

  1. ReLEx SMILE technology is the latest microinvasive and safest method for correcting astigmatism and myopia. The treatment is carried out in one stage without the formation of a corneal flap withusing a VisuMax® femtosecond laser from Carl Zeiss.
  2. The Femto LASIK technique is a modern 100% laser and reference technology for laser correction of farsightedness, myopia and astigmatism using the "LASIK" method without the use of a microkeratome blade.
  3. ReLEx FLEx - refractive technique, femtosecond extraction of the corneal lenticule. The results of such treatment provide high safety and effectiveness.
  4. Topo-Femto-Contoura™ Vision - this method of laser vision correction allows you to take into account any features of higher-order aberrations and the cornea of the eye.
  5. Photorefractive keratectomy (PRK) is a basic laser vision correction technique for patients with various eye structures, including thin corneas.

Cataract treatment

glaucoma treatment
glaucoma treatment

This pathology is characterized by gradual clouding of the lens. In this case, vision loses its sharpness and clarity. Lack of complete and timely treatment of cataracts can lead to blindness. To the delight of patients, cataracts are completely curable.

It is worth knowing that the best results can be achieved if treatment is started at an early stage of the disease. During this period, visual acuity almost does not suffer. Therefore, the only way to find out about the disease is to be examined by a doctor.

To date, there is no physiotherapy and drug therapy for cataracts. The only way to get rid of the disease is microsurgical intervention, inas a result of which the clouded lens is replaced with an intraocular lens (IOL).

Doctors of the Rascheskov clinic in Kazan perform cataract treatment using the innovative INFINITI™ OZil® IP ultrasonic phacoemulsification technology using the INTREPID method with IOL implantation. All operations are carried out using the latest equipment.

Glaucoma treatment

laser eye treatment
laser eye treatment

This disease is the destruction of the optic nerve and retinal cells due to increased intraocular pressure. The main task during therapy is to find out the cause of its increase, as well as the normalization of pressure due to the following factors:

  • creating additional pathways for outflow of intraocular fluid;
  • activation of the restoration of the natural outflow pathways of intraocular fluid;
  • inhibition of intraocular fluid production.

The Rascheskov clinic in Kazan uses surgical and laser treatments for glaucoma. Depending on the stage, form and concomitant diseases, each person who comes with a similar problem is selected individual therapy.

It is important to know that conservative treatment with drops that inhibit the production of HBF is often accompanied by side effects affecting the cardiovascular and nervous system. And the irregular use of drugs and their improper storage leads to the low effectiveness of such therapy and the continued development of glaucoma.

In the clinic "Rascheskova" treatment is carried outusing an innovative multi-wavelength laser complex, which includes several types of lasers with different spectrum of action.


vision diagnostics
vision diagnostics

This pathology is understood as an abnormal structure of the eye, in which the cornea or lens has a different radius and refraction in different planes. The following therapeutic methods for the treatment of astigmatism are used in the Rascheskov clinic in Kazan:

  1. Laser correction. This procedure consists in reshaping the cornea according to calculations specially made for each patient. With the help of laser equipment, the cornea takes on a new shape, which improves the optical functions of the eye and forms a clear visual focus. The age of the patient for such an operation is from 18 to 45 years, and the level of astigmatism is up to ±5.0 D.
  2. Implantation of phakic toric intraocular lenses (PIOL). During the operation, a flexible lens of a special shape is inserted into the eye through a microscopic hole in the cornea. This method is indicated for patients with a high degree of astigmatism up to 6.0 D or patients with a thin cornea.
  3. Lensectomy. This method is the replacement of the lens of the eye with an artificial one. An intraocular toric lens (IOL) allows you to get rid of astigmatism and other eye diseases (presbyopia, cataracts, age-related farsightedness). This technology allows you to gain a new quality of vision. Indications for surgery: astigmatism up to ±3.0 D, age over 45.

Working hours and clinic address"Rascheskova" in Kazan

Exact address: Sovetsky district, Sukonnaya Sloboda metro station, Patrice Lumumba street, 28, building A. Eye surgery is open from Monday to Saturday from 9 am to 7 pm, on Sunday from 9 am to 3 pm.

You can get there by public transport as follows:

  • travel to the stop "Cooperative Institute" by buses No. 1, 4, 10, 10a, 18, 19, 25, 35, 35a, 52, 55, 63, 71, 91; trolleybuses - No. 7, 17, 19;
  • travel to the stop "Patrice Lumumba" by buses - No. 18, 19, 55, 74, 74a, 83; tram number 11; trolleybuses - No. 3, 5.
  • Image

Reviews about the clinic "Rascheskova" in Kazan

Most people who have been treated at the clinic speak of the professionalism of doctors, high efficiency of therapy, good equipment and excellent service. No negative feedback found.

Positives include:

  1. Quick recovery. After vision correction, discomfort disappears within a month.
  2. People are pleased that specialists take even the most difficult cases that other clinics have refused.
  3. Assignment of the necessary measures, and their implementation takes place as soon as possible. For example, if a person needs an operation, then it does not need to wait a month.
  4. People like the friendliness of the staff, who clearly explains all the nuances. Also pleased with the cleanliness of the premises.
  5. Many have noticed that there is modern equipment that is not available in other clinics.
poor eyesight
poor eyesight


In order to sign up for diagnostics, you need to call the Rascheskov clinic in Kazan. The staff will answer all your questions and select a convenient time for each patient. It is worth noting that even patients from other cities can undergo treatment, they have special discounts in Kazan hotels.
