Bleeding from the uterus: causes and treatments

Bleeding from the uterus: causes and treatments
Bleeding from the uterus: causes and treatments

Uterine bleeding can occur in both physiological and pathological conditions. As a rule, a woman herself cannot establish the exact cause of such a phenomenon, so it is better to seek advice from a gynecologist. It is considered normal if bleeding from the uterus occurs during menstruation and lasts no longer than a week. Also, short-term spotting can be observed during the period of ovulation, which indicates the possibility of fertilization.

Causes of uterine bleeding

Bleeding from the uterus
Bleeding from the uterus

Bleeding from the uterus can be observed with hormonal pathologies, inflammatory processes or disorders of the blood coagulation system. In the early stages of pregnancy, heavy spotting can provoke a spontaneous abortion or ectopic development of the fetus. In later periods, uterine bleeding may occur as a result of the development of placental polyps, placental rupture and hydatidiform mole.

Causes of bleeding from the uterus can be found in pathological changes such as endometriosis, cancer of the uterine cavity, cervix or vagina, endometrium and hyperplasia. The appearance of bloodfrom the vagina may indicate cervicitis, atrophic vaginitis, damage to the internal genital organs, or the presence of a foreign body. In middle-aged women, bleeding is often observed with uterine fibroids, functional ovarian cysts, polycystic disease, as well as endocrine disorders such as hyperprolactinemia and hypothyroidism. Vaginal bleeding, on the other hand, often occurs when blood clotting is impaired, hereditary diseases, liver problems, and while taking certain medications, in particular hormones and contraceptives.

Uterine bleeding treatment

Bleeding with uterine fibroids
Bleeding with uterine fibroids

When the first alarming symptoms appear, you should contact the antenatal clinic and undergo an examination. Very often, bleeding from the uterus is a sign of infertility, therefore, in addition to the examination, the gynecologist should perform a transvaginal ultrasound to assess the changes that have occurred in the uterine cavity and ovaries. With structural pathological processes that do not have unambiguous signs, a blood test is often prescribed to detect hormonal disorders in the thyroid gland and genital organs. In almost all cases, bleeding from the uterus requires a pregnancy test and a complete blood count, which will track the indicators of red blood cells, hematocrit, hemoglobin, ESR and platelets.

Causes of bleeding from the uterus
Causes of bleeding from the uterus

Treatment of uterine bleeding depends entirely on the underlying cause that provoked it. The most commonly used conservative treatmentthe use of drugs that correct hormonal imbalances and increase the ability of blood to rapidly clot. If bleeding cannot be eliminated by medication, it is possible to perform a surgical intervention, which consists in therapeutic curettage of the endometrium or complete removal of the uterus. In any case, only the doctor selects methods for eliminating uterine bleeding, based on the individual characteristics of the patient's he alth and the severity of the underlying disease.
