Eye diseases in humans: names, symptoms and treatment, photo

Eye diseases in humans: names, symptoms and treatment, photo
Eye diseases in humans: names, symptoms and treatment, photo

Eye diseases in humans are very common. They can be caused by age or genetic factors, as well as be of an infectious or bacterial nature. Eye diseases lead to impaired visual function and discomfort. To avoid serious consequences, it is necessary to diagnose the development of the disease in a timely manner, an ophthalmologist will help in this.

Eye diseases: names and categories

All eye diseases can be divided into categories:

  • Congenital and acquired pathology. This group includes diseases such as myopia, optic nerve hypoplasia, cat's eye syndrome and color blindness.
  • Corneal diseases: keratitis, keratoconus, corneal clouding. These diseases can occur in people of any age group. The cause of the development of keratitis, as a rule, becomes an infection, but keratotonus is manifested due to characteristic changes in the structure of the cornea of the eye. But clouding of the outer shell of the eyeball,which is popularly referred to as a thorn, occurs more often in older people.
  • Diseases of the eyelids. This category includes blepharitis, ptosis, ectropion, barley, trichiasis, allergic eyelid edema. Diseases can be both congenital and acquired.
  • Pathologies of the age character. These include glaucoma and cataracts. These eye diseases (their photo can be seen in the article) quite often occur in elderly people.
human eye disease
human eye disease

It is possible to identify the development of a particular pathology by certain symptoms. Next, we will take a closer look at eye diseases in humans, the list of which is presented above.

Cat's eye disease

Disease has a genetic origin. It develops against the background of mutations occurring in the 22nd chromosome, which leads to a partial absence of the iris or to its deformation.

This kind of genetic changes lead not only to diseases of the eye apparatus. Pathology brings more serious changes in the human body, which are often incompatible with life. Among them, the following birth defects should be noted:

  • heart disease;
  • underdevelopment of the organs of the reproductive system;
  • lack of anus;
  • rectal pathology;
  • kidney failure.

What will be the prognosis depends largely on the manifestations of the disease. If the symptoms of a genetic disease are mild, the quality of life will be satisfactory, while with congenital pathologies of the internal organs, the risk increaseslethal outcome. There is no cure for cat's eye syndrome.

eye disease symptoms
eye disease symptoms

Optical nerve hypoplasia

The disease is congenital. Hypoplasia of the optic nerve causes the optic disc to decrease in size.

Symptoms of eye disease in people with severe illness are as follows:

  • disturbed pupil motility;
  • eye muscles weaken;
  • vision deteriorates;
  • appearance of "blind spots";
  • changes in color perception occur.

The consequences of the development of the pathological process, which is accompanied by a weakening of the eye muscles, may cause severe strabismus. At an early age, the disease can be successfully corrected with glasses and occlusion of the he althy eye. In some cases, laser pleoptics is appropriate.

eye diseases photo treatment
eye diseases photo treatment


Such a disease as myopia (myopia) is hereditary (congenital), as well as acquired. The disease is divided into mild, moderate and high degrees. With congenital pathology, the eyeball is enlarged, due to which the image is formed incorrectly. People with myopia have difficulty distinguishing objects at a distance, since the formation of the image of the object occurs in front of the retina, and not on it.

When the size of the eyeball increases, the retina stretches. Often this leads to the appearance of concomitant eye diseases, such as:

  • glaucoma;
  • dystrophy of the inner membrane of the eyeball;
  • hemorrhage inside the eye;
  • retinal detachment.

Vision correction is done with glasses and contact lenses. If the patient has a moderate or high degree of myopia, it is important to regularly check the condition of the retina. Only an ophthalmologist can determine the he alth of your eyes and track the pathological changes that occur in the visual organ.

Also quite a popular treatment for myopia is laser vision correction.

diseases of the eye apparatus
diseases of the eye apparatus


This eye disease in humans, like color blindness, is also called color blindness. A patient with this diagnosis is unable to distinguish between colors, in most cases these are green and red tones.

Color blindness is a congenital pathology in which there is an abnormal change in the sensitivity of the receptors of the visual organ. Most often this disease occurs in men. This is due to the fact that its development is due to a gene that is transmitted through the maternal line and is tied to the X chromosome. There is no cure for this eye disease.

signs of eye disease
signs of eye disease


An eye disease called conjunctivitis is an inflammation and redness of the mucous membranes on the outside of the visual organ. The disease is infectious. The causative agents are:

  • bacteria of the staphylococcal, gonococcal andstreptococcal;
  • chlamydia;
  • fungal and viral infections.

Depending on the causes of the disease, treatment is prescribed. Eye diseases of this kind are easily diagnosed. Therapy includes means of eliminating the causes of the disease and strengthening the immune properties of the human body.


