The visual analyzer plays an important role in human life. Eyes literally help people communicate, assess situations, the world around them, and learn written language.
The eyes are protected from the damaging effects of external factors by a special pigment layer. Its proper functioning is provided by carotenoids: lutein and zeaxanthin. The ability to maintain full vision and its sharpness depends on the level of these substances in the retina of the eye.
More about carotenoids
Deficiency of lutein and zeaxanthin contributes to the deterioration of the protective function of the retina from damaging environmental factors such as bright light, ultraviolet radiation, etc. The consequences of a lack of carotenoids can be a decrease in sharpness, and then deterioration of vision in general.
Unfortunately, the human body is not able to produce lutein. That is why it is necessary to consume food daily containing at least five milligrams of an important substance. If the person is at risk, the dosage of lutein is doubled.
Such a number of necessary elements to consume every day is enoughproblematic. Almost impossible. Especially in the conditions of constant everyday rush. That is why the question arises of replenishing the level of lutein and zeaxanthin, which, by the way, is produced from the first substance by taking special preparations.
Taking the "Lutein-Intensive" complex will help solve the problem of deficiency of the described carotenoids, prevent a decrease in visual acuity and a functional change in the analyzer.
Description and release form

The drug is available in the form of tablets. Packing of the "Lutein-Intensive" complex is made of cardboard. One pack contains a blister with twenty tablets. All information is presented in an accessible form in the instructions for use.
"Lutein-Intensive" can be purchased at any pharmacy, as well as on sites on the Internet. A popular way to buy medicines today is to use the resource. Many potential buyers are concerned about how much Lutein-Intensive costs. The price of this dietary supplement ranges from 200 to 280 rubles, depending on the region and the pharmacy chain. During the period of promotions and sales, the price of the drug becomes more profitable.

"Lutein-Intensive" contains all the vitamins and trace elements necessary for vision.
Vitamin A plays an important role in the normal functioning of the visual analyzer. Helps improve visual acuity and is responsible for darkadaptation. The rest of the vitamins that make up the drug protect the lens from clouding and nourish the body as a whole. The composition of the product includes A, B1, B2, B6, C, PP, and also zinc.
The drug contains the required daily level of essential substances. In addition, regular intake of the product helps to reduce eye fatigue after prolonged TV viewing, working at a computer screen or reading books.
"Lutein-Intensive" is a dietary supplement. Released without a doctor's prescription. However, before using it, it is better to consult with a specialist. The drug should be taken with food. Two tablets are enough to replenish the daily level of lutein and other essential substances.
Excipients are cellulose, aerosil, calcium stearate.
How to use
The drug is intended for adults and children over fourteen years of age. Take one tablet twice a day with meals.

Indications for the use of the drug "Lutein-Intensive" is a deficiency of the content of this substance, as well as zeaxanthin, zinc and a number of essential vitamins, leading to a decrease in visual acuity and functional changes in the eye.
The product in the form of an additive replenishes the content of the mentioned components and restores the normal protective functions of the body, has a beneficial effect on visual acuity and the state of the visual analyzer inoverall.

The drug has only one contraindication. Taking the drug is strictly prohibited for persons with individual intolerance to one or more components of dietary supplements. It is not recommended to use the drug in childhood, during childbearing, as well as during lactation. Before starting use, it is imperative to consult with your doctor. This will avoid unpleasant consequences.
"Lutein-Intensive". Reviews

Dietary supplement has very good reviews. The average rating of the drug on a five-point scale is 4.5. The advantages of the drug, according to buyers, are high efficiency, as well as the absence of side effects from taking pills. In addition, patients consider the absence of a pungent odor and acceptable taste qualities to be a big plus. Many claim that the result is noticeable after a week of taking the pills daily. Discomfort and clouding in the eyes disappears.
The disadvantages of some include the high, in their opinion, the cost of the drug. One pack of Lutein-Intensive is not so expensive, but the course treatment lasts about one and a half months. And this means that you will need from four to five packs of the drug.

Almost all drugs have analogues. "Lutein-Intensive" is no exception. The analogues of the funds areVisiobalance Opti and Vitalux Plus. The latter drug is available in the form of capsules in a soluble shell. The product has a rich composition, which includes folic acid and fish oil, which have a beneficial effect on vision. The cost of the drug is twice as high as the supplement "Lutein-Intensive" and ranges from 500 to 600 rubles.
Another analogue of the additive - "Okuwait Lutein" - is also popular. The product has strong antioxidant properties. The main components, in addition to lutein and zeaxanthin, are zinc and vitamin C. The cost of the drug is quite high and averages 700-750 rubles.
"Oftalmovit" - a drug similar to the above-mentioned means. Dietary supplement contributes to the normalization of the production of lacrimal fluid. You can buy a drug for an average of 600-680 rubles.
Dietary supplement "Lutein-Intensive" is popular. The demand for the drug is confirmed by the reviews of many patients and is due to high efficiency and affordable price. The tool replenishes the content of lutein in the body, increases visual acuity and has a beneficial effect on the state of the visual analyzer.
The drug has no side effects. And of the contraindications, it is worth noting individual intolerance to the components, lactation and pregnancy.