Women's he alth 2024, October

The cervix before childbirth. Opening the cervix before childbirth

The cervix before childbirth. Opening the cervix before childbirth

The uterus is the main female organ responsible for carrying and giving birth to a child. To determine whether the expectant mother is ready for childbirth, the doctor will help by examining the cervix. An immature cervix can be a major cause of problems during childbirth

Is it possible to have an abortion after a caesarean section?

Is it possible to have an abortion after a caesarean section?

In some situations, pregnancy is not always desirable, and childbirth is not always possible. In such a situation, a woman has to take certain risks. Is it possible to have an abortion after a cesarean? You will learn about this from our article

A woman with three mammary glands. Can a woman have three breasts?

A woman with three mammary glands. Can a woman have three breasts?

A woman with three mammary glands is a rather rare phenomenon, but still occurring. The presence of three or more nipples is a deviation from the norm, especially since full-fledged mammary glands can grow from them

What is better than contraceptive pills or a spiral: effects on the body, features of use, ease of use, side effects, reviews

What is better than contraceptive pills or a spiral: effects on the body, features of use, ease of use, side effects, reviews

The question of protection from unwanted pregnancy sooner or later decides every woman. It is very important that contraception is as safe and reliable as possible. Today, hormonal agents and intrauterine systems are considered the most effective methods of protection against unwanted pregnancy

Florocoenosis - what is it? Analysis for florocenosis: decoding

Florocoenosis - what is it? Analysis for florocenosis: decoding

Many women have ever asked the following question: "Florocenosis - what is it?". This analysis is a new generation diagnostic for detecting infection of the female urogenital canal

Gardnerellosis in women: symptoms and treatment

Gardnerellosis in women: symptoms and treatment

The vagina maintains a certain balance of microorganisms. When this balance is disturbed, dysbacteriosis occurs, it is also called gardnerellosis. In women, the symptoms of the disease may not appear, but it must be treated, especially when planning a pregnancy, since the growth of Gardnerella vaginalis bacteria can adversely affect the fetus

Itching and discharge: possible causes, symptoms, diagnostic tests, possible diagnosis, medical advice and treatment

Itching and discharge: possible causes, symptoms, diagnostic tests, possible diagnosis, medical advice and treatment

Itching and burning in the bikini area can occur with a variety of conditions and diseases. All this may be accompanied by discharge with and without odor. In the body of a woman of childbearing age, cyclical changes occur monthly, which is expressed by a different force of secretions, but they are physiological under certain conditions

Polyps in the uterus: causes of formation. Polyps in the uterus: symptoms and treatment

Polyps in the uterus: causes of formation. Polyps in the uterus: symptoms and treatment

Polyps in the uterus - this is one of the most common gynecological diseases, which has significantly "rejuvenated" over the past decades. It is important to know what causes the disease, and how to prevent its development

Amniotic fluid leakage or discharge: how to understand? Signs of amniotic fluid leakage

Amniotic fluid leakage or discharge: how to understand? Signs of amniotic fluid leakage

Animal fluid leakage occurs in 20% of women who are expecting a baby. Such a condition can pose a serious danger, so you need to carefully monitor the state of your body during pregnancy

Chest hurts during lactation: causes and what to do

Chest hurts during lactation: causes and what to do

Breastfeeding is a joyful, harmless and at the same time responsible process that helps the newborn get all the necessary vitamins and minerals. Breast milk creates a close bond (a sense of closeness and security) between mother and baby. However, such a wonderful period in a woman's life can be overshadowed by the fact that the chest hurts during lactation

Contraceptive sponge: pros and cons

Contraceptive sponge: pros and cons

Any woman sooner or later faces the issue of contraception. There are a lot of options for protection, but how to choose the most effective one than to “close” the days of breaks when taking oral contraceptives? A difficult choice is faced by lactating women who cannot use the usual hormonal drugs. In this article, we will talk about the contraceptive sponge. What is it and in what cases is it relevant?

Implantation retraction as a sign of pregnancy: photo graph, on which day it occurs

Implantation retraction as a sign of pregnancy: photo graph, on which day it occurs

Many women planning pregnancy can find out about their new situation even before the test shows two strips. The implantation drop in basal temperature will help in this, which is clearly visible on the graph

Hypermenstrual syndrome: symptoms, causes, treatment

Hypermenstrual syndrome: symptoms, causes, treatment

Hypermenstrual syndrome is a very common problem faced by many women. For one reason or another, the volume of discharge during menstruation increases, sometimes up to the development of serious bleeding. Many patients are interested in additional information about this pathology

How does the cork go before childbirth. What functions does it perform?

How does the cork go before childbirth. What functions does it perform?