When this disease occurs, the thinning and deformation of the cornea, as a result of which it takes the form of a cone, while in a he althy state it should look like a sphere. This is not an infectious eye disease, but caused by other causes. The development of pathology is due to a violation of the elasticity of the corneal tissues. As a rule, the disease occurs on both organs of vision.

The development of the disease is provoked by disturbances in the work of the endocrine system, genetic predisposition and traumatic conditions of the eyes. Symptoms of the disease in most cases occur in the younger generation from 14 to 30 years. The disease can progress slowly over 3-5 years.

This eye disease has symptoms very similar to those of astigmatism and myopia. But the peculiarity of this disease is that vision correction with glasses does not give a 100% result, since the patient still has problems with focusing and sharpness.

names of eye diseases
names of eye diseases

Treatment of eye disease (the photo above shows its features) is aimed at stopping the degenerative changes that occur in the cornea. For this, UV rays are used and specialized medications are used.

BIf keratoconus has a progressive form, the cornea becomes very thin and protrudes. Glasses and lenses will not be able to correct vision. The only way out is to have a corneal transplant surgically.


This eye disease is divided into three varieties according to the nature of the origin of the disease. Traumatic, infectious and allergic keratitis occurs. The most common is considered an infectious species, the causative agents of which are bacteria, fungi and viruses. Characteristic symptoms: swelling, redness and inflammation of the cornea.

The cause of eye disease in traumatic keratitis is damage to the transparent outer shell of the organs of vision, contact with chemicals.

In an allergic variety of the disease, eye contact with an irritant is considered a provoking factor, for example, when a plant blooms, which can cause an allergic reaction.

People with chronic infectious diseases, reduced immune defenses of the body, as well as those suffering from diabetes, are at risk. They are more prone to developing keratosis.

Quite often people who use contact lenses face such an ailment. Incorrect installation of lenses, violation of the rules of storage and use often lead to an inflammatory process of the cornea.

The main symptoms of eye disease are:

  • increased tearing;
  • pain in the eyes;
  • dilation of the blood vessels of the eyeball;
  • clouding outershell of the eye;
  • Sensation of dryness and burning in the organs of vision;
  • photophobia;
  • inability to open eyes wide (blepharospasm).
eye infections
eye infections

Treatment is carried out in a hospital, since with keratitis there is a high probability of scarring of tissues and the irreversibility of the process of clouding of the cornea.

In the bacterial form, antibiotic drops and ointments are used as therapy.

Keratitis caused by fungal infections is treated with antimycotics.

If the cause of the disease lies in viruses, use drops and ointments, which include interferon.

Allergic forms of the disease involve the use of antihistamines.

Physiotherapeutic procedures are prescribed for severe keratitis.

Corneal clouding

Corneal clouding is an eye disease known to many as a thorn. There may be several reasons for the development of pathology, among them:

  • lack of vitamins;
  • inflammatory processes affecting the cornea of the eye;
  • past diseases of a viral or infectious nature;
  • complications after conjunctivitis (when treatment was not completed);
  • trauma and burns of the outer shell of the eye.

The development of the disease can be triggered by improper use of contact lenses. It is important to observe hygiene and follow the instructions for caring for lenses, otherwise, when wearing them, pathogenic microflora will accumulate, which will lead to the occurrence of inflammatoryprocess.

Corneal cloudiness can be an irreversible complication of keratitis. Belmo acquires a cloudy hue, which is clearly visible to the naked eye. With this pathology, sensitivity to light emission increases, tearing increases and visual sharpness is impaired.

causes of eye disease
causes of eye disease

The ophthalmologist prescribes treatment depending on the nature of the disease:

  • If the cause of the pathology is infection of the cornea or conjunctivitis, you will need funds (drops, ointment), which include an antibiotic.
  • When a viral pathogen is determined by its type, after which antiviral drugs are prescribed.
  • If a thorn has begun to form as a result of an injury, funds may be prescribed to improve local blood circulation.

In addition to the main drugs, the patient may be prescribed a complex of vitamins.

If treated promptly, corneal opacity can be cured in most cases. In a severe form of the disease, it will be possible to restore vision only with surgical intervention.

Ptosis of the eyelid

Diseases of the eyelids are also related to ophthalmic eye diseases. Such pathologies can be acquired or congenital. One such disease is ptosis. With this disease, drooping of the upper eyelid occurs. As a rule, the disease affects only one eye.

Congenital ptosis occurs due to abnormal development of the nerve responsible for the movement of the eyeball, and genetic disorders can also be the cause of the disease.character.

Acquired disease is characterized by neurological disorders that may occur with inflammation or damage to the oculomotor nerve.

eye disease symptoms in humans
eye disease symptoms in humans

The upper eyelid is limited in movement. It is difficult for the patient to open wide and completely close the eyes. This leads to dryness and irritation of the mucous membranes of the organs of vision. Patients with congenital ptosis often have a severe form of strabismus.

Acquired disease is amenable to physiotherapy, but not in all cases, such therapy is effective. To get rid of the disease 100%, a surgical operation will be required.


Inflammation that affects the edges of the eyelids is also called blepharitis. This is a fairly common ailment, the cause of which can be both endocrine disorders occurring in the body and demodicosis caused by a subcutaneous tick.

The main symptoms of the disease are:

  • eye fatigue;
  • heightened sensitivity to light;
  • eyelid skin becomes painful;
  • burning sensation in the eyes;
  • redness of the skin of the eyelids;
  • increased tearing;
  • puffiness of the eyelids.

In young children, a form of the disease often occurs, which is accompanied by the formation of ulcers (weeping erosions) and drying crusts on the eyelids.

list of eye diseases in humans
list of eye diseases in humans

Treatment tactics depend on the causes and severity of the disease. Usually,antihistamines and glucocorticoids are prescribed. They help relieve swelling and inflammation. If the cause lies in a bacterial infection of the eyes, ointments will be required, which include an antibiotic. Immunostimulants and vitamins can be used in combination.

Trichiasis eyelids

Trichiasis is a disease in which there is a twisting of the edges of the eyelid, due to which the eyelashes are turned towards the eyeball. Touching the corneal hairs causes irritation and damage to the eye. There is profuse lacrimation. The disease can be congenital or acquired. Treated exclusively by surgery.


Among all diseases of the eyelids, barley is considered the most common. The most common causative agent of the disease is Staphylococcus aureus, which affects the follicles of the eyelashes and sebaceous glands. Disease symptoms:

  • pain when blinking;
  • redness of the skin of the eyelid;
  • small swelling at the site of stye formation.

When a bacterial infection enters the hair follicles and sebaceous glands, pus can form. In this case, the barley looks like an inflamed pimple on the eyelid, in the center of which there is a noticeable accumulation of purulent contents of a yellowish or greenish hue.

In the treatment of the disease, dry heat is used, but this is only until the barley is ripe. As soon as a purulent pimple has formed, the application of heat is canceled. Next, therapy is carried out with the help of drops and ointments, which contain an antibiotic.

eye disease photo
eye disease photo

Whenmild form of the disease, the use of antibacterial drugs is not required. Barley ripens on its own and opens after a few days. Then it passes without a trace.


This disease is more common in older people. The development of the disease is closely related to a prolonged increase in pressure inside the visual organs, which leads to an irreversible degenerative process in the tissues of the retina. If timely treatment is not carried out, the disease will lead to complete or partial atrophy of the optic nerve. The consequence of the progressive development of the disease is a complete loss of vision.

Most of the patients diagnosed with this diagnosis are people over 65 years old, however, the risk of developing the disease is also high in patients with a high degree of myopia, whose age is 40 years and older.

The disease is quite difficult to recognize in the initial stages, as often patients do not pay attention to the symptoms: the eyes quickly get tired and see worse during twilight.

After a while, multi-colored circles may appear before the eyes, after looking at the bright light of the lamp. Further, deterioration in pupil focusing is observed, there is a feeling of discomfort and pain.

It is very important to seek help from an ophthalmologist as soon as possible. What will be the treatment depends entirely on the degree of neglect of the disease. The first thing to do is to normalize intraocular pressure. To do this, use special drops. The therapy complex also includes neuroprotectors and sympathomimetics. Glaucoma is a very dangerous disease that can lead tocomplete blindness, so that at the slightest discomfort in the eyes, you should consult an ophthalmologist. This will identify possible violations in the work of the organs of vision and prevent the development of a serious illness in the early stages. This is especially important for people at risk.

eye diseases list
eye diseases list


In the list of eye diseases, cataract is one of the most common ailments among the elderly. With this disease, the lens, which in a he althy state is completely transparent and acts as a lens necessary for the refraction of a light beam, becomes cloudy. The disease is most often diagnosed in patients over 65 years of age. Patients with diabetes may develop the disease after age 50.

Clouding of the lens leads to a violation of light refraction, which reduces the clarity of vision. If it becomes completely cloudy, the person will lose the ability to see at all.

You can determine the development of pathology by certain symptoms: a person sees the surrounding objects indistinctly, blurry, as if a film is applied to the eye, although visual acuity is preserved. Symptoms worsen in the evening. The only treatment is lens replacement, which is performed surgically.

We have considered only some eye diseases, photos and names of which are presented in this article. This list is endless. Only the most common diseases were presented to your attention, as well as their causes, symptoms and methods of treatment with medication and surgery.

Vision is one of the most important functions of the human body, which is responsible for the quality of life, so it must be protected and promptly responded to emerging symptoms, which will prevent the occurrence of serious diseases.