Every woman who wants to painlessly endure and give birth to a he althy child normally should have at least the slightest idea of what a mucous plug is in a pregnant woman, and how the plug goes before childbirth. And this article will help you figure it out

How many weeks does fetal movement start? What is the danger of sluggish and active stirring?

How many weeks does fetal movement start? What is the danger of sluggish and active stirring?

Every expectant mother is always interested in the question: "What time does the fetal movement begin?" In addition, many are worried, is it not dangerous for the he alth of the unborn baby and his mother if he behaves too violently in the womb? This article will help you find answers to these and other questions regarding the development of a child in the womb

What is hyperthyroidism? Symptoms in women, causes, manifestations and treatment

What is hyperthyroidism? Symptoms in women, causes, manifestations and treatment

Diseases of the endocrine nature are not uncommon today. When the thyroid gland overproduces hormones, hyperthyroidism develops. Symptoms in women, treatment, as well as the causes of this pathology will be discussed in the materials of this article

Why there are transparent discharge in women: causes and consequences

Why there are transparent discharge in women: causes and consequences

A woman's body is unique in its structure and very complex. Until the end, even the most qualified doctor cannot understand it. However, many seemingly strange phenomena can still be explained. For example, clear discharge, which from time to time may appear on underwear or sanitary napkins. Should I be worried about them or is this a natural thing?

Adenomyosis: symptoms, treatment and causes of the disease

Adenomyosis: symptoms, treatment and causes of the disease

Adenomyosis or internal endometriosis is a gynecological disease, most often diagnosed in women after 35-40 years. It is characterized by the ingrowth of the uterine mucosa into its muscular layer. In this case, the work of the female organs is disrupted, immunity is reduced, the patient may experience severe, prolonged pain. The fact that this is uterine adenomyosis became known not very long ago, the disease has not yet been fully studied and effective ways have not been found to completely get rid of the pathology

I'm breastfeeding - my chest hurts: what to do

I'm breastfeeding - my chest hurts: what to do

Breastfeeding a baby is a process that should not cause negative emotions for either the child or the mother. Pain in the chest of a nursing mother can occur for various reasons. This article will help you deal with this problem, find the cause of pain and eliminate it

Pearl index - the effectiveness of the selected contraceptive method

Pearl index - the effectiveness of the selected contraceptive method

In addition to new treatments, medicines and medical speci alties, scientific advances have given people many methods of contraception that were previously unknown. Their performance is measured using a measure known as the Pearl Index

Creamy white discharge in women: possible causes and features

Creamy white discharge in women: possible causes and features

The female reproductive system is a well-oiled mechanism. It is characterized by hormonal fluctuations throughout the childbearing age. Full-fledged work of the body is always accompanied by secretion from the vagina. It can change its consistency, structure, volume and composition. Every lady should know and be able to distinguish when creamy white discharge is the norm, and in what cases indicate a pathological process

Frautest: reviews. "Frautest": tests for pregnancy and ovulation

Frautest: reviews. "Frautest": tests for pregnancy and ovulation

Modern tests are very easy to use, give a 99% guarantee of results and, last but not least, are widely available. Among the most popular is Frautest (for pregnancy), reviews of which are very positive. It contains all the necessary qualities - ease of use, availability and reliability

Where is a woman's uterus?

Where is a woman's uterus?

Where the uterus is located, many women know, but not everyone knows that it can occupy different positions: anteversio (anteriorly) or anteflexio (along the axis of the pelvis). Depending on the period of life, this organ can undergo significant changes, stretching during pregnancy and bouncing back after childbirth

SDS - prolonged compression syndrome: symptoms, treatment and prevention

SDS - prolonged compression syndrome: symptoms, treatment and prevention

SDS - prolonged compression syndrome usually develops after injuries, emergencies, when the body of the victim is under heavy objects. Timely first aid can save a life

Hormonal spirals: types, contraindications

Hormonal spirals: types, contraindications

Pregnancy is a long-awaited period for many women. However, there are situations when the birth of a child is postponed for a long time

FSH analysis: a description of how to properly pass and decryption

FSH analysis: a description of how to properly pass and decryption

The correct diagnosis sometimes depends entirely on the examination. Moreover, a multilateral thorough study is necessary, because a correctly established cause of certain disorders is the key to successful treatment. Therefore, doctors so often refer their patients to laboratory tests, since only they can show a comprehensive picture of the internal state of a person’s he alth

How long does bleeding last after childbirth?

How long does bleeding last after childbirth?

Bleeding after delivery is a normal physiological process. However, in some cases, it can signal the occurrence of pathological processes in the body of a woman who has just become a mother

Ectopia of the cervix: signs, symptoms, treatment

Ectopia of the cervix: signs, symptoms, treatment

The information will be useful for girls and women who suffer from a disease or simply suspect that something is happening to the body. The article will talk about what ectopia is, what are its symptoms and how this disease should be treated

Adnexitis: symptoms, treatment and causes of the disease in women

Adnexitis: symptoms, treatment and causes of the disease in women

Adnexitis or salpingo-oophoritis is a pathological process of inflammation, which involves both the ovaries and fallopian tubes (uterine appendages). In the acute period, this disease is characterized by pain in the lower abdomen, which is most intense on the side where the inflammation is stronger, fever, intoxication. In addition, menstrual irregularities may occur

Adnexitis: home treatment and disease prevention

Adnexitis: home treatment and disease prevention

Adnexitis is a common disease of the female reproductive system. In order to get rid of the pathology, it is important to know its signs, methods of treatment and prevention. In this case, you can cope with the disease even at home

The size of the follicles by day of the cycle. What should be the size of the follicle in normal

The size of the follicles by day of the cycle. What should be the size of the follicle in normal

Folliculometry is an ultrasound diagnostic study, through which tracking the development and growth of follicles is available. Most often, women resort to it, suffering from infertility or menstrual irregularities. So you can determine the exact size of the follicles on the days of the cycle. The normal size of the follicle is 18-24 mm

Weakness of labor activity: causes, consequences, forecasts

Weakness of labor activity: causes, consequences, forecasts

This article will address the issue of weakness of labor activity. We will tell you in detail about the causes, symptoms, consequences and resolution of childbirth. Let's define what it is. The weakness of labor is the lack of activity of the uterus. That is, childbirth is difficult and lengthy, since the uterus does not contract well, the cervix opens with difficulty, and the fetus comes out very slowly and difficultly. Childbirth does not always go well, as expected, there are anomalies in labor

Diffuse changes in the mammary glands: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Diffuse changes in the mammary glands: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Diffuse changes in the mammary glands are typical for 45% of women in the reproductive period. They can be caused by diseases of the thyroid gland, ovaries, adrenal glands, obesity and other pathological conditions caused by hormonal imbalance. How dangerous are diffuse changes in the breast? Can they turn into cancer? What are the methods of diagnosis and treatment?

Temperature and sore chest: what to do?

Temperature and sore chest: what to do?

Chest pain is a symptom that cannot fail to draw attention to itself. Approximately 60% of all women regularly experience this problem, and the pain can have different intensity and duration. Often, pain is accompanied by an increase in temperature, the onset of general malaise, as a result of which patients are visited by no means bright thoughts

Condylomas of the cervix: causes, symptoms, treatments and reviews

Condylomas of the cervix: causes, symptoms, treatments and reviews

Condyloma of the cervix is a viral pathology. It most often occurs in women of childbearing age. It is dangerous because it can lead to infertility and oncopathologies of the organs of the reproductive system. That is why when the initial symptoms appear, it is important to immediately begin treatment of the disease

Menopausal syndrome: age. Menopausal signs. Folk remedies and drugs for menopause

Menopausal syndrome: age. Menopausal signs. Folk remedies and drugs for menopause

Aging is an inevitable stage in everyone's life. Organs gradually reduce their functionality, parts of the body are physically degraded, the process of withering of the body begins. Menopause is one of the signs of aging in women. What is characteristic of this period and what means should be used to reduce its symptomatic manifestations?

Uterine fibroids: psychosomatics of the disease. What is uterine fibroids in women

Uterine fibroids: psychosomatics of the disease. What is uterine fibroids in women

Many gynecological diseases develop due to the occurrence of psychosomatic disorders. Under such conditions, it is important to visit a psychotherapist or psychologist. The specialist will prescribe a comprehensive treatment and help eliminate the problem, since the treatment must be comprehensive and carefully selected

Uterine leiomyosarcoma: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, prognosis

Uterine leiomyosarcoma: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, prognosis

Uterine leiomyosarcoma is a rare malignant tumor of the body of the uterus that arises from muscle tissue (myometrium). The disease can develop in about 1-5 out of every 1000 women who have previously been diagnosed with fibroids. The average age of patients ranges from 32 to 63 years. Most cases of the disease occur in women over 50 years of age. Compared to other types of oncological processes in the uterus, this type of cancer is the most aggressive

What is cervical dysplasia: symptoms of the disease

What is cervical dysplasia: symptoms of the disease

The disease that will be discussed is a pathological change in the layers of the epithelium in the cervix. It is referred to as a precancerous condition. But at an early stage of development, this pathology is reversible, and therefore timely detected and treated dysplasia is the best way to avoid the development of an oncological process

What kind of discharge after ovulation, if conception has occurred - description, features and recommendations

What kind of discharge after ovulation, if conception has occurred - description, features and recommendations

What happens after conception? What discharge is considered normal after ovulation if fertilization has occurred? Differences between menstruation and pregnancy. Description of discharge depending on the term of conception